no carbs on fasting days

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Dizzy Lizzy 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Is this what is recommended. I find it hard to sleep without bedtime snack of carb

    On fast days just restrict your Calorie count. Believe for you it would be 500 calories on fast days. Most things you would eat would have carbs.
    For me, on a fast day I may include a packet of instant oatmeal–(100 calories—about 19 carbs). If you put sugar in it, that would be extra calories, so just eat it as is—or if you wish sweeten it with STEVIA (Stevia Blend) which has no calories.
    Once you are on the diet for a few weeks, you may no longer feel the need for a bedtime snack to get to sleep.
    Good Luck!

    I asked this question too, as I’d heard and read mixed info. I’m no doctor or medical expert, but from what I can gather if your goal is to burn more fat then staying away from carbs as much as possible on fast days is advisable but not essential. Eating lowing GI carbs such as oatmeal like jenghis says is a good idea. Anything with refined sugar in it is going to be high calorie and not keep hunger at bay for long which is why its best avoided.

    Thank you. I did manage yesterday and had 2 babybel light cheeses with 2 slices of pastrami. Maybe rice cakes would be ok as sugar free

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