no benefit in reducing salt / low sodium intake can be harmful.

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no benefit in reducing salt / low sodium intake can be harmful.

This topic contains 12 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • no benefit in reducing salt / low sodium intake can be harmful.

    my nu doc said that my sodium level is 2 low

    my ex doc said u have high blood pressure
    dont have more 1,500 mg of salt this a better part of 6 years

    so now i’ll go get some sea salt
    2 add 2 my cooking

    maybe on the airpopcorn i make on fastdays πŸ™‚

    the evidence from studies is insufficient to
    recommend restricting sodium intake to the
    previously recommended 1,500 mg or 2,300
    milligram levels.
    Some studies even claim that a low sodium intake can be harmful.

    CDC: Salt Intake Guidelines Were Wrong; No Great Benefit In Reducing Dietary Salt

    i could use it 4 scrubbing 2

    You have to be very careful when you read news stories about scientific studies. If the reporter isn’t a scientist (and many aren’t) errors can creep in because the science isn’t fully understod or something basic is overlooked.

    In the second report you link to it says;

    “Researchers concluded that one-and-a-half to three tablespoons of salt per day is not detrimental to a person’s health, contrary to past belief.”

    Three tablespoons of salt weighs about sixty grammes – which is about a mole* of sodium chloride (58.44g), containing one mole of sodium. That’s 23g or 23,000mg sodium content. That’s a HUGE amount and is most certainly detrimental to a person’s health.

    What they meant, of course, was three teaspoons.

    The news report title is “CDC: Salt Intake Guidelines Were Wrong; No Great Benefit In Reducing Dietary Salt” – and that is a complete misrepresentation of what the scientific study actually concluded.

    It’s a mistake to read the news report and take away the message that you don’t need to reduce salt. That’s not what the study shows at all. The average adult in the USA still consumes far more salt than is healthy (3,400mg per day). What’s new with the study is that there’s no evidence to suggest that cutting salt to below 2,300mg daily (still a significant reduction) brings extra health benefits.

    Please don’t take the article as a carte blanche to use as much salt as you want without adverse effect, especially not three tablespoons a day.


    * For an explanation of what a mole is, see

    I’m always very wary of what I read on the internet, unless I know it has truly come from a scientific source. With regard to salt, too much is definitely not good. I don’t need to read reams of research papers to tell me this. I have high blood pressure and I still use real salt. Sea salt to be exact because I find I need less of it. I do limit how much salt I might add to food and if I’m eating something factory prepared I don’t add any salt. I actually find the amount of salt added to prepared foods frightening, in particular foods targeted at children. Same goes for sugar.


    well i wasn’t using any

    thus the low sodium results

    the sea salt is good i like that

    & ur right about being wary that’s why i always put the link or more links

    so that we can make our own informed decision

    so have many happy healthy sodium level days β™«β™₯β™₯β™« & lower blood pressure β™«β™₯β™₯β™«


    u r right thus the links

    my doc said get c salt

    enjoying it β™«β™«β™«β™«β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™«β™«β™«β™«

    I was sufficiently concerned about the errors in the Medicine Daily article that I wrote to the editor highlighting my concerns. The article has now been re-titled and content clarified to reflect the findings of the study more accurately.


    ” I actually find the amount of salt added to prepared foods frightening, in particular foods targeted at children. Same goes for sugar.”

    I agree.

    The only time that I ever intentionally took salt tablets for health reasons was when I was an athlete. We would sweat profusely and lose a lot of water too quickly. My coach would give us all tablets to replenish the loss.

    I have not sweated as much since those days.




    did they give u the new link?

    The story has been moved to

    The old link should redirect to this.

    Having thought through the figures a bit it’s clear that even 3 teaspoons of salt per day is far too much. A single teaspoon is nearer the mark.



    thanks reread

    still there is much confusion out there

    docs & scientist r still battling over this ugh

    i must a admit it was a surprise 2 my tastes by not having salt 4 a long time

    but a very little c salt goes a long way πŸ˜€

    i just hope it increases my sodium 4 when the next big medical exam comes around

    Here’s a great article on Intermittent fasting πŸ™‚



    & tommorrow

    i do not want the bellyfatbuttfat topic 2 exist anymore
    & become 1 in the popular link

    so decided 2 use this topic 2 answer u:) from that topic will do the same 4 tomorrow

    science is great! i agree tomorrow

    here is a symposium that in the beginning of the video
    4 me

    is super interesting as a nonscientist then it get’s way complex

    HGP10 Symposium: Interplay between Gut Microbiota and Immune System – Claire Fraser Published on Apr 30, 2013
    April 25, 2013 – The Genomics Landscape a Decade after the Human Genome Project

    she is a very good speaker (but what she says about what is going on in the scientist world is fascinating they r known 4 their research

    concerning the flax milk

    i found u a homemade one

    Homemade Flax Milk.

    3 Cups Cold Water
    1/2 Cup Whole Flax Seeds
    1/2- 1 cup additional water (to add after straining)
    Vanilla Extract to taste (or fresh vanilla bean).

    In a blender combine the 3 cups of water and 1/2 cup of flax seeds. Process for maybe a minute. Using cheesecloth or Pantyhose. (new ones – that you don’t mind cutting up!) Strain the milk. Tip: Pour a bunch of the milk into the cheesecloth, twist the top and then gently squeeze thick milk into a cup.
    To the strained thick milk add 1/2-1 cup of additional water. add a splash of vanilla to your liking.
    Store in the fridge. Yield 1-2 servings.


    i usually don’t like any alternative milks but this taste good & super low calorie

    even my very picky eater niece drank this accidentally & on her cereal (i just smiled) because she hates coming 2 her aunt she has brown rice no sweets weird food whaaaaa

    now i have not tried the homemade one πŸ™‚

    oh by the way what nickname did u pick mine was flatbelly

    and stephb was bottomless & tomorrow hasn’t given 1

    urs? πŸ˜€

    stratford fitness

    u may call me usa

    “The best diet to adopt with IF in my experience
    is a low carb moderate protein and high fat diet
    at around 25-30% of your calories from protein
    50-60% form fat and 15-20% from carbs,
    everyone will react differently and you
    should then change variables accordingly.
    I would also eat slightly more carbs on the days
    you workout, drink nothing but water,
    eat a large portion of vegetables ”

    interesting blog

    however where’s the rest?



    might as well smash all the best w/ the most important the fastday lifestyle πŸ˜€

    so i guess i’m a FDL πŸ˜€

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