Nimble November Challenge 2022

This topic contains 369 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  camkenneth1993 2 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 384 total)

  • Day 14 – UK – FD800

    Hello everyone. I’m back after a break from fasting and I’m easing myself back into the swing of things! I met up with old friends this weekend and was horrified at how I looked in the pictures. I do not want to wait until January to make a big change… I want to get there in better shape than I am at the moment.

    I was finding fasting really hard before – way too many temptations around and my mindset almost resented the fasting as a result. Of course, that’s never going to be a recipe for success is it?!

    I have now reframed those thoughts a bit! Instead of thinking of things I can’t have, my focus has been on adding lots of ‘good’ things to my eating patterns. I’ve been totting up the number of different plants I’ve been eating a week (last week I clocked 52 different plants). As a result, this has meant I’m craving far less of the ‘not so great’ stuff I was reaching for before… so hey, this is progress!!

    I’ve also taken up an old hobby (dancing) in recent weeks, which has been brilliant – I feel like ‘me’ again. It’s amazing how much you don’t realise you’ve been missing something until you do it again! Now it’s time to press a proper reset and get back into my fasting.

    @i-hate-lettuce – I’m so pleased to hear your news

    Pocket list
    @snowflake56 FD800
    @babs_b FD800

    Day 14-UK-FD

    A quick shout out to anyone fasting-Good luck!

    No loss for me this week, but a few dodgy food decisions at the weekend ;-/

    Have a headache today, which isn’t uncommon for me but not optimal for a FD. Also read a couple of you were headache sufferers, I also get the 3am ones that linger all the next day.


    Day 14 UK FD
    Day 13 NFD

    Yesterday I stayed home & enjoyed late brunch of fried green tomatoes, scrambled egg, mushrooms & spinach with seedy bread and marmalade and an early supper of baked potato with actual cheese, apple & plum crumble and vegan custard. The crumble was delicious with a dark gingery topping and rich fruity base. But that was my first cow cheese in months and my body didn’t thank me for it!

    Lovely to have DD and her BF here in passing, next up for a few days over Christmas. I’m still feeling wiped out and grumpy thanks to aching all over and exhaustion so need to prioritise rest, stretching, meditation and pacing. Yay for a quieter week with plenty of thinking/writing/planning to do but just a couple of zoom meetings – one about to start, oops!

    I’m finding today’s fast hard – brain weary and crying out for protein/energy so it’s unlikely to be a WFD but i’m aiming for a solid OMAD that’s comfortably under 800 calories. It’s all progress!

    Day 14 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    I was so surprised to get up this morning, look out the window–and see it’s snowing for real! As in, snow is sticking, and covering roofs and sidewalks. I know I will be grumpy eventually, but this morning? It just makes me smile.

    My eating over the weekend is what I have, for all my life, considered normal and reasonable. My weight is up, however, so my body clearly no longer considers it reasonable. But I’m tired of obsessing on the topic and getting nowhere, so no more chatter on it.

    @funshipfreddie I’m still giggling over this one, as it’s so true! “Exercising would be so much more rewarding if calories screamed while you burned them.”

    @snowflake56 Ahh, see how easy it is to deceive people when you only know me through what I type?? But consider my long chatter on many mornings…that doesn’t happen in a flat two minutes, you know! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œπŸ˜‡ Yup, WAY too much time on the sofa with my laptop.

    @northgeorgia Wait. Let me get this straight. There’s a possibility you have already bought and wrapped ALL of your Christmas gifts? The ones you don’t likely intend to have unwrapped until Christmas?? And this is not yet the middle of November????? Wow. And I was feeling pleased to have begun buying gifts; now I’m no longer feeling so pleased, but more like a sluggard, LOL!

    @malee57 That’s completely normal, to lose that much overnight…in fact, I usually lose close to 3lbs overnight. If you start weighing yourself morning, noon and night, you’ll quickly see how much weight can fluctuate in any given day. After all, if you drink two liters of water and go weigh yourself, your weight will be up, the same as if you held the two liters of water while you stood on the scale–but you won’t have actually “gained weight.” (Can you tell how often I weigh, just for kicks and giggles?)

    @babs_b Welcome back!

    Okay, things to do, and I haven’t even made coffee yet, so I’m getting this day started for real! Have a grand one, everyone.

    Day 14 almost 15 second post
    @funshipfreddie ,I should have been clearer when I said ‘ cutting down’. 😊
    I do indeed mean I have cut out the aforementioned chocolate and chips !! I did not use to have them often but enough to add up the calories.
    Have not had either for some time.πŸ˜‡
    I am wondering whether it might be water weight as I am now drinking a LOT more water than the past few weeks – as in several glasses more each day.😲😲 πŸ˜…And have super efficient kidneys.
    So hoping it might be ‘ water weight’ and a lower number on the scales to be seen soon??🀞
    One reason why I did give up doing 5:2 in 2017 is that I initially lost weight and then stayed on a plateau for weeks , as in something like 3 months!!!! 😱😱 Sad but true.
    I fluctuated 500 gm up and down but no real noticeable loss even though I was plugging the numbers in MFP daily ( had never ever counted calories pre 5:2); eating off a side plate; portion control; cut out ALL snacks etc etc.
    MY DH was quite concerned as I was not eating a lot.😳
    As a health professional I KNOW there must be a reason πŸ€”πŸ€” but I really absolutely seriously was doing 5:2 by the book. πŸ˜‡
    And daily TDEE back then was 1600 calories on NFDs which I cut to 1400 – all with no success so I gave up!!!
    And then made up by overeating massively for the next 5 years.
    Hence back on this forum now. πŸ™„ Exactly 6 years since I started. ( with a few attempts in between.)
    For the past week I have been eating mainly a plant based diet – very little meat; lots of veggies but not much starchy carb ones; 1/2 glass of wine for the week ; very little cheese; far fewer large flat white coffees ( which I DO love)…..
    So, yes I do plan on staying on the wagon, just curious as to the physiology of it all, especially knowing the science.
    I did not cheat on calories / food as there is nothing to be gained ( except weight!!)
    Interestingly I listened to a masterclass series on Diabetes this week and the doc said that we should be eating a high starch, low fat diet with plenty of starchy vegetables and foods. Which seems to be the opposite of the keto diet ……….
    But that is a topic for another day as it is now very nearly day 15.😴

    Day 14 Ireland – NFD 🚫

    Quick post… as predicted very little walking and lots and lots of talking. Good food and more delicious AF cocktails 🍹
    I’ll have to have a FD tomorrow

    Best of times – hope everyone is well
    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others πŸ’•

    Day 14 USA NFD
    After 2 FD800 this will be a NFD. Having tile work finished in kitchen this morning, then drop DH at Adult Day Care and work at the art gallery this afternoon. Our son arrives from Florida tomorrow for his dad’s 88th birthday on Thursday this week and Thanksgiving. Our older son will join us so it will be nice to have some time together. Last time we were all together it was stressful as DH was in hospital and then rehab. Looking forward to enjoying happy times together.
    Best wishes to all on this journey!

    Day 15, NFD, Aus

    @lilymartin, believe it or not, you’re an inspiration for me this morning. We weigh about the same (I’ve avoided the scales for quite a while now but I suspect I’m 2-3kg heavier than you). So I’m reaching out across the Nullabor to clutch your hand and journey this 5:2 ride with you.

    Day 15 Melbourne, Australia NFD 8.30am

    Yesterdays FD was a struggle, but I got there. I don’t know that I could do a WFD. I just kept reminding myself that I can eat tomorrow.

    Now it is tomorrow and I have my breakfast oats soaking and will add in frozen raspberries, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds and some cinnamon and nutmeg. And top with yoghurt. That way I get lots of plants in to my breky and lots of protein so I don’t get hungry quickly. I have my meals planned for the day so hopefully everything goes smoothly.

    Day 15 country west Australia CD 84.8 kgs.
    Yay!!!!! Finally- Finally FINALLY Cruella de scales played nice and her number is below 85!!!!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
    Not much , but enough to get my mojo BACKKKKKKK! πŸ˜ƒ
    Some of the weight gained in the past few days may have been as I suspected, belatedly, water weight and normal fluctuations. Whew!!πŸ˜…
    @penz, thank you for the hand holding. I really need it this time round and am very happy to hold your hand across the Nullarbor for mutual support. Here we GO girl!!!!!! πŸ€—
    @malee57, your breakfast sounds delish.
    Similar to mine in a way, homemade muesli with everything but the kitchen sink – raw oats, all kinds of seeds, LSA, psyllium husks, crushed almonds etc with added tablespoon frozen blueberries . Yum!
    And I only have a few tablespoons daily on NFDs. With 2 tablespoons natural Greek yoghurt. Been breakfast for years. Plus a piece of fruit.
    Listening to a masterclass on Diabetes and management , I must admit I think I am addicted to foodπŸ˜”
    (Let’s face it, I haven’t found too many calories that I didn’t love!!😳😳)
    Talking about getting more vegetables into people’s diets ( no problem here – I LURVE veggies of all types πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹), the presenter made the point that people say they get ‘bored’ with eating veggies.
    However food is first and foremost about nourishing the body.
    Life, she says, is exciting; food is about nourishment. If you have an’ exciting/ delicious’ meal, that is a bonus.
    Quite a different take on things for me.
    @northgeorgia – pu-leeaasse!!! You are wrapping Christmas presents ??????? 😳😳Wow!! Incentive to get my skates on re gifts and wrapping and getting organised for Christmas right there!!
    @maui, I hope you have a lovely family time for your DH’s birthday. 😊
    @michelinme, your brunch sounds yummo. I hope you get to rest and look after yourself. Sorry to hear you are feeling less than your best. πŸ€—
    Welcome back @babs_b. I too have been MIA from fasting for some time. 52 veggies is impressive !πŸ˜‡
    Spring has completely bypassed us this year. It has been one long cold winter. Unable to start the harvest yet due to cold weather and rain. Usually mid 20ΒΊCs for late October/November, it has been in the low to mid teens.
    12ΒΊC on Saturday – very very cold with the fire going again; 20-ish today; up to 30ΒΊC forecast tomorrow!!! then 14ΒΊC with rain Thursday.
    The weather is all over the shop.
    I hope everyone has a good day , whatever kind of day it is.πŸ˜„

    Day 14 Ohio, US — MFD
    Day 13 — CD

    Yesterday was another busy Sunday: church in the morning, reading group in the afternoon, and a long phone call in the evening. Such is the life of a social butterfly πŸ˜‰ The recalibration of my eating plan for NFD’s proceeded apace and the fasting has gone well today.

    @lilymartin Yes, that presenter may be right about people getting bored with vegetables. What I do to avoid that is to make a list of all the vegetables I like to eat (or can eat without a reaction) and then rotate them. So once, I have green beans, say, I won’t have them again until I have worked through the rest of the list. Most of my meals are one-bowl (or mug) meals, so my bowl has my veggies, a “grain” (like rice or quinoa), a protein, and spices and an oil (all of which I rotate separately). There are so many different combinations that it’s months before any repetition occurs and by then it’s almost like eating a new dish again. By the way, rotations of foods seems to be the method de rigueur for controlling food sensitivities.

    @maui Your work at an art gallery sounds fascinating. Does the gallery specialize in any particular types of art?

    Pocket list for Day 14
    @snowflake56 FD800
    @babs_b FD800

    Day 15 – UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Throwing in another FD today, for some reason yesterdays FD went OK, but feel lethargic this morning? Think it may be as a result of some heavy gardening yesterday and drinking more fluids?

    It’s pouring with rain here this morning, going to visit a friend shortly, so another FD for me today.

    Take care all

    Pocket list day 15

    Day 15 – South Africa – FD

    @lilymartin – yay! So happy you’ve made progress & got your mojo back! πŸ€— You’ve really had a tough time of it so far with fasting; I think I would’ve thrown in the towel too if I’d endured a 3 month plateau. We’re all so similar, & yet when it comes to food we’re so very different. That’s very evident just from reading the posts on this forum; e.g. the allergies & intolerances that people experience. I’m not sure I’d agree with what you heard on the masterclass series though, “…and the doc said that we should be eating a high starch, low fat diet with plenty of starchy vegetables and foods”. That sounds like very outdated advice to me?! High starch vegetables are higher in carbs & will surely trigger a higher insulin response? If my doctor told me to eat a low-fat diet & more starchy veggies, I think I’d be looking for another doctor. But as you said, a topic for another day perhaps. Have your read Dr Jason Fung’s book, ‘The Obesity Code’? It’s an excellent book. He also has another bestseller, ‘The Diabetes Code’, although I haven’t read that yet.

    @babs_b – welcome back to the forum, & to Nimble November! I love what you said about not waiting until January to make a big change, as no doubt millions of people around the world are doing. Why wait? Why waste 6 whole weeks?! Carpe diem, & all that πŸ˜…

    Half of Nimble November gone already?! Time flies; although not so much on FDs πŸ™„

    Jokes of the day:-

    Relationships are like garage sales. From a distance it looks like it could be interesting. But up close, it’s just a tone of cr*p you don’t need.

    “My idea of exercise is a good brisk sit”. ~ Phyllis Diller

    Madonna is 55, her boyfriend is 22. Tina Turner is 75, her boyfriend is 40. JLo is 42, her boyfriend is 26. Still single?? Relax. Your boyfriend hasn’t been born yet.

    Pocket List – Day 15 πŸ‹
    @lilymartin CD

    Day 15 – UK Cam – NFD
    (Day 14 – FD)
    Yesterday’s FD went well – I didn’t get the message about the gardeners not to go in, so I turned up all on my own … Was press-ganged into the Parks team instead and spent the day sawing and hauling logs – utterly exhausted when I crawled in at teatime – fell asleep straight after supper. Not going to fall into trap of mid-week weigh-in, I know it will tell me lies :-~
    Having an ‘inside’ day today with heavy rain hammering on the windows. Dodged the raindrops with dog first thing, had fun splashing in puddles and scuffing leaves about (inner child!) and trying to eat sensibly on this NFD – I am sure that casual nibbling (corner off block of cheese, left-over crust on loaf etc) is the main culprit for my slowing down of weight loss. However, having an inside day means I get the baking book out – I have malted bread in the breadmaker, flatbreads rising on the cooker top and soup in the slow cooker for lunch. Just need to make sure DH does the ‘quality control’ checks when everything is ready!

    Pocket List day 15

    Day 15 UK FD

    Yesterday’s FD wasn’t, so today it is! I went over by a portion of apple & plum crumble with vegan custard – a relatively mindful decision as I was simply too tired to get by on 500/800 calories. On the bright side I didn’t eat the lovely chocolate DD brought at the weekend or rampage through cupboards craving food which is a good sign! Note to self: unplanned wiped out FD don’t work well.

    Still wiped out today but mentally more prepared. I plan to drink lots of black decaff coffee, cold fizzy water, fresh peppermint/ginger tea and marmite tea – once I’m awash it’s harder to think of food. Today’s also a bit busier than yesterday with a couple of zoom calls, my PA here to help and my mother for her weekly tea. I’ll give my mother a couple of portions of crumble to take home – she never makes it any more but really enjoys it when I do. If I need to eat I’ll have lentil, tomato & spinach soup which I’d forgotten I’d defrosted for yesterday’s FD.

    @matpi what a good idea to make a list of the vegetables you can eat and then rotate them! I’m now salivating for green beans πŸ™‚ Sounds like a good way to avoid developing more food intolerances too

    @lilymartin congratulations on getting under 85kg! Milestones are important markers on the road

    @malee57 your breakfast sounds delicious! I don’t eat breakfast but I may try that as a lunch or supper soon. My body doesn’t do grains well since covid but the odd portion of porridge is a real treat

    @babs_b welcome back! I was also MIA but been back since 27 May and have lost 17lbs so far, 25lb to go I disappeared mid October for a busy period but settling back on the waggon again now

    @maui how lovely to have this precious family time together

    @jaifaim sounds like a lovely time with your girlfriend – enjoy!

    Pocket List – Day 15 πŸ‹
    @lilymartin CD

    Day 15 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 218 lb. BLOAT!

    I behaved in a very self-destructive way yesterday, and I simply don’t know how it got out of control so fast.

    Breakfast: Yes (did the small nuts/banana break of fast to prevent upset stomach, but decided to add a fried egg for extra protein and fat to get me to lunch).

    Lunch: Provided in catered event — all carbs: packaged potato chips/crisps, cookies, and 1/4 sub sandwiches, mostly bread.

    Lunch 2: Hungry again after meeting. Had a “deal” from a local fast food chain. Overate and took refill of cola to work.

    At work: drank most of cola, had piece of candy.

    Dinner: Stuffed, but reminded of some leftovers that need to be finished. Had soup and casserole, and an apple…

    Embarrassing, and as a result, only got about 3 hours of sleep — a total disaster! But honestly, I still wouldn’t do the “right thing” if I had to do it again, because of the way the day was set up. So I thought this morning if I refuse to do the “right thing,” then what is the “better thing?”

    1. Breakfast: If afraid to do ZBC (due to stomach issues a day after WFDs), then stick to what you know: a handful of nuts and maybe a banana.

    2. Lunch: No such thing as two lunches. Now that you know these meetings won’t be boxed lunches, plan your meal afterwards. If you do choose something calorie laden, don’t finish it up. Take some home for later in the week (or give away).

    3. I know I’m going to get the refill due to economics. Drink less and less at work. Sip a few times and pour it down the sink when the carbonation is gone (or when water tastes better — quicker effect).

    4. Freeze those leftovers and save the crisis for another day.

    Not the “perfect approach,” but a “better approach,” and one I’ll be more likely to follow when I have a path similar to yesterday.

    Pocket List – Day 15 πŸ‹
    @lilymartin CD

    Day 15 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Yesterday was another day of eating decently/reasonably, although the scale is a bit higher yet again this morning. I know today and Thursday will take care of that, but I’d sure like to see the scale going down! In the meantime, I got all sorts of things done yesterday, so being productive felt good. And today is a long day of piano lessons, so being productive can’t help but happen.

    @maui Awww, your two sons there with you? Sounds like bliss!

    @malee57 Well done on persevering through a FD; that’s some serious RESOLVE you exhibited there!! πŸ’ͺπŸ₯‡

    @matpi My mom had lots of allergies, and did some food allergy testing once where the doctor told her that it takes 72 hours for the food we eat to get out of our body. So she was assigned the task of eating any given food only once in 72 hours. So corn oil to cook something today, for example, meant no corn starch in pudding, no corn as a veggie, no cornmeal for breakfast, no corn syrup as a sweetener, no licking stamps–corn is in a lot of things! She was why I learned to cook from absolute scratch, something I still do 90% of the time.

    @northgeorgia You and I are functioning in such similar ways: our FDs are managing to be stellar, but our NFDs are reminiscent of what got us to the situation of needing to lose weight. Didn’t you say once that you used to be quite thin? What was different about both your eating habits and your attitude then? Perhaps reclaiming those will help now…if you can find a way to reclaim them.

    I bought a beer-brewing kit a LONG time ago–and haven’t brewed since I got it home. That kit has been waving its arms and whistling at me every time I walk past it on the shelf, so decided yesterday would be the day–and then couldn’t find my copious notes that I never brew without, and that includes the directions for that kit. (I was wishing for your relaxed ease at brewing, @i-hate-lettuce!) So I need to hunt a few more places to find the missing notes and then will brew tomorrow if I find them; that should be enough time to have it ready at Christmas when the family is all here.

    And so the days go, with things accomplished and things stymied, LOL! Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 15 πŸ‹
    @lilymartin CD
    @stitchincarol WFD

    Day 15 – UK – FD800

    Thanks for the warm welcome back. It’s lovely to see so many of the names I know here and a few others too. It’s such a lovely group, I’m sorry to have disappeared for a while back there!

    @michelinme you’ve done brilliantly! I’m pleased I’m not the only one picking back up again this month
    @funshipfreddie – 6 weeks is a long time, right? I just keep thinking, ‘even if you lose 1lb a week, you’ll be nearly half a stone lighter by 2023’. When I followed the F800 in Feb, I lost 8lb in just under 3 weeks so here’s hoping.
    @northgeorgia and @stitchincarol – I can really relate re the NFDs. You both so absolutely brilliantly on your FDs though, that’s definitely something to be celebrated. I found I was slipping into a similar pattern before too, but unlike you both, I’ve never done a WFD so didn’t have that to rely on to keep me in check. I developed a bit of an ‘all or nothing’ mindset, which I’ve been grappling with a bit. If I ‘messed up’ on a FD, it soon went from one not so great decision to many. I’m finding having the focus on making sure I’m adding good things (vs taking things away) is keeping the mindset in check currently. It’s early days but I’m hopeful it’ll work out. It sounds very much like you’re on a similar approach @northgeorgia, so fingers crossed that bodes well!

    A quick check in other than that from me to add myself to the pocket list. The sun is setting here in the UK, so I’m very late adding myself to this! Have a lovely rest of your day, everyone. πŸ™‚

    Pocket List – Day 15 πŸ‹
    @lilymartin CD
    @stitchincarol WFD
    @babs_b FD800

    Day 15 Ireland – FD πŸš«βœ…πŸšΆπŸ½β€β™€οΈ

    Hi all just jumping on quickly to pop myself on the pocket list… I had a busy day and a FD – not actually tempted by much food today… I’m feeling a wee bit ropey and putting it down to the booster… not ill per se just a little β€œoff” … focus shot…

    Welcome back @babs_b πŸ‘‹

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others πŸ’•

    Pocket List – Day 15 πŸ‹
    @lilymartin CD
    @stitchincarol WFD
    @babs_b FD800

    Day 15 USA /HI NFD
    New low 173 lb today…..after yesterday’s NFD ended up being 3rd day in a row of 800 calories. Found I enjoy the low calorie foods and I was shocked that I really didn’t want anything else to eat after I hit a little over 800 calories. I’m calling today as NFD and our son arrives from Florida and we will probably have a glass of wine with dinner etc. I want to enjoy the time with him.
    @matpi my husband is one of the artists and I’ve worked at the gallery since 1977. They have a variety of island artists working in various media and styles…plus artists from other areas who frequent Maui often. I take care of the website… You can check it out at
    Hope to have more good news… I am so happy with this journey. Thanks to all fir the support and providing inspiration by sharing your stories.

    Day 16 Melbourne, Australia CD

    I agree with others about the problem with control on my NFD. That’s when my bingeing brain lizard arrives. And it is a constant battle to not undo the hard work of a FD. I’m going to try to remember to not worry about the “perfect approach” but go for the “better approach”. I don’t want to go back to overeating. but if I do make sure I am overeating fruit or carrots or snowpeas.

    Working tonight so hopefully that will be easier to do a CD.

    Have a good day all.

    Day 16, FD, Aus

    Yes, it will be a FD! So much can be achieved in 6 weeks, even with the Christmas season upon us, you’re so right @babs_b. Channelling you @lilymartin and your super news re the cooperating scales

    You made me laugh @gardenlily – that’s how I describe my dogs – just like kids jumping in all the puddles and running up and down splashing everything. Still, it’s an uplifting start to the day. (My boy now stands off to shake before coming to me to have his leash clipped back on. Good dog!)

    Day 16 country west Australia FD 84.7 kgs
    Yay!! Cruella de scales being nice for a change, 2 days in a row.
    100 gms is actually not a lot and probably the water weight but at this stage I am taking ANY lower number on the scales.😊
    @penz it is really good having someone to ‘ hold my hand’ on the journey. It really does help especially when tempted to overdo things in the calorie department.🀝
    More sensible eating for the past 2 weeks has helped re-set my appetite which is great.
    I am now mindful when my stomach says ‘ enough!!’ rather than continuing to stuff food down thoughtlessly.
    ( Still day at a time at the mo, so not getting too carried away…)
    @funshipfreddie, I do love your jokes. Always make me smile, so thank you.πŸ’
    @northgeorgia, I sympathise with days that get away from us with our food choices.
    I would really love to know the psychology of why we self-sabotage ???
    5 years ago when I lost weight I then proceeded to eat like there was no tomorrow. I ate and ate and ATE, putting on more weight than I ever had and weighing the most I ever have , including during 3 pregnancies !! And so here I am 5 years down the track starting off much worse than when I originally started 5:2.
    @maui, congratulations on your new low.
    @babs_b, this forum is so good for support.
    Onward and downward.

    Day 15 Ohio, US — CD

    Still working on the recalibration of my NFD diet. Got my yoga and half an hour of stepping in today. I did stepping instead of walking since outside it was just a little above freezing and drizzling/snowing all day. A good day to stay inside!

    @lilymartin Some medical people think that “self-sabotage” is really the body’s response to hunger. Either we stayed below our set-point for too long, or we experience “taste hunger”, where we crave more of a variety of tastes. In my case, as I look back on my food diaries, it seems that most of the time my overeating is connected with a food reaction. Once the reaction is over — no more desire to overeat. Then there are always the foods that big food companies design to make us overeat. I think that the upshot of all this is most of the time, “self-sabotage” is outside of our conscious control. I try not to beat myself up over it, but work on analyzing what caused it and on removing the cause. But it is a very slow process!

    @maui Thanks for the website info. I will look it up. And I hope you have a terrific visit with your son!

    @stitchincarol I was on that type of diet for many years. I gradually was able to transition to a more liberal, but rotation of foods is still key. And just like your Mom, I learned to cook almost everything from scratch. And now I really prefer food cooked at home to just about anything that can be found in stores.

    Day 16 – South Africa – NFD

    Had an almost effortless FD yesterday; which is probably as a result of overeating Sun/Mon. Scales slightly up, but still clinging to my wriggle room πŸ˜… I hope the other Tuesday fasters had an easy time of it.

    Mark Wahlberg is an IF-er…

    In a bit of a hurry this morning. Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Joke of the day:-

    Little Johnny watched, fascinated, as his mother gently rubbed cold cream on her face.

    β€œWhy are you rubbing cold cream on your face, Mommy” he asked?

    β€œTo make myself beautiful”, said his mother.

    A few minutes later, she began removing the cream with a tissue.

    β€œWhat’s the matter?” asked Little Johnny. β€œGiving up”?

    “Decide. Commit. Succeed.” ~ Justin Seedman

    Pocket List – Day 16 πŸ“

    2nd Post – Day 16

    This is hilarious 🀣

    β€œWhen I buy cookies I just eat four and throw the rest away. But first I spray them with Raid so I won’t dig them out of the garbage later. Be careful, though, because that Raid really doesn’t taste that bad.”– Janette Barber

    Day 16-UK-FD

    Didn’t have an amazing FD as I had a headache, that’s my excuse though. I’m better on NFD’s tbh, as don’t really get hungry until quite late in the day, @matpi I agree with you about the big food companies and like your idea of a small bowl. Palatable foods, the ‘half and halves’ (1/2 fat and 1/2 sugar) are all too readily available to grab ;-/

    Exercise is the key for me, helps with low level depression. Yesterday with the ‘comedy’ weather (rain/wind) I racked up 3000 steps indoors just repeating some basic steps to music (20 mins) luckily the rain stopped eventually and I got out so got to 10,000 goal, such a great antidote to staring at a screen. I resent the time I spend working, but cie la vie.

    Sending positive virtual hugs to those fasting today!

    Day 16 – Wednesday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia 🦘🦘🦘 – (NFD) πŸ₯¦πŸ…πŸ₯¦πŸ₯’πŸ₯‘πŸ₯•πŸ…πŸ†πŸ₯¬πŸ₯¦πŸ„πŸŒΆπŸ

    Sorry I’ve been MIA… I have COVID… I wish I could say it’s mild, but it’s notπŸ€’πŸ€’πŸ€’πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΅πŸ˜’😒😡😡 Never had it before and surprised how quickly it took me down! Fully vaxxed x 4 … made no difference.

    I’ll be back soon.

    Day 16, London, UK, NFD…………… again.

    Clearly I’m with you @penz, slowly breaking myself back into this WOL, I’ve cut calories & carbs, emptied the house of the dreaded vino & upped my water intake from ‘only what was in the vino or coffee’ to 3L/day!! Next challenge complete a bloomin’ FD!!!!

    @linda.b, I really hope you feel better soon, I guess we’re getting new variants regularly, it’s a bit of unlucky dip as to how severe they areπŸ’

    It’s a quick one from me, loved the Raid joke!!!

    Chicken salad today (OMAD) might come in under 600cals (blame the avocado!!, but I’ve given up sweeteners & coffeemate in my coffee but replaced them with ………… double cream ………. I’m guessing that plus 2 babybels will have me at 900cals+ so I can’t quite call it a FD!!

    Stay strong folksπŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼

    Day 16 – UK – FD800

    Oh no, poor you @linda.b! Fingers crossed it passes as quickly as it did taking you down.

    @flourbaby & @penz, I’m breaking myself back into the habit slowly too. I’ve put the past 2 days in as FD800s but they have been more like CDs. However, that’s still a big win in my book compared to how things have been in recent months. Each day, I’m trying to improve a bit on the one before – so surely I’ll be carb-free and 800cals by the week’s end?

    I’ve had a few tummy troubles in the past couple of weeks so I’ve had to increase my fibre intake. Which is lovely and healthy but it’s involving a lot of fruit, so not quite so great for the sugars. However, I am not going to deny my body fruit when it needs it at the moment. It just might mean the scales don’t move as quickly as they could’ve done. I’m also trying to time it so I eat the fruit with a meal (protein) and stick to berries and apples.

    Yesterday went well as a CD – I came in well under TDEE and didn’t feel hungry or deprived. I did have rice with my dinner though. I stood on the scales this morning and I was just under 1lb UP vs the end of last week. Mildly frustrated but the weekend was a big blowout and I had rice yesterday. This is the first time I’ve weighed this week too, so there’s every chance I could’ve been even heavier a couple of days ago.

    Aaaaanyway…. here goes day number 3 of aiming for a good FD800!

    Have a lovely day, all πŸ™‚

    Pocket List – Day 16 πŸ“
    @babs_b FD800

    Day 16 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 213 lbs. LOL! Yes, I wrapped all the presents for Christmas…took a day and a half, and I’m sure there may be a few stragglers come in — did a couple last night, but such a nice feeling haha

    I will remember today that I don’t need a “perfect approach,” just a “better approach.” Have a great day!

    Day 16 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD 151.4

    I’ve decided that, if I’m really determined and intentional about losing weight, I need to list my weight “front and center” every day.

    Yesterday went just fine, but when I stopped for a few groceries on my way home from piano lessons, I found the most beautiful loaf of cranberry pecan bread–a very rustic whole grain looking thing–and immediately figured out how to work it into our menu for tonight and Friday, and brought it home. And then when I got home, that thing was making such a racket, hollering at me to come enjoy it, that I went ahead and broke off a piece and ate it.

    Here’s my question: I ate such a relatively small amount that I’m certain the calories did not exceed 125 (well, okay, because I put butter on the second small piece, LOL), so as far as FDs go, it was perfectly acceptable. But one reason I do WFD is because of the health benefits. (I’m getting to the question.) So I ate nothing from about 8pm on Monday to 8pm on Tuesday, when I had that bit of bread, and now have had nothing again until this morning, and won’t eat until at least noon. Does that minimize the health benefits of a WF to have broken it with a few calories half way through? Anyone know?

    Oh, @linda.b , I’ve been thinking of you and wondering what was keeping you silent. Cyber hugs to you, honey, and some cyber chicken noodle soup to you! (You’re vegetarian, I think I remember, but when it’s cyber, it’s all okay, right??) I pray you’re much better quickly! ❀️❀️πŸ’ͺ

    @flourbaby You sound wonderfully determined, full of RESOLVE that is reminiscent of @funshipfreddie‘s pithy quote: β€œDecide. Commit. Succeed.” ~ Justin Seedman We’re all cheering you on!

    It’s cold this morning, so I grabbed the “fall quilt” to cover up with while I sit on the sofa with my laptop. I put it out during these months. It’s not my favorite, but I love the Christmas one, the January/February one, and the year-round one (these are all things I’ve made), so I just accept the fall one, and move on. I was thinking to myself, “I don’t need to make a different one, but I can certainly enjoy looking at and admiring all the dozens I’ve seen online that I think are beautiful.”

    And it hit me. That’s what it is with food, too.

    Yes, the food choice I made today may not thrill me as much as a different food choice, but I have glorious food choices other days, so I can just accept today’s choice and move on.

    Now, the advantage quilts have over food is that it takes a lot of time and effort (and money, for that matter) to make a quilt, while eating food takes seconds. So my next thought was, “Plus, I don’t need to EAT those other foods in order to think of them and admire them and enjoy them vicariously.”

    I’m going to think on that today! And the Yoda quote has been in my brain lately, as one of my piano students now has a Yoda lamp on the corner of the piano with this quote: “Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.”

    Have a grand one, everyone! I’m off to make a double batch of cookie dough, scoop it into balls to freeze until I want to bake it in December…and do it without a single nibble. No need to wish me luck; Yoda is going into the kitchen with me to repeat his wisdom over and over until I’m all done and have avoided nibbling!

    Day 16 UK NFD

    I really don’t know about the scientific benefits @stitchincarol but you sound to be doing pretty well to me

    I’m aiming to get back on track but I’m finding it incredibly difficult
    Happy 🐫day all See you on the list tomorrow

    Day 16 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Popping in to say hello and WOW! @funshipfreddie – we chuckled out loud about the Raid! Had to share to my Facebook friends.

    Snow and cold here in NW Illinois yesterday and today. But we are off for movie and popcorn this afternoon. “Shawshank Redemption” on the big screen with talks by our retired professors. We love these days more than new movies!

    Glad to see some returning and new folk here. Great to see @penz and @lilymartin holding hands across a continent! I just adore our international forum!

    Onward and downward.

    Day16 USA/HI. NFD
    Still 173 lb. today. Those FD800 days have given me encouragement and a new mindset. Looking to break into the 160’s soon and keep going down this time.
    Trying to keep calories at 1200 on NFD and it seems to be working ok if using MFP app. Interesting to see how easy the calories jump up with a little wine. But my son brought in a bottle to celebrate his arrival so of course I had to join him. Such a delight to son enjoying being with his dad in person again. Great moments.

    Day 16 – Ireland – FD πŸš«πŸšΆπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ βœ…

    Hello all! Late to the party again today…. Walk physio, work and a course and now I’m free…

    Thrilled to see that the 3+ lbs that went on over the weekend came off after one good FD yesterday… carrying on today with a B2B as I’m travelling over the next week to Espana to visit friends who live on the coast between Alicante and Valencia πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ

    So so busy ahead of the hols so haven’t had a chance to read all your posts but see lots of interesting news to catch up on πŸ‘

    Sorry to hear you have Covid bad @linda.b – what terrible bad luck… but hopefully you can rest up and get over it soon enough. I had had the 4 jabs and it still knocked me for 6 😒.

    Ok off to try pack my stuff and will check in daily if I can. I’m so happy to be back here and know that whatever goes on will come off quickly when I’m back.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others πŸ’•

    Pocket List – Day 16 πŸ“
    @babs_b FD800

    Day 16 – UK Cam – NFD
    Just had a delicious supper of veggie bake, in tomatoey spicey sauce with cheesey potato topping (sorry about spelling) – loads of carrots, cauliflower, celery – anything that was lurking in the bottom drawers of fridge… DH wolfed his down (altho’ I did grill him 2 rashers of bacon to go with it). Had a quiet day today, tidying up greenhouse plants and putting plants under cover before cold snap forecast later in week. In afternoon I tuned into my audio book and cut out the bunting flags and tape for the local musical group to use with their Christmas gigs – hope to finish it tomorrow.
    @stitchincarol – love the analogy food and quilting – I have an autumn quilt which I must finish – sitting on the pile of ‘stuff to do’ which never seems to get smaller. Also sympathise with the bread nibbling – my flatbreads, with garlic oil drizzled over just disappeared but fortunately I was not the only culprit – invited our neighbours in to try some and DH smelled the baking so came out of his den.
    @northgeorgia – already wrapped???? I have just started to do my shopping and some I need to post early next week to ensure it arrives before 25/12. Thank goodness for a certain online store with next-day delivery!
    @babs.b – yep, it’s the carbs that are my downfall too – rice, pasta, bread – lovely stuff but not good! Have you tried cauliflower rice? It is really good, dead easy to prepare and you can freeze it too so it is very quick to use. I try to have some whenever I have a spicy meal rather than rice.
    @linda.b – hope you are soon feeling better – it’s quite alarming how many folk I know are going down with covid despite vaccination, fortunately they are not seriously ill.

    FD tomorrow, all organised (well, sort of) with annual health check up early on, interview mid-morning for new volunteering job and then plan to go to nearby town for some seasonal shopping (northgeorgia – all your fault!!). Hope to grab a salady lunch to break my fast but will take hot drink with me.

    @funshipfreddie – laughed out loud at Raid joke!

    Onward and Downward everyone

    Day 16 UK FD800

    Unplanned FD – go me! I dropped a lb after yesterday’s FD to a longtime low of 171lb – woop woop.

    Easy to stay motivated today as feeling viral but not covid – a couple of weird dizzy spells yesterday plus headache, aching throat, burning joints, upset stomach. Drank gallons of fresh ginger tea in the last 24 hours and hoping to flush it away. Had my defrosted lentil spinach & tomato soup as a sauce with leftover gnocchi, plus stewed apple with vegan custard

    I’m debating going on a week’s retreat in mid-Dec – seems a bit mad in the run up to Christmas with DD & my 85 yo mother both staying – but also may help! I’ve got tons to squish in first but would be so good to get away and centre myself. First step – see if they have space for me….

    @linda.b I hope you feel better v soon

    @jaifaim very happy travels

    @stitchincarol i always love your musings and outworkings – thank you for sharing

    Day 17 country west Australia CD 84.7 kg
    Good FD yesterday, not hard, drinking litres of fluid until home from work and dinner for DH.
    Is it sensible to cook a roast beef dinner with all the trimmings on a FD ????
    Cut one very thin slice of beef and was going to have some of the cauliflower cheese when the thought popped into my head ‘ Why do I choose to be fat??’ πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”which stopped me in my tracks !
    Not something I had really thought about before but kind of makes sense.
    After all I am the one who chooses to put every morsel in my mouth and over the past 5 years have consumed truckloads of food I obviously didn’t need , so am doing some mindful introspection whilst doing 5:2 and ACTUALLY fasting on FD.
    @matpi, I remember a counsellor friend said many years ago that anyone with an addiction to anything , be it food/ booze/ FB/ TV/ exercise /cigarettes etc was self-medicating and trying to cope with something in their lives.
    And until they ‘ peeled the onion’ and discovered just what was driving them/ the reason for their addiction, they would never really conquer it.
    I remember telling her that I just liked food!!!! 😊
    @michelinme congratulations on the new low, well done.πŸ‘
    @gardenlily, the veggie bake sounds delicious. I make ratatouille with loads of veggies and keep it in the fridge. Lunch today for my CD.
    @jaifaim, good to hear the 3lbs vanishedπŸ’
    @maui, we need to celebrate the lovely moments in life and son and father together in person certainly is one of those moments.πŸ₯‚
    @songbirdme, lovely to hear from you again.’ Shawshank Redemption’ is one of my all-time favourite movies. I LOVE it and don’t know how many times I have seen it. Great story and so well acted. πŸ’œ
    @stitchincarol, don’t know about the science but you seem to be doing quite well at the moment anyway.
    @northgeorgia, 213 WOW!!! Trying to work out the secret between wrapping gifts and weight loss???
    Mr Moseley please explain!!
    @amiya, apparently food companies spend a LOT of money on food scientists who develop ‘ crave- ability’ factor in foods. The right mix of fat, sugar and salt to appeal to our tastebuds and get us craving more.
    @funshipfreddie, love the Raid joke. 🀣
    @linda_b, hope you recover from Covid soon. Not nice. πŸ’
    @flourbaby, hiya. Good to ‘ see’ you again.
    Off to work I go. hi ho!
    Onward and downward.
    PS Is AT OK? I haven’t kept up with all the posts but haven’t seen a post from AT in a while.

    Day 17 Melbourne, Australia CF

    I don’t know how many kj I had yesterday but when I am not working I am not near my kitchen so I am not tempted to overeat. I am aiming for the same again tonight. And then I can enjoy a glass of red tomorrow night.

    I hope you are feeling okay soon Linda.B. I have not had COVID myself but do have friends and family who have and it can be very unpleasant.

    Day 17 – South Africa – NFD

    @linda.b – wishing you a full & speedy recovery! πŸ’πŸ€—

    @jaifaim – bon voyage! ✈️

    @stitchincarol – Good question ! Um, don’t know the answer though. I’m leaning towards ‘probably not’, & ‘depends on who’s doing the fasting’. And is a WF really any healthier than a regular 500/600 cal fast? I think psychologically a WF would be good for someone who’s main goal is weight loss, because it would most likely produce faster results, & that alone could be motivational. But for someone who’s at goal weight, or close to it, then maybe just keep doing what works for them πŸ€”

    @songbirdme – The Shawshank Redemption – one of my all-time favourite movies! I hope you enjoyed it.

    @michelinme – congrats on the longtime low! πŸ’ͺ 🎯

    The endless BMI debate rages on:-

    Jokes of the day:-

    “I’m allergic to food. Every time I eat it breaks out into fat.” ~ Jennifer Greene Duncan

    After they had brought their first baby home from the hospital, a young wife suggested to her husband that he try his hand at changing diapers. β€œI’m busy,” he said. β€œI’ll do the next one.”

    The next time the baby was wet, she asked if he was now ready to learn how to change diapers. He looked puzzled. β€œOh,” he replied finally. β€œI didn’t mean the next diaper. I meant the next baby!

    Pocket List- Day 17 πŸ’
    @lilymartin CD
    @malee57 CD

    Day 17 – Ireland – NFD πŸš«πŸšΆπŸΌβ€β™€οΈβœ…

    Hi all and happy Thursday!

    Go take time for you @michelinme! It is so very important πŸ™
    My week away was planned to help me reset and have something to look forward to after illness and then looking after others more recently. I’ve been missing my travels β™₯️. Thanks @funshipfreddie I will be enjoying your jokes while away πŸ˜‚
    @lilymartin it was amazing actually to see the drop… I’ve been feeling like I’m holding on to weight a little more now so it was very reassuring and while I won’t go mad now on the week away I will enjoy whatever I choose to eat (and maybe drink 🍹) and know that it won’t totally scupper my efforts.
    Have a grand day everybody!

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others πŸ’•

    Day 17 – UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Plan B re my usual Thursday FD, visitors this evening and another celebratory meal and a lot of laughs! So with the flexibility of 5:2 will postpone my FD until tomorrow (and possibly a B2B on Saturday if tonight is a bit overindulgent πŸ˜‰

    But that’s the beauty of this WOL, just don’t have an overindulgent night every night and expect 2 FD’s to put it right, it won’t. It’s straight back to being sensible plus 2 or occasionally 3 FD’s.

    @jaifaim – Yes, you can enjoy a break, once you’re back home book tickets for the 5:2 wagon and jump on, you’ll soon lose any holiday gain. Luckily I haven’t much of a sweet tooth, but can develop a bit of a thirst on holiday πŸ™‚ but as soon as I get home, I focus on getting back on track.

    @stitchincarol – Re ‘extra’ calories on a FD … I tend to really try on FD’s to make sure I stick around 600 calories, even if I just have a taste of something, it’s added! I found early days it was too easy to be tempted and ‘con’ myself I was still on target for my FD. So don’t know the answer to your FD question, but would suggest any extra ‘unlisted’ or unaccounted calories are still going to spoil a FD, my only way is to count them all. Sorry πŸ˜‰

    Take care all

    Day 17 – USA/GA – OMAD

    Weigh-in: 215 lbs. Will catch up on the posts later. Tried to behave “better” yesterday, and gain was only a couple of pounds rather than four… should have good results after today’s hopeful OMAD!

    Day 17 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD 152.0

    I’m working hard on not nibbling ever–I’m not yet to the point where it’s second nature, but I’m making progress. So, while yesterday’s eating was perhaps, uh, “heartier” than a woman on a diet might reasonable consume, I didn’t snack ever, so it’s a further sign of progress. That impressive mojo I had a year ago is flat out gone, but the work I’m having to do to retrain my brain feels important, and I’m making progress, so it feels good, even if it’s frustrating. And, @northgeorgia, I’m still determined to beat you on our race to being down 4 pounds!!!

    @brightonbelle Thanks for the encouragement. 😘 Until I learn otherwise, I’ve decided no little nibbles at the end of a WFD.

    @songbirdme I loved Shawshank Redemption when it first came out, and have seen it once or twice on TV since then; great movie! Any fun pieces of trivia yesterday?

    @jaifaim Oh, what a lovely trip that will be! Have a grand time, and good on you for a second FD today to be ahead of the game before you travel.

    @gardenlily Yeah, I have lots of PhDs also…”Projects half done” for you who don’t speak Quilt. πŸ˜‚ And I have little to no sewing in MONTHS. On the other hand, my sweater is close to done, and would be done if it weren’t for the dreaded seam-sewing that I like so little in sweaters, LOL.

    @michelinme Well done on the unexpected FD! Have you found out if there’s room for you at the retreat? It sounds lovely in the middle of holiday commotion, but the prep would be more work than the quietude would provide; have you figured out if it’s worth it for you?

    @lilymartin “Why do I choose to be fat??” Wow. Great question! I’ll use that myself!!

    @malee57 I’m trying to work this out: “when I am not working I am not near my kitchen so I am not tempted to overeat” So when you’re working, you’re at home, and thus, near your kitchen? Then, where are you when you’re not working?? LOL, I was really stumped by that, and intrigued that you had a solution to temptation from the kitchen!

    @funshipfreddie My original reasons for WFs are fuzzy now, but came from Fung’s The Obesity Code. (Now I do them because they work and I feel so very good during the day and the next morning.) I guess the answer to my question lies in reading the book again, huh? And that article on BMI? Wow. Just WOW. My doctors have NEVER scolded me for my weight/BMI, and when I’ve asked about losing, my main doctor assured me I was fine, that losing weight might be good, but I was fine. And I was and AM fine, but simply larger than I’d like to be. I feel so sympathetic to those women whose doctors were so awful to them.

    @i-hate-lettuce You’re absolutely right about those extra nibble calories on a FD–and NFDs also, LOL–but my question was about water fasting: how much does a nibble in the middle of what is normally a 40+ hour water fast impact the efficacy of water fasts?

    @northgeorgia Good job on making “better” choices yesterday.

    I’m still enjoying that Yoda quote, so I’ll post it again: “Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.” That was exactly what I was saying in my August 2021 posts, but MUCH more concise, LOL! And, @lilymartin, I’m going to be asking myself your question on a regular basis, every time I start to indulge: “Why do I choose to be fat?” GREAT question to ask ourselves!

    I almost succeeded in not nibbling on cookie dough yesterday, and am actually proud that, once I gave in and had a nibble, the nibbles remained just that–nibbles, three of them, and not epic globs of dough, and no EFS of dough. I do love cookie dough, sigh… πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    So, time to get this day started. Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 17 Pocket List πŸ’ͺ
    @malee57 CF
    @northgeorgia OMAD
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 17 – UK – FD800

    A good controlled weekend – first one for a long time and no wine!!!!! hence the control I suspect 🀣🀣 followed by another good week so far…….I’m working hard to keep my NFDs to TDEE or even making some of them a CD
    Day 16 TDEE
    Day 15 – FD800
    Day 14 – CD

    Week from Monday to Monday – I walked a marathon!!!! – when I totalled my walks for the week I was surprised to see that I had walked 26.24miles/42.23km with 3518ft/1072m of ascent – not too shabby – won’t be doing as much this week -weather not too conducive! maybe I should start some Leslie walks on those wet days!!

    Went to see Matthew Bourne’s version of The Nutcracker on Tuesday with a friend – his choreographic style is a pick’n’mix: a bit of ballet, a bit of folky footwork, mime, quirky social dances and exaggerated shapes of his own making, with all sorts of witty references – very entertaining and good fun – we did enjoy a glass of wine that evening but I still came in below TDEE!!

    Yesterday I had a day of baking – scones and flapjack for OH and Christmas Cake made and now wrapped up tight to mature……Oh and I also cooked a new Orzo and spicy prawn recipe for dinner – will definitely do that one again!

    Today – was wide awake at 5am for some reason so watched the some cricket – one day game between Australia and England then went for my regular 9am Aerobics class followed by coffee with the gang. Then went to help an older friend with her car insurance – managed to find her a very reasonable one, much cheaper than what her current policy was quoting for renewal – back home for a shower then out again to meet with some visiting friends for more coffee and a small slice of rhubarb cake – Pilates class at 6pm then a low calorie/fat tomato and lentil soup on my return home should see me stick to my planned FD!

    @jaifaim – a good walk is always sure to lift the spirits I find – enjoy the travels x
    @maui – well done on hitting your lowest weight since starting the challenge – I always find doing B2B FD800 a good way to reset my fasting Mojo – hope you have a lovely family time for your DH’s birthday
    @penz – keep checking in and 🀞you will your Fasting Mojo too
    @lilymartin – hang on to that wagon – below 85kg – stay positive and things will keep happening x I have to admit that I too just love my food!!! but leaning to enjoy it without it being detrimental to my health and well being is the thing 🀣
    @malee57 – evening weight are always a disappointment due to bloating and fluid build up – early morning weight are more likely to be positive
    @i-hate-lettuce – Friday and Saturday Rugby league and Saturday Rugby to look forward to…..
    @babs_b – welcome back – I have added you to the spreadsheet if you want to use it – dancing should help burn off some of those unwanted lbs…..πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ
    @linda.b – poor you πŸ€— hope you are soon back to your cheery self x
    @songbirdme – I too love The Shawshank Redemption – Perfect casting, amazing story, emotional performances. Just perfect.

    Sending positive encouragement and support to all those struggling to find their fasting Mojo – don’t give up and keep hanging on to that fasting wagon

    Day 17 Pocket List πŸ’ͺ
    @malee57 CF
    @northgeorgia OMAD
    @stitchincarol WF
    @at FD800

    β€œIf I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 17 USA/HI NFD
    Still holding at 173lb.
    Today is DH’s 88th BD and we are taking him to Tommy Bahama’s for lunch. I will enjoy but still try to be mindful of selecting healthy choices. Actually my favorite is the roasted veggie bowl but it’s those hurricane tater tots that get me every time!
    It will be a fun day. Our older son arrives this morning from Honolulu so we will have both of our boys with us. Great to justvbe together without a medical emergency taking place. Very thankful for this time together.
    Best to everyone for a successful and happy day.

    Day 17 UK FD

    Keeping on the straight and narrow , I know this is going to take time , I like whoever said if I lose 1lb a week by next summer it’ll be 30lb – just need to start losing 1lb a week NOT losing 2lb and put it back on the next , need some consistency πŸ’ͺ

    Day 17 Pocket List πŸ’ͺ
    @malee57 CF
    @northgeorgia OMAD
    @stitchincarol WF
    @at FD800

    Day 17 UK FD

    For some reason my brain was buzzing and I simply couldn’t sleep last night – finally got off around 4am and reset the alarm for 9am

    Weigh in at 172lb after yesterday’s unplanned FD800 morphed to a CD with the addition of some 80% vegan chocolate (Oooo, was that why I couldn’t sleep???!!!) Lots of pain and hard to get going this morning. Had an appointment for an eye scan for early detection of glaucoma which has run in my family but all clear.

    Just before I left home my washing machine suddenly spun out a very strong burning smell during the spin cycle – a double load of bedding also now stinks of smoke. Digging out the guarantee I found my extended 5 year warranty ran out 3 months ago but after a rummage online I’ve booked an engineer for the earliest appointment – next Thursday! Then an electrician came unexpectedly to inspect the fuseboard/wiring after a change in the law last year. Apparently there’s tons of remedial work needed including three alarms fitted – fire, heat and CO2. My home to do list is getting so long!

    After all that I’m more than ready for supper, bath and a very early night. I’ve not done any of the things I’d planned to do today but I have at least kept up with what’s come in, and done some good list-writing!

    @stitchincarol that’s exactly it – squeezing things into a shorter time to enable the time away can make life more stressful and reduce the benefit. But also yes to @jaifaim – there’s something about time away after illness and looking after other people that is just life-giving. And I am feeling at the end of my capacity as all the lists get longer. I need to know there’s time away when I can switch off for a week or so and recover/restore…. Most of my project load has to be done by 1 Dec so squeezing in the home stuff on top of that is going to be hard – but not impossible? First thing tomorrow I’ll see if they have room for me!

    OMAD supper is going to be rich in vegetables – I have broccoli sprouts cabbage and spinach that need eating up so either a pile of steamed veg or stir fry with ginger, garlic and chilli plus some lovely chestnut mushrooms for texture, followed by copmote of pear blueberry and ginger with vegan yogurt

    @maui hope you have having a very special day!

    Day 17 Pocket List πŸ’ͺ
    @malee57 CF
    @northgeorgia OMAD
    @stitchincarol WF
    @at FD800

    Day 18 Melbourne, Australia CD 9.00am

    That sneaky “not” snuck into my perfectly sensible sentence and made it nonsensical. When I am working it is easier to fast as I am not near my kitchen. That was the night duty turning my brain a bit mushy.

    @stitchincarol – my understanding of the benefit of a WFD is that is really good for the microbiome when it rests by not having to process any kj. So yes, having a mouthful of food will change that. But doing it on one day will not undo all the good work of those other WFDs.

    I have not managed a FD these shifts, but I am doing 3 CDs so hopefully that will be enough to keep me on a downward trajectory, even if a slow one.

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