Nimble November Challenge 2022

This topic contains 369 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  camkenneth1993 2 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 384 total)

  • Day 10 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 214 lbs. OMAD was successful, although I don’t know how @funshipfreddie knew I went to Taco Bell for my OMAD LOL

    @i-hate-lettuce Congratulations!

    OK, got to run. Busy day into the late evening, which is unfortunate, because Hurricane Nicole’s remnants are speeding north towards Georgia and will be here by the afternoon.

    Day 10 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    Ate decently yesterday–quite proud of what I did/didn’t eat/drink, in fact. And the scale doesn’t reflect that at all. Harumph. Oh well. I know well how I behaved, so that’s my reward rather than how the scale is behaving.

    We’re having such strange weather. I kept hearing on the radio yesterday how muggy it was outside–like what you hear on a summer day, right? It was 75/24, and at one point I stepped outside and was astonished: it was indeed MUGGY. In NOVEMBER! When I went to bed it, was 66/19. I was up at 7:20 and was so startled to see the promised cold front had come in and it was 37/3, and DH told me that it’d been 56/13 when he got in the tub just a few minutes earlier. Eventually it will simply be cold, and then I’ll lose my fascination with the weather, but a roughly 40/20 degree drop in temperature in twelve hours is astonishing.

    @michelinme I’m envious of your excellent tomato crop; we don’t get enough sun to have much success growing them, and everyone in town actually struggled this year for some reason. 🤷‍♀️

    @mariaelena Wow, your mom thought she was being imprisoned by Nazis?? Yeah, that would be awful as the daughter, wouldn’t it? So glad she was fine again once she was out of the hospital. My MIL is doing decently now, but told one of the daughters that she should go back to “the other place” (the hospital) because they helped her more there. I take it as a positive thing that she sees assistance as good.

    @malee57 Thank you for putting in your time; I know that I’m actually 6 hours earlier than whatever time the forum says I post, and now I can see you’re 11 hours later–or, as I’m thinking of it “13 hours earlier on the next day”!!! It’s all very confusing, but it’s fun to wrap my head around all the time differences.

    @songbirdme What a blessing that none of your parents had dementia! Your husband must be finding the slow progress back to normal strength very frustrating; I pray he gets there soon!

    @litprof Welcome back! I’m right there with you in searching for loose clothes…ugh, ugh, ugh, huh? I’ll bet you’re back down in size sooner than I am, however, because if I remember correctly, you’re very close to maintenance, if not actually there.

    @matpi I thought your college course sounded fun…until you talked about the homework you had to do. Yeah: NO. I’ve done enough studying and homework in my life, (was 30 when I got my degree, so later than most), and I’m permanently done with it, LOL! Kudos to you for continuing on!

    Oh, @snowflake56, it makes me sad that you’re so quick to deflect compliments of being slim by pointing out where you have more to lose. We learn such behavior/ attitudes early and then spend a lifetime trying to unlearn them, don’t we?

    @daffodil2010 Your chatter was lovely to read this morning, and I realized that chattering is a strong sign of having had some ME time–it’s nice to have the more relaxed you back, and I’m sure you’re glad to be feeling more relaxed!

    @gardenlily I sewed for my kids some, but MIL kept them well-supplied with garage sale finds, so mostly I did Christmas and Easter sewing: smocked dresses for DD and matching vests/bow ties for the boys. I have all of those carefully saved, and now my 3 yo granddaughter is starting to wear them. 🥰❤️🥰

    @i-hate-lettuce What wonderful news! I spent lots of time praying for you back in those days, and am so glad you’re doing so well!! Congratulations!

    @northgeorgia My condolences on Georgia’s run-off election. For those of you who don’t get what I mean: political ads are over for most of the country, but Georgia’s race for Senator is too close to call, so Georgia law says there must be a run-off election so that one of the candidates gets over 50% of the vote; that’s on 12/6 and that means there will be BOATLOADS of political ads between now and then. So, serious pity for you, honey, LOL. And Hurricane Nicole? If I heard the news correctly, this is the first November hurricane to make landfall since records begin back in the late 1800s! Strange weather everywhere, right? Hope all is well with you as the day progresses.

    Woke up with a headache in the middle of the night so got up and took Excedrin, and am very thankful to have it gone. I rarely have headaches anymore, so two in one week is an irritant, LOL. I’m thinking it’s our weird weather that is contributing to them, so while warmth is always nicer than coolth, I’m glad we’re headed into a far more normal stretch of weather!

    Time to get this day started; have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket list -Day 10

    Day 10 UK WFD

    Glad to spend some ‘lunchtime’ catching up with posts – and what a lively Nimble November we’re having! Wonderful to read them all.

    I’m still tired and grumpy today. Woke up feeling like i’d been hit by a truck, aching all over and as tho I was squeezed out in the night, just nothing left to give today – but plenty left to do! I was straight into a call with DD then urgent meeting ahead of a desk morning, now catching up here ahead of mother’s weekly tea visit and 4.30pm meeting. I’m longing for early night again and looking forward to a solid day off tomorrow. No idea how I’m going to get through what’s turned into a very full weekend with DD & BF staying on top, but hopefully some grounding time will help.

    That thing when you’ve already given everything you had but Life demands more? Even tho some of it is good it’s all just overwhelming because you are already feeling wrung out? That!

    @stitchincarol me too with the feeling proud of a pretty well-controlled week thus far but scales not reflecting it! I’m reminded that not all calories are equal so yesterday’s baked potato may well be implicated in this morning’s gain even tho the whole day was 800 calories. I don’t often eat potatoes but they were reduced to 14p for 4 and i’m partial to yellow sticker bargains! I’m hoping that a WFD will do the trick – as long as i drink enough 🙂

    @litprof welcome back!

    @ihatelettuce congratulations on your all clear – That is truly epic news!

    Pocket list -Day 10

    Day 10, London, UK, NFD again!

    I will have a FD at some point, but I’m re-joining the fasting life slowly, so my dragon doesn’t notice!!

    Thanks for the welcome backs! Lovely to see so many old timers still hanging in here!!! I wish I hadn’t let that wagon get so blooming far away!!🤦🏼‍♀️

    Anyway, no point looking backwards, I’m not going that way after all!!!

    Ahh, @brightonbelle, having introduced Leslie to the FD masses (commission Ms Sansone????) I promptly erased her from my mind, thanks for the reminder, I’ll be walk, walk, walking tonight!!!…………… Promise!🤞🏼

    @funshipfreddie I too am loving the jokes!!🤣🤣

    My situation hasn’t changed very much, however my mums mental & physical health have taken a step down recently. I hate to see it.😢😢
    I’m still house hunting, TENTATIVELY!!! Looking, but waiting, but hoping, if you know what I mean. I guess I’ll be 🙏🏼🙏🏼 for a 15% reduction by mid 2023 if I have any hope of buying ………….. things went mental after I lost out on ‘that’ (dream😭) house you might recall, last year, crazy buyers offering 10% over the asking price😱🤑😭.

    Notice there’s no update on the ahem, “adjustment”, to my weight ………….. the shame would kill me if I actually put it in writing!!!! But …………… THAT’S why I’m here………….. to be accountable, to get & give the support that makes this WOL easy in comparison to EVERY other thing I tried and to get news & gossip from around the globe & a daily joke thrown in for good measure!!!

    Phew, it really is good to be back on the wagon with great company!!!

    Onward & Downwards people!!!

    Day 11 Melbourne, Australia FD 6.50am

    Congratulations @i-hate-lettuce. What a relief now just being followed up by the local hospital.

    I’m with @stichincarol re study. I like the idea of learning, so doing a short course or a study day for work. But not anything I am going to have to produce an essay for or do an exam. Some people love this sort of thing, but not me.

    Day 10 – USA – CD

    Day 10 Ohio, US — MFD

    This is just to check in — it’s been another very long day. Fasting has gone well. Have a great end of the work week, everyone!

    Day 11, NFD, Aus

    really quick check in as I managed to jump on a computer while I’m away (with work).

    Delighted to see 2 pieces of news: great results, @IHL and welcome back my PB-loving friend @FlouuBaby!!!

    Day 11, Germany, NFD

    @i-hate-lettuce Great news, congratulations!

    @stitchincarol I was slim for most of my life (the weight gain started after 60 y.o) and never got any comments about it. It was more normal to be slim than it is nowadays. I think it’s just weird when someone comments on my weight, it’s too personal.

    @funshipfreddie I agree, it’s about the fear of losing control (again). With other things in life, you aim for a goal, achieve it and you’re finished with it. With being in maintenance you always have to stay alert. I really don’t like the thought of having to do that for the rest of my life.

    Have a nice day!

    Day 11 – Ireland – NFD 🚫✅🚶🏻‍♀️

    Well hurrah hurrah @i-hate-lettuce! What fantastic news for you to receive and thanks for sharing it with us.

    @stitchincarol that’s so bizarre I had my second mid-might headache the night before last…. I do get headaches and manage along with them most of the time… mostly due to sinus issues but these were very unpleasant. I am also putting it doen to weather/moon etc. I am super busy but not stressed so it’s not that… it’s not food i don’t think as I’ve been “good” and I thought it was dehydration but don’t think it is that either as I upped my intake after the first headache this week .. 🤔

    Like @michelinme I’m expecting another delayed drop on the scales 🙏 must weigh so…

    Out tonight and may have a drink.., I’ll see…if they have nice non alcoholic offerings I’ll stay AF, either way my aim
    Is to be abstemious… love that word 😂😂. Then I am away with my best pal on Sunday to a lovely country hotel so that will be lovely.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 11 – UK Cam – NFD
    Quick post, busy day ahead. Good FD yesterday, weigh in this morning, down 0.5lb so positive result. Would have liked more but then I know I am greedy! Lunch with the girls today, will try to eat mindfully (new venue, new menu – an adventure!).

    Catch up tomorrow. Have a good, positive Friday everyone.

    Day 11 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    @i-hate-lettuce, super news, delighted for you, we sure hoped all would be OK and you are!! And to remind you, when I was in hospital with my burst appendix last year I drew on you for strength and inspiration so you have inspired many too!!!

    @michelinme oh hon, I feel for you, how you feel now is the way I was/am feeling…..hugs.

    The cat still wailing at the door, is that where the word caterwauling came from????

    Day 11 – South Africa – NFD

    @stitchincarol – that really does sound like bizarre weather? Seems like we just have to expect the unexpected these days. I read recently that hurricane Nicole is the first November hurricane to make landfall in Florida since the 1930’s! My weather app was telling me recently, ‘expect rain at 10am’. Well, it’s 10 am & there isn’t a cloud in the sky 😅

    @flourbaby – I’m also still house hunting. Although I know exactly where I want to buy, & I’m currently renting just a 5 minute walk away. There are two houses for sale in the complex I’m wanting to move to, but ironically the larger one is cheaper than the one I want! I don’t mind the cat having her own bathroom/bedroom, but I draw the line at her having her own lounge😅. Anyway, they’re both over-priced. So I’m biding my time & hoping they drop the asking price before I put in an offer. I’ve already been in touch with the trustees & been given permission to have a pet, so Boo Boo’s good to go 🐈

    @jaifaim- ‘abstemious’?! Had to Google that; including how to pronounce it. Nice one 😅 My new go-to drink is Dry Lemon. Not very exciting perhaps, but I enjoy it, & it tastes sort of like a grown-up drink. There are sugar-free versions, but even the regular one is quite low in calories/sugar compared to most soft drinks.

    Happy Fri-yay! 🍹

    Jokes of the day:-

    They say we should be eating more raw foods. That’s all I need to hear to whip up another batch of cookie dough.

    I didn’t make it to the gym today. That makes 5 years in a row.

    If I have 10 chocolate cakes & someone asks me for one, how many chocolate cakes do I have left? That’s right, 10.

    Day 11 – UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Thanks for your good wishes, it’s brilliant to be able to share good news.

    Continuing the ‘feel good’ theme, a reward for doing a small favour yesterday … I went out just as the light was fading to deliver something further up the village, it was blowing a gale so not very enthusiastically I admit, but needed to be done.
    As I turned into the lane there was a huge murmuration of starlings passing through, swirling and fighting the wind. As they passed over the playing field the boys in the after school club who were playing football all stood and watched pointing and shouts of ‘WOW’ as the flock were passing. Awe and wonder, brilliant to see, especially in children.

    Weigh in morning and a couple of pounds of holiday weight gone already, result, another week of 5:2 and will be safely back in my maintenance zone.

    Take care all

    Day 11-UK-FD

    Good luck to anyone fasting today!

    @linda.b loved the mindset shift ‘I like’…
    @jaifaim having just hit 60 need to pace myself, used to run half marathons etc, but now have to give my body time to recover, so weights every other day or so, plus loads of walking by the sea, yoga (not heavy yoga) everyday even if it’s 10 mins

    I’m catching up with Kathryn Hansen on Instagram @brain_over_binge find it useful as she acknowledges disordered or binge eating can be linked to trauma etc, but also that retraining brain is also important

    Sorry if I missed anyone!

    Day 11 UK CD

    Weekly weigh in and… drumroll…. I’m back down to 172lb! 4lbs down on November or where I started October before my EOEO gain at the end of last month or 17lbs down on 27 May back on waggon weight of 189lb. Next goal: 168lb – back to where I was in November 2020. I still have a long weigh/way to go to get to 140-147 but I’m back heading in the right direction

    @flourbaby it feels a v big deal to name the number doesn’t it?!

    Woke up feeling tired, aching and grumpy again already despite having slept like a dead person for at least 8 hours. Just about poured/dragged myself out of bed in time for a 30 min zoom meeting as I’ve missed the first two of this working group. Tho Ifound myself impatient listening to hot air explanations and taking notes in the chat to stay focussed. Out of office now on until Monday so I can breathe and focus.

    @daffodil2010 Thank you! It’s always helpful to not feel alone in difficult things. For me I think it’s a mix of outright exhaustion/long covid/overwork, then not having had time off/holiday for ages, feeling very overstretched just to get by and then various situations/people needing attention on top when there’s nothing left to give.
    DD and BF are staying over the weekend which was already unexpectedly full. DD due to start next round of treatment next week so not sure when she’ll be up again, and always love to see her. But it does mean a weekend wo quiet corners so I’ve got to safeguard the other moments that I have to ensure some breathing space.

    Hence today I’m baking bread for community gathering tomorrow and for guests, sorting out some jars for recent deliveries of dried fruit/seeds/nuts/spices – I love to organise my store cupboard/baking supplies in the run up to Christmas. Plus basic chores to be ready for guests as I’m off out first thing tomorrow and they’ll arrive while I’m gone. My friend is coming to help with gardening for a couple of hours, then a leisurely shower and hairwash, early supper and early night!

    Goal for the rest of the month: to be really disciplined around self-care – rest, adapted yoga, fasting, good food, sleeping, time off, nature – to help myself be grounded and well again. That’s the way to wise decisions and better ghrelin/leptin balance to resist temptation!

    Day 11 – USA/GA – ZBC

    Weigh-in: 212 lbs. Well, got back in about 10 p.m. last night, so taking most of today off from work other than an hour or so to check emails from home. And what a morning it has been. Apparently, one of my teachers was in an accident last night and had to be transported to Atlanta for surgery. Praying that all goes well; I don’t have any details except he didn’t have head trauma or broken bones … just injury to the face. Yes, we’re in the middle of the leftovers of the hurricane… my poor Christmas decorations outside! No, but seriously, if that’s the extent of the damage, that’s fine! And no, not looking forward to ads bombarding us throughout the Thanksgiving period. How they think spending tons of money on these ads and having some sort of useful benefit is beyond me…

    Day 11 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Yesterday’s WF was textbook (with no headaches, LOL), but the scale this morning is apparently unimpressed, as it’s 150.6 lbs, higher than I thought it was going to be. On the other hand, my weight fluctuates so wildly every week that I need to simply shrug and focus on my behavior, not the scale.

    Which leads to the question of what I’m eating today. I’ve begun craving the ceremony and pleasure of opening and drinking a bottle of red wine (not the whole bottle, just my share!! 😂) so I’m trying to figure out what to require of myself in order to earn the reward of that bottle tonight. Or if I should simply take a single glass from the box we have open. It’s the toughest day of the week to behave, you know, and I’m roasting and carving my turkey for tomorrow’s church turkey dinner, so I’ll want to be nibbling on that while I carve…there are some challenges in front of me. 🤷‍♀️ It’s time for some serious thinking so I can work out a plan, and RESOLVE myself into following it.

    @michelinme I know that feeling of being wrung out with more still required of me, and you have my complete sympathy! How’s your DD doing?–Ah, you’ve answered already before I’ve finished this and posted. A resurgence in prayers for this next round to go well.

    @flourbaby Did you keep your promise to walk on Thursday night????? 😘

    @snowflake56 You said: “With being in maintenance you always have to stay alert. I really don’t like the thought of having to do that for the rest of my life.” I’ve thought of that a lot in the last ten years, and for awhile had decided that I was good with “letting go.” Then I said, no, I want to be thinner, so I’m down from my high of 166 and back on the wagon. But perhaps when I hit 75…80?…I’ll just quit working at it. Or not. 😂😂😂 That’s always the question, huh?

    @jaifaim That IS bizarre that we’re both fighting headaches at the same time! And abstemious is indeed a terrific word! Your time away with your best pal sounds lovely; will you simply be chattering and catching up, or do you have long walks in front of you, or what? Have a grand time!

    @funshipfreddie Ironic indeed that the larger house is cheaper than the smaller house! How much yard work will come with any house you buy in this complex?

    @i-hate-lettuce Great story and description of the starlings!

    @northgeorgia How sad about your teacher! Keep us posted on what you learn.

    The house is wonderfully tidy (my cleaner came on Wednesday, so needed to tidy so she had clear surfaces to clean), and it’s that wonderful feeling of “I can accomplish anything, because my house is clean!” LOL, it just doesn’t take much, you know?

    So off I go to start my day; have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 11 UK NFD

    Hmm jumped the scales this morning – no change ? surely it was just just a matter of time but no – no change so it’s a stay the same week for me – I’m not going to sulk 😢but try and stay on track and let’s see

    Day 11, London, UK, NFD

    Another NFD, I guess I’m back to where I was a while ago, struggling to fast at home, the fasting muscle is entirely atrophied & in need of a slow & steady rehab programme!!

    @penz, I’m glad to be back too & swerving the PB is a win even if fasting is a struggle!! As happy as I am for myself, to be back; it completely lifts my heart to hear the news from @i-hate-lettuce, following the advice of the ‘professionals’, banishing the inner warthog & fasting like a pro has led to this point, I’m truly chuffed to bits for you & Mrs @I-H-L🙏🏼

    @funshipfreddie, patience is key in this volatile economy! I hope to get somewhere by mid 2023 at a realistic price, not cheap, just realistic! One thing on my mind regarding the move is Bo-Bo!! He has such a good group of friends here, the cat with missing tail and scarred back, his tiny black girlfriend with the sparkly collar (she’s got him firmly under her claw!!) and the white cat with the ginger face who Bo-Bo likes to roll around on the lawn with!! If we move, I don’t think I could kidnap the girlfriend ………………….. would that be some kind of trafficking??!!!!!😨😱😱

    @michelinme, it’s going to take a few fasts and some reacquired confidence to acknowledge the number, I’m doing that ostrich thing I’m so good at!!!

    @stitchincarol, YES, I walked with Leslie on Thursday!! NO I can’t move properly today!!!! 🤣🤣

    @brightonbelle, surely STS this week means a big whoosh next week………………………. Providing you don’t drown your sorrows, chuck in the towel or throw caution to the wind!!! Prick up your ears, for ‘THAT’ was the voice of experience!!! Uurgh😞😞😞

    Stay strong folks, I think I feel a FD coming soon, probably when I get back to work on Tuesday, living with my mum is temptation central!!!

    Although …………………..

    “Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.”

    Day11 USA/HI. 18:6
    Still here

    Day 12 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    Day 12, Germany, FD

    @stitchincarol At the moment I don’t have a plan how to go on when I’m in maintenance again, we’ll see. I’m not there yet so lots of time to figure it out.

    Pocket list day 12

    Have a nice day!

    Day 12 – South Africa – FD

    @stitchincarol – yard work?! That’s like, gardening, right?😱 Getting up close & personal with bugs, multi-legged creatures, no-legged creatures, getting your hands dirty? Nope, I’m pretty sure they employ people for that. But it’s included in the monthly levy. I’m really not cut out for manual labour. I vaguely remember washing my dad’s car once; about 45 years ago. But that could’ve just been a bad dream. Either way, I’m still traumatized 🤣

    @flourbaby – I’d forgotten your cat’s name – Bo-Bo! My Boo Boo does NOT get on with other cats. Or dogs. She’s great with people. But she’s not crazy about kids. I think she gets that from me 😅

    @snowflake56 – I’m so glad I’m not the only Saturday faster. Sunday morning PFDS will be lekker 😀

    Jokes of the day:-

    Diet Day #1 – I have removed all the “bad” food from the house. It was delicious.

    I named my dog ‘Five Miles’, so I can tell people I walk 5 miles every day.

    It turns out a major new study recently found that humans eat more bananas than monkeys. It’s true. I can’t remember the last time I ate a monkey.

    Have a great weekend everyone ⛅ 🌈

    Pocket List – Day 12 🫐

    Day 12 Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️

    Lovely night out last night and had some yummy drinks but no alcohol 🚫 🍹 – I had a little more sugar than usual as I was trying non alcohol cocktails – but non too syrupy and yum. Ginger sour was my favourite 🤩

    Home before midnight and I’ve had a lovely nights sleep although have woken up feeling a wee bit grumpy..
    Weekly weigh in yesterday showed 16O.7 lbs which is 1lb ⬇️ this week and about 5lbs down since I came back so very I’m happy with that. Figuring on the positives and hoping mood will lift 👍.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 12 UK NFD

    Out for 🍺🥂s last night but overall not too bad so trying to stay on track

    Off for a nice long walk as the ☀️s out

    Have a good weekend all

    Day 12 – UK – FD800

    I seem to have been absent from the Challenge since Day 3 🫣 but after that weekend and my anniversary meal out on Day 6 (which was fab and lived up to expectations), I made a commitment to myself and buckled down to complete a Monday to Friday FD800 – it was hard at times but I persevered 😓 and now to make sure that I don’t undo the hard work over the weekend 🤞

    It has helped that I have a friend who also wants to lose about around 6-8lbs/3-4kg before Christmas, she’s not into 5:2, but we are supporting each other 🤗 We are both cutting back on carbs and we also agreed to stop drinking wine at home until we reach our target, however we are allowing ourselves a glass or two when out socialising.
    Today will be my 6th wine free day in a row and as I have no social commitment until Day 15 of the challenge I will continue to abstain until then🤞

    We have had a really wet week here but the weekend looks like an improvement – managed a dry if overcast 11.3km/7mile hike yesterday and did a more gentle 6.5km/5miles today before meeting up with friends for coffee (without cake 🤣)

    Now back home and catching up – can’t reply to all the posts but have read everything and hopefully I haven’t missed anything major

    @excelsior12309 @flourbaby and @litprof – welcome back!
    @i-hate-lettuce – great to have you back after your cruise and what amazing news after your last medical review 😊 also how lovely that the children stopped and looked in amazement at the murmuration of starlings
    @linda.b – well done on dipping your toe in the water and glad the “date” went well – It’s great fun to get back out there and meet new people 🤗
    @stitchincarol – good to hear that MIL made a great improvement x
    @maui – I use the free MFP intermittently – when I do I do find that it helps keep me on track – certainly have been using it daily this past week!
    @songbirdme – good to hear that your DH is recovering although perhaps not as fast as he would like x
    @snowflake56 and @funshipfreddie – I might join you on the pocket list, as so far today my intake is 250cals so should be able to come in under 800cals for the day making it my 6th FD800 in a row! then I can have a TDEE day tomorrow before my regular Monday FD

    Pocket List – Day 12 🫐
    @at FD800

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 12 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. Too many carbs, too few clearly delineated “start/stop” eating times.

    Our teacher texted us yesterday afternoon. Apparently, he decided to clean the leaves from the roof of his house as the post-tropical storm winds were approaching, lost his balance and fell 15 feet from the ladder to the ground. It knocked out his two front teeth, caused a cracked palate and a split lower lip, and a lot of scrapes and bruises. Ouch!

    Tomorrow will be a FD. I had about a pound average weight loss this week, although I’m the same weight as last Saturday. Got to keep with this and do better on my regaining weight NFDs.

    Day 12 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Yesterday? I nibbled too much while carving my turkey for today’s church turkey supper, but ended up having very little for supper as neither DH nor I were particularly hungry. Today? I’m scheduled to cut pies (there are a LOT of pies to cut, LOL) at 1:30, but with people around me, and food-prep gloves on, I should manage to be restrained and not nibble on pieces that fall, LOL. Then, at 5:00, I am part of packing meals into bags and it will be full steam ahead with no nibbling even possible, so once I get to that point, I should be good. As I was slowly falling asleep last night, I was frustrated–disgusted, even–with myself for not doing a better job yesterday, so I’m hopeful the memory of those thoughts will curb my instincts to nibble.

    About an hour ago, it started flurrying, so lightly as to be nearly invisible; now the flurries are swirling around with gay and busy intention…I’m sure it will stop soon, but that’s such a lovely way to experience a first snow: all the prettiness of watching it come down without any consequences of it on the ground.

    @funshipfreddie Oh, you are funny. I love getting my hands in the dirt–usually with gloves, but still in the dirt–and feeling the sun on my back as I pull weeds and plant things and putter around. It takes all kinds, eh? 😂 And three jokes to make me grin this morning; thanks!

    @jaifaim Your ginger sour sounds good; I’m not fond of overly sweet drinks either.

    @michelinme I somehow missed celebrating your loss yesterday; how lovely to be down!!

    @at Well done, you, for five FD800 days in a row, and for abstaining from alcohol for such a long stretch; hopefully the scales reward both you and your friend with lovely and motivational progress!

    @northgeorgia I didn’t sleep well last night until nearly 4am when I finally fell asleep for the rest of the night, and thought lots about your and my lack of serious mojo. I was suspecting that I wasn’t sleeping well because I wasn’t active enough yesterday to have gotten physically tired, and remembered when you commented that you’re not cleaning the house, cooking nice meals, etc., etc. as much as you used to. I think that’s my overall problem, too. I need to spend some time asking myself who I want to be: someone who spends way too much time on the sofa on my laptop (and, in my defense–sorta–knitting) or someone who accomplishes things that need doing. I get lots done, but I tend to work to deadlines and spend lots of downtime on the sofa between bursts of activities. I need to change that. Have you had any success with being more productive?

    The flurries are still entertaining me…it’s well and truly moved from the final vestiges of summer to cold weather now. ❄️🌨️☃️

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 12 🫐
    @at FD800

    Day 12 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Enjoying my ME time and so far what I have noticed is the silence. I have not spoken to anyone today, there is no noise distractions, just me pottering about in the garden (harvested the final tomatoes and cut back the plants)….reading, had a little afternoon nap…..

    It’s not that DH is noisy but he does like background sound, a radio on, often while looking at YouTube on his iPad…….but there has been lovely, soothing, silence (apart from the cat) for the past few days. My brain really needed it. I am feeling much more refreshed that this time last week.

    So I have to collect DH from the airport later, his flight is now delayed by an hour, so it will be late tonight before we get home. Boo for a disrupted Saturday evening, but yay for not sipping the wine on a leisurely Saturday because I can’t!!!!

    My weight is the exact same….I lost 5lbs in August but it came back during my holidays and is still glued to me. Like @flourbaby, I need to get serious about this fasting thing 😄

    Day 12 USA /Hawaii FD800 18:6
    Weigh in today 175lb
    @ permalink I appreciate hearing that you use MFP intermittently. I am finding it very helpful just to remember what 1200 calories in a day looks like. I was shocked that the lunch sandwich I’ve been making for DH and his friend is over 600 calories! I’ve been lazy and making my sandwich the same as theirs but now will make a few easy alterations to knock those calories down. Also, because of MFP I feel confident to try a FD 800 today and can see doing FD 500 very soon.
    Feeling optimistic and wishing everyone on this November Challenge a wonderful day.

    Day 12 UK NFD

    Checking in for accountability. Up early & to town for community gathering, breakfast etc. My bread went down embarrassingly well – people were offering to pay me to bake for them! I’ve shared the recipe widely in the hope that they will all be encouraged to bake going forwards 🙂

    Being a bread day it’s already pretty carbtastic but i’ve avoided most temptations – just my healthy bread with a banana, plus gnocchi with spinach/mushroom/squash. DD brought me a tiny bar of 80% vegan chocolate which hits the chocolate spot without being sweet but still added 250 calories to my day! I’m also half way through making an apple & plum crumble with almond/oat flour topping, using coconut sugar and halved the amount in the recipe.

    Lovely friend has just bumped our catch-up Sunday lunch to next weekend so I can now stay home and potter tomorrow – yay! Brunch with DD and her BF, pottering in the kitchen/garden, reading/relaxing day tomorrow = BLISS 🙂

    Strength to fasters and dragon-taming skills to non-fasters this weekend. Whatever your day brings, go gently x

    Day 11 – USA – CD
    Day 12 – NFD

    Moving day is 11/15, so spending time packing and boxing stuff up…..kicking and screaming because I did not plan having to move….landlady decided to sell. Oh well, it is what it is.

    Day 12 Ohio, US — CD
    Day 11 — CD

    I got another Covid booster yesterday, and that wiped me out for the rest of the day and a good part of today. There has been a definite upswing this evening. So that makes 5 Covid vaccinations so far — I probably have had at least four times as many flu shots, but getting one once a year seems like much less of a big deal.

    The weigh-in yesterday gave 180 lb (81.6 kg), so the system has recovered from Halloween week. Í’m continuing with my diet recalibration, which means that, among other things, I’ve been sugar-free for a little more than a week. That hasn’t happened for quite some time.

    @michelinme Your apple and plum crumble sounds terrific!

    @funshipfreddie Congrats on this year’s low weight! Ahhh — the old skipping diet! 🙂

    @jaifaim You’re right — patience is the hardest virtue of all!

    @metatauta Oh my! Surprise moves are really difficult! I’m still picking up the pieces from my last surprise move, and it’s been three years!

    @maui Yes — big calories can come in small packages!

    @daffodil2010 Some psychologists classify people into the categories of sensory-oriented and internally-oriented. Sounds like you might be internally-oriented while your DH is sensory-oriented. Does that make sense to you?

    Day 13 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    @Daffodil2020 I agree with you on loving the quiet. I left my husband last year (thankfully we have remained friends) and one of the things I love about living alone is that loudest noises I can hear at the moment is the birds outside. I don’t often have any noise on.

    @funshipfreddie definitely with you about the gardening. I am happy to pay someone else to do that for me. I can mow the lawn quite happily, but anything else is boring. And mowing has the added benefit of being exercise.

    @matpi I need to get back into seriously avoiding sugar. It seems to help reset my brain in some way and avoid bingeing feelings. But it can be annoying having to check the nutrition panel on all foods to check for added sugars. I do like fruit a lot but am okay with as fruit usually has lots of nutrients as well.

    I won’t do my usual FD tomorrow as my sister is staying with me tonight but will do one on Tuesday. Being able to change the day I am fasting makes this WOL so much easier. And thus far today I have avoided the bingeing brain lizard.

    Day 13, Germany, NFD

    @funshipfreddie and @at Thanks for joining me! I was quite cold and hungry yesterday so after I did some homework, I sat down under a blanket and watched cooking videos. When my DH came home from work, he pointed out I often watch cooking videos when I’m trying to lose weight. Interesting, I didn’t know that.

    @funshipfreddie yes, I’m feeling lekker this morning! Do you speak Afrikaans? We think one of the most beautiful words in Afrikaans is kameelpaard.

    @at 6 FD800 in a row is impressive, it’s been a while since I’ve done that. How nice to have a friend along side, it helps.

    @stitchincarol I never had the impression of you as “someone who spends way too much time on the sofa on my laptop”. You always seem so busy.

    Have a nice Sunday!

    Day 13 – South Africa – NFD

    Sunday morning PFDS! And 71.8 kgs this morning, the exact same weight as after my last 3 FDs. So either my scales are broken or I’m successfully maintaining. I’m not going to harp on about foregoing the 🍷 but it really does feel like this will be a game-changer for me, in more ways than one.

    @at – I had a sneaky look at the spreadsheet yesterday, & saw you were on a mission with all those FD800s; good for you! Have you weighed yourself this week? I don’t think I’d be able to resist after all those consecutive FDs 🥇

    @metatauta – my heart goes out to you, having moved recently. It was bad enough, even with a couple of months’ notice. I hope everything goes smoothly for you 🤗

    @malee57 – I agree with what you said about sugar; it’s just easier to avoid it completely, rather than trying to control the intake. Similar to alcohol, I think, for people who are more prone to addiction, as I am. I’ll be joining you on the pocket list on Tuesday

    @snowflake56 – Nee, ek kan nie afrikaans praat nie. I know a few phrases, & can understand most signs. Do you mean ‘kameelperd’? Meaning ‘giraffe’? Coincidentally, kameelperd is the password for the Wi-Fi where I’m currently staying! 🦒

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Jokes of the day:-

    My favourite exercise is a cross between a lunge & a crunch. It’s called lunch.

    I do 5 sit-ups each morning. It may not sound like much, but there’s only so many times you can hit the snooze button.

    Exercising would be so much more rewarding if calories screamed while you burned them.

    “I don’t exercise. If God had wanted me to bend over, he would’ve put diamonds on the floor.” ~ Joan Rivers

    Day13 – UK – CD

    Sorry to have let you down yesterday @snowflake56 and @funshipfreddie but I only managed a CD (no 🍷) but happy with that and YES I did weigh myself yesterday morning and came in at 60.2kg so 1.3kg/2.8lbs down from the start of the challenge – Aiming for another CD today 🤞but will definitely be under TDEE

    I made a batch of reduced sugar Apricot and Pistachio flapjacks and Sultana Scones this morning for OH to enjoy after his daily run – he was out early for a long run today, making the most of this much needed warm and sunny autumn day……no rain today!!!

    @stitchincarol – thank you and yes I was rewarded so good motivation for the weekend – I have to keep reminding myself not to open that bottle of wine in the evening 🤣🤣
    @daffodil2010 – the importance of “ME” time cannot be underestimated 🤗
    @metatauta – good luck with the move next week – always a stressful time but just remember that it always works out in the end x
    @funshipfreddie – I’m loving the jokes this month – keep them coming!

    Watching the T20 World Cup final between England and Pakistan whilst logging on here this morning – low scoring match but it still could go either way!!! So will have to watch to the end but then I will be out for another wander to make the most of this gorgeous day….

    Day 13 Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️

    So there is a Bo Bo and a Boo Boo 🐱…what are the chances 😂 !

    @stitchincarol thanks – I sorted my glum mood out yesterday with a good walk on the cliffs and practising a little bit of gratitude to good music as I won’t walk much today and tomorrow with my pal… we’ll have a little stroll and swim I’d say but we are so different 🤩 . We met on the first day of school and have been besties ever since – I love her to bits ♥️

    @matpi – I had my 5th shot yesterday too. I’ve had to wait to have it because of having Covid recently. No obvious side effects yet so all is good 👍

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 13 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. This is my lowest Sunday weigh-in since the start of October. This will be a difficult FD; a cold front blasted through this morning brrrr!

    @stitchincarol I need to clean up today! I may do that; I haven’t done a good housecleaning in a while. Today, I am trying to finish up my Christmas wrapping. I’m over halfway done, and would like to do a few more, or even finish up this morning 🙂

    My next FD will be Tuesday, and maybe an OMAD on Thursday.

    Pocket list – day 13

    Day13 USA/HI FD800

    Weigh in this morning was 174lb. Which is my lowest number since starting the challenge. I feel like this IS going to work! My FD800 yesterday ended up being only 654 calories. The MFP app was so helpful in tracking the calories. I kept digging into the refrigerator, freezer and pantry searching for low calorie options and surprised myself with how many I found. I will try keep on the FD800 for a few more days.
    @at you inspired me with your FD800 days

    Now I need to add some exercise back into my life. Caregiving today with DH but I should be able to do the 30 or 45 minute work out on my recumbent bike with Coach Kim on YouTube.

    Why do I seem to sabotage myself when things start going well?. Lol… but I guess that’s true for everyone to one degree or another. I need to remember it is ok to lose the weight and take care of myself.

    Day 14, NFD, Aus

    Hello all – checking in but still not really participating in 5:2! One of these days…

    Day 14 FD country west Australia 85.5kg
    Haven’t weighed for several days – usually a daily weigher but record weight only on Saturday.
    Cut down on coffee and chocolate and chips ( fries).
    Cut down a lot on meat. Eating a lot less than usual.
    Happily jumped on the scales this morning and was demoralised to see a 1/2 kg increase over the week.
    I think this is where I eventually gave up in 2017. 😢
    Will keep on keeping on but sticking to TDEE and not losing any weight, it is difficult to maintain my Mojo, which I had just got back after several months!!
    Have been doing 800 calorie FDs so might try 500 cals this week , not sure.
    Staying on the wagon but not by much…..
    @penz, I hear you buddy!!
    Have just read some of the posts on this page.
    Wow! What a lot I have missed.
    @metatauta, sorry to hear about your unplanned move.😳
    Don’t they say it is one of the three most stressful things in life – the other 2 being getting married and having a baby or is it dying!!?? 🤔
    Anyway, thoughts are with you. Have you found any unexpected treasures?
    @funshipfreddie, you did make me smile and lose my glumness with your jokes. 😊
    Think I’ll try the ‘ lunch’ today!!!🤣
    Happy Funday/Monday all.

    Day 14 Melbourne, Australia FD

    I was going to make today a CD and tomorrow a FD. But tomorrow is going to be cold and I do salads all day on a FD. So as my sister has gone home, I will do today as a FD. Yesterday was lovely having my sister over for tea. We had Indian takeaway and a glass of wine and lots of talking – a great evening.

    pocket list

    2nd post

    I weighed myself last night after a very yummy meal and was aghast to see that I had put on 1.5kg in 24 hours. Then I weighed myself this morning when I got up and I was 1 kg less than when I went to bed. I don’t usually weigh before bedtime but thought it would be interesting. I certainly did not expect to lose 1 kg in weight overnight.

    Day 14, Germany, FD800

    @funshipfreddie Yes, I meant a kameelperd and indeed, what a coincidence. Perhaps I should post later evey day, your jokes always lift me up!

    @at The thought of you and @funshipfreddie also fasting was enough to keep me on track. Well done on making it a CD and not going over your TDEE.

    Pocket list day 14
    @snowflake56 FD800

    Have a nice day!

    Day 14 – South Africa – NFD

    @lilymartin – don’t give up! But, ‘cutting down on chocolate & chips’ 🤔. You can’t ‘wing it’; if you’re serious about shifting unwanted kilos, then I would strongly suggest taking stuff like that off the menu for a while. Just try it for a month & see if it makes a difference. Try 600 cals on FDs, & only nutritious, filling food. Maybe you’re mis-calculating somewhere? Getting calories/kilojoules mixed up? If you’re genuinely cutting out 3000 – 4000 calories per week, you can’t fail to lose weight. It works, but there are no shortcuts.

    @malee57 – “I don’t usually weigh before bedtime but thought it would be interesting” 😱 I bet you don’t do that again anytime soon 😅

    Sending RESOLVE to the Monday fasters 💪 🎯

    Jokes of the day:

    My wife and I have reached the difficult decision that we do not want children. If anybody does, please just send me your contact details and we can drop them off tomorrow.

    I visited my friend at his new house. He told me to make myself at home. So I threw him out. I hate having visitors.

    Day 14 – UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Where on earth did the weekend go !?!?
    Disappeared in a flash, we seemed to get off to a flying start on Saturday, usual sort of house jobs and a walk. Autumn Internationals (Rugby Union) England v Japan. A couple of beers, planning a short break (already!) and the day had gone!
    Yesterday another day of sport, Pakistan v England World T20 cricket final, enjoy a bit of ‘hit and giggle’ cricket, great fun. Followed by a lovely walk in really unseasonal warm sun, caught up with some neighbours for a natter, then Scotland v New Zealand rugby …. All that sport and fresh air, no wonder I slept extremely well last night 🙂

    @lilymartin …. Agree with @funshipfreddie … quite some time ago I cut out ‘snacks’ between meals and the real danger one for me used to be cheese and crackers in an evening, can’t recall when I last had those! Funnily enough they have been the easiest to cut out. Rarely have a snack of any sorts these days.

    Back to earth today, feel as though I need my usual Monday FD today, a ‘couple of beers’ were consumed over the weekend, but not overdosed 😉

    Take care all

    Pocket list day 14
    @snowflake56 FD800

    Day 14 UK FD

    Wow you’ve nearly finished Christmas wrapping ! @northgeorgia – There was me thinking I was organised as I’ve just ordered a tree haven’t even thought about a present 🤷🏻‍♀️

    OK usual Monday reset for me

    Pocket list day 14
    @snowflake56 FD800

    Day 14 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 213 lbs. I’ll try for another FD tomorrow. Working lunch today, etc.

    Trying an egg fried in butter this morning alongside my handful of nuts to see if it keeps me feeling fuller longer.

    Good luck to those on the pocket list!

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