Newcomer from New Jersey USA

This topic contains 20 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  valzgor 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • I started my fast this Monday and Thursday and I found amazingly that I was more satisfied on my fast days than I thought I would be. Granted I did think of food from time to time but the coffee and green tea helped tremendously. I lost two pounds but feel it was the two pounds I gained over our Thanksgiving holiday but still two pounds is two pounds lost. Interesting to note, Wednesday night I actually ate a lot more food at dinner thinking that it would help me not be so hungry Thursday, the next day, that I was fasting. Silly me. Won’t do that again next week. I’m in this for the long haul. I absolutely love the self-control factors gained in the 5:2 diet. I had 150 calories in the morning and 350 at dinner this week but I am going to change it up next week and have all 500 calories at dinner. I gave my husband the book to read so he can do this with me. My sister and I are doing it together which helps. Also I enjoy very much reading the posts. One plus so far from reading them is to make sure I stick to 5 and 2 fasts and 500 calories and low glycemic. In other words, don’t re-invent the wheel. Stick with what has been proven to work.

    Welcome. I am from just outside Philadelphia. It is amazing how great you feel after a fast day!

    Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your weight loss! 2 pounds per week is expected when you stick to the 5:2 way off life.

    Also it is fantastic that your husband might be willing to join you and that your sister is on board as well! That makes life so much easier as you can encourage each other.

    Over- indulging on non-fast days has been my culprit in the first week as well. I am dying for ice cream… and I took advantage of being able to eat “normal” on non-fast days… I still lost weight though, but after my fourth week I am now much more conscious about what I am eating and how much.

    Anyhow best of luck and keep us posted,

    Hey valzgor,

    You seem headed in the right direction. I like your mindset. The plan should do wonders for you. Good luck.

    Thanks to all of you for your encouragement, storitier, stef, and xenos…I WILL POST AGAIN NEXT WEEK…looking forward to seeing more results. I am looking to lose 15 pounds. One more thing, did anyone buy the fast diet recipe book yet? Is it worth buying?

    Valzgor, buying recipe books is a very personal choice.

    I got the combination of all three books because they were on offer.

    For me personally cookbooks are of no big use, not because I don’t like cooking, but on fast days I keep it very simple and the last thing I want to do is to cook after a recipe.

    In the long run though, I can see myself using them to cook for my family as they could do with some less calorie rich dinners. They do not need to really loose weight but sometimes a little bit healthier approach to what we eat would be good for them.

    I also would like to substitute certain products in our household with alternatives, i.e. white rice for brown rice.

    Perhaps you can go to a book shop and half a look at the cookbook before you buy it?

    Thanks, Stef, I actually thought the recipe book was full of more 500/600 calorie meals…but you are right I don’t actually need any more cookbooks in a general sense..truth is working full time I prepare meals ahead of time (i try for healthy ones) using my crock pot and such. I plan on keeping my fast days simple with individually wrapped frozen salmon and other fish with a quinoa side dish and small salad but I’m sure I’ll soon be sick of that and will have to change it up. I don’t have the time to be fancy with these fast days, just healthy, low glycemic, low fat, low carb. So your family does not need to lose weight, that means you’re going it alone, huh? Good for you!!!

    Not sure you get that easily sick of it as you are only fasting two or max three days a week and the rest of the week you can eat normally without over-indulging.
    I got myself some “lean cuisine” ready made meals, which are somewhere between 200 and 300 calories and I throw those into the microwave. I also make myself some homemade soup, byt throwing some vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, cauliflower …into the blender, mix it with water and some spices and then cook it for a little while.

    If you download an applictation onto your iphone/ipad/android…whatever device you can start calorie counting. This helps a lot in finding out how many calories certain food items contain. Over time you get a good feeling for what you can eat to stay under 500 calories.

    Also have a look at the rigt hand side of this forum and calculate your TDE, BMI and BMJ:

    See here:

    You have to always re-calculate it to get your newest TDE whenever you loose weight.

    Best of luck

    Thanks! I will try all of that!

    Welcome Valzgor! Where’d you come up with that name? Sounds like it came straight from Lord of the Rings or something 😉

    Looks like you already got a lot of tips and tricks, I’ve been away for a few days so everyone beat me to it!

    And remember, every pound lost is a pound gone never to return!

    LOL! The name came about because it is the beginning of my first and last name. My last name is a doozy. I am Italian but my husband is Polish. Thanks for the encouragement!

    Hey Newcomer from New Jersey! this is your sis finally getting to chat.
    Well, you know how my weekend went because we just talked this morning.
    LoL. thanks for the encouragement
    Your pal

    Val Zgor or Valz Gor. Oh wait you’re Italian, then it’s probably Valz something 😛

    You doing this together as sisters is amazing, keep it up and motivate each other ^^

    Hi again valzgor,

    One more piece of free advice if you can stand it. Buy a kitchen scale. Well worth it. I did buy the book, which I find useful as well. The scale just makes everything easier when you cook.

    Looking forward to your first update!

    Hi and my first name is actually Valerie and my last name starts with Zgor and a bunch of letters in the middle and ends with ski….
    Yes my sister and I are doing it together which is great. She started a few weeks before me but we definitely grunt with each other at times on our fast days which helps us get through the day

    I started my second week of the fast and did not have breakfast but had all of my 500 calories at dinner. Interestingly I did struggle more but not sure why. It could be because last week my dinner conisted of fish for protein and this week I had beans as my protein and no animal/fish protein. I will again fast the whole day this coming Thursday. I am finding it very interesting that I do not wake up famished after my fast day.

    So far I do not seem to exhibit a decrease in appetite on my non fast days. I, also, am in menopause for six years now. I am currently 55 years old and have found over the past two years have had trouble losing weight. I eat very healthy and walk an hour or two nearly every day. Not sure I understand much of this “new body” yet but not going to let it get me down. Just going to continue to plug away at this.

    oh, also, I should clarify that Monday when I fasted I did okay during the day but found after eating my 500 calories at dinner, a few hours later I felt the urge to snack (but didn’t) and that didn’t happen last week when I had fish for my protein.

    Hey Valerie (thanks for the clarification, I’ll shut up about it now 😉 )

    Grunting together when you get annoyed can really help, so be grateful you have each other! I’m going to type up a little document for my dad to explain this WOL and I’m going to include some success stories from around here. If he starts as well that’ll be great! ^^

    I’m not sure whether a one time thing is enough to decide whether a certain type of protein is better for you though, but I do prefer animal / fish protein. This includes eggs by the way. I dunno, beans and nuts also have protein, but… we’re omnivores, right? And there’s proof our close ancestors (like the Neanderthals) were even almost purely carnivores, so I think meat is an important part of our diet. Also I’m going zero carbs at the moment so beans and nuts aren’t really tally-ho for me at the moment.

    Good on you for not giving in to the snack urges! And like you said, waking up not hungry on a non-fast day is a great feeling as well right? You said something about not having a decrease in appetite on non-fast days as well, so maybe an idea to skip breakfast if you’re not that hungry anyway? It’ll leave room for a slightly larger lunch / dinner so you can satisfy your appetite then ^^

    LOL!!! you’re funny but it’s understandable you would ask about my unusual username….

    so question about what you wrote – do you consider beans a carb or a protein? my nutritionist considers it a carb but I am 80 % vegetarian and ingest quite a lot of beans in my daily diet (non-fast days) and always counted legumes as a protein. what say you?

    I don’t consider a food anything but a food 😛 I have to stay under 20g of carbs a day, so if I can eat beans and stay underneath that I could eat them. I believe they have both carbs and protein, I don’t regularly eat them though.
    Like nuts. I love nuts, especially cashews in a salad for example, and they’re high in protein – but also insanely high in carbs so I can’t eat them -at the moment-. I’ll add carbs back in my diet at some point, not planning on going zero carb the rest of my life.

    I’ll add them back when I get to New Zealand, because dammit, I want to enjoy it there!


    “Like nuts. I love nuts, ”

    Put me in for almonds.

    Although, keep me away from cinnamon roasted almonds.

    Especially the bags that come in pounds of roasted almonds.

    They disappear faster when I’m alone.



    so you are on zero carbs for your non fast days or on your fast days as well as non fast days? If so, why? I thought the whole point to this was to eat what you want within the TDE on your non fast days.

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