Newbie – Week 1- WOW!!!

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Newbie – Week 1- WOW!!!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  EmerEmer 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I cannot believe how FANTASTIC I feel after a week on 5:2 and 2 ‘fasts’ under my (large) belt!!!

    I haven’t weighed myself but I feel that I have lost weight and I feel in control of my food for the FIRST time EVER! It’s such a wonderful and liberating feeling as I now feel that losing weight is possible for me to achieve!

    I was awake at 5am this morning – raring to go! I am sleeping better – a deeper more satisfying sleep. And I am sure my tummy has changed shape too and the bulge looks smaller.

    HOWEVER, I am struggling to eat enough on my non FD’s as I just don’t feel hungry. Is this normal and will it pass?

    I don’t want to be trying to find things to eat to bring my calorie intake up at the end of the day.

    I am meant to be consuming no more than 2000 calories but I am managing quite well and content on about 1200.

    Thanks for reading – appreciate any thoughts/tips.

    Well done on completing week 1 🙂 … I’m on week 3 so still fairly new too and I’m finding exactly the same, feeling sooo much better. I’m finding I’m planning fast meals better now, but struggle with the ‘recommended’ calorie intake so carrying on with my previous diet of 1200-1500 and aiming at 400 on a fast day. So far so good.
    My hubby tells me not to obsess about the numbers on the scale, it’s about how you feel – I’m feeling slimmer even if the scales haven’t caught up on that yet lol 😉

    Hi PurpleClaire

    Thank you very much for responding.

    Like you, I do struggle to get to 500 calories on a FD too – but I get as close as I can but could quite happily do a max of 300/400. If someone had told me I would feel like this I would NEVER have believed them….

    And good point – I can’t explain just how good I feel and it’s only been a week.

    Well done on reaching Week 3 – and good luck to you.

    Thanks, again

    Hi EmerEmer. Just about to embark on this eating plan starting today! It all seems a little daunting and I just wondered if you have any tips for a total newbie? I am the kind of person who feels light headed when skipping meals so am a little worried about fasting days. Today’s the day though so I’ll soon find out! It also seems quite complicated! Will I slip into my new eating regime easily? Poppy

    Hi Poppy

    Welcome to 5:2!

    I can’t express how much easier I found ‘fasting’. I was expecting to be spending all my energy ignoring lots of hunger pains and tummy rumblings and trying to find things to keep busy while thinking of food all the time but I can honestly say that none of that was true – for me!

    I am extremely overweight and have been struggling for years and years since the birth of my child and I say that only so you don’t think I am sitting here with a ‘little bit of weight’ to lose! I also have very high blood pressure so have other health issues too.

    So with the high bp I expected to have headaches when I fasted too but not a bean!

    Only tips I can pass on are drinking lots and lots of water. As it’s hot at the mo I find it nice to put a small bottle of water in the freezer for about 1.5 hours and get it’s very chilled and a bit icy. It is then much nicer to drink – and I find I will drink more often if it’s like that. Or put a jug/bottle in your fridge and make sure the water is quite chilled. It seems to taste much nicer then.

    Maybe if you feel hungry – try brushing your teeth? This stops me from wanting to eat.

    Also, try and keep busy. If you feel tempted to eat – maybe treat yourself to a nice long bath with a good book, face pack and paint your nails? Besides being a great treat for yourself it will keep you out of the kitchen!!

    Maybe go for a walk around the block if you feel tempted (my friend did this when she gave up smoking every time she wanted to smoke – she then noticed she was going out of the house for a walk less and less and was able to ‘manage’ the temptation indoors after a few days)

    I really am excited for you and I do hope you feel as positive and as great as I do. As I said, I cannot express just how good I feel already. It’s been over a week and I just feel fab!!!!

    I was awake early again this morning and did not have that usual sluggish feeling.

    So today you can eat up to (?) 500 calories and I read yesterday that it is best to eat as late as possible on a FD so that your cells have longer to start to rejuvenate and repair.

    Yesterday I didn’t eat till 6.30pm. The other time I fasted I ate at 2.30pm and then again at 6pm (still only 500 calories max thou’ all day).

    However, I am sure someone will advise if I have got that wrong 🙂

    If you like fish, savoy cabbage and sweet potato there is a great and simple steamed recipe on You Tube. All in foil with a bit of water and cayenne pepper for 10-15 mins and great dish for only 200 calories!

    I am sticking to the same foods for my FD’s for the next few weeks to keep it very simple for me.

    It really is a ‘free’ feeling all round! I actually feel like I CAN lose weight this time. I feel very positive and that alone is a great place to start!

    Please let me know how you get on – and good luck!

    I really don’t know much at all but all the posts on here are very helpful, friendly and above all positive!

    You can do it – and it probably won’t be as bad as you think!

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