Newbie trying 6-18

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  • I am experimenting with plans. Honestly, a 24-hour or longer fast is too “painful”. I want to enjoy life.

    My fast begins at 8pm. I can somewhat easily go until 2-3 pm the following day with nothing but black coffee, and a vitamin pill upon waking.

    I “do” fish oil (2 gram), a teaspoon of coconut oil around 10-11am, and psyllium husk. (I see it contains Aspartame, and I will buy another variety in the future. I know from personal experience that Aspartame is addictive having suffered withdrawal in the past).

    I eat “normally” between 2pm and 8pm. I don’t believe I have exceed 1500 calories. I have become much more conscious of eating nutritionally.

    I repeat the oils and fiber before bedtime.

    I take the stairs (4th floor) all the time. I do 30 crunches several times a day. But I would still describe my lifestyle as sedentary.

    Am I fooling myself? Is this routine too easy. I want to wait a bit before weighing-in, which I suppose is the measure of success. My goal is 20-30 weight loss.

    Oh! I am a 69-year-old male.

    I feel better. I SLEEP BETTER!

    Hi kjbusa and welcome.

    Yes, you can lose weight on 18/6, eating under your TDEE, but you could lose more weight if you could move your eating window sooner.

    I’ve posted here (first post) 3 studies about this subject:


    I’ve also read that when-the-eating-hours-are is important for weight loss. If you have your eating window in the daytime you are losing more weight than having it in the evening. And the cause is that insulin release is greater in the evening, at identical meals.

    This study I think it says it all: the study compared the effect of eating a large breakfast versus a large dinner: both groups ate 1.400 calories, BF group lose 8.7 kg, D group lose 3.6 kg. So yes, the time of your eating window is essential for weight loss.

    “So what this study did was to randomly assign two groups of overweight women to eating a large breakfast (BF group) or a large dinner (D group). Both ate 1400 calories/day, and the macronutrient composition of each diet was matched – only the timing of the largest meal was changed. While both groups lost weight, the BF group was clearly superior for both weight loss and waist size (important measure of visceral fat) by almost 2.5 times (-8.7 kg vs -3.6 kg).”

    Extras from Dr. Fung’s article: Circadian Rhythms – Fasting

    And here is the link for the whole study: High caloric intake at breakfast vs. dinner differentially influences weight loss of overweight and obese women.

    Another 2 studies I found in this article in The Washington Post: Why eating late at night may be particularly bad for you and your diet.

    “Two recent studies have shed new light on the potential impact of timing. In a study of 420 overweight or obese people published in 2013, those who ate their major meal after 3 p.m. lost less weight during a 20-week weight-loss program than those who ate that main meal before 3 p.m. — even when the amount they ate, slept and exercised was the same.

    “This is the first study to show that eating later in the day . . . makes people lose less weight, and lose it slower,” even when the amount people ate, slept and exercised was the same, says the study’s lead author, Marta Garaulet, a professor of physiology at the University of Murcia in Spain. “It shows that eating late impairs the success of weight-loss therapy.” In the 2013 study, the early eaters lost 22 pounds, the late eaters only 17.

    In a subsequent small study of healthy women published this year, Garaulet and her team showed that when participants ate lunch after 4:30 p.m., they burned fewer calories while resting and digesting their food than they did when they ate at 1 p.m. — even though the calories consumed and level of activity was the same.

    What’s more, when the participants ate late, they couldn’t metabolize, or burn off, carbohydrates as well as when they ate earlier. They also had decreased glucose tolerance, which can lead to diabetes. (The two-week study did not track whether the women gained or lost weight.)”

    Direct links to the studies:
    1. Timing of food intake predicts weight loss effectiveness.

    2. Meal timing affects glucose tolerance, substrate oxidation and circadian-related variables: A randomized, crossover trial.

    Good luck!

    You should work out your TDEE by clicking on the how it works link and count calories for a few days to see exactly how many you are consuming as we all tend to under estimate, If there is a calorie deficit then you should lose weight.

    Have you tried not eating until later in the day? If you can get to 3pm you should be able to make it to 6pm with a little effort and have a 600 calorie meal on 2 days of the week.

    Exercise is great for fitness, flexibility and toning but it won’t aid your weight loss.

    I used the calculator before I began.

    70″/200 lbs/sedentary = 34.1% body fat 🙁

    My TDEE is 2356 cals;
    BMR is 1963 cals (and a great year!)

    Although I am fasting, I will try to “digest” all the advice above.

    If the figures I provided begs some more advice, please feel free!

    I appreciate your posts VERY much.

    I adjusted my eat time to soon after getting up, with a big meal. I begin fasting a 4pm.

    I was reluctant to, I feared it would be torture before I would fall asleep. But I did ask for your advice…

    I am doing it handily. I think I feel better already. No real hunger in the evening.

    So, thanks for the tip!

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