Newbie looking for advice :-)

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Newbie looking for advice :-)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Iwant2Bincontrol 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hey all,
    Just after some input. I have been reading about this diet for a few days now, and other blogs written by die hard fasters. I am embarking on my journey today, after reading several articals I have decided to start slow with an 8 hour feeding window between 12 noon and 8pm, with 16 hours fast. I’m also calorie restricting when feeding. Not serverly. I have also calculated how many calories I need to eat daily to lose 2 – 4 KGS a week. I guess Im worried that 16 hr fast period is not enough? I will be doing this daily.
    Thanks for any advice 🙂


    Hi danni33,

    Please read the FAQ’s, they will answer a lot of your questions.

    Weigh yourself and look at the TDEE on this page too. That will give you the calories that you should be consuming on a non fast day.

    Fast days are 500 cals for a woman and 600 for a man.

    Average weight loss is 1 lb per week.

    I fast from after the evening meal on Sunday until lunch time on Monday and either have 200 or 300 cals and then nothing until the early evening when I have the rest.I repeat that on a Wednesday evening too.

    Any help?

    Hey Danni,

    I am unsure whether you’re also doing the 5:2 approach? or just the 16:8? That info would help tremendously with any advice I can give you, as I follow both!

    From your first post it sounds like you’re just doing 16:8. In that case, good job on picking that up! It’s how I started years ago (before I abandoned it of course 😉 . It took some getting used to, and the first few days I even got terrible stomach cramps when I started eating after my fast – but those are gone completely. Do keep in mind to eat “soft” foods for your stomach, especially the first while. So no chilli peppers and stuff like that.
    Oh and about breaking your fast, I can suggest starting out with vegetables, either cooked or stir-fried or whatever. It takes away the worst hunger, makes you enjoy your protein/fat more (which you’ll eat after) and also prepares your body to digest some more complicated foods (like protein and fat :p ) after such a long time of doing nothing. Consider it a wake-up light instead of someone screaming in your ear to get up in the morning…

    Try to find a balance that works for you. Most benefits of IF already start at around 16-18 hour fasts, but for me in my current working schedule (45 hour weeks) I find it easiest to just eat one meal a day, spread over a few hours – so I fast 22 hours. And I feel fine.

    Oh and drink humongous amounts of water.

    One last thing. 2-4kg a week is very, very much. 2kg a week is OK, but to me it’s the top limit of what to lose a week. 4kg is a hell of a lot of weight and if it goes that fast you’ll run into health issues. It also depends on how you’re doing it. Are you pairing it with a lot of vigorous interval training, or just on your food intake? If it’s just on food intake, please try to stick to 2kg a week, not 4!

    Hi Danni,
    I would write about the same as Annette, emphasising that people generally lose around 1lb a week. 2-4kgs sounds very extreme and I would reiterate what Nika said about the health concerns there. Remember that 1200cal (I believe – this is if course just my understanding!!) is the recommended minimum to ensure your body is still getting the nutrients it needs.
    Keep in mind that slow and steady is better than lots all at once but then giving up because of missing out or feeling deprived.
    Good luck and let us know how you go 🙂

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