Newbie here!

This topic contains 16 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  fast for life 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi there!

    I’m just starting fasting today. 3 stone to lose and some cholesterol to reduce.
    Feeling a bit hungry now, but only 5 hours to go!

    I finished my fast and feel great. Wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Felt light and fresh afterwards. Feels weird eating more today 🙂

    Second fast day today! 🙂

    No one talking to you? Ah well never mind. I just started as well with 4st to loose and some c reduction but my main aim is to get off the heart pills. Keep up the good work. My second day today and so far today I have not really felt hungry.

    Hello PuterMan! Good luck! First weigh in today and I’ve lost 3.6 pounds this week. Yay!

    Well done Mimsy, my first weigh in yesterday, and 2.5lb off, fantastic!!!

    Hey everyone and congrats to your first time fasting!

    I just finished my first week and to my surprise I’ve already lost 6,6 pounds the first week!

    I am a bad planner so I accidentally decided to go fasting mondays and thursday – and thursday was my birthday. So on Friday I had my birthday cake after lunch and despite celebrating I have maintained my weight so far.

    I have noticed I get satisfied faster when eating, I don’t have to eat as much. I still think I get all my nutrients and enough calories, but it’s like I don’t think about food as much. I have come to realise I might have been a little bit addicted to eating, especially sweet things.

    I look forward to my next fasting week now, and it hasn’t been that bad despite I am taking care of a wild 1-year old and don’t get much sleep. My husband has started fasting too and he has the same results and we both feel this experience has been great although he got more tired in the evening.

    Best of luck everybody!

    This is my first week fasting just like you. I found it not very difficult and I am eating less on non fast days. I feel great. I have 20 kilogram to lose. I’m Dutch and not familiar with stone’s. (googled it 20 kg = 3,15 stone omg)
    My stomach is a little irritated in the morning after a fast. Any tips on that anyone?

    Welcome Newbie 🙂 Doesn’t seem so long ago that I was a newbie myself. I started on April 15th and am under 200 lbs for the first time in over 30 years so it does work, I promise! There’s quite a lot of recipe ideas up on Pinterest if it helps at all. I bought the 5:2 official recipe book and my only quibble with it is that I live alone so recipes that feed 4 are sometimes too much trouble (and temptation, to be honest) There’s a great app too which I use all the time on my Mondays and Thursday so lots of support! Keep at it and keep in touch, we’re all in this together 🙂

    jose62mast — I lost 3 kilograms my first week, but I doubt it will continue going down this fast. I want to loose 8-10 kilograms.

    I feel the same, eating less on non fast days.

    To help your stomach you might want to try the good old Camomille Tea. It helps irritated stomach. I think perhaps it was very irritated and you have a lot of acid in your stomach, when it runs empty the acid hurts the inside of your stomach. Camomille tea helps a little and I’m pretty sure these problems will be better in time.

    But try not to stress, and if it’s really irritated have something, a healthy biscuit or something, that will “soak up” the acid in your stomach. You could also see a doctor and get something perscribed. It took about a year to be fully free from my irritated stomach but now it works fine. I’m pretty sure with time it will be better! Just hang in there!

    Hi Anneli Thank you for the tip. My stomach is better. I had lost 2 kilo’s last tuesday. I hope in two days maybe some more

    Just catching up, this is my 5th fast today and I have lost 5 lbs in total (2.26 kg) very happy with this so far!!! Keep us updated fellow fasters! 🙂

    6th fast day and 6.8 pounds down. VERY HAPPY!!!!!

    Wow, you have had great weight loss, well done. I am a newby to the diet and to the forum. I have done 4 fasts but have only lost 1 lb but I am feeling really well and, although I have 55lbs more to lose(yikes!), I am keen to get the health benefits from the 5:2 and hopefully lose weight along the way. Happy fasting!

    jose62mast — I’m so happy your stomach is better! Great job!
    Now we’re not newbies anymore, how’s things going? I’ve lost 7-8 kilos already and I’m starting to get lots of compliments on how I look!

    I’ve lost 10 pounds in 7 weeks 🙂

    fantastic Mimsy this plan seems to really suit you, well done! xx

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