Newbie – Health benefits between fasting ratio's?

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Newbie – Health benefits between fasting ratio's?

This topic contains -3 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  hotdigiti 4 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hello everyone,

    I’ve just recently stumbled on the fast diet after researching my own diet I was doing as I lost 26lbs in about 8 weeks and wanted to know why. It turned out I was actually doing the 16/8 fasting strategy (basically I skipped the last meal of the day to reduce my calorie intake) and ended up with 16 hours and 8 hours between meals.

    Anyway after looking through endless websites about fasting I found the Horizon program and Michael Mosley. After watching the program I became interested in the actual health benefits from the program as well as the weight loss.

    So my question! Is there any difference in the health benefits between the 5:2 fast diet and the 16/8 ratio that I’m doing because I’m thinking about swapping to the 5:2 or does any fasting period offer the same thing?


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