Newbie – Day 1

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  • Hi everyone, I’ve done the odd bit of fasting now and again and lost some weight but more importantly reduced my cholesterol count. However had a tumour 2 years ago and I have struggled to get my fitness back and have put on 20lbs since then both due to a bit of depression following the op (as lost right ovary and Fallopian tube) and due to work stress (working excessive hours in a really crap environment). I’ve started spinning classes and some hot yoga and I’m hoping that some excercise coupled with some fasting will help me lose the excess weight and keep it off.

    Day 1 of fasting and have survived on hot water and 2 cups of tea, will have a 500kcal meal around 7.30 – 8 and have fasted since 9pm last night. It has been ok just felt very cold all day. Would welcome any buddies who are also starting with 5:2 as I’m pretty determined at the moment to stick to this throughout the festive period.

    Let’s see how I feel tomorrow as am planning to fast Wednesday and maybe Friday / Saturday as a boost for week 1.

    Hi Fattymessi,
    I started just yesterdays,and this is my 2nd day in a row. I felt cold too, yesterday, and wasn’t able to get in a profound sleep. During the daytime the fasting went well, now My feet are cold, and a bit hungry, but it will pass

    Hi, this is my first day of reading about the 5:2 and I am going to fast tomorrow. I need this evening to work out some calorie values. I have fasted before and done detox so I feel quite optimistic that I shall be fine tomorrow, but I am intending to fast on Wednesday as well so I shall see how that goes. I had lost a stone this year and had been feeling great, however have gained it all back over the last 2 months. Diets generally don’t work for me as I fall off the wagon so I really hope this works.
    Good luck everyone

    I had two days of fasting, and today was one of the five ‘feastdays’. Didn’t really overdo it with 1300 kcal (i track everything bij weight with help of myFitnessPal. And had a glass of wine 🙂 . Tomorrow birthdaycelebration of my eldest son, probably no pie, but we’ll have a chinese dinner. Perhaps I do a 3rd fastday afterwards. We’ll see how gentle the scale is for me 🙂
    Good,luck to everyone

    Hi all

    Good to hear, I’m not the only one starting fasting just before christmas. Had a good day Monday fasting and have watched what I have eaten today and yesterday. Fasting tomorrow as well and then may fast on Saturday as well, but thats alot harder as bf loves eating out!!! Hard to fast when youre sitting in ‘Jamies Italian’ 🙁

    Anyway good luck to everyone, I’ll post how I got on with the weight loss on Monday.

    Arrrrgghhhh finding it really hard today, especially since we’ve just had our weekly shopping delivered!! Need to just last until 7pm when I’m having my 500cal dinner – how does everyone not fall off the wagon?

    Just try to keep busy and occupy your mind. Black coffee or tea help me a lot. Had a small breakfast at 7.00 am and like you will eat a meal of around 400 cal at around 7.00 pm. This is week 7 for me and the results make it worthwhile. Good luck !

    Hi Fattymessi, I had 2 days of fasting, no problem, but yesterday was a normal day. I had a chinese dinner at my son’s house, and returning home I had a binge, I drank a whole bottle of wine at night and ate 3/4 of a camembert cheese 🙁 And today I wanted to repent and have a fastday, but that is not going to happen, as I allready ate too much. Think it will be a low carb day instead…
    Tomorrow I’ll stick by the fastday. That means that my last meal will be at 7 pm. That way it is more easy to keep away from the food.
    It is key to keep busy, as PeelyWally says. But I wish we were allready in week 7 😉
    Good luck in keeping the wagon on track!

    Ann247 if you’re just starting out I would forget all about what you eat or drink on your non fast days. Concentrate on sticking to your calories on your fast days and the rest should start to look after itself. I have never counted a calorie on a non-fast day. I just try to be quite sensible and not negate the hard work done, but have been really pleased with my weight loss so far.

    Think of the hunger pangs as your body burning fat.

    Good luck !!

    Fattymessi, how are you after your first day of fasting? I hope you’re doing ok!
    PeelyWally, had another day of fasting, untill now (8 pm) no kcal, and Doing ok. Allthough I think I will turn in early 🙂 I had a little exercise this afternoon, and it went well. Hopefully I will see some result on monday!

    I am another newbie on day 1. Fasting going well. As I still have left to eat 30g breakfast cereal, 1 bag of wotsits. I am hoping that this will get me over this evening. For myself it is 4pm hunger started to strike. Tomorrow day 2, so I must leave something for 4pm. I still managed to do 1.5 hours walk today. So I am pleased. Oh yes I managed my five fruit portions today.

    To Fattymessi I know how you are feeling today.

    Lynette j

    Hi all, just woke up after a dreadful night. Couldn’t get to sleep because I couldn’t get warm feet, and warm in general, till 5 am, so just got out of bed at 9.30, too late for spinninglesson. Feel like I have a huge hangover, not really hungry, and I feel slim, as my stomach is empty of course :-). When I have had my two large coffees I am heading over to the gym and do some weightlifting. Today a normal TDEE day,with a birthday and a workshop technique Tango and something else 🙂 Hope you are doing ok!

    I managed to get eat more than 500c. I was feeling very light headed, so warning signs blood sugar had dropped too low. So my cal intake for my fasting day was 900c total. As I quickly needed some food. The cals I had yesterday were 1/3 of what I would usually take. It will take me time to get to the fasting 500c limit. But the one thing I have noticed is my jeans on the legs seem slacker today. The one thing I did not do yesterday was to eat breakfast. Today I have and feel better for it. I still have done my exercise today, walked for 2 hours. Needed Asda, but resisted the fatty foods, bought some low fay raspberry yoghurt,some very lean mince steak. Even if today I go above my 500c I will still be below my cal limit. I will try to continue to get to the 500c cal limit. It will take time. At the very least this diet has got me noticing how many cals there are in food. Watching them for the rest of the week. Plus keeping to my cal limit.
    Lynette j

    Hi Lynette
    Great to see you are wanting to start 5:2!
    Just a couple of things:
    Do you test your blood sugar levels? Unless you are diabetic (and even then it is not necessarily a problem, just needs monitoring) you should not have a problem going long hours without food. My Type 2 husband eats only in the evening on fast days, has turned his diabetes around and now has stable bs levels, drug free.
    Feeling “lightheaded” can simply be you becoming more aware of your physiology. Your body will become used to, and look forward to, fasting if you are doing it regularly. Many of us find we are more alert and possibly sleepless when first fasting. This is normal. Humans needed to be more alert when they were hungry so that they could find food.

    500 cals is an upper limit. You need to eat less than 500 and this will lower as your weight reduces.

    Have you read Dr M’s book? It explains the detail behind this way of eating and gives you ideas on food. It helps to understand the background research.

    If you “feel you need some food”, have a drink of water, go for a walk, occupy yourself in a task, give yourself another hour. Hunger passes, it does not grow. You will learn to embrace your hunger. Tell yourself the hunger you are experiencing is your body eating up fat! 😉

    You have started, now keep going. Your body will thank you for it.
    All the best PVE

    Thanks for that advice. I do not need to test my glucose levels. Today is fasting day 2. Felt much better due to having breakfast. I might if I have time read a little more into this diet. What I will be able to do now is control my cals on non fasting days. Even on xmas day. I am 200cal over the fasting limit today. But that is less than day 1. So given a few weeks I should be able to get my fasting days to the 500c limit.

    Lynette j

    Lynette, in addition to what PVE just wrote,even if you are diabetic, you can modify your medication in order to prevent getting hypoglycemic. Most people can take their Metformin without any problem, only the Sulfonylurea derivatives should be prosponed untill you eat, or even deminished. When you inject insulin than also adaptation is possible; how is dependent on the kind of insulin.
    When you are not diabetic your bloodsugars can’t drop too low, because the body regulates everything. You CAN have the feeling of a drop. But when you are not on drugs, you can give it time, and the body will provide extra sugar from the liver. You just got to learn and trust your body.

    Lynette, some people just feel better when they don’t fast two days in a row, and divide their kcal intake over the day. So did Michael Mosley. You just have to experience yourself what suits you best. Good luck in the quest for your own best pattern. Best regards, Ann

    I think I will space out my fasting days next week. In reality I do not think this will solve itself until after the new year period. I think it will be trial and error with me. But at least I am keeping up the exercise. I did notice this evening my clothes clothes felt slacker. Tonight I do not feel hungry. Breakfast is the difference.
    Ann thanks for the advice.

    Lynette j

    Good advice Ann. Keep going Lynette. time like the present 🙂 PVE

    I fast on Tuesdays and Thursdays mainly but it’s flexible to work around whatever you’re doing.x

    I think my fasting will also have to fit in with my life style. I know this will have to be flexible. What is important for myself is keeping up the exercise.

    Lynette j

    Today I am having an extra fastingday, and just came back from a 17 km walk. I am feeling cold, now, and I am a bit hungry, but more than hungry: I want to eat chocolate, cookies etc. And a lot of bread with my favourite spreads on it. So… is it real hunger? Part of it is, part of it is the old me, screaming for satisfaction. I know the old me. Was glad my only sin yesterday on my feastday was a piece of pie and wine, but then again, I would have been prouder when I hadn’t drunk any wine. So now I am sticking to a cup of coffee, perhaps later some bouillon, and that will be it. Tomorrow there will be bread and other things. I hope I will be stronger than the old me 🙂

    I have some wine sat here, dare not put it in the fridge or this is me. Ann you did well on a 17km walk. For myself it is about 2 hours after exercise I feel I have to eat. But today is a non fasting day and yes stuck to my cals.

    Dinner tonight minus the fresh baked bread. Sometimes I cook the part baked bread. Very quick in an airfryer. So this is major one I have cut out. It is all the butter that goes with it. Next one is cutting down on the home made puddings and custard on none fasting days. I will get there.

    Lynette j

    Hi Lynette, I had hoped to stay at zero kcal, but that was too hard. I ate 450 kcal, only protein, and that combined with lots of tea, is ok. Tomorrow will not be a fastday, but I will remain well below my 1600 kcal. It isn’t easy alltogether, but tomorrow, 2nd week, other chances 🙂 Goog luck!

    Hello Ann,

    I managed to stay below my cal intake today. So very pleased at this. I will try the fasting or in my mind reduced cals days week 2. Probably on Tue, but have not decided week 2 day 2 yet. I have found zero cal fizzy drinks helps. I will keep at it slowly, I do not to push it too much. This way I have a chance to get 16 pounds lighter and maybe into a comphy size 14 clothes. End goal is back in my Levi 501’s size 12.

    Lynette j

    Well done!

    Hi everyone,

    Today was my first attempt at fasting, and it didn’t go well at all. Once I started eating, the 500 calorie limit didn’t matter. The funny thing is, I wasn’t even that hungry, but decided to eat something at 3:00 PM because I was fixing dinner for my family. I plan to take the advice posted here and drink coffee and tea to distract myself. Wish me luck!

    Well, my weight went up, (measurements dropped slightly), so I think it is about time to have a very long visit to the toilet. But helas, my bowels don’t respond on my coffee as they normally do. I count everything I put in my mouth, with in a week 3 FD of 500 kcal and 1 day 0 kcal, scientifically their most be some loss, so I’ll just keep on track and hope for my stubborn body to give in

    Hi Ann:

    See number 2 in this post – it might help:

    Good Luck!

    Hi simcoeluv, thanks, I know I have a stubborn body. Last spring I did Dukan for two weeks, and registered all I ate, and just underate for two weeks, andnoloss on the scale. It made me angry, and I just quit. The 5:2 is a WOE one can maintain indefintely, so I just keep on tight, and will enjoy the feeling of becoming more slim, even ifthe scale doesn’t support my feeling. I don’t have a lot of weight to get rid of, so thatalso makes the process more slowly. I am very curious however how ling it takes before the scale will give in 😉
    I won’t!

    Hi simcoeluv, thanks, I know I have a stubborn body. Last spring I did Dukan for two weeks, and registered all I ate, and just underate for two weeks, andnoloss on the scale. It made me angry, and I just quit. The 5:2 is a WOE one can maintain indefintely, so I just keep on tight, and will enjoy the feeling of becoming more slim, even if the scale doesn’t support my feeling. I don’t have a lot of weight to get rid of, so that also makes the process more slowly. I am very curious however how long it takes before the scale will give in 😉
    I won’t!

    Fattymessi, how was your first week? Lynette and Acctg, how are you doing?
    For me, after a big binge yesterday, I had a good fastday today. Glad I made it!

    Hi Ann247,

    Surprisingly, I did very well on my 2nd attempt. I had several very tiny meals, amounting to about 600 calories on yesterday. I know it’s a little over the limit, but I also exercised. I felt so good this morning at being able to get over that hurdle. I will fast again on Thursday. So we are in this thing together Ann247!

    Hi Margaret,
    good to hear your day was a succes! My biggest problem is sticking to not-overeating on my non fasting daya. I hope that will go better when I do this more often. Good luck, feels good to be able to share it. Best regards, Ann

    Yes; portion size is a big problem for me Ann. Let’s see how the week goes for us.

    Hi all I’m new to 5:2 and today is the first fast day. I’ be had 500c and now really am fighting the urge to eat!!
    Have had a look at these posts and love the support here. I think this will be a big journey for everyone!

    Malteser, try to keep busy, go out for a walk, drink a lot, and try to accept that hungerpangs comes and goes when you give it some time! Good luck on your first day!

    Hi everyone

    My week was ok, managed 2 fast days even though there was a death in the family. I’ve found I feel very cold on fast days regardless of the clothing I’m wearing which isn’t brill and spent most of yesterday wrapped in a blanket!!!

    Hope everyone else is doing ok, I always find it harder when the days are murkier and cold!!

    It’s weird with the scales though as I’ve noticed you see an initial movement which then reduces and then a further drop, maybe I’m weighing myself too much!!

    Anyway I’ve lost 1.5kg in 2 weeks and have 6kgs to go, so positive. Let’s hope I can sustain all the way through December.

    Next fast day is Monday and I’ll be trying to excercise on a fast day for the first time. How has everyone found that? Does it make you more hungry, is there a better time of the day? I was thinking of doing some stuff in the morning.

    Maltesers, Ive found with hunger pangs drinking hot water really helps with dealing with getting enough fluids on a fast day but also making you feel full.

    Hi all, my weightloss is one kg in two weeks, but also cm’s. Yesterday should have been a fast, but I started not feeling ok, and it was no success. Today I try again, at home, doing housekeeping, no stress, and feeling ok. This is going to work. Allthough the weightloss is minimal, somehow I look better (in my opinion 😉 ). So, allthough I do have trouble with keeping within my TDEE and eating healthy on ‘feastdays’, some things seem to change for the better, and I think it is a matter of adaptation on the lifestyle, so a matter of time, before I really see progress. I will hang in 🙂 Good luck and a good weekend to you all.

    Hi Ann – It’s good to hear that you are not just looking at kg/lbs. cm/inches matter too. I think it’s important to focus on staying on track on your fasting days and not worry too much on the feast days. It’s like biting off more that you can chew. Excuse the pun :). Anyway, I noticed that I dropped 3 lbs this week just by doing introducint the 2 fasting days to my lifestyle. I had been eating healthily (though much too much) and exercising. However, I didn’t see any weight loss until I could successfully fast for the day. Keep it up and it will pay off. I believe that to be true.
    Good luck.

    My 4th fast completed, with no kcal at all. Now I am going to bed, tomorrow lots of things to do, and I look forward sleeping in my warm bed. Glad the day went so well 🙂

    I am inspired by your progress, Ann. My 2nd fast week will start on Monday. I think I’ll try back-to-back fast days this time. Have a nice weekend.

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