Newbie alert

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Susywoo 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Well here I am…hi everyone. After owning the 5:2 book for a while, and slowly watched the pounds creep on since my foot injury in October 2013 have decided to use it properly now as I am uncomfortable in my clothes. I have always been a very active person (loved running) but let it slip by after my accident. So now I get the bike out and swim when I can. At 5ft 5 I weigh 70 kg and would like to get to my happy weight of 62 ish kg…I work shifts as a paramedic and find quiet times are hard (although they don’t come often). Any tips on what days are best to fast, is exercise best on fast days etc..also anyone who is of similar weight/height etc and their ideas and success..many thanks and fingers crossed :0)

    Hi Manga999 (like the name by the way!) welcome to the forum and the 5:2 way of life. I am the same height as you but sadly not the same weight! My goal weight is 67 kilos which would put me well into the healthy BMI range and I know it is a good weight for me. Since 6 January I have lost around 6 kilos.

    As a rule I fast on a Monday and a Wednesday and I exercise on fast and non fast days. It depends on the person really and how they feel about going for a run and only having 500 calories to eat that day. I have always exercised first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and have often not eaten until later as I find exercise suppresses my appetite.

    Good luck and keep us updated on your progress 🙂

    hi and welcome from me too Manga999!

    wishing you all the best on your journey, re the best days to fast its all up to you really and which you can fit in best, it really does not matter much!

    like JFitzy I too exercise almost every day, I walk 1h roughly 4 times a week and do a short workout too, I used to do more intense workouts but decided they were adding muscle weight which I didn’t want!

    good luck and keep posting 🙂

    Thank you JFitzy and Angie090465, have recently moved house and miss my gym, so am going to look around where I now live. Back to swimming/cycling after resting my back (decorating can you believe). Just read the recipe book and it pretty much tells me all the questions I’m asking. I’m looking forward to being me again, and good luck to you both :0)

    That’s great Manga, go for it!!

    we are here for support and we’ll be with you all the way 🙂

    Hi Manga, I’m new here too and just under 5’5″. Only want to lose 8 or 9 lbs but recently (and think its due to my age,I’m 50)I’ve found it almost impossible to lose anything so thought I’d give this a go. Plus the health benefits alone are worth trying it for.

    Good luck and let us know how you get on.

    Hi and welcome:

    Here are some tips for those just starting:

    Good Luck!

    Hi Manga, I’m the same height and had a slightly higher start weight at 75 kilos. I’m a nurse on permanent evenings with a few nights to spice things up a bit. I’m a month into this and loving it. Hoping to drop a trouser size at work by week 6 ( now week 4).
    Have you tried to fast on a night shift yet? How was that? Interesting to follow a colleague.
    Regards Sue

    Ps, Hi to Angie too!

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