New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

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New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

This topic contains 959 replies, has 65 voices, and was last updated by  Betsylee 6 years ago.

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  • Day 31- Ireland – CD
    Janudry and sugar free

    Thanks @at for the great job this month and also for taking the helm next month.. you are very generous with your time! I’d like to think I could look after a month in the future but don’t know technically what needs to be done to set up the spreadsheet and the new topic etc. Could that be posted somewhere for people who may like to help out but haven’t done so before?
    I’m also not great at setting aside time to read all the posts and keeping track of who said what so fear I’d make a mess of it but never say never! 🤔 I work with two screens but would rather not post on such an open forum in the workplace so write my posts on my phone.

    I tried to post daily for January but became very busy with work etc towards the end of the month and was also finding it difficult to keep the 5:2 faith… February will be a new challenge and hopefully a better one for me!
    I’m off to France for the weekend so I’ll take a break from being on the dry and sugar free…
    well done everyone for making it through this tough month!
    Onward and downward ⬇️🤞

    Day 31 Minnesota, USA FD (402 cals)

    The temperature is rising from -31F this morning to -5F as I write this at around 6 PM. It feels like the light at the end of a long tunnel. Tomorrow 20F and then Saturday and Sunday above freezing (until midnight). My poor DD has been cooped up with the little ones for 4 days, unable to go out and play. It’s been hard on parents and children, alike. Tomorrow they should be able t go back to school and play outside afterwards, to get rid of that pent up energy. My DH says he will be wearing shorts on Sunday.

    Thanks to everyone who wished me well and sent nice ~warm~ wishes! It helps to know people are sympathetic. I actually feel worse for people experiencing the extreme heat in Australia. In the cold your can layer clothes and blankets and stay indoors. In the all you can do is pray the air conditioning works!

    @ccco, my waist was very small when young, but I have certainly gotten thicker there since menopause, even when I was at 22 BMI a few years ago. It’s sad but just the aging process, I guess.

    @lorky35, I know what you mean by being frustrated with family members who will do or try just about anything to lose weight, but refuse to open their minds to the possibility of fasting or TRE. Or even limiting carbs. Your example may encourage them….lets hope so. It’s what I’m hoping to do for a few of my family members.

    @annemarilyn, I think I may try a couple days of water fasting this spring. You are truly inspiring! I think it may be a long time, if ever, before i try 72 hours though. Guess I’ll see how a couple days go and may surprise myself. My DH’s nephew and wife have done Keto for over a year and really lost amazing amounts of weight. His DW has especially reaped many benefits as she has an auto immune disease that went into remission, and she feels so much better these days. I have tried Keto in the past, and felt very good mentally and emotionally. It became quite a bit harder to have physical energy the closer I got to mid range of BMI. Everyone is different, but it didn’t suit me to be extremely low carb when I was considered slim. It was hard to keep the calories under TDEE with so much fat. I believe it is an invaluable tool for many in the overweight and especially, the obese range.

    @chipmunk13, I wish I had the prawn korma recipe as well as many of the others I’ve heard about. But, I’ll have to wait until Dr. Mosely’s book is put out for USA with our measurements and available ingredients. Glad to know it’s something to look forward to.

    @daffodil2010, it’s great to hear that your dad is looking and feeling better! What a relief to you and your family.

    @beedoo, my little 2 and a half year old granddaughter has been having the occasional night terror. I wonder if it’s worse in the dark days of winter? I hope you can make up for the rest you are losing.

    @snowflake56, how generous of you to offer to translate the letters I have in old low German! I may take you up on that eventually, but for now they are still boxed up with all of my genealogy and family history stuff. I doubt I’ll get to them before April or May. You have a challenge to spend your time on in April so I will let you know after that. Thank you so much for offering! What a warm and caring person you are!

    @at, I thank you for hosting this month with such graciousness and inspiring encouragements. And thank you for setting up the next challenge.

    I will post weight tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll be closer to that elusive 150 lbs! (was 151.8 this morning….but I’ve been there before and it hasn’t stuck).

    After being in a bit of a rut for a lot of the month, and (although being mostly sugar free and dry till fry) being very lax on NFD’s, and just not feeling like I was loving this WOL, I weighed in this morning at 69.4kg, 0.7kg less than the Start of the month. I’m taking that as a win.

    Thanks @at and everyone else on here for your support, feeling pretty proud that I could chug along and hold on to the FD’s despite not feeling it. Couldn’t have done it without you!

    See you all in the Feb Challenge! 😊💪🏼

    Day 31 Ohio, US — MFD(#9) ✔️

    Another day at home because of the cold, although I did go out in the afternoon to get my regular allergy shots. This morning the wind chill was again -35 F (-37 C). This weekend it’s predicted that the temperature will be around 45 F (7 C), a difference of almost 80 degrees. (It sounds more impressive in fahrenheit!) Was able to get a good yoga practice in this afternoon. One of the side benefits of MFD’s is apparently I can do yoga in the afternoon. On NFD’s my stomach empties so slowly that the only time I can do yoga is in the morning before eating anything. In any case after the practice I have a nice “happy body” sense.

    @gretta Winding up with a net weight loss is definitely a win! Totaled up for a year that .7 kg would be 8.4 kg and that is definitely a great thing!

    @at Thanks for hosting this month. You really made this a joy to participate in!

    Have a peaceful end of the work week everyone!

    Day 31 Minnesota, USA FD (660 cals)

    I had written a long post and commented to many personally while on the previous page. Apparently, if you post from the bottom of the last page, and a new page has just turned over, the post disappears.

    To sum up:
    Weather here improving, Thank you to everyone for the ~warm~ wishes and sympathy shown! @matpi, @songbirdme, and others East of me….stay safe and comfortable as this system passes over.

    @beedoo….I hope you can make up the hours of sleep you’ve been deprived of because of your toddler’s night terrors. My little granddaughter has been having some and it really exhausts my DD and affects the whole family. I wonder if the winter darkness makes it worse. I was sorry to hear that your beloved mother passed so young. My heartfelt condolences. She would be proud of you and the lovely young mother you are.

    @snowflake56….you are so kind to offer to translate my old low-German letters! I may take you up on that someday in the Spring or summer. The letters and genealogy/family history papers are still boxed up and I won’t be getting to them for several months. You have volunteered to help host the April challenge I think, and that will take up enough of your time. I truly thank you for the offer.

    @daffodil2010…I was glad to hear that your dad is looking and feeling better. That must be such a relief to you and your family!

    @at…Thank you so much for hosting this month’s challenge so graciously and with such inspiring, supportive comments. And thank you for setting up the next challenge. I hope to post more in order to do my part to support others.

    Will weigh and post tomorrow. Hopefully, closer to the elusive 150 lbs. I was 151.4 lbs this morning.

    Best to everyone. We will all get there, with time and patience, and perseverance.

    Final post for January challenge

    Start -138.8bs
    Finish- 136.8lbs

    Two pounds. On the plateau but gonna kick ass and take names in Feb!!

    Final January post:

    1st January weight 131.4 lbs
    Today 130.2 lbs

    So despite finding January a long month of fighting and sometimes giving in to the urge for winter comfort food I have managed to stay within the middle of my maintenance weight range by doing my regular Monday and Thursday FDs……very happy with that 😊

    @at thank you for being such an inspiration this month and always 💐

    Final January post

    1 January 148
    1 February 146.5

    Started the month well and amazingly hit pre-Christmas weight of 143lb within 10 days. Then back to back viruses and autoimmune stuff hit, low capacity leading to easy food, more carbs, being cold or busy & not drinking enough water etc.

    Some really useful learning tho, despite and through the struggles. Looking forward to another challenge in February.

    @at huge thanks for your enthusaism, example and encouragement 🙂

    A final round up of the New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

    I’m happy to have ended the challenge within my maintenance range at 54.2kg despite many temptations this month………

    @snowflake56 – the meal was truly scrumptious – we had the 10 course tasting menu with a glass of champagne and a small white and red also for me (as I have mentioned before OH does not drink any alcohol) – a lovely evening with OH 💑
    @annemarilyn – what a great achievement – dropping your waist by 8.5inches so far and a further 2.2lbs dispatched last month 👍 and ABSOLUTELY OF COURSE YOU ARE TO STAY WITH US and be part of the February challenge – it will be interesting to hear how you get on with the 30-day Keto challenge and we can support you through that journey xx
    @anna6 – WOW 5.9 kilos lost in January – simply amazing – 1.4kg to go – you are so nearly at your maintenance weight – you’ll hit that in February – looking forward to celebrating that with you xx
    @chipmunk13 – another great achiever in January – 4.6kg dispatched!!!! 💃
    @rafiki44 – how wonderful to have gone below your goal weight of 134 and yes a big bag of candy just be all wrong but a few of your favourite candies would be fab 😉
    @rosy-posy – another one with 3kg dispatched in January – great job 👏
    @redrockgirl302 and @missybear – happy maintainers 💃
    @jaifaim – whenever you feel up to taking the helm for a challenge – I’ll be very happy to support and guide you through or set it up for you – it is a very rewarding role and certainly helps to keep you motivated and focused on your own targets!! Have a lovely weekend in France – where are you heading to?
    @northerndawn – what a relief -5 must feel positively balmy 😉
    @gretta – any loss is definitely a win – 0.7kg is 1.5lbs!!
    @matpi – good news regarding your warmer weather for the weekend – I’m with you in that I need an empty tummy for yoga – on the day I do an evening class I tend to do a FD and on my morning class I fast until after my class (16:8 days usually)
    @daffodil2010 – 2lbs gone in January is off the plateau in my books – February here you come 😉

    I have to confess that I did not enjoy the not weighing weekly – I found that stressful so will return to my weekly weigh ins after my 2nd FD as it reassures me that I am on the right track and I can remedy any gain fairly quickly – maybe it’s something about feeling in control……

    Great job by everyone – Huge congratulations to those who lost weight small or large; achieved their goals for the month or have successfully maintained 👏
    To those who seem stuck on a plateau – “When you get to a plateau, think of it as a landing on the stairway to your goal. And maintenance is a lifelong plateau, so a bit of “rehearsal” for maintenance isn’t the worst thing in the world” 😇
    To those who have struggled or even put some weight back on – Today is the start of a new challenge – Let us all move forward together “The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow” 🤗

    Thank you all for your lovely comments – I have enjoyed hosting and you have all been wonderful with your support and contributions to the forum 🤗🤗

    Dear @at thanks for the encouragement. “See” you in the February post.

    Day 1 Minnesota NFD
    Starting weight as of January 1, 2019: 154.8 lbs (70.4 Kg).
    Ending weight as of February 1, 2019: 151.2 lbs (68.6 Kg)
    Lost 3.6 lbs. Goal was 4 lbs. Just short of goal. I am 23.7 BMI. I’m good with this amount and over long term I think I will lose more. Onwards!!
    I remain a proud member of the Club Tortoise. 😉

    Hi I’m just starting fast800 . From UK, 54 yr old, had used 5:2 three years ago very successfully but since Mar 2017, started back on slippery slope. Need to shed 14lbs before summer hols. Wondered if anyone has tried the fast800 shakes?

    @katser12 – log in to the February Challenge for an answer (I don’t know), or even join the March Challenge after Thursday – this challenge month is well over. But, you’ll get stacks of support and encouragement to get back on track if you follow the monthly challenges.

Viewing 13 posts - 951 through 963 (of 963 total)

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