New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

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New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

This topic contains 959 replies, has 65 voices, and was last updated by  Betsylee 6 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 751 through 800 (of 963 total)

  • Day 23…..Florida……CD

    My CD went really well yesterday, I’m doing another one today, as we’re having pizza for dinner, so, I will push my FD to Thursday! The joys of this life style, rather than me changing……. it changes for me.

    We did receive some bad news, my hubby God Father went into hospice, so I may be going home to NY and missing the wedding all together! It’s a waiting game right now!

    @northerndawn, @snowflake and @debster, I had to giggle at the posts about family positions. I really believe everyone is preposition for their duty as a family member. On my side there is only 4 of us left, my sister is the secretary/historian, my niece is the worrier/family therapist (she’s a physiologist by trade) and I’m the doer/enforcer.
    I talked with my sister yesterday as she was getting my moms yearly paper work around and she called me with specific duties that I had to do. My mom calls me her Warden because I’m the one that makes her do things, she does not necessarily want to do. I make her have an aide to come in and help her out, I won’t let her buy her own groceries. I have a delivery service for her and much more! I’m not sure I care for my position, some days I wish I’d get fired because I’m the one that handles all the problems.

    Okay well it’s that time again….

    I finally did it!
    I bought shoes with memory foam,
    So no more forgetting why I walked into the kitchen!

    Day 23, London, UK, FD

    So, unlike @at, I forgot to close, lock, bolt or barricade the kitchen door yesterday ………………………….. and Wotsits (cheese puffs) are sooooooo moreish!!! On a FD when you have 100calories spare DO NOT make them up in crisps!!!!!

    Soup & bone broth are on the menu tonight and after yoga I’ll be straight home for a shower then bed, once I’m toasty and warm in bed NOTHING will get me up, even the siren call of the Wotsits!!!!

    @jumpgoldpenguin, you’ll find your willpower muscle is getting stronger & stronger with fasting!!! Who would have thought they could skip breakfast, let alone go 24hrs without stuffing their face??? Just like my first 5:2 FD, my first ever WFD was a revelation!!! Make sure you keep hydrated but not over-hydrated!!! It’ll be a breeze!!!

    Onward & downwards people!!!!

    Day 23 Snowy Belfast CD

    My Pilates instructor has really upped the pace this year, and today my arms are telling me they worked hard yesterday. 🤭😅
    @chipmunk13 brilliant success on losing hose 4kg.
    @at I have always painted or done arty things. I went to teacher training college when I was 35; as I had languages A levels, I had to go and do an art A level in order to get admission. I did it in 4 months. I picked art as my ‘main’ subject. However, I have barely done any personal art since I left college in 1994 apart from creative things in the classroom of course. So this was a promise to myself,about which I’m really excited!
    @dingping – thank you for the link.
    @bert I chuckled at your post. I’m the do-er/historian and my stepsister is the worrier/doer. When mum was alive my stepsister and I (two siblings of 6 – the rest were noticeably absent)were my mums carers, even though I lived a 3 to 4 hour journey away. That said, we were a great team and I’m proud at how well we cared for mum.
    And @flourbaby ..Wotsits? Mmmm. A close second to wine gums. 😜
    “Weight loss is like driving: If you ever veer off the road, just make a U-Turn and head back in the right direction”

    2nd post

    @jumpgoldpenguin – thanks for adding me to the list. I was going to start it but by the time I finished the post the thought had already left my head!

    Day 23 USA Day 23 (800 calories)

    Adding myself to the pocket list:


    I just lost the nice post I wrote but I know how I did it. I’ll write another later. Have a great day, everyone!

    Day 23 – Ireland – FD

    Adding myself to today’s pocket list :


    Onward and downward ⬇️

    Day 23: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Woke up to a surprise dusting of snow this morning. So being very careful not to slip up on my deliveries today.Lovely bright and crisp day…the sort I like….except for the iciness underfoot.
    @annemarilyn: sounds as if you have it all right for your week-long fast. Good luck.
    @jumpgoldpenguin: Same for you with your 36-hour water fast.
    @judyjudes: Hope you’re feeling better soon.
    @chipmunk13: You’re doing really well on sticking to 800 most days. The reward is in the weight-loss, eh?

    Day 23, Gozo, Malta, cfd

    In today’s cfd I consumed more calories than the required 800. However I’m happy with my weight this morning as I was 0.5 kilo less.

    I went with my daughter to have my granddaughter given her first vaccination.

    Tomorrow I’ll keep within my tdee.

    Loved reading all posts. Keep up the faith and stay strong.

    Day 23 Minnesota, USA FD (800)

    Yesterday’s fast was over 800 so I’ll call it a CD. Not feeling well today with headache, back ache and stiffness as well as feeling like coming down with something. Have meant to get a flu shot for the last 2 months, but, alas, I never got around to it. Really hoping it’s some other little bug I’m fighting off!

    @judyjudes I hope you feel better soon! I feel so badly for your ongoing health situation. i wish your health providers could figure out the problem and the plan to resolve it!
    @songbirdme…..good for you, indeed, with that great FD!
    @rafiki44….I am not a huge fan of Miso soup, myself. My granddaughter’s love it, though!
    @daffodil2010….I find that really encouraging that even at the same weight as a year ago your health statistics/parameters have improved.
    @snowflake…There is no one left on my mother’s side of an older generation to answer questions. I started genealogy about 10 years ago and had enjoyed sharing results with my parents, but they have both passed, several years ago, and I admit I put the family history/genealogy on a shelf and have left it alone until now. I am just now feeling like unpacking it all and re-organizing it. I have found so much history in this country from early colonial and “New Amsterdam” days on my mom’s side. It’s my father’s side that is mainly German and Danish, and came over in the 1800’s. The letters are from his maternal great grandfather, talking about war, to his fiancé, from around Flensburg and Oversee, (Schleswig-Holstein?) and perhaps some from family in Hanover. My Dad’s paternal side was from the Mecklenburg region. I’ve always thought it would be nice to visit all of the areas someday.
    But you are right….I just need to start doing it and see where it takes me. My children and niece and nephews are quite interested, as long as I organize it for them.
    @bert1802, my siblings have not had the time to spend on family history, but they are quite happy for me to do it. 😉
    @ciren2….stay safe and don’t slip! I would be so worried of doing that! I hope your ice disappears, pronto!

    Day 23 pocket list:


    Stay strong and best of luck to all!

    Day 23 – Eastern WA USA – FD – 3rd of 5.

    Day 23 pocket list:


    I felt a little wimpy earlier this morning but after hydrating well, including a bit of pink salt under the tongue, warm water with lemon… energy picked up. I even got some snow shoveling done. I did enjoy about a 1/2 cup of homemade chicken bone broth after the time outdoors.

    @daffodil2010 – that’s great progress to be down 2 inches in the waist and that your waist/height ratio is almost where it should be. Maybe that news will help with the mojo 🙂

    @jumpgoldpenguin – regarding the gum, I try not to chew too often. Even sugar free can spike insulin on some of us. On FDs especially, I try to really limit any thing with even a good sweetner like stevia.

    @flourbaby – are “Wotsits” a real thing, or is it like our “Whatchamacallits” – just what you call something when you don’t remember the name?

    Glad we’re on this journey together!

    Day 24 – Perth AUS – FD [800]
    Day 23 – WFD

    Yesterday’s water fast didn’t quite get there as I felt a bit off, so had some Bonox. It’s only 8 calories a serve though, so I figured those 8 cals wouldn’t put a significant dent in things and am still cheekily counting it 😉 Scales were down of course, but will see if they stay that way once I start munching again. Going to try and push through until lunch today and then eat under 100 cals, saving the rest for a decent dinner. Will try to keep the carbs and sugars minimal and see if that helps my sweet tooth, as it currently appears to be in ‘off’ mode which is pretty amazing after the cake munching start to the week. I noticed I now have a fold of loose skin going… hopefully your body readjusts and corrects such things!!! :/ This didn’t happen when I first started 5:2, but perhaps this is a downside of the more rapid weight loss with the Fast800.

    Still windy and rainy here in Perth, but the weekend is sunny and starting to warm up again.

    Seven days to go… let’s DO THIS! 😀

    Day 24 – Japan – NFD

    I’m doing well at not snacking now. However it isn’t that easy. I find it much easier to just do water fasts and than to not to overeat when I’m eating.

    Day 23 Ohio, US — MFD(#1) ✔️

    MM’s new book arrived in the mail yesterday and I’ve only had time to read the first 50 pages. There are quite a few new ideas in it so far. One theme seems to be that he encourages experimentation. So in that spirit I’m trying out some 800 calorie MFD’s. Today was a very heavy work day, so only got to do some tai chi chuan in this morning.

    @northerndawn Hope you get to feeling better very fast and that you’re able to shake off any cold bug before it materializes!

    @snowflake and @northerndawn It was quite sobering to realize a year or so ago that I’m now the only one left who remembers a number of people and events from my mother’s side of the family. My brother who is four years younger than me doesn’t remember anything about her family, so that it almost feels like he and I grew up in entirely different families.

    @anna6 Hope that all went well with your granddaughter’s vaccination!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 24 – Melbourne AUS – NFD
    Day 23 FD 580cal (Sugar Free)
    Day 22 NFD (Mostly sugar free, made DH and I dinner which had 1tbsp of honey in it, but will count it as sugar free- especially since we collected the honey from the hives ourselves over christmas!)

    Just had the realisation that since making a concerted effort to cut sugar on most days, I’ve not had my intense post lunch chocolate craving, which is incredible. Normally it’s all I can think about. And today (and the last couple of weeks now that I think back) it hasn’t overtaken my thoughts!

    Hope everyone is having a great Thursday 

    Day 24-uk-NFD

    Well I got through 36hrs (37 once I was up and getting brekkie) . I had a small salad with Tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce and peppers around the 24hr mark. I doubt it was more than 50cals. I’m overwhelmed really. After struggling for weeks it felt so manageable and I wonder if sugar free gum has been throwing me off quite badly. I’d be pleased to round out the week with a 24hr fast and a 36hr fast but I may see if I can do another 36hr tomorrow with no pressure.

    Thanks for the support everyone. Good luck to all those fasting today.

    Day 24 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD?

    Yesterday turned into an FD although I was ravenous for much of the day. I did not succumb as too busy.

    Went to visit Dad in his new rehabilitation hospital. It’s much further away gir me to travel but only 10 minutes from the family home and in an area we are all familiar with. Two sisters and a brother live nearby. Dad was depressed yesterday as he is coming to realise that it’s a long road ahead and he may never be fully mobile, but by last night a kind of acceptance was taking place. He even suggested we adapt rooms for him downstairs (which is a result as he was dead set against that a few days ago)

    Thursday is usually an FD. I will aim for that.

    Loving all the stories of your place in the family dynamic. Being the eldest daughter in a family of 8 children you can guess where I fit in…..bossy big sister who organises ☺️ Though it’s great that each and every one of my family are pulling together to try and get the best care for Dad…

    Sorry all my talk is off family but it’s a bit all consuming at the moment.

    Pocket list day 24

    Day 24. UK. FD800

    Had intended to rtft & respond but failed. Sorry. I’m better than I was, not 100%. I need to get home spick & span for our weekend visitors but just want to cozy up on sofa under a throw.

    Eaten to 800 each day this week so far. Implemented IF between 17:7 – 21-3. Weight up .8lb. Cant imagine what size I’d be if I ate to my TDEE. Feel frustrated but not despondent. I know I need to get treatment for underactive thyroid.

    Day 24 Herefordshire UK FD

    Stupidly ate a whole pkt of salt and vinegar rice cakes yesterday, the salty taste was addictive, bought on impulse in the supermarket!

    Pocket list day 24

    Hi Dingping

    New start for me this month, lost 11lbs so very happy. Don’t beat yourself up we are only human, and temptation is always around.
    Just bought new outfit that is slightly tight around boobs but hoping the next few weeks on 800 will do the trick.
    I think the faster weight loss at first is better that 2 days intermittent fasting although lost quite a lot of weight a couple of years ago on 5.2

    Good Luck


    Day 24, London, UK, FD.

    @annemarilyn, how strange!!! It is a real name, but I never even considered that the actual name ‘Wotsits’ was similar to “Whatchamacallits”!!!! Maybe because for me it would be ‘Whatsits’(?). However, in the UK we use both words frequently as well as Thingamajigs, Doodads (my favourite!) & Thingamabobs!!! Personally, the word Wotsits just makes me think cheesy melt-in-the-mouth yumminess, unfortunately they’re irresistible & completely addictive!!!!

    Well done @gretta for slaying that chocolate coated dragon!!

    I’m staying focussed (trying!) at the moment as I can feel the self-sabotage dragon awakening from hibernation!!!! I’m hoarding sweets which colleagues are dumping in the office kitchen in order to remove them from their own homes ………………………… not eating them, just hoarding!!!! FOMO rears its ugly head, but I have to ask myself ……………………….. “When are you going to eat them?”

    Stay strong guys & roll on February (the official month of mojo!!!)

    Day 24 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Pocket list day 24
    @annemarilyn 4th of 5

    Together we are stronger, have a good day everyone 💪😊

    Day 24 – Iceland – FD (2nd of B2B2B)

    Trying to squeeze in as many FDs as possible before this challenge is over!

    Pocket list day 24
    @annemarilyn 4th of 5

    Have a great day everyone🌼

    Day 24……Florida……CD

    Really odd thing happened after two NFDs in a row, I stepped on the scale and I’m 4/10ths of a pound lighter than yesterday! I’ve never lost while on my NFDs! I’m trying the 800 calories thing today, as I’ll be on the road majority of the day, so I can not exactly bring lunch with me.

    @daffodil…… I’m glad to hear your Pops is doing better. It took my mom a long time to except her situation and at times I still think she doesn’t. After she got sick, my sister went to take care of her and manage her care. She ripped my sister apart, got dropped by her doctor, had adult protective services at her door 4 times, and almost evicted from her home. She lives in a retirement community.
    At that point, I stepped in….. really gave her the business! I’m still fighting the eviction but at least she’s doing what she’s suppose too! Now, everyone calls me the enforcer. Whenever she I’ll call it misbehaves, health care people, housing people you name it says let’s call Michelle and see what she thinks! They say that normally gets her to come around but there are times when I actually get the call. Then after I lost, my power of attonery, medical proxy paper work for Mom, it’s somewhere in this house. I’m horrible at paper work. My sister took over making sure she has all the important paperwork, she takes care of the insurances, social security and such. My niece well she help my sister after Mom ripped her apart.
    I think it takes a event such as this to get everyone job positions figured out!

    Well, it’s raining here, so I must get my butt n gear!

    I finally did it!
    I bought shoes with memory foam,
    So no more forgetting why I walked into the kitchen!

    Day 24 USA – NFD

    Managed quite well yesterday on my DAFD (always a trial for me not to overeat). It’s been quite a blustery and cold time here in the Midwest, but the frost and snow covered trees are just beautiful.

    @bert1802 – sounds like you are very adept at handling your mother! You go girl.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 24: Gloucestershire, UK:

    Just lost my post….after submitting, I wasn’t logged in, again!
    WHY does it DO that??
    Well, what did I say?
    Only that it was still icy underfoot this morning….had to be especially careful on sloping concrete paths, which are the worst. Mail not too heavy for a Thursday, maybe it will make up for it tomorrow, but, hey, that’s my day off….ha…ha!

    @daffodil2010: Being part of a big family must help spread the load with caring and worrying about your dad. My mum was the oldest of eight, she was known to be the boss!!

    @jumpgoldpenguin: Success to you!

    @borealis:This challenge may soon be over, but then the next will begin….so no rush, eh?

    Day 24 UK FD

    Today is scheduled FD, but also now my 4th of unexpected B2B2B2B! Yesterday turned into an unexpected 18:6 MFD bc community lunch & light supper both had things I can’t eat. So glad I’d set my head to not expect to be fed and taken plenty of just-in-case fruit with me. Banana & 2 clementines at 4pm then late mushroom omelette with tomato & spinach salad at 10pm!

    Feels a real feat to have managed both to be appropriately dressed for several contrasting events AND to keep warm on coldest day so far this winter. But definitely didn’t drink enough water or herbal tea – that’s the problem with days when everything flows from one thign to the next: one minute it’s midday and then next it’s 10pm.

    Exhausted today and wondering if i’ve picked up a cold yesterday.

    Thus far today I raced around doing chores, shopping then sorting out new oil filled radiators for my mother – who had a convection heater fire on Friday! She’s doing that thing of living in a very cluttered way in a couple of rooms and seeing the other spaces as barriers or dumping grounds for things she doesn’t want to decide about. And everything feels like a big deal for her – whether getting the boiler serviced or taking the rubbish out. It’s hard to work out what to do because she resists most help, doesn’t always say when things go wrong, hates the thought of any change and is determined she “will leave in a box”. But her flat not an environment that works for her – lots of stairs and mezzanine floors, plenty of things that need refurbishing, replacing, repairing. I simply don’t know what to do, but can feel the dynamic shifting rapidly 🙁

    OK. Time for a cup of marmite tea and a plough through the urgent admin. I think I’m going to enjoy an early supper & head for a really, really early night and hope to feel better tomorrow.

    Good luck to all who are fasting, good energy to all who are struggling, good choices all x

    USA Day 24 FD

    Adding myself to the pocket list:

    @annemarilyn 4th of 5

    This week I’ve been adding myself to the pocket list even though I am doing a 16:8 of 800 calories each day! Today I was 1/4 of a pound but I think I know why! I broke down and had some wine! I really need to stop that but it’s such a nice feeling to sit by the fire and have a glass of wine during these very cold wintry days!

    I’ve been reading about all of you who are also trying the 800 calorie new addition to this WOL. I think it works! I’ve already seen it work for me and without too much hunger! I am rooting for you! It’s an inspiration and motivator to keep going.

    For all of you who are struggling to care for your parents, you are in my thoughts. I was once there myself with my parents. It’s hard for them and a real struggle when they realize that they can no longer do the things they loved. Now I am the one beginning to experience those struggles myself, so it’s coming home to me in a whole new arena. Hopefully, I am adapting in a way that won’t be too much of a challenge to my adult children.

    Everyone, have a great 5:2 day!

    Day 24 – Ireland – CD

    Still busy and frustrated as weirdly my weight seems to be going up even though I’ve cut do so much out…. this is where I begin to feel like bottling it… but won’t…😀
    Onward and downward ⬇️

    DAy 24-FD

    Thank you so much @chipmunk13 for MM 800 book! I read through the post; so looks like I need to do 800 cal for 2 weeks and do 16:8.
    My husband does 16:8. I was and then stopped. He drinks his coffee black but I just can’t.

    Can you chew sugar free gum in morning of a 16:8 fast? When I did 16:8 I noticed I had horrible breath late morning. Ditto my husband. Sitting next to him at church feeding him gum. Anyone else have this problem?

    I’ve ordered MM book. Sadly have to wait a few weeks. It’s only available in paperback.

    Day 24 – California – NFD

    I got on the scale this morning with no expectations and found I lost 1.8lbs and am at 134 which is my January goal! Guess I can coast next week 🤣

    @jaifaim- I was feeling the same way you were a week ago. It will happen.

    Weather is perfect California weather right now -76 degrees.

    @jumpgoldpenguin congratulations on your fast!

    Day 24 – Eastern WA USA – FD

    Pocket list for Day 24:

    @annemarilyn 4th of 5

    @jumpgoldpenguin – good job on doing a 36hr FD. Once you get one under your belt you know you can do it!

    @Daffod2010 – how nice that all your siblings pull together. So much nicer!

    @Rafiki – good for you for getting to your January goal!

    @lorky35 – it’s your choice on the gum. I try not to have it too often as even SF gum can spike insulin for some people.

    Together we can do this!

    Day 24, Gozo , Malta, nfd

    Matti my little granddaughter did very well after taking her first vaccination. She’s a darling!

    Today I kept below my tdee.

    Keep on keeping on dear fellow dieters.

    Day 24 Massachusetts USA FD Fast Day is hard today,
    probably because I’ve only been doing 1-2 of them a month on maintenance. It really does help me to think of all of you, many of you have been with me in this way of life for over a year. As I re-commit to fasting I’ve been reminding myself that Intermittent Fasting has worked for me now since 2013. It’s been the solution to many issues that bedeviled me for decades. Yes, sometimes it’s hard for a few hours or a day but IT WORKS!

    Day 23 and 24, Rocky Mountains, US; CD both

    No time to check in yesterday. Did not manage a FD. I was and am just too cold. But I am staying under TDEE.

    Going to a percussion concert tonight. Will be fun!

    Hope everyone had a good Thursday! 😊😊😊

    Day 25, Wellington, NZ, 800 cals

    Off to yoga so will catch up on the posts later. Looks like a lot to read, so I hope everyone is doing well.

    Day 25 – Perth AUS – FD [800]

    Think I might try and get one more WFD in before challenge end, but it’s a long weekend in Australia and weekends are always a challenge because at work I’m distracted all day and only take food I have scheduled myself to eat, but weekends… well the pantry is full, and there’s cooking to do and before you know it *hand in a packet of something she’s not meant to eat*

    Will see if I can manage it. It’ll be a good test of willpower! I did find that doing the water fast day helped restart things. Someone somewhere buried back in this thread said it might help people who were stuck or starting to gain. Another option was the whoosh effect, but I just couldn’t bring myself to pig out for a day, because I know for me it’d be all sugar and those demons are sleeping… don’t want to wake them! 😛 If I could trust myself to eat more calories for a day and not eat cake and sweets, then I’d give it a go, but I still don’t trust myself. I want to experiment though, so might give it a try when I next plateau… because it happens to all of us! (or so I tell myself haha)

    The Fast800 is definitely reducing my desire for all things sugary, but it isn’t gone yet. Maybe for some people it’s gone in two weeks, but I think I might need a little longer. I also need to go and have blood sugars tested to see if they are out of the pre-diabetic zone.

    Day 25 Pocketeers:

    @chipmunk13 (800)
    @elektron (800)

    Day 25 Wellington, NZ, 800 cals – not

    2nd post today and have to take myself off the pocket list and make this a CD.

    Why? walking home after yoga I successfully bypassed the two cafes, pizza store, dumpling shop, ramen noodle place, sushi, another cafe, and then the second pizza place got me. A delicious slice of mushroom and spinach on crispy thin crust.

    Came home and read through all your lovely posts and feel rather ashamed of myself, especially as I seem to have inspired @lorky35!! Grrr. Why do we do things like this?? That temptation monster just hangs around waiting for a weak moment doesn’t it. Maybe I was getting a bit cocky after reaching my January goal so early.

    But I’m not about to compound the problem and will stick to my planned 400 calorie dinner.

    @chipmunk13 – don’t write it off just yet! I was surprised to find a slice of ham’n’cheese pizza on a regular base was under 150 calories.

    Thanks for that @elektron – I just had a look at My Fitness Pal and they put a slice at about 300, depending on the brand. Could be ok, as my slice was very thin crust, next to no cheese and lots of spinach and mushrooms.

    Day 24 Ohio,US — MFD(#2) ✔️

    Today started off as a NFD, but I had to take my car into the dealer’s for some recalibration and in the 2 hours I spent in the waiting room I read more of MM’s book. For me he was very persuasive about doing a whole run of MFD’s. Since my stint at the auto dealer’s made me miss lunch, I decided to turn necessity into a virtue and turned the day into a MFD. To round this week out, the repairs that were done to my dishwasher in December look as though they need to be redone. The repair people scheduled to come Friday afternoon, so I had to arrange someone to house-sit for me, since I’d be at work then. This evening the repair people called and said that the part needed for the repair didn’t come in, but that with any luck it would be in Friday afternoon, so they would be able to do the repair either late in the afternoon or some time on Monday.
    I’m not sure how I’ll be able to cover all my bases at work and at home so that the dishwasher gets fixed and that I get my work done. This week has also seen two impromptu stress-filled meetings at work. At this point in the week I feel as though the chaos demon has been working overtime. Is anyone else experiencing the same kind of thing? I begin to wonder if my week has been a microcosm of chaos working at a much larger scale.

    @mogaman It’s good to hear how this WOL has worked out so well for you! I lost ground with the end of the year holidays, and while I’ve been pretty rigorous since the beginning of the year, it has almost felt as though I’ve been doing siege warfare to get the scales to move downward. Your example helps to renew my spirit!

    Day 25 – Japan – WFD #6 in 2019

    Since I cut back a bit over the last 3 NFDs, I think I’m feeling this fast a bit more. I’ve also been pushing up my workouts a bit this week. However muscle repair/growth doesn’t account for that many calories.

    Day 25 Herefordshire UK FD
    Good FD yesterday apart from not drinking enough, hot soup very welcome on these chilly winter days.
    Meal planning and prepping today for DD visit over a long w’end – dangerous times so must be on guard!
    @wallymundas – thanks, are you joining us on the challenge?

    Day 25 Pocketeers:
    @chipmunk13 (800)
    @elektron (800)
    @dykask WFD #6 in 2019
    Gods luck everyone for a happy and successful day.

    Day 25. UK. 800 FD

    Happy Burns Night!

    Ate within my 800 yesterday. The coming days may be harder as we will be eating out for some of our meals.

    Anyways I wish everyone a great Friday 🙂

    Peace & Love

    Pocket List 25
    @chipmunk13 (800)
    @elektron (800)
    @judyjudes (800)

    Day 25 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Checking in at the start of the weekend. Still on that plateau.
    Have a great Friday everyone

    UK-day 25-FD

    Morning all. Giving it another crack. No pressure! Good luck fasters.

    Day 25 Pocketeers:
    @chipmunk13 (800)
    @elektron (800)
    @dykask WFD #6 in 2019
    @judyjudes (800)
    @jumpgoldpenguin (0 cal)

    2nd Post

    I just had to share.

    My weigh in has shown I’ve dropped below 150lbs for the first time since August 2018. It’s taken 3.5 weeks to lose 3lbs @ a weekly average of 5800 calories.

    I’m pleased to be back in the 140’s. BMI down from 29.9 to 29.3. I’m really pleased. Hard earned. Determined to keep mindful.

    I’ve set another mini goal of losing 3lbs on my Fitbit. Let’s see how long this goal takes.

    Day 25 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Yesterday’s FD successful and weighed myself this morning, happy to report that I am keeping within my maintenance weight range……despite giving in to my yearnings for winter comfort food a few times this month. Plan to show more restraint in the final week of this challenge as I would like to end January at the low end of my weight range…….February is Birthday month.

    Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend 😊

    So late but something is better than nothing.

    I am 169.6lbs as at yesterday

    Nigerian. I want a support group

    When is the February challenge starting.

    Day 25…..Florida….. FD

    I can’t believe that is the end of Jan. already! I guess the saying is true, time flies when your having fun! Yesterday was a disaster…… I’m in hopes to get a solid FD in….. I really through my self into a loop when I changed my days around. I guess, I haven’t been doing it long enough after reestablishing to be switching my days up!

    I think I’m going to put another month of the traditional 5:2 before I try the 800 plan.

    I also think, Ive become complacent, not pay attention and just thinking, I can just jump back in with out much thought. In all seriousness, I think I need to take this as seriously as I did back in Nov. of 2016.

    Damn, I really hate identitfy my own issues! That means I got to work on them!

    I finally did it!
    I bought shoes with memory foam,
    So, no more forgetting why I walked into the kitchen!

    Day 26 Melb Aust NFD
    Day 25 MFD
    Day 24 NFD
    Day 23 MFD
    Day 22 MFD

    @jumpgoldpenguin, yep, splurge over, and feeling better. Actually, I have worked out that 16:8 does not suit me; I seem to need just that little bit of something late morning. In reality, I probably do 14:10, which isn’t too bad for TRE, and like @ccco, @chipmunk13 & @matpi, I’m now trying to stay under 800 cals, so MFDs, not FDs. However, I find them okay, and no longer have that really yuck “off” feeling I had been getting. The weight seems to be back to where I was 2 weeks ago, which is good, as I’d gained more than a kg. Still on a plateau, though. Will also have to be very careful with the NFDs the next two days – out to lunch for a friend’s birthday later today, and a BBQ on Sunday

    @bert1802, was a bit surprised that you’d already bought one of the possible dresses for the wedding – unless it’s very soon, what if you lose more weight and it doesn’t fit properly any more (hope! hope! 🙂 )?

    @elektron, glad Perth has cooled. Where I am in Melbourne, 44 degrees C yesterday and 45 today before the cool change. Better now!

    @ciren2, I know the cold and wintry wet is difficult with your job, but could we just swap weather for a day??? 🙂

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