New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

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New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

This topic contains 959 replies, has 65 voices, and was last updated by  Betsylee 6 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 701 through 750 (of 963 total)

  • Day 21 UK FD

    Just emerging post virus… thank you so much for good wishes, they are unbelievably cheering. Glad I took a total break from Life and rested, but my bodyclock has turned upside down and now a struggle to get up and dressed in daylight 🙁

    I’ve eaten the weirdest things just because they were here and easy to prep – out of date rice noodles, about 2kg cauliflower and 300g dates – not all together 😀 But V glad indeed that i resisted making bread or ordering pizza… today I’m pretty puffy, about 6lbs up (!) and feeling it in my clothes 🙁

    Loved reading the posts the last few days and sorry not to respond…. I’ve been quietly delighting with @dingping‘s house adventures, comiserating with @daffodil2010‘s house & family transition time (which reads like a Maeve Binchy novel) and cheering on all who are fasting or struggling.

    Thanks @at for adding me to today’s pocket list – love the safety in numbers and accountability. In my upsidedown day I’ve had c2litres fizzy water and one marmite tea (there seems to be a shortage of Vegemite atm). Pondering a reheated baked sweet potato for supper, or simply skipping and going for the liquid FD win to hit the reset button… Hmmmmmmm….

    Day 21 – Eastern WA USA – FD

    Made what I thought were good low carb sugar free choices this weekend but Cruella is not cooperating. So trying to shake things up a bit and going for 5 days of fasting beginning 7:15 Sunday evening through Friday evening meal – 120 hours total. Water mostly plus decaf coffee with a little cream, herbal tea, some bone broth when needed, pink salt under the tongue at times to keep electrolytes up. Think that’s about it.

    @beedoo – yes, love date balls. I made some in the holidays, don’t remember specifically the recipe off hand but dates, nuts, cacao, and rolled in coconut. I still have some in the freezer for a treat; but none for the next few days 🙂

    @michelinme – glad you’re emerging from your sick time. May you be your healthier self as you continue this FD.

    @bert1802 – all the best in reaching your wedding goals!

    Need to get out for some errands. Yes, a little chilly, but it’s winter.. The sun is out 🙂

    Together we can do this!

    Still Day 21 Forgot to add to the pocket list

    Pocket list Day 21
    @dykask – WFD
    @bert1802 – come on girl you have got this!! hold on tight

    Day 21, UK, FD

    I’m still here. Just about 😬 . I’ve been doing my regular FDs , the clothes feel a bit looser but the scales stay the same. I don’t get it 😞 . But we carry on, because to stop would be making things even worse.

    I skim read posts, so forgive me if I missed something important 😳

    I saw that @dingping moved into her new gorgeous house! Well done! I’m so happy for you 😀, it sounds really fabulous 👍

    @daffodil2010 glad to hear you are sorting things out for your dad, and spending nice time together with your family 😊

    @michelinme sorry you were not well, but I’m really happy to hear you are feeling better x . That puffy feeling I can relate to, but it will go away 🤗

    @at you are such a good hostess, always full of encouragement for everyone, thank you 🤗

    More later, when I manage to catch up properly ….
    For now …. have a great day everyone and stay strong 💪

    Pocket list Day 21
    @dykask – WFD
    @bert1802 – come on girl you have got this!! hold on tight

    Day 21 Minnesota, USA CD
    Day 20 EFS day
    Day 19 CD
    To bed early tonight to keep away from the kitchen. Planning on a good FD tomorrow. Maybe 3 FDs this week to balance out my Sunday of excess. Will hopefully catch up on posts early morning.

    @dingping, I have also been enjoying your new home through your descriptions. It sounds so idyllic! Congratulations on finding it and so happy for you! I wish you many years of happiness there.

    Best of luck to everyone!

    Day 21 Ohio, US — FD(#49) ✔️
    Day 20 — NFD ✔️

    Well that snow storm on Saturday wound up dumping 7.5 inches (19 cm) of snow and produced a level 3 snow emergency. As of this evening we’re still on a level 2 emergency. As a result, the weekend was quite unfocused. Fortunately I started to get back in the groove today and did a good workout with tai chi and qigong.

    @michelinme Glad your recovery is going well!

    @beedoo Congratulations on signing up for the Hatha Yoga class! I started doing yoga when I was 12 and it’s a great life-long exercise companion. I hope that you have a wonderful time with it! Your idea of doing one new thing a month is brilliant! I might start doing that this summer.

    @basyjames I know what you mean! My weekend has been the same. Well, back to work tomorrow!

    Day 22 Melb Aust MFD

    Well, after my two bad eating days, I looked at the actual calories and didn’t really go too far over my TDEE either time, just ate badly. To my shock today, I got on the scales, and the weight wasn’t too bad, either. Only 0.4 kg more than 10 days ago, so onward and downward.

    @at, @basyjames & @ciren2, thanks for the kind words and encouragement. I’m getting back on the bandwagon, it’s just trying to work out why I have been feeling so yuck. Feel okay today, but that’s after yesterday’s indulgence. I’m aiming for 800 cals today, including a small late morning snack, and see if that works better for me.

    Day 22 – Melbourne AUS – NFD
    Successful FD, and under 500cal (first one like that in a while!).

    The back is playing up again, so gym session this morning wasn’t as challenging as it normally is, but hopefully the osteo can fix me up – doesn’t feel too bad, just very stiff for some reason!

    @judyjudes how frustrating for you. That has happened to me in the past, and it’s often turned out that I just haven’t been real with myself about exactly how much I’m eating – I went back to counting and weighing everything that passed my lips (tea and coffee included) to really get a handle on what I was consuming. Always shocked to discover that I’ve actually been eating and drinking more than I thought (@at that quote certainly resonates!!). And yes definitely welcome here if you’re doing 800cal fasts each day!!

    @michelinme so glad to hear you’re on the mend! Question – when you say vegemite tea, what does that entail? Sounds like something I would enjoy (and I’ve heard it mentioned on the forums before)

    @flourbaby seems I’m not the only one with a lingering xmas struggles. At least your xmas weight is gone (mine has not, only have myself to blame on that one!)

    @jumpgoldpenguin if you’re fasting 8am-8am, as long as you’re restricting your calories to under 500-800 cal then that is classified as a proper fast day! Don’t be too hard on yourself, sounds like you’re going great!

    Day 22 CD country West Australia
    Have been much more controlled with eating over January but still finding it difficult to do a full FD.
    Started this WOL November 1 2016 at 77 kgs.
    Got to 71.5 kgs by May 2017 by being diligent with 5:2.
    Fell off the wagon, down the hill and wayyyyyy out of sight for some time and got to 84.8 kgs by November 2018!! A rather disturbing 13.3 kg weight GAIN.
    Back to 81.6 kgs by being more diligent with NFDs and CDs and also upped the ante with exercise.
    Feeling much better already in myself.
    Making better choices, smaller portions and trying an anti-inflammatory diet as in eating fewer foods likely to lead to inflammatory processes in the body namely sugar, caffeine, alcohol, vegetable oils, and less carbs and less gluten but not cutting anything out completely.
    Looking forward to being healthier this year and happy to be back on the wagon.
    Lots of family dramas happening so possibly can only post infrequently for next few weeks but will try to be daily as I found the daily accountability a big support initially.
    Go well all.

    Day 22 Wellington, NZ. 800 calories

    I’m back home and have skim read the posts but too many to catch up on – I don’t mean too many is a bad thing – it’s great everyone is keeping in touch and being accountable. So many lovely stories of new homes and new regimes (well done whoever it was starting yoga – a great decision!), and positive progress being made with recoveries from illnesses and family issues.

    I was doing so well until guests over the long weekend saw my resolve flag somewhat. Alcohol and chocolate reared their heads, though the eating was otherwise relatively controlled and healthy. I am back on my 800 calories today and it’s going well.

    I will update the spreadsheet and report back tomorrow morning when I have weighed and measured – that’s when my accountability kicks in!!

    Day 22 – Japan – NFD 🙂

    Day 22, Emden Germany, LFD
    Day 21, EFS!

    @at thanks for putting me on yesterday’s pocket list, unfortunately I totally derailed yesterday, still have leftover chocolate and yesterday I had to eat a lot of it. x

    @daffodil2010 your Gran in a girls band, that must have been fun!

    @annemarilyn I was stuck at a plateau, never had that before, could’t get under 57 kg. I don’t really count calories, my FD’s are between 200 and 500 cal, last week I had weak coffee, peppermint and verbena tea at the WFD’s but don’t want to repeat that, too much coffee, too much tea. Will go for broth on LFD’s now. The weight did go down well, so it worked and it wasn’t too hard. I put the weight on the spreadsheet so can you can see how it went down.

    Pocket list day 22


    Have a nice day everyone!

    UK-day 22-16:8

    Morning all.

    Weight day and I have dropped 0.2kg!not much but still thrilled because its been a week of trial and error. I’d happily take that loss each week until goal.

    @michelinme good to hear you are on the mend. Nothing more disorientating than being really poorly.

    @annemarilyn that’s quite a fast. I’m utterly impressed by those who can do those lengths of time. Hope you manage it.

    @shinything well done keeping up with FDs. Don’t be disheartened. There isn’t a massive amount of logic how the weight comes off. It may all of a suggen drop considerably. Keep at it.

    @betsylee good news! It’s almost a second win to get away with a little splurge. Onwards and downwards!

    @gretta thank you for the mention. I’m doing zero cal days when doing 24hrs. It seemed like a good compromise to drop the cals and shorten the fast by 12hrs and it feels much more able.

    Good luck fasters… Keep on keeping on.

    Day 22 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    FD went very well until time to finish work, go home, quick lentil soup then in to visit Dad. Well, that was the plan, but then my sister called to say Dad was in transit to another hospital for rehabilitation so don’t visit. Got home, DH suggested dinner at our local restaurant instead….no more FD.

    But the main course is to die for, chicken stuffed with spinach, sundried tomatoes, cream cheese….I love it and often crave it. Glad we went ….sometimes it’s good to take time out from family worries.

    However I lost weight this morning so very happy with that. Today WILL be an FD and I am prepped and ready. Won’t be able to visit Dad in his new place as I have to drop my car off at a garage for a service, and then a man is coming to measure the cab of our camper van conversion (still very much in progress) for a special curtain rail. Hopefully I will be too busy to eat!

    @michelinme I laughed at my family being like a Maeve Binchy novel….that tickled me pink ☺️ Hope you are feeling better.
    @ciren2 Yes, I was disappointed not to see the Super Wolf moon, so jealous of @redrockgirl. Darn that cloud.

    Day 22…..Florida……CD

    I can’t believe I finally did it, a solid FD. I was beginning to think I could no longer do them. I’m going to try and stay in control today, in hopes to get a solid week in.

    Thank you all for your kind words. It really does help keep me in the right mind set, that is vital at least for my success!

    I did accidentally buy my first dress for the wedding. I normally get two, so, I have choice depending on how I feel that day! It a 50s style, contoured on the top half, fans out around the hips, stop at about the knee. Red on top then fads to a black with grey out lined flowers.
    If I wear it, I may need to get a sweater if the weather doesn’t warm up! If I can figure out how to get a picture on here, I’ll show you!
    I say accidentally because my plans when I walked into the store we’re not to buy a dress but a necklace but it caught my eye plus it was on sales from $70.00 to $10.00.
    Good deal!

    Well, I’m off….
    Time to get this party started!

    I finally did it!
    I bought shoes with memory foam
    So, now no more forgetting why I walked into the kitchen!

    Day 22, London, UK, FD

    @at, good grief, I nearly fell off of my chair!!! …………………. “as OH does not eat cheese!” …………………… almost as bad as “I don’t really like chocolate“

    @basyjames, Cruella was very lucky this morning that she didn’t get lobbed out of the window!!!!! The evil witch is showing a gain!!!! I think TOM is due & causing mayhem, but still!?!??!!!! Back to basics this week.

    Cloud cover derailed my Super Wolf Moon viewing plans ………………………………………. THIS morning the sky is clear and the moon clearly visible!!!! Someone’s got a cruel sense of humour!!!!!

    Well done @bert1802, a successful FD empowers you to continue, you’ve got this!!!! A bargain is a bargain, I probably would have bought it even if it wasn’t my size!!!!

    How are our southern hemisphere friends fairing with the heatwave??? Not much on the news here but I saw it online and can’t even imagine what it’s like! Stay safe guys!!

    It seems as though Cruella is laughing at lots of us this month whilst digging her heels in and not budging!!!! Cow!!!!

    At least we know it’s temporary!!!! Stay strong folks!!!

    Day 21, Gozo, Malta, cfd

    Dingping I missed your post about your new home but read other posts mentioning it. So congratulations 🎉 I wish you health and happiness in it.

    @at in Gozo and Malta we do have exceptional days of sunshine during winter too. My daughters and I together with the children make the most of them.

    Yesterday was a successful cfd. I gained a kilo during the weekend as I expected and so did our little granddaughter Eve. I’m making today a cfd.

    It seems Dr Michael Mosley in his new book and as others suggested in this forum, you can make 800 calories a day a WOL. It can also be done within a stretch of time or until you reach your desired weight. I haven’t read much of the book though.

    Keep on keeping on.

    Day 22 – Perth AUS – FD [800-OMAD]

    Seems it is possible to plateau on the Fast800 too! Been stuck for a few days and I think it might be the carbs/sugar. Funny thing is I’m still in mild ketosis… Might try a water fast tomorrow to kick the sugars down again. Was doing well, but had a piece of cake yesterday AND the day before and today woofed down some crackers and had a carb-filled dinner, albeit low in calories (small serve). These sugar demons sure are anchored in well! Must. Stop. Feeding. Them!

    We went from heatwave conditions to windy wintery weather today, and rain forecast tomorrow. Geez, Mother Nature, make up your mind! Is this summer or not? At least the garden will be happy.

    For some reason now I have Monty Python’s ‘Always look on the bright side of life’ stuck in my head. Sharing is caring, right? An earworm for you all! 😛

    It keeps double posting!!!!!!!!!! Sorry 😐

    Day 22 North Canton. Super Cold and Dreary FD

    I am ready for summer and some heat. This cold is messing with my mojo

    @flourbaby cruella needs a good kick in the shins

    @bert1802 I agree, a bargain like that is just begging to go home with you, the price can’t be beat and it sounds like a lovely dress

    So much to do, I am off to slay the day
    Pocket list day 22

    Day 22 USA – CD (maybe FD?)

    Weather snowstorms abound in the midwest, so not sure what today will bring. The progress on our Children’s Museum in town may get postponed because of snow, but is still moving ahead quite well. Once it is open, I will post a link to our webpage so you can all see the great work our committee of volunteers has done.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 22 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Yesterday’s FD went to plan. I’m in awe of those of you in the northern hemisphere who are embarking on multi day fasts during the winter, I’m just about sticking with my usual routine, cheering you all on especially @annemarilyn with a 5 day water fast 💪 😊

    Day 22: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Cold, wet, wintery….big, wet blobs of snow just now. Got a soaking at work (again). The weather had said cold and bright with the chance of an odd wintery shower…don’t know what happened to the “bright”.
    @flourbaby: Yes; EXACTLY…the moon was bright and fully visible in front as I drove to work this morning…GALLING!
    @jumpgoldpenguin: Yay to you, 0.2kg down! Especially (I think) you said you are close to your goal.
    @annemarilyn: 120 hours? Wow…I SO admire you! How are you feeling so far?

    Day 22 UK FD (2nd of B2B)

    Just like @gretta @bert1802 @missybear I finally had a successful FD yesterday – doesn’t it feel great when you finally make it??! It was v nearly a WFD but evening medication so snuck in an apple, some cheese and some raisins plus a couple of cough sweets. Definitely got that disconnect back so losing the cravings for food – I think linked with feeling better too.

    Yesterday was an unexpected 10 hrs of family phone calls, skype meeting, catching up with email then more family phone calls. Between elderly mother, DD and important new project stuff it turned into a full immersion day. But busy makes for easy fasting 🙂

    I woke up this morning and listened to a guided meditation while my meds worked instead of doing adapted yoga then meditation. Quite a different experience but it will be a really helpful option for times when I don’t feel up to doing yoga. I can feel the calm seeping into my day 🙂

    Been having a really good sort out of my desk and putting together a new project action list – it’s an unexpectedly busy time and there’s plenty to juggle, but the secret is going to be in planning and preparing as much as possible. Amazing how much easier things are when they’ve been thought of ahead of time 😀 I’m going to make today a 2nd FD and aim for a good OMAD supper.

    @annemarilyn @shinything @jumpgoldpenguin @matpi @daffodil2010 thank you all for kind good wishes – I’m definitely on the mend from the inside out 🙂
    @shinything yup, puffy feeling is going down – what a difference a well-hydrated FD makes!
    @matpi wow – 7.5inches of snow!!!
    @gretta vegemite tea is simply a tsp of vegemite plus boiling water 🙂 Can also do it with marmite, bovril, miso, stock cubes or any other instant stock to make a quick hot drink or clear broth. Or steep herbs, fruit – all sorts of things can help FDs – keeping the mind satisfied with salt, or interesting tastes or warming the body
    @lilymartin well done losing 3kg over Christmas!
    @daffodil2010 but you are like a Maeve Binchy novel – you just need to look at your family through the soft focus lens 🙂 Your house-clearing, memory sorting day could so easily be a short story or extrapolated into a novel (plenty of backstory required for that) xx

    OK back to the grindstone …. Good luck to everyone Fasting, good health to everyone struggling, good choices all x

    Day 22Belfast NFD
    No super moon here either which was a disappointment and I see it’s snowing on the Glenshane Pass to the west. I hope it doesn’t snow here.
    Playing catch-up with all the posts after a few days MIA. It’s Interesting reading about those who are doing 800 cals a day. I might give that a go in Feb.

    @cornish-jane – how annoying your yoga teacher has increased her fees. A yoga teacher is a very personal thing. I hope you find one who fits your needs and your wallet.
    @dingping – I’m envious of your new home! Georgian is my favourite period. So elegant. I presume you have all the ceiling roses and coving? My one gripe about moving away from England all those years ago is the lack of nice older houses here. I still hanker for those lovely Kent villages from my past. May you have a long, happy and healthy sit.
    Wow @flourbaby. Hats off to you!
    @snowflake – I guess you’re the family custodian? On my to do list is to continue my family tree and like you, scan family photos. I intend to make a book for each family off shoot. I had to google flapper girl. I have pictures of my granny dressed like that too and she too was posh and strict. It brings back so many happy memories.
    @daffodil2010 – glad to read you’ve had a good family time getting your dad’s house in order. All those trips down memory lane are precious. My only regret is that I didn’t go through mums photos before she died. I’ve so many questions that will never be answered.
    @bert1802 – happy dress hunting!
    @ciren2 – when my OS went to work on the golf course in Manley Beach, Australia, one day this man came up to him and said, ‘You used to work in Ron’s (sweet shop around the corner where he worked when he was 16) didn’t you? Yes, isn’t it amazing. You sound more at peace with her move now.
    Well done @gretta. You’re doing so well👍
    @jaifaim – you’ve done amazingly well with your sugar/alcohol free routine. Isn’t it great to have a reset button!

    I’ve just signed up for a painting class and a new yoga class with a different teacher. Can’t wait!
    Am busy fighting that sugar dragon and not winning ☹️. Ah well, tomorrow’s a new day….

    USA Day 22 FD

    Sorry I’ve been out of touch! I am taking advantage of this extreme cold to do Spring cleaning, since I don’t want to go out in this weather. I am also doing the 800 calorie days and it is working for me. I did go up a little when I weighed myself this morning and I am pretty sure I know why. I had some wine. I definitely believe I am carb sensitive, so I can’t drink wine and lose weight. We live and learn!! No wine from now on until I reach my goal. I am finding doing 800 calories a day as being very doable. Adding myself to today’s pocket list.


    Day 22 2nd post

    Forgot about the pocket list & need the accountability! Hope I’ve picked up everyone – there’s something v therapeutic about the safety in numbers 🙂

    Pocket List Day 22


    Day 23, Wellington, NZ, 800 cals

    Weighed in this morning and no real damage done by the weekend’s indulgences.

    From 81.7kg on 2nd January – today I’m 77.4, so I have met my January target of 4kg with 300 gms as an added bonus!!

    Am keeping up with the 800 calories per day. It’s early days, but this feels like a very sustainable approach for me when there’s no social situations – like this coming weekend when we are away for a couple of significant birthday events for friends. Even then, it seems if I can keep to 800 during the week, the odd weekend indulgence will be ok. Time will tell.

    Weather in this part of the southern hemisphere is lovely – 25 to 30s, depending on which part of the country you are in. Australia is a different climate universe and those searing temps are hard to handle. Hope you’re all keeping cool.

    Day 22, Rocky Mountains, US, MFD

    Very cold but we have blue sky and sun!!! Walking the dog and then taking the shuttle to our favorite cafe on campus for coffee and walking back home. Qigong class in the evening.
    Should be able to do a solid 800 cals FD today, doing 20:4.
    @elektron: I don’t see any double postings! 😊

    Have a good Tuesday everyone! 😊😊😊

    Day 22 – Ireland – CD
    So little time this week so will read posts later.

    Hope everyone is having a good day!
    Onward and downward ⬇️

    Day 22 Minnesota, USA FD

    I was aiming for an under 400 cal FD today, but I am just too cold to wait until 5 pm to eat (it’s about 2 pm. I am having a salad and some warm peppermint tea. I’ll try to keep as far under 800 cals as I can but I’ll allow myself that amount, without guilt, if I need to. Tomorrow hopefully another FD.

    @michelinme, glad you are feeling so much better!
    @annemarilyn, I am also in awe of your 120hour fast! I really don’t know how you do it, or how you have any energy left toward the end of it. Good luck!
    @bert1802, Wow! what a deal on that dress! For that price you could get couple more to choose from!
    @daffodil2010, glad you took some time with DH and relaxed with a nice dinner. I agree with others that this is the time to get everyone’s input, as well as your Dad’s, on the photos and mementos.
    @matpi, I feel slightly guilty saying this, but I’m glad the bulk of the snow passed us by and you were the recipients. I’m sure our time will come. Thursday evening, when we are to attend little granddaughter’s program, the actual temps will be below 0 F, and windchills of -35 below zero! I hate such cold, and would prefer snow to such frigid, oppressive temperatures.
    @judyjudes, I agree with @gretta that maybe you should spend a week or so measuring and weighing your food in order to get a more accurate calorie total. I am always amazed when I occasionally do that… how quickly I become way too generous with my usual portions. I do it at least one week a month or so to give myself a reality check!
    @lilymartin, glad you are feeling back on track and with us again on the forum.
    @shinything,and @elektron, for me the scale can say the same thing for days on end and then change, suddenly. I can’t figure it out, I can only guess whether it’s carbs, salt, a lot of fiber sitting there, or what. Thank goodness the trend has started going back downwards since Christmas. You will see it trend down soon, as well.
    @songbirdme, a link to your Children’s Museum would be lovely! I look forward to it!
    @missybear…..thanks for the sympathy of fasting in frigid temps. I find it extremely challenging, even if I am sitting in my warm home! It’s in the mind, I think; the gray skies, and the flurries accumulating on the roads and bare trees…….
    @snowflake56 and @debster251, I am the family historian here and have several boxes of photos to scan, old documents, letters (in German) from 1850’s (which I’ve had translated–sort of: the old dialect is not something everyone can interpret), and stories/books to write up for the rest of the family. I should be doing that, but have found reasons to put it off until Spring. If you have any ideas on getting motivated for that undertaking, I’d be grateful!
    @ccco, wine makes me hungrier, no doubt about it, and especially for cheeses! It is one of my biggest obstacles on the weekends…, cheese, chocolate. When is the grand baby to arrive?

    Pocket List Day 22


    Best of luck to everyone!

    USA Day 22 FD
    Second Post

    So far, my FD is going well. I measure and weigh everything I eat. I have been doing that so long that I can’t imagine eating without doing this first. I just can drink wine. Northerndawn, it doesn’t increase my appetite and I know because I only eat what I have measured. However, it must do something to me because if I drink wine, I will not lose and will possibly gain. Without the wine, I seem to lose. Bummer because it’s nice in the Winter to sit in front of the fireplace with a nice glass. Anyway, I can do that with tea, too, so I’ve begun having tea time.

    Northerndawn, that baby should come along around late April or early May. My DD and SIL asked me for a Christmas present of a crib, so I gave them one of their choosing. Now we need a rocking chair!! 🙂

    I hope everyone is doing well with our challenge in this terrible Wintry weather. I am ready for Spring as soon as Christmas is over!! LOL

    Day 22 – UK – FD

    Lovely winter’s morning for an 8km walk with my walking group – enjoyed a pot of tea afterwards – no snow in our village but plenty on higher ground – DD could not get home tonight again so is staying with us once more – lucky for her we live in the village where she works!!

    Isn’t it weird how some of us are freezing and having so much snow ❄️❄️whilst others are wilting in a heatwave 🌞🌞 one extreme to another!!

    A late afternoon HIT Pilates class with OH – felt good and my left shoulder that has been a bit painful seems much improved but not 100% yet.

    Today has ended up as another FD making it a B2B although at 700cals for the day. Dishes are done and that kitchen door is closed except for maybe a cup of tea later. Logging on to catch up and to keep me motivated!

    @annemarilyn – you are now into day 2 of your 120hrs of low calorie liquids – how are you feeling??
    @basyjames – sounds a fab weekend and definitely the way to recharge your batteries x
    @beedoo – I do hope that you find your new yoga classes fulfilling – my teacher takes us through a mixed practice of Hatha Yoga & Vinyasa Yoga – Hatha is an old system that includes the practice of asanas (yoga postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises), which help bring peace to the mind and body, preparing the body for deeper spiritual practices such as meditation 🙏
    @redrockgirl302 – so lucky that you got to see the blood moon – no such luck for me!
    @michelinme – lovely to hear that you are emerging out of that virus – strong positive vibes to you x
    @shinything – lovely to hear from you and still practicing this WOL
    @matpi – that is a lot of snow – good to hear that you are keeping warm and safe
    @gretta – well done on that under 500FD 💪
    @lilymartin – how lovely to feel more controlled with your food despite lots of family dramas happening around you – post when you can – we will be thinking of you 🤗
    @snowflake56 – I noticed that you have done mainly FD, WFD or 800cals FD this month – very controlled month – what impact is that having on you? 🤗
    @daffodil2010 – I think that after all your hard work sorting out your Dad’s house you deserve that surprise dinner out with your OH and it sounds 😋
    @bert1802 – great job on completing that FD 👍 hope you can post a photo of the first dress you found for the wedding – often clothes found when not actually looking for it are the best buys and what a bargain to boot!!
    @flourbaby – I know who does not like cheese!!! I love it and have to only buy some amounts at a time otherwise it keeps calling my name from the fridge……….
    @elektron – your post made me think about my FD today – semi skimmed flat white with pear and ginger cake at lunch time and carrot and coriander soup this evening – not so healthy and healthy!!!!
    @debster251 – let us know how you get on with your new yoga teacher – fingers crossed it works out x and a painting class – is this something new for you or have you dabbled before?
    @ccco – good to hear from you and that you are doing well on your 800cal days – BTW I agree that wine is a great culprit in making me overindulge too.
    @chipmunk13 – great job on meeting your January target with over a week to spare – 4.3kg dispatched!!!

    9 days to go to the end of this New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge – plenty of time to make a difference so remember that a little progress each day adds up to big results!

    I’m adding myself to today’s pocket list even though I’m towards the end of my day to stop me going into that kitchen again
    Pocket List Day 22 – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER


    2nd post of day.

    My 16:8 was a tank but no regrets. Had a lovely dinner with my son and I don’t know why but while doing yoga this evening (anyone tried the core ritual with adrienne… Killer… I did it twice) I feel like I’d like a go at a 36er full fast tomorrow. So dinner tonight finished by 6pm (my son is 3 that’s why it’s so early!) and I’m going to play it by ear and see if I can do a 36hr fast with zero cals. No harm in trying! Night all!

    DAY 22 . UK. 800 Fast

    Just a quick visit. A bit under the weather.

    Peace and Love

    Day 22 – Eastern WA USA – FD – day 2 of 5.

    Pocket List Day 22 – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER

    I appreciate the cheer @missybear. Ciren2 and @at I’m feeling fine. I prepared well by eating low carb with healthy fats prior to beginning the fast. I definitely started with the regular 5:2 at the beginning and with having a little to eat at noon and the rest of the 500 cal at the evening meal. I’ve been building my fasting muscle. My body is slow at giving up the weight. @northerndawn – energy is doing well. I believe the way I prepared is helping my body not to have too much glucose to burn but rather move to fat burning (which I have plenty of). So my body is supplying the energy 🙂 If I do begin to feel off, I’ll check if I’m staying hydrated, maybe put a little salt below my tongue, and I have bone broth at the ready as well. I’m keeping tally marks to keep a watch on my intake.
    @jumpgoldpenguin – maybe in summer I’ll do some straight water fasts; winter time I’m using a lot of warm beverages to help with the cold. I wish you well on your WFD.

    @chipmunk13 – congrats on getting rid of over 4 kg already this month!

    @lilymartin – good to hear from you

    Glad we’re on this journey together!

    Day 22 Portugal FD
    Haven’t posted for few days and went off rails a bit yesterday. But today was successful FD and will repeat tomorrow and possibly Thursday as well. Need to catch up on posts.

    2nd post
    @annemarilyn….yes, it sounds like you prepare for your long fast the absolute best way possible. It does sound like you can quickly switch over into a “fat-burning machine”. 😉 I had good experiences with LCHF and ketosis several years ago, but kept sabotaging it with my weakness for carbs, so could never stay in it for over 3-4 weeks. oh well, maybe I’ll try again sometime soon. Best of luck to you and let us know how it goes throughout the week, please.

    Day 22 Ohio, US — NFD ✔️

    A good NFD: right on target with the TDEE and only 15 g added sugars. I only got tai chi in today, no qigong. Not having stockpiled food last week, I had to drive 15 miles to the next town over to get some groceries in. If I had known how much snow had drifted across the road on the way I would have toughed it out and waited a day or two. Fortunately if you go slow, the car’s weight will keep you steady on drifted snow, but it did take a little more concentration than usual.

    @erika45 Let me ask you something I’ve been wondering about. When I was in Madrid a while back, I noticed that many people there frowned on people who spoke Spanish with a Mexican pronunciation. And I’ve heard that the same thing happens with French-speaking Quebecois in Paris. How do people in Portugal respond to someone speaking with a Brazilian pronunciation?

    @judyjudes Hope you get feeling better fast! And that there’s not too much weather you’re under? Do you have much snow on the ground?

    @at Your closing quote really helps! After losing ground (= gaining weight) at the end of last year, I’ve been doing really well this month, and progress on the scales has been steady, but slow. So your quote puts the journey in good perspective.

    Have a great Hump Day everyone!

    Day 23 – Japan – NFD

    Strength is improving again. I think it is very important to try and maintain strength as age. Last night I saw a picture of a person 12 years older than me and I was shocked. I was thinking I don’t even want to look that old in 40 years, let alone 12. Ugh life is short. No sense letting fat or weakness slow us down!

    Managed a good FD after all – day 22 at right about 370 calories. Good for me! 🙂

    Day 22 – California – NFD
    Day 23 – FD

    I ate some chocolate on my NFD which I’m attributing to work stress 🤯
    I’m also changing my fast day from Thursday to Wednesday this week because we have a work board meeting on Thursday and they tend to go until after 11. I felt like that would be too much much of a test for my willpower! I did try miso soup this week as I’ve heard people mention it but I must admit I’m not that big of a fan.

    UK – DAY 23 – FD

    put me on the pocket list… I’m going for a 36er!

    Also off to town with my son to go to the library and get a fitness tracker. Then work which will be a relief to be distracted!

    Day 23 pocket list

    @rafiki44 I hope you don’t mind I put you on pocket list… Didn’t want to me on my own til someone else joined!

    Day 23. UK. 800

    @mapti Thank you. We have a frosty coating to grass and trees. Had a little snow fall yesterday but it didn’t last.

    I feel a bit better but still bloated & uncomfortable 🥵 look 8 months pregnant 🤰

    I intend to read thread & respond today.

    Peace and love

    Day 23 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD
    But plan to be good today.

    It’s NFD but will be 16:8 with late lunch. I am still motivated but need to shake things up as I am slowly losing mojo. I am hoping that once DH finally gets back to work next week that I can get back into my fasting routine. Though he is very supportive on my FD and would often have already had his main meal before I get home so that I won’t be tempted…

    Who am I kidding, it’s MYSELF that needs to take the blame for my lack of weight loss 😳

    One slightly good thing. I looked at the tracker on this site (I sporadically update it), and although I am around the same weight as I was last year (yup, those 10lbs came back), my waist is a whole 2inches lower and my Waist Height Ratio just on the cusp of healthy unlike last year where it was higher. So motivational….I hope.

    @@ciren2 and @flourbaby….the moon was in full glamour shining bright AGAIN this morning….grrr. Oh well ☺️

    Have a great Wednesday….hump day etc

    Day 23, Emden Germany, LFD

    yesterday’s LFD went well, feeling good so go for another one.

    @at I was stuck at a plateau and I really want my weight to go down, every month I end just under 58 kg, my upper limit.

    @bert1802 what a find, the dress sounds lovely, I hope you can show us a picture.

    @northerndawn in my DH’s family there are only 2 aunts, both aged 85 y.o., left to tell us stories of the past and they know the people on the photographs so we have to do it now. The more stories we hear, the more interested we’re getting in the lives the older generations lived. We underestimated the amount of photographs and albums in the family. What kind of German dialect are the old letters written in? Just start doing it, tell the family about it and just hope the informations come from everywhere.

    Day 23 pocket list


    Have a nice day everyone!

    That sounds good!
    I need to start as well asap

    Thank you again for all your lovely messages about the move and new home. We can’t quite believe we are here and are so grateful the house found us as we were on the point of giving up on our long search for a new home, proof one should never give up no matter how difficult things get!
    I have to admit though life got all consuming when OH was home these past three days, dropped him off at 5.30am this morning for his journey to London where he’ll be till Sunday. Found it hard to get the time to post whilst he’s home, swamped with house sorting and only managed a small potter around the beautiful country lanes here. Things will settle into a new rhythm soon as the house although not completely unpacked has reached a point of order. We still have curtain rails to put up, mirrors, pictures, wall cupboards and lights to hang but these are not essential for now and can be done at leisure.
    Thankful to say that on the whole happy with my eating since being more focussed last week. Having a controlled day today and shifting my fast days to Thursday & Friday as DD & SIL are visiting Saturday to Tuesday.

    @redrockgirl302 – thank you for your translation, my imagined images of you washing and brushing your hairy dog tickled me! Ta

    @snowflake56 – well done on reclaiming control.
    My OH and I come from different backgrounds and so old family photos from our two families show lives lived in complete contrast. Holiday photos are bucket and spade holidays at Weston super Mare for mine and jaunts on the families steam boat on Windermere Lake for his! We loved a TV drama many moons ago called Shooting the past which used photos from Getty Images to weave a story through. Love looking at old photos and films that show real people and how they lived. Some of our favourite films for showing everyday life in the U.K. in the 60’s are some of Michael Caine’s early films such as Get Carter and Alfie.
    Guy Garvey (singer from Elbow) has a radio show on the BBC and is encouraging listeners to record, in particular their older, family members for the joy of chatting and for prosperity.

    Enjoy the process of researching and archiving your family history.

    Best of luck everyone in ticking today off as a success.
    Ta x

    Day 23 UK CD

    Good OMAD FD yesterday tho supper was a bit late and not the healthies bc hadn’t planned ahead! I enjoyed a proper filling meal of heated baked sweet potato with butter and tiny bit of strong cheddar, petit pois and nofish fingers followed by clementines.

    Sadly it seems my body can’t tolerate sweet potatoes well any more as I get instant stomach pain, wind and bloating. I’ve read about sensitivity to particular elements and that does sound like me. Hopefully I’ll still be able to have it less often and to use it in baking my favourite gf raisin bread.

    Today I seem to be up again to 147lb despite my two best FD in a while. I’m going to remind myself of a)the time lag in scales, b) i know i’m doing well and c) i feel distinctly less puffy and more back to my new normal shape – mind over matter 🙂

    Spent 3 hrs yesterday evening packing up things I should have sent out a while ago, both project and social stuff. Great sense of achievement in having 9 parcels ready to post, and thinking of the way they will be received. It feels like a weight has lifted – tho I’ve got tons to do I’m approaching with greater self-compassion and less judgement.

    Must get some admin done before heading off to a memorial service and an afternoon of meetings. Feeling well prepared tho carrying a backlog, and aware it’s my first time out in around 12 days. Going gently, esp in this v cold weather. I’m aiming to let go of expectations and be present in whatever the day brings….

    Good luck to all who are fasting, good wishes to all who are struggling – whehter weight, weather or other things, and good choices to all x

    Post 2 of day.

    Does anyone use gum as a hunger/fasting aid?

    I was doing buy decided today not to. Its possibly too early to comment but my initial realisation is that it might of been hindering me by driving hunger up. I’m at hour 18 and don’t feel hungry… Obviously that could change. Anyone else have experience of it?

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