New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

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New Year – New Start – January 2019 Challenge

This topic contains 959 replies, has 65 voices, and was last updated by  Betsylee 6 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 651 through 700 (of 963 total)

  • Day 18 Minnesota, USA NFD 11:40 pm

    Guess I should not have refreshed the page before posting. I lost all of my long post.

    @at, @annemarilyn and @judyjudes, thank you for the encouragement for my weight loss down to pre Christmas numbers.

    After 3 B2B 800cal days last week and 1 final day of under 300, (so 4 b2b days), the scales held steady at about 153, give or take an ounce. It was very frustrating, \
    but I knew there would be a legitimate loss soon. Had to be, as calories do matter, and the last week average calorie intake was below my BMR. So….today…….down 2 lbs from last week. BMI is now 23.8. Yay!!

    I saw myself in a big mirror today while shopping with DD for little granddaughter’s dress for a program. It made me believe that I must not consider 150 lbs as my goal. So I am more than ever committed to another 3-4 pounds off in February. No valentine chocolates!!!!

    Good to hear from you, @cornish-jane..I was going to ask soon where you were. You are so much in better shape than me with your yoga. I wonder if you are a bit heavier than me only because you have more muscle? I think you must have a better shape than I do with all of your muscle tone. So don’t worry if I get skinnier than you. It is probably a case of skinny fat person. 😉

    Best to everyone and enjoy the weekend!

    @at..I can’t thank you enough for turning me towards “Yoga with Adriene”. I’ve been doing some of her various practices. Very sore, from doing advanced stuff, but also very happy from a sense of accomplishment, and feeling great peace. She is such a calming and accepting persona. I love her!
    Have a great weekend, everyone!

    Day 19 London UK NFD

    Just a very quick check in. Thanks again to @emma for the Zero app recommendation. Have been using it for the past couple of days. Definitely helps at night as once I’ve hit the button to start the fast and the clock starts ticking I don’t want to cancel it!

    I’m still doing 16:8 every day but still working my way out of the festive period way of eating. My carb habit got out of control during Christmas and I’m still having way more white carbs than I’d like and back in the very top end of my maintenance range. A daily battle at the moment!

    Day 19 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Yesterday was relatively controlled…until early bedtime and as I was locking up the kitchen I mindlessly opened the tin of chocolate biscuits left over from Christmas and ate two!! Why??????

    Up early today. My family are descending on Dads house for a big clear up. Trying to make his home accessible. Tons of jumble to be got rid off. Dad is a hoarder so this is our opportunity 😱
    One of my brothers spent all yesterday there bagging stuff so a few of us are filling our cars with the rubbish and off to the dump. Lucky we are a big family, 7 of us, so many hands etc. Decisions to be made also about which option to choose for Dad……move him downstairs with wet room built, or stairlift and swap bath for walk in shower upstairs. Forms to fill out,people to call etc.

    As for my egg vending machine @missybear and others, it’s the greatest thing! Eggs are never older than 3 days old. It’s on a roadside right outside the farm, drop in Your coins, hey presto, a door opens and a tray of eggs are ready to take. In the summer the farmer also has tomatoes and baby potatoes for sale by vending! At Christmas he put a few chocolate sweets on the egg tray. So cool. I love it.

    Have few a great Saturday. Sorry I can’t respond to many of you but have to run.

    Day 19. UK. NFD

    Yesterday was a successful OMAD. I had poached fish and peas with a few chips. Lovely it was too. A couple of coffees with cream and 1/2 glass red wine. Loads of water.

    Not rtft as away.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Peace & Love

    Day19 Herefordshire UK FD

    First FD in many moons went well, 2 bowls of carrot and lentil soup and sipping hot water with lemon through out most of the day. Was a relief to be able to walk physically away from the kitchen, impossible to do in the little studio flat we had in London!
    Busy yesterday still sorting the house so no chance to catch up on posts. We are gradually claiming the house as ours. Thanks @ciren2, @jaifaim @annemarilyn for the warm wishes for our move. Everyone we have met here have been very friendly, so I’m really looking forward to getting to know and being involved in a new community.

    Another FD today, @snowflake56 are you around for a Saturday FD? Sorry to read your MIL and friend aren’t doing so well, sending you and them hugs and best wishes xx

    Wishing everyone a super happy Saturday

    Day19 Pocket List

    Day 19, Emden Germany, FD

    @missybear glad your cat got through it, 8 teeth extracted, that’s a lot.

    @daffodil2010 how good there are so many to help. We’re trying to help to clear out my MIL’s house, my SIL and family are living there also, they will stay there. Inside the house there’s not that much to do, but they have a large garage and a large shed full of old stuff. Beware of carpets, tresholds and slippely floors, they’re easy to stumble over.

    @dingping how lovely to have you back on our Saturday’s FD. Isn’t it great to just walk though your house because you have the space to do so? How old is the house, what style? I love to watch “Escape to the country” and saw amazing old houses in lovely small towns there. I hope you’re going to be very happy there. My MIL’s health is slowly declining, both mentally and physically, she’s in a nursing home now. The outcome of my friend’s surgery wasn’t as good as aspected, radiotherapy will start next month.

    Day 19 Pocket list

    Have a nice day everyone!

    2nd post

    Hi @snowflake56, so pleased to have your lovely positive support today. I should be back to a normal routine of definite Friday and Saturday fasts with a few B2B2B thrown in the mix now and then. It was so so good to just walk away from the kitchen and not hear food in cupboards call to me, so will use this novel state to get me back into this WOL.

    Sorry to hear life your end is absorbed with care and worry for your beloved MIL and dear friend, wishing them both the best and hoping the radiotherapy for your friend is all she needs to zap the pesky remaining cells away.

    Our house is a Georgian stone house. It’s a bit wobbly with wall tie bars running through the sitting room (surveyor re assured us that it’s old movement stabilised by remedial works at the time of initial movement, probably done a century or more ago). The movement makes levelling furniture challenging!
    The house is in good decorative order but I will use the winter months to paint a few walls as some colours don’t look quite right with our stuff.
    It would be considered big but doesn’t feel too big, has 4 bedrooms but two of these are in a converted loft space, room proportions are just right for cosy but big enough for our furniture and the dinning and sitting room have either a wood burner or open fire place. There is a good sized kitchen with a breakfast room off it, I think we’ll live a lot in this room during the day. Looking forward to a cosy night with a real fire this weekend when OH gets back from his working week in the capital.
    The gardens are large with multiple hedges and shrubs to keep under control, thankfully the boundary hedges are managed for a small fee by a local farmer who hedge trims the local country lanes.
    So far despite initially no heating oil for the boiler, a sore point as we paid the vendors for a delivery before Christmas but all used up by the time we moved in and a blocked toilet in the first week we are very happy! We have defiantly found our escape to the country (yes I’ve loved that programme too!)

    Have a good day and look forward to sharing this day with you and all fasters.

    Ta x

    Day 19, London, UK, NFD (CD)

    I’m looking forward to todays CD, after the B2B2B2B2B something other than protein & veg sounds great. I will limit it to 2 slices of sourdough & cheese though!

    Have a great controlled weekend folks, it’s the beginning of THAT dangerous time!!

    2nd post

    @dingping wow, a Georgian house, no wonder it’s considered as large, it is! It seems to have everything you can dream of. I like the symmetry and the proportions. We always go for cosiness, we don’t like huge rooms where you feel lost, we need visible walls around us. Most older houses here don’t have their original wooden staircases, sliding or double doors, fire places or even wooden or stone flooring. They strip the whole house and knock down walls to make large rooms. The outside looks old, inside it’s often ultramodern, everything painted white with stone floors and an electric or gas fire. It’s a pity. At the moment I’m scanning the family photographs so everyone can have them. It’s fun to do and very interesting to see how the grandparents lived in the twenties. My DH’s very strict granny was a posh flapper girl, who would have thought that!

    Day 19……Florida…… I want an FD but will be happy with a CD but will end up with a NFD, avoiding a EFS like it’s the devil.

    Sorry, I’ve. Been MIA this week, it sure I. The week did not goes as planned that for sure. I’ve hit the reset button, so many times this week, I think I broke it. And to make matters all that much better, I gained three pounds!

    Anyways, I did discover that not staying connected is the reason, I jump right off the mountain. Today, is where I refocus on what I am trying to do. My bosses daughter is getting married the first Sat. of Feb. This wedding is going to be very formal, flowing gowns, fancy, fancy, fancy everything, only one degree away from being a black tie event. I don’t have dress and I refuse to buy one and spend money while I am in this position. So, I’ve got two weeks to get myself in gear!
    Let’s just be honest for a moment…… I’m a jeans and t-shirt kind of gal with a bohemian twist. I never dress up for work, I look presentable but never dressed up.
    So, I’m looking forward to having people I look at everyday seeing me, polished.

    Also, I switched my life Insurance policy to a different provider and I told them during the review I was lighter than I actually am. ….. wishful thinking on my part?

    Okay well….I’m off!

    I finally did it!
    I bought shoes with memory foam,
    So no more forgetting why I walked into the kitchen!

    Day 19 NFD (or perhaps CD) Portugal

    I’ve definitely cut down a lot since Christmas – still no desserts this year! Weekends are hardest as the rest of family snack more than through the week. It’s hard watching them!!
    Rain today – first in a while – my walk this morning was not so pleasant but another few kilometers ticked off! Have a great weekend.

    Day 19 USA – NFD

    Going to friends’ house for supper, so who knows just how my day will be. I will try to save some calories for there so I don’t act too ungrateful for their hospitality!

    @dingping – your new house sounds just delightful! We have a ‘country’ house too with a farm immediately to our west. I love seeing sunsets every night. I cannot imagine a house that has a century or more of modifications, though!

    @bert1802 – good to see you’re alive and well. My last driver’s license weight was closer to honest at 180# and every time I look at it I wish I could go get a new one! I am sure your life insurance policy people will be fine with whatever you told them …. well, unless they send a person to the house with a scale. My health insurance people do that!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 19, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    Off to Trader Joe’s for groceries, then it is Doggie bath time. Going to a dog bathing place to avoid the Rescue Rooter at home. We just brushed another dog out of him. 🐕😊🤣😂🐕
    Later walking him and afterwards we walk to our coffee shop.☕😊

    Have a good Saturday everyone!😊😊😊

    Day 19: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD (who’d have guessed!)
    Rained all day long here…bane of a postman’s life.

    @dingping: I love the sound of your house. Sorry I called it a cottage before….definitely NOT a cottage! Sounds fantastic, all that history too. Perfect.

    @jumpgoldpenguin: I remember (many years ago) that, yes, my weight would also go up by about two pounds at “that time of the month”……..but at 65 I don’t need to think about such things now, eh?
    Hope all is going well for you.

    Day 19, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    Today I ate some choyat my third daughter s home then after the rain stopped my second daughter joined us with her daughters and we went to a seaside resort and ate at a restaurant. I had pulled duck salad and it was delicious. I also had a piece of soft sweet bread with candied peel and ate almost half a regular pizza. So probably I’m over tdee today. I hope my weight doesn’t increase so much.

    Keep on keeping on everyone and good night 🌙😴💤.

    3rd post

    @snowflake56 – hope your FD went well, another successful one here, phew!
    Our house isn’t listed but does have a lot of character with exposed old floorboards and flagstone floors, wide original doors and we also have old built in cupboards either side of the fireplaces too. Thankfully it hasn’t been knocked about too much.

    @songbirdme – we have views upstairs towards the Black Mountains (you’d probably think them hills!) it’s wonderful watching the changing weather over them, not managed a sunset yet!

    @ciren2 – it was a cottage we should have been buying as this move was meant to be a downsize but then this gem popped up and we convinced ourselves it wasn’t too big!

    @redrockgirl302 – ‘Going to a dog bathing place to avoid the Rescue Rooter at home. We just brushed another dog out of him’ – most intriguing sentence I’ve read in awhile and probably lost in translation between sharing a common language. What’s a rescue rooter? And ‘brushing another dog out of him’?? Caused me great amusement and my imagination has been busy…

    @anna6 – what’s choyat?

    @bert1802 – can imagine your joy in showing a different side to yourself to your work colleagues, great motivation, good luck.

    Goodnight all.

    Ta x

    Day 19 Ohio, US — NFD ✔️
    Day 18 NFD ✔️

    Both good NFD’s. It was a good week at work, although I was so tired Friday evening that I went to bed early and slept for 11.5 hours. So that means that without breakfast my calorie intake was down about 400 calories from usual. Is there a special abbreviation for a reduced NFD? On the other hand we have had a day long snow storm, so the exercise levels are way down today.

    So just checking in — still pretty tired.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 19 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    So happy to weigh in and see all holiday pounds gone and a little more.

    @dingping – thanks for sharing some description of your new home. It sounds lovely!

    Enjoying the fire in the fireplace on a winter evening watching a Hallmark movie.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

    Day 20 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Very busy day yesterday at Dads house. So much stuff, rubbish basically, to be bagged and got rid of. Lots of stuff belonged to one of my sisters who has long since moved out, married with children…….car seats, prams, toys….she was red faced that she was caught using Dads house as a dumping ground ha ha. 😆

    All of us working hard from 8am until 5….it was very therapeutic indeed. We came across a good few memories too….old photos to treasure, stuff from my brother who has passed, my grandfathers old ledger from the 60’s (he was a building contractor with lots of staff…unfortunately died young) so we did keep lots of small things. And we all enjoyed being together, chatting, discussing life, remembering the fun times we had as kids as it is a lovely big old house. Memories of our mother too, and the satisfaction of clearing space and restoring order.

    In the end we cleared out two room and are going now to try to get these downstairs rooms adapted into a bedroom with ensuite wet room for Dad.

    Unfortunately food wise it was a pick and snack day…..munching on tea and biscuits mostly.

    Going to have a rest day today.

    @dingoing your house sounds wonderful. Long may you enjoy it.
    @snowflake56 what a great idea to scan old photos. I have memories from years ago of my Gran showing me her photo album, (she played the piano in an all girls band in Liverpool in the 20’s…..very “Some Like It Hot” ☺️) and I would love to come across that album again!
    @annemarilyn Well done you on successful banishment of excess pounds. I need to follow your lead.

    Have a great Sunday.

    Day 20 (Really? Already?) Wellington, NZ, 800 cals (oops)
    Quick check in

    Still away on the boat and with friends on board it‘s been harder than I thought. Tonight I succumbed to gin and tonic before dinner then chocolate and wine.

    Struggling to feel too bad about it, maybe I’m still tipsy, but back in deck tomorrow.

    Day 20: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    Nice to have a bit of a lie-in this morning. So didn’t get up till 7am (ha…ha!).
    Walked the dog, eaten a (large) breakfast and soon off to church.

    Small world example.
    DD, recently moved to Melbourne, and could hardly be further away, says she’s already met four people who come from within a 30-mile radius of Basingstoke, where she lived in UK!! I find that pretty amazing.

    Day 20 – Perth AUS – FD [800]
    Day 19 – FD [800]
    Day 18 – FD [800]

    Continuing on with the 800 calories at least until the end of the month. I might try it again through February or until I get a little closer to my ‘correct’ healthy weight. Like @chipmunk13 I am seeing results quickly and not really feeling it unless I eat carb-rich or sugary foods… like that tiny slice of cake today that I worked out was about 100 calories! WHAT A WASTE! You really start to notice foods that are good (filling and nutrient dense yet low sugar) when you waste a portion of your daily calories on food like that. That’s something I have found different to 5:2 where I would eat cake, iced cream etc then go “oh I can fast tomorrow” – but I would be eating 1L of iced cream… or an entire ‘family’ block of chocolate…… Perhaps that’s another reason some people with sugar demons do a little better after several weeks of the 800… trains your mind/habits a bit better so you don’t ‘load’ before a fast day in 5:2 😛

    Day 20, London, UK, NFD

    Another NFD today, I’m out for lunch so I’m crossing everything so I can keep it controlled!! Dry January will be put to the test, but I’ve set out my stall & everyone knows NOT to tempt me!!

    @elektron, that’s certainly something to think about, I’ve been 5:2-ing for a while now, but still struggling with the brain-retraining, this weeks’ B2B2B2B2B has made me think a bit more about what will be filling & nutritious, rather than wasted calories, perhaps I need to try this full time just with increased calories over a prolonged period. I’ve been toying with the idea of following the new 800cal regime for a couple of weeks. Maybe I’ll try in February ………………………….. before the EFS Birthday meal & skiing trip scheduled!!!

    Happy fasting people, we’ve GOT this!!!

    Day 20 – Iceland – FD

    4th FD this week but the scales are refusing to budge…

    @emma1202 – just downloaded Zero, it looks like a really helpful app, thanks for the recommendation.

    Onward and downward!

    Day 20 USA – NFD

    Enjoyed supper at friends’ house last night … probably a few too many calories, but all very tasty. How do you add “grazing around cheesy appetizer” on the MFP app? 🤪

    Speaking of cheese, this link was in an email today about some cheeses are really okay on our caloric watching.

    Onward toward church this morning.

    Downward back to careful eating….

    Day 19 – California – NFD
    Day 20 – California – FD

    Pocket list 20

    Day 20, Gozo, Malta, nfd

    Dear Dingping it’s chocolate spelt wrongly. I was in such a hurry I didn’t check the grammar.

    Today we ate at an Asian restaurant which served sushi and maki sushi which I love to eat. I also hat half a glass of white wine.

    I may eat some more of the soft sweet bread we have in the kitchen before I go to sleep.

    I received the fast 800 book but didn’t read much.

    Tomorrow it will be the start of a B2B2B as I have already done this month.

    Take care everyone and keep on keeping on.

    Day 20
    NFD Well, I stayed the same even though I had two good fast days. Maybe it will show up next week.
    Continuing to monitor what I eat. Not getting the walking in like I need to. Think about it but that is far as it gets. It is windy and cold, by Florida standards. So no walking today. 🙁
    Getting a small bookcase to help organize my art room. Will be getting stuff off the floor. Plus been cleaning out the closets. Since I’ve watched the show Minimalists on Netflix several years ago, It has stuck with me and I have to get rid of stuff I don’t use. Makes the closets look nice and neat. 🙂

    Day 20, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    Quick check in. Will read posts later.
    Hope everyone has a good Sunday! 😊😊😊

    Day 20 – Eastern WA USA – NFD

    Enjoyed a meal with friends from church after church. Treated myself to some sweet-potato fries along with a hamburger w/o the bun. The sweet-potatoes were the treat; hmmmm good! Will be ready for fasting again tomorrow. Not sure of my complete fasting schedule for this week yet.

    @songbirdme – I’m looking forward to checking out your cheese link. I do love my cheese!

    @daffodil2010 – it is so much nicer to sort and make decisions on “stuff” with others. It helps with the decision making. Plus, you had the wonderful sharing of memories as you did the sorting.

    @snowflake56 – are you getting the results you want with all those FDs you’ve been doing? I haven’t been counting but it seems like quite a few. What kind of fasting are you doing – 500 cal, liquid or WFD…? So many options we have.

    @dykask – I see you’ve already completed #5 WFD. Questions: 1) when you do a WFD, do you only drink water or black coffee and tea or…? 2) do you find the scale always goes up as soon as you put in some solid food? And if so about how much does it go up? I’m just wondering what a reasonable expectation is.

    Some of you are already on to Monday. It’s still Sunday here in the USA plus it’s a long weekend here with Martin Luther King Jr. Day tomorrow. Enjoy your week forum friends!

    Day 21 – Japan – WFD #6

    @annemarilyn – on a water fast day I stick to “0” calorie drinks, mostly water, but also black coffee / tea. Sometimes I have a diet cola which probably isn’t very good but something I enjoy.

    My weight varies a lot. On a water fast day my weight can drop 2kg or even 3kg. But most of that comes back when I start eating. It isn’t just the weight of the food eaten, it is also my body dehydrates when water fasting. That only happens for about the first day of a fast, when I do fast more than a day the weight loss slows down. Basically I lose around 200g (~1/2 pound) of weight per day of fasting. That works out to about 1800 kcal or fat. (Not that much)

    Since I also workout that also causes a lot of swings in my weight. Sweat out water, drink a lot, higher apatite, consume more salt, etc.

    So getting back to your question, after a 36 hour water fast I’ll see my weight down 2kg sometimes more. After my first meal I regain around 75% of that, which is food and water. I can slow down my consumption and greatly reduce that gain, but over a day, it will come back if I’m drinking normally. Most of that weight is water. A different person will see different numbers, but probably the same effect. Since our bodies are more than 60% water, this type of weight swing seems reasonable.

    If you are on a low carb diet and have low levels of stored glycogen, then you probably won’t notice the large loss of water during a short water fast. I lose a lot of water because glycogen is 75% water and the water fasting forces the stored glycogen in the liver to be consumed. I don’t maintain a low carb diet and so my glycogen gets restored on NFDs.

    Water is lost when we exhale as well as sweating and elimination.

    Day 21 – Melbourne AUS – FD

    Yesterday was food filled, but managed to limit last weeks sugar to one dessert on Saturday night (which was part of a degustation meal DH and I had out).

    So 6/7 sugar free days last week – progress! And if it wasn’t for all the sugar free folk on here, I never would have done it!

    Sunday was very carb heavy, and really struggling to keep my portions in check on NFD’s, but will keep trying.

    @debster251 my excess from Christmas is doing the same. Though am struggling to keep the portions down on NFD’s (even if I’m relatively sugar free, and making reasonably good choices).

    Pocket List Day 21

    Day 21 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Woke super early to try to catch a look at the lunar eclipse….but it had clouded over 😡 Oh well. It’s very crisp and frosty today, had a glorious walk in predawn air listening to robins and wrens and other songbirds giving it loads in the trees and bushes. I love early mornings and the dawn chorus.

    So another week beckons. Another FD. The usual weight gain from the weekend.

    I am not getting complacent but I seem to be here for the past two months now. Still enthusiastic about this WOL, just wish the plateau would not happen so often.

    Have a great Monday.
    Together we are stronger.

    Pocket list Day 21

    Day 21. UK. FD or 800?

    We had a fabulous weekend with lots of love & laughter. Slept like a baby too! Felt sad when it ended but ok now. Have other friends due to stay with us at the weekend so will focus on that.

    I have sort of adopted 800 cals a day. I did this as I wasn’t losing and even gaining on 5:2. Between Saturday 12th Jan and Friday 18th Jan I had about 5,600. I gained 2lbs.

    Someone posted (sorry I can’t remember who)said I might not be eating enough. Another said I would whoosh if I increased. As i was away for the weekend I went with the mindset I would not deny myself anything but remain mindful. I averaged about 250 cals more each day. Did a lot of walking. Weighed this morning. Up .1lb.

    I also use 17:7 or there about each day, have done that for a while now. A couple of days were OMAD.

    When I’ve looked on my FitBit App it displays weekly averages. By looking at these I can see I have reduced according to my weekly averages since October 2018, by .3 – .5lb (apart from 1 week) My lightest weight was way back in July 2018 and I’m still not back to that yet. It’s got to be all down to my thyroid, although I’m very grateful for all who advised me.

    @JumpGoldPenquin I always jumped up about 10lbs at the totm. Yes you read that right. I had surgical menopause quite a few years ago so I no longer go through it. I empathised with those ladies who suffer, it can be hellish.

    @missybear it’s always a worry when our furry friends have to have procedures. Lovely to read she’s through the worst!

    @northerndawn how frustrating for you. I’ve lost posts before, it sucks. Takes me ages to type at the best of times. Big congratulations on your new low BMI of 23.8. Fabulous and well done! I’m 29.5 so quite a way to go yet. I have moved from the obese category to the overweight so I guess that’s progress.

    @emma1202 thank you for your recommendation for the Zero app. So simple but so very useful. Do you know if having a white coffee or white tea breaks the fast. I try to have clear drinks but sometines I get one made for me and don’t like to refuse (plus I press stop on my app).

    @dingping your house sounds delightful. Wishing you a happy house warming.

    @daffodil2010 I too got up early (needed bathroom anyway). I couldn’t see it but more because of it’s position rather than cloud. As it was clear sky’s and very cold I couldn’t face going outside in my pjs lol. I saw the moon last night and it was particularly bright and beautiful and illuminated the garden beautifully.

    @elektron I totally agree. I am very mindful and try to make every calorie nutritious.

    May I ask a question please? By doing 800 cals a day, do I also do 2 days of 500 cals? If I stay at 800 cals a day can I stay on this thread?

    Pocket list Day 21

    Wishing everyone a successful week.

    Peace & Love

    Day 21 – FD – Ireland
    Janudry and sugar free 🤞

    Morning all…. have not got to read posts. I fell off the sugar free dry train this weekend and feel rubbish! Had a great weekend with old friends catching up but it may be a coincidence as I feel I may be coming down with something too but I feel really awful today… head is muggy and have palpitations …. didn’t really go mad with food and didn’t go for dessert with meals but lots of snacks, nuts etc with drinks… oh and coffee and cake.
    So a very definite fast day today 💪

    Pocket list Day 21

    Have a good day everybody!
    Onward and downward ⬇️

    Day 21, London, UK, NFD

    Another NFD, hoefully more controlled than yesterdays’ lunch out with friends!!!

    I’m still suffering the Xmas consequences!!! Xmas weight may have gone, but fasting is having ZERO effect. There’s been no loss this week after a B2B2B2B2B ………….. I expect the results will take a couple of weeks to show up!!!

    Onward & downwards folks

    Day 21……Florida…..FD

    How come the weekends are never long enough……. Had a great weekend but my food consumption very very bad! So, this week, I am going to be working on getting it under control.
    I just have to get into the right mindset, I think that is my biggest dragon right now!
    A couple things, I plan on making some adjusts on.
    Increase my water intake and limit my carb intake. I find when I decrease my water and increase my carbs, my weight likes to go higher!
    Those are the two things, I’m going to work on and see if it makes a difference this week! I’ve got 10lbs to lose in two weeks for this wedding!

    I finally did it!
    I bought shoes with memory foam,
    So, no more forgetting why I walked into the kitchen!

    UK-day 21-fast day

    Morning all.

    Sorry I’m still loitering although not sticking to the plan as rigidly as the majority here. I investigated what you said @annemarilyn around OMAD and was fascinated by what was said about it. That’ll teach me to conjure a plan in my mind! I’m not doing the 36hrs at the moment as I’m finding it hard and I reprimand myself so aggressively that I’m having to toy with a different way. I’ve adapted so I’m doing doing 16:8 but then with 2 full 24 hour fasts a week. That seems not to be as much of a strain. It’s frustrating. I’m so close to goal, I can see it about 4lbs away and yet I’m battling to make it!

    In other news I woke up to overflow cascading water down side of house. Oh joy! Plumber has been in and sorted it and my son and I have done a 4k walk in the chilly minus degree weather. Very fresh.

    Good luck all fasters today. In theory I’m on a fast but it’s only 24hour fast from 8am today to 8am (maybe a little longer) tomorrow.

    Day 21 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    My inner bear wants to eat and sleep more this month! I’m having to work so much harder at keeping mindful…….and I keep forgetting to drink enough water. Considering I’m a winter baby I really don’t suit this time of year……. its my 60th early February so that will be another excuse for treats 😱 so must have good FDs and stay focused. Going for a long walk on the beach to strengthen my resolve 🙂

    Pocket list Day 21

    Have a great day everyone x

    Day 21 – Perth AUS – FD [800]

    @judyjudes there are a few of us toying with the 800 this month including @chipmunk13. I originally planned to do 5:2 but usually start with a 3 or 4 day fast when I haven’t been doing 5:2 for a bit, then the 800 thing came about so I thought I’d try as I was way off track in the blood sugar department and considerably over weight – heaviest I’ve ever been! You just stick to 800 calories every day. There is no need to drop further down for two days a week. When you’re ready then you switch to 5:2, but the fast days are still 800 calorie. The calories are accompanied by 16:8 daily eating pattern and a Mediterranean diet. I’ve got the 800 and the 16:8 under control but still need to cancel out those sneaky sugars 😛 Seems to work so far!

    Sorry I double posted for some reason! 😀

    Day 21 – London UK – NFD

    A successful FD yesterday and a controlled day on Friday means I am back on track and in mid maintenance range. Phew! Thursday night was quite indulgent as I had a girlfriend over which meant a few glasses of wine. I also made a delicious Cavolo Nero, roasted Squash and Halloumi dish. It was divine. I have been a bit stuck in a rut with cooking lately so it was nice to try something different. The recipe calls for freekah but I found quinoa worked just as well.

    I also realized I had all the ingredients for some almond, cacao and date balls. Had never made them before and I am so chuffed! They were just the chocolate fix I needed. They might not be low calorie but are a lot better than a slab of Dairy Milk I think? Have made them into balls and frozen some so that I have something for my sweet tooth on hand that’s not refined sugar laden.

    I still continue to be surprised with the way this way of eating actually works. I know, I know, it’s simple, it’s calorie restriction/ calorie counting, etc but it’s just great to have found a safe and easy WOE. Husband cooked supper last night which was roast pork and veggies so not the lightest of meals but I managed portion control and to eat slowly. The fear of going over maintenance range was enough to make me behave!

    Just catching up on posts since Saturday now…

    @daffodil2010 Your post re having two from your tin of chocolate biscuits – I’d count that as showing great restraint! If I’d started on two I don’t think I would be able to stop! Hope all is going well with making your Dad’s home ready for him. How lovely that you are a big family and can share the tasks. I missed your earlier post about the vending machine. What a great idea!

    @dingping congrats on your first FD in a while. That was me a couple of weeks ago. So satisfying to reach the end of a successful FD! I seem to have missed the news of your move – congratulations! And what a big move it sounds like to – from a London studio flat. I hope you are settling in well. Love the description of your new home; it sounds wonderful!

    @snowflake56 I’m sorry to read about your mil and friend. I hope they are both comfortable and that you are also taking care of yourself. It’s easy to forget when we are looking after others.

    @bert1802 That sounds like quite a fancy affair of a wedding you’re going to! Hope you’re staying on track – just think of how great you’ll feel.

    @anna6 I had to quickly read your post as it’s just after midday here and I’m getting hungry! Talk of pulled duck and pizza will not help my cause!

    Going to have to go for now. Will I ever catch up with posts?! Perhaps later I will ready from the bottom up instead of trying to start from where I left of 2 days ago.

    My Zero (fasting) app tells me I have 14 minutes left until I reach 16 hours of fasting. I’m going to head out for a brisk walk so should get to 17 hours or thereabouts and then have lunch. Today I’ve gone again for the Waitrose Asian inspired pea, edamame and chilli soup. Someday soon I AM going to get myself organised and start making my lunches again!

    Day 21 Melb Aust NFD (EFS day!)
    Day 20 NFD
    Day 19 NFD

    Reluctantly writing today; I have been messing up bigtime with the eating just over the past few days. I am trying to work out what is going wrong, as I went so well through December, and the only thing I can think of is that I have been trying to include TRE more strictly. Before, it was sometimes happening by default, but now I am consciously including it, I have been feeling like my brain is in a fuzzy fog all the time and I feel just plain awful. Then the last few days have been worse because I’ve been indulging in “no-no” foods; today it was two doughnuts, and I don’t usually eat them AT ALL – so why now????

    Anyway, back on the wagon tomorrow. I think I’ll get myself back into the swing of 5:2, then maybe look at 800 cals per day for a few weeks. FDs for the next 3 days, to kickstart the process. Sigh!!

    Day 21 – UK – FD
    Day 18-20 – NFD 👿

    A new week and a new start – absolutely freezing in my neck of the woods -3.5 at 6.30am when I left home with OH to drive to our Broga class – certainly did not feel cold after that!!!!!! No snow in my village but snow on the fell tops and in some neighbouring areas slightly higher than us – DD could not get home after work last Friday as a result and stayed the night at ours!!

    Apologies for being AWOL for the past few days but lots of social commitments and busy days involving too much food and 🍷 I have to admit! So feeling the need to press my RESET BUTTON today with a FD and plenty of exercise – Pilates this afternoon and Yoga in the evening to help keep me focused. It has been really hard not to step on the scales to see what is going on with my weight but promised myself that this month I would try to reduce my dependency on the scales and only weighing in at the end of the month……

    @michelinme – hope that you are feeling less grumpy, painful joints have eased a bit , not feeling so spaced out and the struggle is getting better 🤗
    @snowflake56 – you are in my thoughts – hope MIL and friend are comfortable xx
    @ciren2 and @chipmunk13 – thanks for updating @lorky35 with MM new 800cal regime and so happy that you have had such success with it @chipmunk13 – I certainly think that if I was at the start of my journey I would have gone for the initial 2 weeks of 800cals to motivate me on my downward journey
    @annemarilyn – volunteering in the local community is a small part of retirement – the rest has involved looking after my ageing body by doing more exercise, I started with gentle pilates and walks building up to yoga, fast hiking and aerobics type exercise (HIT Pilates and Broga) Making time to meet with friends regularly – spending quality time with OH and DD, reading books which I have always enjoyed but never seemed to have enough time before……
    @songbirdme – great to hear that 16:8 is keeping you happily into maintenance 😊
    @matpi – your story about folks stockpiling happens over here too – not sure about that panic mentality!!! a reduced NFD is a CD (controlled day)
    @dingping – your new house and garden sounds fabulous – enjoy sorting things out and making it into your home!
    @daffodil2010 – sorry to hear DH knee is not right yet
    @cornish-jane – yikes a 50% increase in class price……try doing some classes following a you tube link until you find another suitable and cheaper class 🙏
    @jumpgoldpenguin – so glad that you have found yoga inspiring – I discovered a new passion too when I started it 3 years ago and it has improved both my physical and mental wellbeing 🧘‍♀️
    @anna6 – sounds strange hearing you talk about going to the beach with your family whilst over here it has been so cold ❄️
    @missybear – good to hear that your poor 🐱 survived that traumatic treatment
    @flourbaby – 5 B2B2B2B2B 💪
    @northerndawn – I am so glad that your found Yoga with Adrienne so sympathetic – she does have a lovely way about her
    @daffodil2010 – so lovely when the family can pull together and support each other in these emotionally difficult tasks that need to be done 🤗
    @bert1802 – great to hear from you and 2 weeks to get you happy in your formal, flowing gown – hang on tight and you can show them all a very polished gal – you have got this girl!!
    @elektron – I suspect that what you said may fit in with MM and others putting their diabetic patients on an eight week eating programme of 800cals for diabetics to get them off their insulin
    @judyjudes – from what I have read you swop to doing 800cals on your FD and definitely yes you can stay on the challenge – some here already do 800cals on their FD, others do 500cal, some do 1/4 TDEE and others do WFD – I think the important thing is to find what works for you and gives you the results you want – when I was losing the weight I did mix and match what I did on the recommendation of someone on the challenge at the time and it certainly worked for me – I was lucky enough to be stuck on a plateau once only on my journey, although it was a 3 month one!!!!! Since reaching maintenance I still vary what do on my FDs depending on my level of overindulgence on my NFD and how I feel in myself☺️
    @beedoo – thank you for sharing that yummy sounding recipe – will be giving it a try but will have to replace the halloumi with perhaps a grilled seabags fillet as OH does not eat cheese!
    @betsylee – we have all done that so pick yourself up and dust yourself down and onwards you go – you are not alone in the struggle xx

    I have gone through the spreadsheet and added anyone who has stated an intention to fast today and those who have noted this intention in their posts and look how big our list is!!!!!!! so TOGETHER WE CAN DO THIS

    Pocket list Day 21
    @dykask – WFD
    @bert1802 – come on girl you have got this!! hold on tight

    “If you are really serious about losing weight, you need to be completely honest with yourself about what you’re eating.”

    Day 21 USA – NFD

    Will do a FD tomorrow – today is a bit of a holiday here in the USA. Schools, post offices, banks, etc. closed. I remember back when I was teaching, it was always a good day to not have to heat the schools in northern Illinois. This part of January is often very much in the deep freeze. Not too bad today, despite some new snow.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 21 North Canton OH FD on a frigid day!!

    I had a truly decadent weekend. Sleep, wake, eat, snuggle and watch TV with family, repeat. Just what I needed to recover from the deep bone numbing exhaustion I have been struggling with over the last month. Now I am recharged and ready to join the fray.

    Bah humbug, my preferred teams did not make it to the super bowl… I am NOT happy

    However I am happy that for the first time in forever, I genuinely feel good about my weight and size. I enjoy my NFD but I enjoy the FD even more. I am going for a liquid FD today and tomorrow. So far so good.

    @at I agree, complete honesty about what goes in your mouth, every bite every morsel.

    @betsylee most of us have been there and done that. I remember eating stuff I am usually not tempted by at all and while it sometimes made me feel horrible, other times it made me feel better, so I think sometimes you just need to indulge your body and move on – the trick is not to get stuck in indulgent mode.

    @elektron those blasted sneaky sugars

    @flourbaby cruella will shift, you know she will – she’s just making you work for it a little bit

    @judyjudes any move in the right direction is progress, keep tweaking – you will eventually find the right combo that works for you. And no matter what regimen you follow, you are always welcome on this forum; we are all in this together

    @dingping congrats on your new home! It’s wonderful when you find a home that you love. We are almost one year into the “Forever home” we bought last year and I love it more and more every day – this weekend I was especially thankful for multiple windows that allowed my family to watch the snowstorm outside while huddling around the fireplace

    Pocket list Day 21
    @dykask – WFD
    @bert1802 – come on girl you have got this!! hold on tight

    Day 21 – London UK – NFD


    So excited – I have just signed up for a 6 session Beginners Hatha Yoga class! It’s after work so will be a bit of a race to get to but my husband has said he will do nursery pick up so that I can make it in time. Starting on 5 Feb so that will be my February resolution for “Try one new thing each month for a month”! I hope it’s one that I continue with! Hoping I can soon join in with the yoga chat on here!

    Someone bought in the most divine smelling homemade coconut and chocolate bites today. It has taken everything in me to stay away from them. I did succumb to a piece of chocolate about 2cmx2cm which just about did the trick. Thankfully I then had a meeting so couldn’t have any more! I really struggle immediately after having lunch. I had a pear and satsuma today to try and help but they just don’t quite match up to chocolate!

    Currently at 460cals for the day and have a homemade daal with parsnips and carrots for supper so hope to remain well within TDEE unless something goes drastically wrong…which has been known to happen!!

    Happy Monday everyone!

    Day 21, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Yesterday evening we were lucky that we got a break in the clouds and could witness the great Super Blood Wolf🐺 Full Moon🌚. The eclipse was really fun to watch with the moon turning red!
    A very snowy ❄ day today! Martin Luther King Day, a holiday for DH and we are enjoying a relaxed ‘snow day’ in front of the fire place ♨️. We will be walking as well in our big snow boots after snow shoveling. Our old puppy 🐕 loves the snow very much.
    Speaking of the doggy @dingping: Rescue Rooter is a company that has to come when your sewer pipes are backed up. All the dog’s hair might have caused an emergency call to them had we bathed him at home. Therefore we went to a dog wash place. Our dog has such an extremely thick undercoat it is just unbelievable. Before the bath we brushed him and we ended up with so much hair that you could see a second dog lying on the floor – with much imagination and some fantasy 😆😁😂🤣😊!!! Also, congratulation on your new beautiful house! 😊🏡

    Have a good Monday everyone!🌨❄☃️

    Day 21
    FD today. So far so good. It’s still early. My trying time is around 3:00 pm. I stayed the same so I’m hoping by completing the 2 FD that will trigger my body to shed a pound or 2. 🙂
    Busy week with the art show on Thursday and Friday.
    Thanks for adding me to the FD list.

    Pocket list Day 21
    @dykask – WFD
    @bert1802 – come on girl you have got this!! hold on tight

    Day 21: Gloucestershire, UK: NFD
    @daffodil2010: Like you, I looked up at the full moon as I went out to work at about 6.40am…a patch of cloud was partially covering it! There may have been a shadow over the “25 past” section….but couldn’t be sure…as you say, oh well!
    @redrockgirl302: You saw it? Lucky you!
    @jaifaim: sorry you’re feeling rubbish today. Sounds like sugar and alcohol are messing you up after being off them for so long.
    @jumpgoldpenguin: Oh dear…nothing worse than water cascading where it shouldn’t be! Glad you sorted it out.
    @beedoo: Congratulations on being back in maintenance.
    @betsylee: Dust yourself off and get back on that wagon! (says me of all people…ha…ha!) Don’t beat yourself up, ok?

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