New to this, Second day fasting, questions?

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  • Hello Everybody!!!! I’m new to the 5:2 diet…. the first day fasting i didn’t make it…. as SOON as i ate i was hungry beyond being able to handle it, and went off the fast at the end of the evening 🙁

    This is my second fast day, and i’m going to try to see if i can go ALL DAY without eating, which i think might actually be easier for me…. does anybody else here do things that way?

    i’ve got a lot of weight to lose, so no danger there.

    i may be either hypoglycemic or almost type 2 diabetes, either way my blood sugar is wonky, and got an intuition to take a supplement i have had in a cupboard for a year that i don’t use…. it’s called ‘glycine’ and i obeyed and put some in my tea and actually felt a bit better

    but of course i was too curious not to google why i was supposed to use this supplement and i found the most AMAZING article… as i am insulin resistant and carry ALL of my excess weight in my abdomen, and have a lot of body pain… so thought i would share in case any of y’all are in the same boat

    anyway, any advice on my new journey, and esp any body out there who fasts all day?

    nice to meet everyone btw 🙂

    Hi Nazareth,
    I hope your second day went better than your first, all I can say is try and stick to it as I’m sure you will get used to it and feel better about it the more you do, I hoping that’s the case anyway as tomorrow is my first fasting day.
    so fingers crossed for both of us.

    Hi Nazareth, stick with it, you will find what works for you. I’ve tried various things, 3 small meals, 2 meals. For me, it doesn’t seem to get much easier, but it’s only for a day and whatever I want today I can always have tomorrow instead on a non-fast day. I started off eating a high-protein breakfast of 2 eggs or having them as elevenses. The last fast day though, I had a more ‘normal’ breakfast of 1 slice of toast and spread and jam, and that was much better.

    Good Luck!

    I’ve just completed my fourth fasting day, and it does get easier. I have the same problem as you: the moment I eat something, I get raging hunger. I thought it would last all day, but it didn’t, it wore off after about two hours.

    My strategy is evolving into hanging on as long as possible without eating during the day, then eating something with protein.

    If the pangs get too much, I eat two almonds. Mega-surprised at how filling two almonds can be!

    Good luck with it.

    Now on second day of fasting. It still seems quite hard and I find myself getting obsessed about when I next can eat something! After the first fast day I lost 1kg which cam back after 3 normal days. I hope it doesn’t continue like this! I have been quite careful on those days – about 1500cal but not counting

    This is my first day of fasting. Really surprised at how well I am coping with the hunger pangs, think it is probably because I am so focused to make this diet work for me, after so many fails with other diets. Going on Holiday in June, and would really like to lose 14lbs at least by then. Is this a realistic goal?

    Try just fasting for 16 hours and eating in an 8 hour time block at first for a few days, maybe a week. I experienced the same thing when I first started especially on the 500-600 calorie days. It will take some time to get used to the hunger pains and any headaches that are associated, if you have them I did, will go away after a couple of days. When you get used to a 16 hour fasting between dinner(supper) and your next meal, then try a day when you only eat your 500-600 calorie day. It does get easier and there are days where I don’t eat anything once a week and I found that is easier than worrying about how to stick to 500-600 calories. Also drink LOTS of water and when you feel hungry do something to make yourself busy like a workout, play video games(worked for me lol)until you no longer feel hungry. Good luck!

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