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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  luciabronson 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone 🙂

    I am going to be starting the 5:2 diet as of tomorrow. I have a few meal plans mapped out for my fast days- good, healthy food with a calorie total of 500-600.

    I have been unhappy with my weight for the past few years. As you can read on my profile, I used to be able to eat what I wanted without putting in too much hard work at the gym and I still had a small waist and a toned stomach. I then started on anti-depressants which I was on for 2 and a half years (been off these for three weeks now – yay!). I believe these played a big role in my weight gain as it has just crept up on me and my metabolism has seemingly slowed down – all of a sudden I’m nearly 11 stone instead of 8 and a half. For someone that’s never struggled with weight, this is really hard and has hit my confidence massively.

    I dislike the gym but still try to go twice a week and eat reasonably well. I can’t seem to shift any weight as I can be a bit of an emotional eater plus I get bored of dieting very quickly. I’m really hoping 5:2 is the answer I’ve been looking for; I go on holiday in 5 weeks and I’m dreading wearing a bikini so I’m praying it can help even a tiny bit before then!

    I’d really appreciate any help and tips and will post in here how I’m getting on 🙂

    Hi, Beth, and welcome to Fasting.

    How have you been faring since 29 April? Is Fasting working as you and hoped? I’ve been doing this for 5 years, maintaining for 4 years, so I’m a big fan of the program.
    Maintain your focus and when you feel that you are hungry, drink water or your favorite tea.

    Let us all know how you are doing.

    Welcome to the club, bethd23! 🙂

    When you fail at fasting, instead of punishing and hating yourself, forgive yourself and start over. Negativity will keep you away from making any progress. Stay positive and keep trying. I’m going through this process right now since I increased a bit of weight in the recent weeks due to failure at keeping away from certain foods. I’m starting over.

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