New to the 5:2 diet

This topic contains 12 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Moselyfan2017 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • So tomorrow is my first day of fasting and I am slightly sceptical. I’m a student teacher and I am on my feet and very busy all day. I’m worried about feeling hungry and weak whilst at work. I don’t want to feel unwell and distracted. I have read up and I know that tomorrow will be the hardest and it will hopefully get easier. But any tips for how to get through it? Thanks 🙂

    Hi Kjay and welcome

    Here is some information that might help:

    Good Luck!


    Drink lots of water, coffee, tea. Have a bouillon or miso (or any kind of salty soup).

    The fact that you’re busy will help. Good luck!

    Thank you!

    First day tomorrow. I’m a bit worry but happy to take this initiative 🙂

    Hi Everyone,

    My wife and I have just started the 5:2 diet, this is our second week.

    I get up at 5am each day for work and looking for breakfast ideas that are quick and easy to prepare?

    I’m new to this…so far so good. Very surprised to find that I’m not craving snacks.

    mchapman, many people save their calories for one meal on this diet. I do have breakfast, but only a soft boiled egg. A sort of compromise can be prepared in advance and kept in the fridge. Add eggs to boiling water and cook ~8 minutes. It’s not quite soft and not quite hard. When I’m really busy I do this.

    I would also add to stay away from carbs in the morning, since they’ll make you hungry faster than protein and fat. Having said that, some people swear by oatmeal on a fast day…

    Good luck! To you to BobRob!

    Hi mchapman hope all is going well for you both I am in my second week and really enjoying it last week I lost 2.6kg feeling really good about it I am on a fast day today I am looking forward to my next weigh in on Monday all the best.

    Hi Swish Trish,

    Losing 2.6kgs is a sensational effort well done! This week I fasted on Monday and Wednesday and jumped on the scales today to discover I only lost 600 grams as I have followed the recipes to the letter.

    My doctor advised me that for some people it can take a couple of weeks for your body to adjust and drop the weight. I have decided to eat my 600 calories in one sitting for dinner and have water and a couple of black coffees during the day.

    Keep up the great work.



    I’ll throw in a little update here too since it’s also my first week 🙂
    I fasted Sunday and Monday, took off yesterday and today, and tomorrow (Thursday) I will be fasting again! I had a really great result on the scale after the first two days, but my official weekly weigh-in is Friday morning so I’ll post this week’s loss then! Pretty excited/nervous to see what happens.

    Made a vegetable soup to have tomorrow for dinner, and planning on only having coffee, green tea and water throughout the day.

    So far I’m really liking this “WOE”! Reading everyone else’s posts is so helpful, not to mention inspirational! Can’t wait to hear more about everyone’s progress.

    Found out my problems with diet were not with the diet. Found out I had a BAD gall bladder that was coincidental with the diet, leading me to believe the diet was causing my problems. MUCH better now that the gall bladder has left the building, and will be joining you fast-ers again really soon! Michael Mosely is a genius, and I hope he lives forever…or at least 2.5 times the normal lifespan!

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