New to Group – Where to start?

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New to Group – Where to start?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  PreciousBooBoo 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi all,

    I’m new to the forum and new to the Fast Diet. I’ve been going through some health issues and have been advised by my doctor and ENT to lose some weight. ARGH! I’ve tried weight watchers before and had success with it but I never stuck it out.

    My dr recommended this diet to me. I have ordered the book but its currently out of stock and I’m waiting on it.

    Where do I start with this? Does anyone have any meal plans that they follow for the 2 days? Any tips? Any advice? I’ll take anything I can get at this stage.

    Thanks all!


    Hi and welcome:

    You do not need the book. Here is the entire diet:

    On two days each week you eat 500 or fewer calories. The remaining five days, you eat normally.

    A ‘day’ is when you are awake. So you get up in the morning and during your waking hours you eat 500 calories. You go to bed and when you wake up the next day you resume your normal eating.

    There are no foods you must eat, and no foods you cannot eat. Eat what you normally eat.

    Here are some tips:

    Good Luck!

    Hi Courtney, check out the “how” and “FAQ” tabs at the top of the page. You can eat your 500 calories however works out well for you on fast days, but one thing to know is that most people seem to stay full longer on high-protein foods than on high carb foods. Some people need breakfast, others find it just makes them hungry. It’s a really good idea to plan what you want to eat on a fast day and have everything on hand.

    What a lot of people find tricky is eating “normally” on the other days. Eating normally — to me– does not mean continuing to eat the way that was making me gain weight or stay heavy. It means gradually learning how to eat in a way that will maintain the weight I would like to be. That way, when I get to my goal weight, fasting just one day a week will take care of any over-indulging I might do during the week — and I’ll actually be aware of what over-indulging is for my current age and weight. I can still eat whatever I want, but not as much of it as I used to.

    Hi schnauzerlady19 and welcome to the Fast Diet Forum

    I agree with simcoeluv to a certain extent; it is a very simple eating plan and you can definitely follow it without reading the book or watching the Horizon documentary Michael made about it.

    However, I would most certainly advise anyone thinking of starting to ‘fast’ to read it somewhere around the time they intend starting. It gives you the science of how fasting can help you to lose weight and hopefully and valuably improve your health at the same time.

    I have lost count of the times I have read about what someone is eating on their fast days and sometimes see 3 meals listed. You can of course, eat your 500/600 calories however you want on a fast day but if you read the book; it explains about how your body can repair itself in the longer spells of time when it is being given a break from continually digesting food.

    It also gives some good advice on how to approach the other 5 days; some people refer to them as ‘feast’ days. Unless you are really lucky; you cannot get away with ‘feasting’ and still expect to lose weight. I would advise you call them non-fast days; this is more representative.

    I would temper simcoeluv’s advice to ‘eat what you normally eat’ on non-fast days; hypothetically someone could be really greedy and overeat for England. The book discusses this in some detail and in some ways; the advice given is as important as the advice regarding the fast days.

    Good Luck

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