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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself. I am in my early 50’s and have a lot of fat to lose (almost 90 pounds). Last July I had a rare cancer removed from my eyelid, and with the stress, etc I gained weight on top of my already overweight body. I have had 8 surgeries on my eye since then and have finally been giving the all clear and told I don’t need to go back to the doctor for 6 months 🙂 However, I just found out I am now pre-diabetic and I am starting to have blood pressure issues which I never had before. I found ADF through my sister who is doing IF (20/4) and having great results with it. For several months I have tried a Keto diet and did well at first but started having problems with it due to some intestinal issues I have. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to do it long term. I am hoping fasting works for me as I feel it is something I could do the rest of my life (I have fasted in the past for religious reasons and did well with it.) After reading through some of the info & posts here I do have a question. According to the calculator my TDEE is 2027. That seems like a lot for someone my age who is only 5″2 and almost 250 pounds! Should I really be eating that much or can I eat closer to 1700 range? Sorry for the long intro. Hope to get to know all of you better and good luck to all of you on your journey.
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    Greetings, Pauline, and welcome to the Fasting Lifestyle.

    I agree with you that 2027 calories sounds awfully high for a non-Fast day. When you put the numbers into the calculator, did you put your Target Weight or your actual weight?

    You should find the Fast Diet to be useful in your weight loss journey, and in so doing, reduce your blood sugar and other numbers.

    You mentioned the ‘intestinal issues’ with another diet. Some people on the Fast Diet have problems with diarrhea. This is most likely due to the poor quality of gut bacteria, which goes down due to poor diet [high fat, low vegetables]. If that is a problem for you, introduce Green Smoothies into your diet. But do it slowly so it doesn’t cause indigestion.
    Here is Dr Mosley’s recipe for smoothie: “Fruit Smoothie, Dr. Mosley: 80 calories 0.4 g fat 3.5 g fiber 4.2 g protein 16.2 g carb 131 mg Calcium This recipe is from the Fast Diet book, further quantified by me. PB GF HINT: this makes enough for 2 servings, so reserve the rest for another breakfast which will save you time.
    6” of banana [3.0 oz] ½ cup plain, non-fat yogurt 2 oz fruit [either ½ cup mixed berries or 7 one-inch strawberries] 8-10 ice cubes
    Blend at low speed at first to break up the fruit, then at higher speed to blend.
    HINT: I make up ‘kits’ in advance. In a freezer-safe container, I place all the ingredients except the ice cubes and freeze it days to weeks in advance. The night before a Fast Day, the Smoothie Kit comes out to thaw on the counter overnight. Much simpler.”

    You could make that and add increasing amounts of leafy greens such as chard, spinach, or kale.

    And here is another Green Smoothie: “Fruit Smoothie w/ greens, ME: 74 calories 0.1 g fat 1.0 g fiber 0.5 g protein 16.5 g carbs 29.4 mg Calcium PB GF This is the smoothie that we have used for years, and then I added some spinach, so it is a synthesis of the 2 previous smoothies. HINT: this makes enough for several breakfasts, so make it once and use it often. A real time-saver.
    2 oz banana 2 oz berries [black currants, strawberries, blueberries, red or black raspberries, blackberries – any combo] HINT: I make these up in ‘kits’ and keep them in the freezer. They could go into the blender frozen or leave the ‘kit’ on the counter overnight to thaw. Another time-saver! 1 cup raw spinach or Swiss chard or kale or beet greens 1 and 1/2 cups orange juice or natural apple cider 1 cup tomato juice
    Toss the fruit and greens into the blender. Add 1/2 cup orange juice. Process on high to blend the fruits and puree the leaves. Turn down to lowest setting and add the remaining juice. Process until smooth. Keep the setting on ‘low’ at this point, unless you like your smoothie with a huge head of foam!”

    Hope you find this to be helpful.

    Hi fasting_me, thanks for the welcome. I entered my current weight into the calculator. Should I have used my target weight?
    Actually, diarrhea wasn’t my problem. I had issues with severe constipation/impaction. But I have complicating issues. I had a hysterectomy 15 years ago and they found that my left ovary was attached to my rectum by a lot of scar tissue. They were unable to remove it due to the amount of bleeding. Because of this I have some narrowing. I found that the high meat diet caused a lot of problems for me due to this. I had been a vegetarian for several years and never had that problem. It wasn’t until I started eating meat again that it began. Sorry if that is TMI, that is why I said “intestinal issues” in my original post. I know a lot of people get grossed out by that kind of thing. Thanks for the recipes. I love green smoothies and have watched Green Smoothie girl for a long time.
    I hope you are right about 5:2 helping with the blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and weight. I know I just need to give it some time and see how my body responds.

    Hi Everyone
    My name is jyoti. i am new from this forum. pls everyone to support me

    Pauline, readjusting your gut bacteria will help with both starting and stopping. Although the bowel constriction is a contributing factor. Could be too that your vegetarian gut flora are not used to your meat-including diet. And yes, use your Target Weight when you calculate your TDEE.

    Hi, jyotiak. Good luck on your Fasting. People on the various Forum threads are very helpful.

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