New Forum Member One Week In

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Angie090465 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Last week was my first. I fasted on Monday and Thursday. I went from 233 to 230 in my my first week. I felt less tired and bloated on the days I fasted and actually was tempted to continue 2 consecutive days. I want to lose about 44 pounds total how long would that take? Thanks and look forward to using the Forum.

    hi there and welocme to the forum and 5.2!

    well done on your results so far, brilliant 🙂 not sure about how long it would take to loose 44 lbs, everyone is different and you cant put a time frame on it!! the body has its owm mind lol, just be patient and keep at it!

    good luck 🙂

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