New Faster :-)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Miranda FR 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    I just wanted to start this thread as I am doing this fast alone, and feel like writing things down will make me sick with it more! None of my family or friends are familiar with the concept but after reading the book I decided to give it a try.

    I’ve always been quite slim, had a very high metabolism when I was younger, I’m sure I ate my own body weight in food daily without gaining any weight. I have a very small build so at my normal weight was 7 1/2 stone. I really never looked that skinny just normal, but over the last few years the weight had started creeping up on me, I’m 27 now so obviously my metabolism has slowed somewhat. I didn’t mind that much but about 6 months ago I was in a car accident which has left me unable to exercise, even walking is a problem. I’ve become so sedentary that I am really worried about my health. I’ve also gained 1 1/2 stone in those six months alone because all I did was sit around eating as I was so depressed at having to give up a job I loved because I was in so much pain.

    So I decided to take control and start this lifestyle/diet change. I’m only on my second fast day but I’m already feeling so much brighter and happier! I’m happy to say I’ve found both fast days quite easy. Visitors called to me unexpectedly on my first day and I happily watched them eating all of my biscuits without wanting them!! I’m less hungry on non fast days but am REALLY tired in the evenings, is this normal?

    I’m hoping I will lose some weight because I’m getting married next year and want to look my best. I have a normal bmi but I find that they fail to take account of small frames. I’m currently 10 1/2 stone and have a lot more fat on me than my sister who weighs the same as me but has a larger frame. Has anyone found it’s possible to lose weight without exercise? I haven’t done my second weigh in but I’m really hopeful! I would love to lose 2 stone eventually!

    hi Accidentprone( love the name lol )and welcome to the forums!!

    I am very sorry to hear about your accident, I do hope you are getting better..

    well done on your second fast, that’s great! yes I do feel quite tired in the evenings after a fast too, so don’t worry, its all normal and absolutely yes you can loose weigh without doing any exercise!

    I am sure you will achieve your goal, with patience, and some will power lol, and you are doing great already..

    good luck and keep us posted on your progress! 🙂

    Hi there and welcome – it sounds like you have had a rough time you poor thing.

    If it helps – I can say that yes you definitely can lose weight without exercise. I’ve managed it whilst awaiting a hip replacement (now 2 days away!).

    Psychologically I think this really works – particularly the feeling of being back in control and seeing steady weight loss. And also because if you do feel deprived at any time you know you can eat what you want the next day.

    I wish you all the best – let us know how you get on.

    Cath x

    Thank you both for your replies, I’m just at the end of my second fast day and can’t get to sleep!! On my non fast days I’m usually knocked out by this time I can’t believe I have so much extra energy on a day where I’ve had almost no sugar, very strange!

    Thanks Angie, I chose the name because I really am a klutz I’m always bumping into/tripping over something!

    Oh wow, congratulations on your hip replacement Cathy. I hope the operation goes really well for you.
    You’re so right, I’ve felt better than I have in months this week abnd I feel it’s because I’m taking control of something in my life again.

    Thank you for your replies, I will post here with progress or if I ever feel like giving up, which hopefully I won’t!

    Hi accidentprone,
    Sorry to hear about your car accident. Like you I have always been slim until I got older and had children. I’m now trying to lose the baby weight, well that’s what I call it never mind the fact that both my babies are now in high school. I’ve just finished my third fast day and I’m feeling pretty smug about myself that I haven’t caved in to the temptation of meatball Subs (yum). Also it has been incredibly hot here and really the last thing I want to do is eat. Again like you I get very tired by the evening which is great because despite the heat and hunger pangs I’m sleeping like a baby. Congratulations on your marriage next year.

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