New beginnings

This topic contains 20 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  susie-q 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • After watching the documentary and reading a lot of success stories I have decided to start the 5:2 plan. Today is my first day of fasting so wish me luck. I will post my progress regularly. I am really excited about starting this. I would like to lose 12kgs and have tried many diets before. I did lose 11kgs by cutting out sugar in this last year but now nothing seems to budge those extra kgs. Fingers crossed this works for me!

    Hi Lyn and welcome:

    Here are some tips for newbies:

    Good Luck!

    Hello Lyndoe,
    I am started the 5:2 this morning and your story sounds similar to mine!

    I am 46 years old and not exactly overweight but I know my body is responding to foods differently than it used to! I have more trouble getting rid of extra fat especially around my belly and hips. I love exercise and do some kind of activity almost every day. I am a very healthy eater too, lots of veg and fruit, ‘clean” proteins, only fish or veg based… And over the past year I have been learning about the glycemic index….foods that cause the body to get too much glucose. So I have been trying to be conscience of that…Getting old is so much work!!

    I saw the program Michael Mosley did when he discovered this 5:2 diet and it seemed like a great solution to getting healthier and shedding a few pounds, I’m aiming to take off about 8.

    So today I begin! I have todays food planned light breakfast, and a light dinner, no carbs, only grapefruit, coffee, and greek yogurt, plain with cinnamon…..then for dinner, big bunch of greens, bolied egg with mustard and a wee bit of dressing ….

    I live in the Northeast US, Vermont to be exact and I have 2 kids so when it is summertime, I do not get time to care for myself properly. Now they are in school and I’m ready to pay attention to ME! Where are you living?

    I hope your first day went well! I am sipping some iced tea and feeling a bit hungry but not too bad…

    Hi all I joined this site today but have been on the 5/2 for 3 and a half weeks.
    Its my second attempt at doing it with the first one I did it for 5 weeks and lost a stone and as of last Saturdays weigh in I had lost 6 lb in 3 weeks this time round.
    The weight loss is obviously a big reason for doing it but also the other benefits are a big incentive too, I know its to soon to know but I love the fact that the body switches from growth mode to repair mode.
    The horizon program was brilliant and all of it made so much sense, you dont see many overweight 90 year olds in supermakers walking around but you do see a quite a few slim ones still living a very happy and reasonably active lives.
    When I get hunger pangs on fast days I say to myself thats the magic happening with repair mode replacing growth mode, It helps me:-)

    Hello everyone. Many thanks for your comments. I really appreciate them. Always good to hear from people with great information.

    It is 8:40am here in New Zealand and so far so good 🙂 I have been out of bed for 3 hours, travelled an hour to work and already walked 30 mins. So it begins…. :).

    It will be interesting to see what my bloods will be like as I have under active thyroid and high cholesterol three months from now. Could be a great Xmas present to myself! Lots of water on my desk. All nuts and seeds hidden from view for today.

    Cells going into ‘repair’ mode…I like that part too. I learned about that concept from the program but I’d like to learn more. I remember protein caused the cells to be in reproduction mode, but what kicked them into ‘repair’? I’ll research and get back to you.

    I’m about to make dinner, eat my 200 calories and bring my first ‘fast day’ to an end. Then another fast day tomorrow.

    I think the beginning of this venture is the time for connection and paying attention to all the details. Thanks for giving me a place for that.

    Hi Susie q
    Please post your findings on repair mode I’d love to know more it has to be a massive incentive on fast days.
    It does make sense that as we get older and life becomes easier with food more easily avaible to us our bodies would go into semi retirement and not need to work as hard. But also it makes sense ( well to me anyway 🙂 that by fasting the brain would give other parts of our body a wake up call and say ” hey time to gat back to work, seems its not time to slow down yet after all ”
    Very simplistic view I know but I do need simplistic as complicated goes above my brain grade 🙁 .

    Hi @john wis and @lyndoe,

    I love the simplistic view. They could also be called ‘instinctual views’. There is a lot to be said for our intuitive impressions of ourselves and the world around us. I like to back my instinct up with science to keep me ‘honest’ or reassured that I’m on the right track, but, I think some people rely too heavily on fact and research and deny their own instinctual impressions. Our whole body has the ability to communicate the truth, especially about ourselves and any human behaviors.

    That being said, here’s some scientific fact we can use to help us visualize what our cells are doing while we are ‘fasting’, it’s really just cutting calories, isn’t it? Someone posted this on another forum in the 5:2 website. I’m still a little unsure of cell repair mode vs cell division… And what we are doing to help our bodies as we age. Do you think we will heal faster from injuries or sprains or muscle strains and bruises? Wouldn’t that be great? That would keep me going on the tough ‘fasting’ days!

    I just finished my 2 days of eating 400 calories, I will continue to learn while on this journey. Thanks for your thoughts, ideas, support, it helps to know others are out ‘there’ thinking and struggling with me: Lyndoe and john!

    What I found:

    When you “lose” body fat, the fat cell (also called an adipocyte) does not go anywhere or “move into the muscle cell to be burned. The fat cell itself, (unfortunately) stays right where it was – under the skin in your thighs, stomach, hips, arms, etc., and on top of the muscles – which is why you can’t see muscle “definition” when your body fat is high.

    The fat is not burned right there in the fat cell,
    it must be liberated from the fat cell.

    Fat is stored inside the fat cell in the form of triaglycerol. The fat is not burned right there in the fat cell, it must be liberated from the fat cell through somewhat complex hormonal/enzymatic pathways. When stimulated to do so, the fat cell simply releases its contents (triaglycerol) into the bloodstream as free fatty acids (FFA’s), and they are transported through the blood to the tissues where the energy is needed.

    A typical young male adult stores about 60,000 to 100,000 calories of energy in body fat cells. What triggers the release of all these stored fatty acids from the fat cell? Simple: When your body needs energy because you’re consuming fewer calories than you are burning (an energy deficit), then your body releases hormones and enzymes that signal your fat cells to release your fat reserves instead of keeping them in storage.

    For stored fat to be liberated from the fat cell, hydrolysis (lipolysis or fat breakdown), splits the molecule of triaglycerol into glycerol and three fatty acids. An important enzyme called hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) is the catalyst for this reaction. The stored fat (energy) gets released into the bloodstream as FFA’s and they are shuttled off to the muscles where the energy is needed. As blood flow increases to the active muscles, more FFA’s are delivered to the muscles that need them.

    An important enzyme called lipoprotein lipase (LPL), then helps the FFA’s get inside the mitochondria of the muscle cell, where the FFA’s can be burned for energy. If you’ve ever taken a biology class, then you’ve probably heard of the mitochondria. This is the “cellular powerhouse” where energy production takes place and this is where the FFA’s go to be burned for energy.

    When the FFA’s are released from the fat cell, the fat cell shrinks and that’s why you look leaner when you lose body fat – because the fat cell is now smaller. A small or “empty” fat cell is what you’re after if you want the lean, defined look.

    It was once believed that the number of fat cells could not increase after adulthood, only the size of the fat cells could increase (or decrease). We now know that fat cells can indeed increase both in size (hypertrophy) and in number (hyperplasia) and that they are more likely to increase in number at certain times and under certain circumstances, such as:

    During late childhood and early puberty
    During pregnancy
    During adulthood when extreme amounts of weight are gained.
    Some people are genetically predisposed to have more fat cells than others and women have more fat cells than men. (learn about your body type) An infant usually has about 5 – 6 billion fat cells. This number increases during early childhood and puberty, and a healthy adult with normal body composition has about 25 to 30 billion fat cells. A typical overweight adult has around 75 billion fat cells. But in the case of severe obesity, this number can be as high as 250 to 300 billion!

    The average size (weight) of an adult fat cell is about 0.6 micrograms, but they can vary in size from 0.2 micograms to 0.9 micrograms. An overweight person’s fat cells can be up to three times larger than a person with ideal body composition.

    Remember, body fat is basically just a reserve source of energy and fat cells are the like the storage tanks. Unlike a gas tank in your car which is fixed in size, however, fat cells can expand or shrink in size depending on how “filled” they are.

    Picture a balloon that is not inflated: It’s tiny when not filled with air – maybe the size of your thumb. When you blow it up with air, it can expand 10 or 12 times it’s normal size, because it simply fills up. That’s what happens to fat cells: They start as nearly empty fat storage “tanks” (when you are lean), and when energy intake exceeds your needs, your fat cells “fill up” and “stretch out” like balloons filling up with jelly (not a pretty picture, is it?)

    So you don’t actually “lose” fat cells, you “empty out” fat cells.

    Take-home lessons:

    Calories count! The signal that triggers your body to release adipose from fat cells is an energy deficit… you have to burn more than you eat. More info: burning fat without burning muscle article.
    Cut calories conservatively. Starving yourself may cause quick weightloss at first, but never works long term because it actually decreases the activity of fat burning enzymes that release fat from the cells. to avoid this “starvation mode” use exercise to BURN THE FAT, not very low calorie crash diets.
    Get control of your weight now. If you are gaining weight, and especially if your weight is climbing upwards out of control, make a decision to STOP RIGHT NOW. Your fat cells might be multiplying, making it more difficult to burn fat in the future. NOW is the time!
    If you’ve already lost weight, you must be forever diligent. Your fat cells are not gone, they have merely “shrunk” or “emptied out.” Fitness is not a 12 week program, its a lifestyle. To stay lean you have to eat clean and stay active
    Genetics are only a minor factor. You may not have control over how many fat cells you were born with, but you do control the major factors that determine how much fat you store: lifestyle, exercise, nutrition, mental attitude.
    Genetics are not an excuse. The past is not an excuse. Your present condition is not an excuse. You can either make excuses or get results, but you can’t do both.

    So keep educating yourself about the science, read these newsletters, take action every day and go out there and make it happen!

    This is from this website. I found it simple and informitive so I shared.

    Just wieghed Myself 🙁 no change this week.
    This was week 4 and lost 3lb,1lb and then 2 lb in first 3 weeks.
    If anything I was probably more careful on non fast days this week.
    I have no idea why this would happen but never mind I guess we need set backs to really appreciate our successes.
    Onwards and downwards has to be my motto in the week ahead.

    Hi john:

    Nothing unusual or wrong. This might help: See #2.

    Good Luck!

    Hi @johnwis and @lyndoe,

    I hope you are doing well. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could keep checking our blood every week instead of only the scale?! I think we need to imagine all the good things that are happening to our bodies. If the scale shows the same weight as last week or even an additional bit of weight, maybe the fat cells are shrinking and the muscle mass is growing. Keep paying attention to how you feel. I think after a couple of weeks we will notice that we feel a little lighter and ‘clearer’ in mind and body….

    Keep it up! I need to feel you guys in it with me!

    Hi. Day 2 of the fast has been and gone and I am finding it ok. I am doing Tuesdays and Thursdays. It will be interesting to see how it all progresses. It is early days so not expecting miracles. Looking forward to my breakfast this morning though! Hope everyone is doing ok?

    How are you doing @john wis? Keeping it up? Feeling okay?

    @lyndoe Your attitude sounds good: expect no miracles. Slow and steady wins the race is my motto!

    I am beginning the second week’s consecutive fast days. Something I do not like is how much I have to think about food, especially when I am hungry. I’ll bet it becomes less of a focus when it is a weekly habit…Thats what I will believe. I ate normally on the 5 non-fast days, I wonder, if I have to eat less than my normal diet to see the outwardly changes my vanity causes me to want…

    Thanks for giving me a place to connect with fellow ‘fasters’!

    My pleasure. It is good to share your thinking 🙂 I don’t find it too difficult to go without food but I have a busy job which helps occupy my mind so I don’t think about food a lot. This is understandable though and is normal behaviour and I am sure you will come to terms with the fast days soon enough. Drink lots of water and green tea helps. Mind you, having said all this, I really look forward to getting home and having an omelette! Have to be careful not to have anymore than 500 cals on fast day. The way I look at it, I am lucky in the fact that I can choose not to eat rather than have no choice. If you put it into context then the world is a brighter place on fast days. Keep up the good work.

    Hi Simcoe, sussiq and Lyndoe
    Thank you all for the very helpful support and encouraging words, its my 2nd fast day of the week today.
    I really struggled mentally on Tuesday but got through it dispite wanting to throw in the towel at one piont, I am determined to give it all I’ve got today and all your words have most deffinately reinforced my resolve to see the job through.
    Its a bit pathetic of me really to make such a fuss about a couple of hard days a week when so many people in this world would see my fast days as a luxury and thats what I should be and i am going to be telling myself today, maybe not such a bad idea to count my blessings opossed to my weight loss.
    I will post to you all again tomorrow to let you know how today went, I’ve a feeling it won’t be as difficult with your support and a new grown up adult outlook

    Thank you all again

    Hi John. Great to hear you are hanging in there. Almost finished my 2nd fast day for the week and I must admit it was easy today. Enjoyed my veges tonight though. Will be interesting to see how it goes next week. Great place to share our thoughts, especially for us newbies. Keep up the good work.

    Hi Lyndoe
    Today’s been much much better its now 8.30pm ish and not even hungry at the moment so I’m boosted and now see rainbow apposed to rain clouds, amazing how two days can be so different.
    I read somewhere a long time ago where Michael Moseley said he would occasionally change his fast day at some point during the day if something came up or whatever, so whenever 7pm gets here I always think I’ve done the hardest part of the day so no way am I deferring it to another day now, its just another thing I find helps on days when I’m feeling hungry in the evening’s.
    Thank you and every one for your support I really appreciate it and I think part of making today better was that support.
    Waist measurement day tomorrow and big weekly weight in on Saturday morning, never a dull moment on the 5/2 is there 🙂


    Hi Everyone! I really enjoy reading about everyones experiences. Are you all feeling okay? Enjoying the weekend? I do not think any of us are fasting over the weekend days, ?

    I had a big eating Friday night including margaritas, home-made pizzas, and red wine, and warm blueberry crisp w/ice cream for desert. And last night I had the rare opportunity to go out to dinner alone with my husband. We went to a restaurant that serves great food, a lot of ‘locally raised/grown/produced’, indulgent, full fat, but modest portions. I had a nice experience splitting two appetizers with my husband, sipping a cocktail and savoring a lovely main course. Afterward he wanted to get another cocktail or desert but I was so full. Usually i would have felt able to squeeze in something else. Even when we got home 2 hours later he wanted a piece of left-over pie and offered to share but I could not have any…..

    Who knows if this will last but I’m hoping that it will. M.Mosley mentioned a shrinking appetite, I liked that feeling of not even being tempted to over indulge…Has anyone else experienced this?

    Hello susie. Sounds like you had a great weekend. It was my granddaughters 3rd birthday party on Saturday so lots of drinking was had by all. Luckily for me I don’t eat nibbles. I saved my appetite for my turkey dinner. I found that I could not eat as much as before. Same happened yesterday, so maybe even at this early stage our bodies are adjusting.
    I have decided to only measure and weigh once a month so have a couple more weeks to go for that. At least all the birthday celebrations are now out of the way and I will now cut out the drinking. I am sure that will make a difference too.
    Carry on the good work. My fast days are Tuesdays and Thursday but I might change to Monday and Thursday to even the week out.
    Good luck this week….

    Dear @lyndoe, It is so nice you have big celebrations with family for your granddaughters 3rd birthday. You all must live near to each other, that is something I admire.

    I think your plan to measure/weigh once a month is a good one! I have weighed the morning after my 2 consecutive fast days and liked the results but alas, 3 mornings later, the numbers are higher.

    I may have been experiencing a nice dip in appetite over the weekend but it was right back up last night! I was a little down and the emotional response to soothe with food and drink was at play. That is a tough one to make a change in. No major worries, I am always going a teeny bit off the good eating path but i get right back on too. We are not robots, right?

    Fast day for you today? Enjoy. I’ll be doing Wed. and Th. again. I am not sure consecutive days is the best choice….Maybe Tues(tomorrow) and Thurs…Anywho, Nice chatting with you! You are doing great!!

    Hi guys, I am doing a fast day tomorrow and feeling a little…un-tethered. I just need to keep myself busier I think, and the consecutive days were hard and gave me headaches, although eating a bunch of celery sticks a couple of times during the day helped to lower the headache intensity the next day. Also, I’m thinking the good, less calorie days will ‘rub off’ on the next days in between fast days…
    So Tues. and Thurs. will be fast days this week. Maybe next week I’ll do Mon. and Thurs.
    How are you doing @john? Rainbows? @lyndoe, i hope the fast day went well for you!

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