New beginings

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  • So, I have decided to start the 5:2 diet and up my exercise.
    The reason for this is because over the past year my weight has crept up and up to over 11 stone. As I am only 5 foot 4 inches, I have a stocky build.
    As a child and teen I did a lot of horse riding so I was mainly made of muscle lol!
    But two children and a comfy marriage later I am now a fat lump.
    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not obese or anything but I am… plump.
    Last night was the crux for me as I felt fat. (You know when you just feel so unattractive and hideous and… well, fat!) My hubby is lovely and tried desperately to reassure me but there was no stopping me, I was a mess. I cried my eyes out. We have both put on a bit of padding but at well over 6 feet he can get away with it more than me. So he has agreed to diet with me, even though he doesn’t need to!
    I had read up on the diet previously and thought it sounded like the sort of thing I could do, and after last night the time is now!
    Shopping done and healthy stuff in the house. I think my two fasting days will be on Wednesday and Thursday as these are the days both children are at school and nursery. Without having to provide snacks for them I will cope much better I feel.
    Having just checked out my BMI it shows I am “bordering on over weight” which is NOT the way I want to live my life!
    So this is the start of a new era for me. A healthier, thinner, better me. 🙂 (hopefully!)
    Wish me luck!
    And good luck to all of you too x

    awww, that is a lovely post MummyElz!

    I know we have already “met” on another thread, but wishing all the success you wish for anyway 🙂

    way to go now!! x

    Welcome to the forum!

    Great news that your husband is going to join you on your journey.

    Two consecutive days fasting is though a bid hard!
    Ideally you choose two days during the week when you have a normal day in between.

    At the end of the day though you can adjust the 5:2 diet to whatever suits you!

    Good luck with it!

    Hi Angie, thanks babe 🙂
    And Stef, thanks to you too honey 🙂 I was going to do one day and then miss a day, then fast again, but with running round after the kids and providing snacks I thought it would be easier to do it this way.

    Today has been my first fasting day and I have found it really easy so far! I have been really busy which helps.
    We are having “butter chicken” curry tonight, which I have cooked in my brand new slow cooker- BEST Christmas present this year! (I am SUCH a loser!)
    I have altered the recipe a little so it has less calories but still full of flavor. Tomorrow is Lancashire Hot Pot (same principle- cooked in slow cooker, altered recipe)
    Snacks so far have been apple, cucumber and a low fat yogurt. Salad for lunch (prawn- yum!)

    Over the last couple of days I have also noticed that I tend to snack in the evenings when the kids are in bed, so I have cut that out. I can’t believe it was so easy! I thought I would be sat there starving but nope! I have eaten something just before bed to tide me over so I don’t wake starvingly hungry and started to drink a lot more water.

    My mum told me about a trick she did for a while which was to have a drink of water before dinner (she had a pint but I can’t fit that much in at a time lol!) so you feel fuller before hand. It seems to be working. I think part of the problem I have when it comes to food is that I ignore thirst and go for something filling.
    Also I drink an awful lot of coffee and have 3 sugars in it! That has changed now. I use smaller cups and have one sugar instead. I hate sweeteners as they have a plastic taste to them and are so full of chemicals. My dad has used them for years due to his diabetes and having researched them I don’t even have them in the house- he has to bring his own lol!

    So all in all, going well so far 🙂
    Also- walked about 4 miles yesterday, signed the kids up to swimming lessons on Saturdays which means that in no time we will be able to actually swim properly as a family.
    Planning on a nice walk on Sunday as well which will be great!

    MummyElz that is sooooooo impressive, gosh well done again!!

    the meals sound really yummy, and your mum is very right lol!!!!!!!

    I can see your success story posted on here very soon 🙂

    Good luck and i advice you to endure pain cause it is one of the reason why many are giving up to their goals.

    Hi all,
    So I think carrying on with this, almost like a diary, is a good plan for me. Sorry if I bore you to tears!
    So today was second fasting day- a bit harder than yesterday but still manageable.

    Yogurt with fruit for breakfast, I did skip lunch- but this was based purely on the fact I was having a driving lesson (first proper one!) and was nervous before and buzzing afterwards (nobody died, nothing was damaged, no stalling, no kangaroo hops- all in all a great lesson!) and the next think I knew it was time to pick the kids up.
    My daughter had a friend over for tea tonight and it was difficult as this child is a picky eater- she only really eats rubbish processed food! YUK! Previously I have done pizza or something but as I was cooking Lancashire hot pot I’m afraid the poor love had to suck it up and tuck in. She wasn’t keen and sadly nor were we. Despite having made hot pot previously I have never used this recipe before or used the slow cooker to make it. Although the meat was very tender I found the rest of it to be greasy and bland. Shame really as my Mum’s hot pot is AMAZING!

    So as I sit here writing (having given the children some toast to bulk out as the rest of the good food is accounted for this week) I am some what peckish.
    Brain wave! Any other time I would have reached for some biscuits or cake (always something in the house somewhere) but today, right now, APPLES! I have loads, as well as an entire cucumber!

    Exercise going well, still walking as much as normal but I give myself extra time to get the children and walk the long way round- quicker! I got a “duvet coat” for Christmas as well. It is literally like wearing a bed! SO warm! I was sweating by the time I got home today, which I think shows I was putting some pace in. First time in a while I’ve done that!!

    Hi – I’m just at the end of my first fast day, so thought I would get involved with the forum for support and tips. I am quite surprised by how much I have eaten. First time I have properly weighed out my food, and 100g of spinach is surprisingly satisfying!
    I usually drink lots of water through the day, so this has been ok. I have substituted all but my morning cuppa with green tea, which isn’t as bad as I expected.
    I’m 33, 11stone, but would like to be 10, as this is where I feel healthiest. I am also interested to find out about the health benefits. I have suffered with Nephritic syndrome and lots of complications due to taking steroids to treat it. This included high BP and cholesterol which I never had before.
    I am pretty fit, and take part in classes or gym at least 3 times a week.
    Will be interesting to see how I feel tomorrow, and whether I wake up feeling ravenous or not!
    Hope everyone is getting on ok – good luck! Sally x

    Sounds like you’re doing really well – I enjoy reading about your progress!

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