needing the loo more often

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  mummybear12 10 years ago.

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  • Hi sorry for tmi but I’m trying out 18-6 way of fasting rather than 5-2. But ive not got diarrhea as such just lots of visits too the toilet is this normal with any type of fasting? My first thought maybe its the body eliminating toxins but other than that it could be the two cups of green tea I had this morning I know caffiene can stimulate the bowels.

    I take a 20 billion probiotic every morning have done for years plus 1 multivitamin a day plus omega 3 6 9 capsules. So hopefully getting nutrients still.

    Only two days into this version of fasting

    Hiya mummybear, yeah unless it continues indefinitely or is REALLY extreme I wouldn’t worry overly. I seem to remember going through this sort of thing in the first year of 5:2 (can’t recal the exact timescale) but it tapers off and VISITS become more regular (whatever is normal for you I guess, as I was never super regular to start with).

    Thank you for reply tracy good too know

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