Nearly at 7 stone .. Need motivation to meet goal!!!

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Nearly at 7 stone .. Need motivation to meet goal!!!

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  milena 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Started at 18st 8.. Now at 12st 4 (after gaining back 6ib on a recent holiday) I’m looking for as many of you as possible to join me on a 12 week christmas challenge so I can get to my goal weight with as much motivation as possible!!! Hope to hear some of your stories soon xx

    I want to loose 10kg so I am would love to join you on the 12 week challenge. Also after motivation!

    I would like to loose 2 stones against a friend who is trying to stop smoking by xmas. I need motivation too..

    Thanks for replying ladies. I’ve set up a facebook group if you’re interested. Where we can swap pictures and weight updates.. The challenge is due to start on Monday as it’s then 12 weeks until Xmas!! I know from trying weekly slimming meetings in the past that the best motivation for me is seeing what’s working for everyone else. X

    Great idea. Can I have the link for the Facebook group please? X

    Thanks so much! Just sent a request to join the group 🙂 xx

    Hi Stingray

    only a little wierd – the rays are beautiful!

    5lb gone so far this month, just had a snack and a episode on the loo – getting used to what I can eat without a gall bladder – dunno what set it off, just bought some brushetta slices from Aldi, they do tomato and oregano, bought the latter, two pieces 116 calories, topped with fresh tomato, basil and a drizzle of olive oil. Just finished it and off to the loo, so strange. On the other hand, a wee bit closer to targets, always a silver lining! Either a fast or semi fast today, chicken for dinner, not sure what to do with it! Making a stirfry with leftovers on Thursday – son wants a korean dish???? – and soup on Friday.

    I’m finding I can really stretch the calories with chicken and veg soup, heavy on the veg though, without bread. Going canny all weeks means I can have something special at the weekend. Dunno how long this will last though, I’m good at making plans, not so good at sticking to them.

    Anyone making Christmas cakes yet – not sure if I’m going to do one, quite like christmas pudding fried for breakfast with black pudding, sausage, bacon and eggs. Might be easier to just not make the cake!!!

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