My story blog by blog

This topic contains 12 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

  • Greetings fellow fasters!

    I am in Week 5 of the Fast Diet and have been blogging my thoughts and experiences at

    I’d love you to visit me and leave me your comments.
    Today’s entry is about wobbly bits!

    Hope to see you there soon

    welcome Darklingplain

    went there searched



    That link is works as a ‘mail to’ link for me.

    Good luck with the diet.

    Failed at the technology hurdle!
    This link should work:

    Thanks for looking 🙂
    Not fasting over the weekend, weirdly looking forward to it tomorrow!


    nice & funny blog

    i liked this part

    “Motivation comes in different places. On Friday I was out shopping with Dream and we noticed a clothes shop I hadn’t seen before. I was entranced by the clothes in the window and uncharacteristically went in to look. My usual clothes shopping experience is pretty hellish, and regular shops like this one generally don’t go over a size 16, which is depressing for a 20/22 girl. I figured I could take a look at what I might be able to wear a bit further down the road.

    Delightfully their range went up to a size 18 and with Dream’s encouragement I tried a few things on. I ended up spending rather a lot of money… Even better, Dream slipped into a size 16 for the first time in a long while. I’m looking forward to wearing a smart new dress to work this week”

    Thanks for reading 🙂

    Fantastic 🙂

    Enjoyed your blog, well done!

    just checkmarking
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    oh well i’ll go make my dinner & listen 2 a free book from my lbr
    on my super old mp3 😀
    while copy pasting ugh this reply 2 all
    now i wish i were a newbie 2 many 2do

    seems to be something wrong with the forum – the above message from wiltldnrUSA has appeared multiple times under many topics – IT glitch?

    nope just

    have 2 reply 2 make sure the new

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    Thanks for the love!
    First weigh in, lost 8 pounds (4kg). Happy happy!



    8 pounds lost

    fantastic u must b so proud of urself

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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