My story (and it's a long one)

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My story (and it's a long one)

This topic contains 17 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Nika 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Name: Annika
    Age: 22
    Current weight: 91 kg / 14,5 stone
    Goal weight: Let’s just get down to 70 kg / 11 stone first and see how we feel then.
    IF method: daily fasts, about 16-20 hour fasts

    Okay, here we go. This is going to be a long one, because I’ve been wanting to write this down for a while now. Not only to share it and hopefully get some encouragement and motivation back, but also to just write it down for myself and hopefully leave most of it behind me.

    I’ve always been a very insecure person, starting when I was quite young (10 or something). I was a skinny child, but when I got older I started stealing candy from the local store (not nice, I know, but oh well). After that time, I’ve never been really skinny again.
    When I was 11, my sister ran away from home, leaving my mom with a drinking problem (which I’ve sadly taken over later in life). My dad and her did their best for me, but all the fighting at home really left me with this feeling I didn’t really matter and I just tried to keep the peace at home, so kind of threw myself aside.

    The first two years of high school I was bullied and this drove me to eventually tell a lie, hoping they would stop and get me some attention from people in my class. This of course blew up in my face so I had to change classes after that.
    My next class was OK for a while, until my old class started telling things about me (that were partially true, I admit, I did some really stupid things back then) and so I stopped going to school because I couldn’t face it any more. This caused me to fail most classes and I was held back a year.

    This wasn’t a bad deal though, I came in a new class where I made some friends and these people didn’t really care (or knew) about my old classmates. I was however not used to having friends, and somewhere over the next 3 years I kind of just pushed them away with my awkward behaviour. I wanted to please them so much, to be their friend, that I became really awkward and forced in almost everything.

    All of this, my entire journey through high school, was quite depressing and caused me to gain even more weight. I hated that I was too heavy, but the comfort food usually won because that was a quick way to feel better.

    When I was 16, I decided to start Taekwon-do. This is probably the best decision I’ve made in my life. Now, 6-7 years later, I’m a black belt and have made quite some friends and found people I can depend on. I’m a coach for the kids but also the adults, as I’m the highest ranking student within the club at the moment. The club is more of a family to me than my actual family, so that just feels amazing.
    My dream is to compete in the European and/or World Championships of 2015. This is actually something my coaches think is possible, as long as I get in shape in time to train towards these tournaments!

    Because yes, I am still too heavy. Outside of the club I still have a lot of stress. I dropped out of high school and eventually got my degree through adult education. After this I went on to college and am now studying Game Design & Development with Honours (third year). I’m still struggling with insecurity and a lot of things from my past though. And my weight.

    I lost 13 kg before, and felt great. But then I was hospitalized due to a kick in the head and the pounds came flying back… so I’m back where I started (and even heavier than I’ve ever been).

    Now, in my third year, I’m doing a year abroad. I planned on going to New Zealand for an entire year, but the internship fell through and a last minute backup became China. I didn’t really think too much about it and just went for it, because I wanted to go abroad quite bad.
    However, being here (I’ve been here for 2 months now) hasn’t really been good to me. I can’t speak a word of Chinese so making friends is difficult and because I work 45 hour weeks (with colleagues who mostly also don’t speak English) I don’t have a lot of time to hang out at the university or anything. It did bring me some good things though. I notice I am sometimes annoyed by the problems people are talking about on FB, like school giving homework or even things like “I had 30 minutes delay with the train!”. Then I look around at the people living on the street here in China, or basically swimming to work during a tyfoon because that’s the only job they have… well, let’s say being here has brought me a lot of perspective on how good we have it in western countries.

    I’m moving on to New Zealand in February (hopefully, because they’re being really annoying at the VAC), which I’m immensely looking forward to. Until then, I want to use my time in China to get my thoughts together and let go of a lot of things I am still holding on to (like the excessive drinking). And with that, for me, comes finally shedding those extra pounds, and finally finding a place where I can be happy with who I am.
    Oh and I’ve been wanting to get a tattoo for over a year now, I have the design ready and everything – but I want to wait until I’ve reached a point where I think I earned it. Just another weight loss motivation…

    So, there it is, quite a story. It’s also quite personal, but then again, the topic is “Personal stories”. Just please don’t give me any hate, if you don’t have anything nice / motivational to say, just don’t say anything. 🙂

    I’m in my second day of IF and I feel good. I had a bit of a headache this morning but I just told myself that was detox, because I’ve been drinking enough water.
    I overslept this morning so I’m afraid it’s going to be another 23 hour fast for me, because I didn’t bring any food with me to work. I’ll just drink heaps of water and see it as a flying start to IF…


    “My dream is to compete in the European and/or World Championships of 2015. ”

    This is admirable. Having competed in martial arts tournaments, I can appreciate the talent & discipline to reach those levels.

    The discipline that fasting brings will serve you well in your future.


    Hey Rocky (guess that also explains which martial art you did 😉 )!

    Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate them. I really want to work hard to get where I want to be, that’s why I’m starting up a HIIT regimen again next week. I’ve done it before for a couple of weeks, but I wasn’t losing weight… so hopefully with intermittent fasting it’ll get better soon!

    I am actually doing another type of IF as portrayed on this site… It’s also intermittent fasting, but on a daily basis. I know most of you do the 5:2 method here, I’m doing the 18:6 method (in hours, not days). So 18 hours of fasting each day and 6 hours in which I eat the calories of that day. Sometimes the fast is longer, especially with the crazy work schedule I have here.

    Anyway, I’m looking forward to continuing and getting fit again!

    Annika, I was saddened that you were worried that people on this forum might ‘give you hate’- I hope that anyone registered here would have the humanity and understanding to applaud your resolve, to want you to succeed, and would admire how you have coped.

    It’s phenomenal that you have put so much effort into Taekwon-do, proving to yourself what you can achieve. If your busy lifestyle helps make an 18:6 regime workable for you, that’s great. I think the science that Michael quotes in the fast diet book, about cells going into repair mode when we abstain from food in 18:6 style is very encouraging. It looks like that could be sustainable for you and your work pattern. If your intake during the six hour eating time is reasonable, alcohol is in check, and you add in HIIT, I’m confident you’re going to be fitter, much healthier, and probably lighter too.

    Keep drinking enough water, tea etc, to get you through the 18 hours. One of the points that MM has highlighted is that IF in one form or another provides the chance for something sustainable, in contrast to the yo yo effect of typical weight loss programmes. I hope that you will gain enough vitamins and minerals etc from the food you eat in your six hours of eating, especially given the nutritionally rather barren composition of alcoholic drinks. Best of luck, and congratulations on what you have survived, what you have achieved, R

    Thanks (not sure whether to call you R or Tomorrow… I’ll call you RT for now).

    So, thanks RT! Well I was hoping no-one would be judgemental, but I’ve seen enough of the internet to know that is never excluded from the options. I was very optimistic browsing through all the pages of this forum though, hence I felt comfortable posting my story here 🙂

    The only problem I’m having with the 18:6 method is that I like to exercise near the end of my fast period, but during my working days that would amount to either eating at 2 AM or having fasts of 22-23 hours and only eating 1 meal in the evening.

    Do any of you (or RT of course) know more about fitting exercise into fasting? Is it ok to eat something light (like a salad, or fruits – especially no carbs) at 16:00 and then workout at 19:00 with the high fat burning still going?

    Again thanks for the kind words, I have a feeling my time on this forum is going to be most pleasant 😉


    Hi Nika,
    Welcome! Wow, what a story. What an inspiration that with all you have been through, and still are experiencing, you are keeping yourself motivated and moving forward. Good on you for taking the leap and getting on a plane, even if it wasn’t to where you most wanted to go.
    Travel is definitely a great way to open your mind to the lives of others so much less fortunate.
    I love Auckland and I hope you enjoy it there. There are some fantastic places to walk in the Waitakere Ranges for example (and there are tramping clubs you could join to go with groups if you wanted), and while I didn’t go to any clubs when I was in Auckland, the Auckland team was always very strong at the TKD nationals.
    All the best with IF and life in general 🙂

    Thanks 2B! Yeah I’m definitely planning on training with a TKD club in Auckland, I’ve only heard good things about the NZ Teakwon-do environment so really looking forward to that ^^.

    Yeah I’ve had some hardship and I’ve taking ridiculously large (and in this case rather rash) steps in the past. But I love the quote “Take your Next Best Step”, from . That guy really is in touch with how IF should be a lifestyle, and he talks about letting go of the past and decide what you can do TODAY to change things. And I want to try deciding every day that this day is going to be a good day, and forget about how crappy I felt some other day in the past. Even if that day is yesterday.

    And in my case browsing the forum every morning when I get to work really helps with going through the fast 😉

    Thanks for sharing your story Nika. To be overcoming these challenges shows real resilience and determination. You can draw on these resources to work with this lifestyle. All the best 🙂 T4C x

    Annika, I wish you all the best, and it sounds like you have overcomeo many challenges.
    My only advice to you is keep working at your personal relationships and ambitions, and not be unduly influenced by people you don’t personally know. ( on the Internet ). Like me hahha.

    All the best.

    Thank you for the kind words again ^^

    And yeah West, I know what you mean 😉 On the internet I try to just take the positive in and let the negative slide. I currently do not have much “real life” contact with people as they all speak Chinese (and I don’t) so the most of my contact with people is over the internet. This is with strangers (like you 😉 ) but also with the people back home, who also support me.
    My brother, who studied Sport Health & Management has even agreed to look into IF, even though he has always been taught the “6 small meals a day” approach and even has a degree in that way of dieting… I’d say that can be called support!

    I let the people that matter to me influence me, and the people I know and don’t know motivate me 😉

    Hi Nika that is quite a story for someone still so young…
    You write well ! Maybe, seeing as you spend free time online,you should write more…start an autobiography
    or use your life experience as basis for a novel..or at least blog regularly as a therapeutic exercise and a way of processing all you’ve gone through so far in your young life.
    Just my thoughts – it could well be that between work,keeping fit,fasting,chatting online,and exploring this new environment you find yourself in,you feel you already have enough on your plate! X

    Actually Lizzy, I’m really bored during the day at work 😉 It’s an internship, and I sometimes get jobs shoved my way but that’s about it. I’m already a writer, I’m in the slow process of rewriting a novel I’ve previously written. I enjoy writing and have some short stories lying around… but mostly my mind wanders a lot and I get amazing ideas for stories but never quite get them down on paper well. Writing is so much more structured than fantasizing 😉

    Having said that, I’ve already written a few short stories whilst in China. And I’ll keep going, I know that :p I’m also writing two blogs, one about being in China (it’s Dutch so my family can keep up with the reading) and the other is about weightloss.

    So thanks for the ideas! I’ve had them as well 😛 Writing an autobiography doesn’t sound like something I’d easily do though, especially at such a young age. I guess my first post here counts as one 😉

    It’s by the way. It’s a way to keep blabbering about weightloss and how it’s affecting me, whilst also being a good stationary way of tracking my progress (and it allows me to upload progress pictures 😉 ). And stationary in the way that my posts will always be shown and comments only when clicked on – not like here where you have to scroll for ages before reaching what you’re looking for! x)

    Hi Nika. I hope it’s okay to recommend another website on here? It is not in the slightest way competition for this one; it’s a brilliant site I recommend to clients who are trying to stop/modify their drinking. The reason I think it would suit you is because the members are very friendly; there’s none of the nastiness you refer to.

    So, please could someone let me know if it’s alright to post the website name please? 🙂

    Nika! I didn’t know about this thread, I’m so sorry, I hadn’t seen it earlier. Then you wouldn’t have had to explain to me where you were, where you were going next etc.

    I had the dumb, sorry.

    The son is doing sports science in Perth, did I tell you that? If you ever meet, I will get you both to bench press me.
    Maybe next year on our non fast day meet up …we can do some moves.
    ( in the bay of islands of course, cruising to some far off deserted cove. …owww, that sounds really creepy, but in my head it sounded fun! Hole in the rock will have to do. Google it)

    Have you heard of Jon Gabriel ? The Gabriel method? American , living in Perth. His website has a lot of free stuff he shares, or you can buy his book.
    You have kind of figured out when you started putting on weight and what was happening at that time ( until you do, your body won’t release the weight) so now you just have to pre program your brain…
    His mediations are helpful.

    Until you deal with that ( and it sounds like you are) your body will hold the weight to protect you.

    I want to be 70 kilos too…I’m 84kg but we might not be the same height..5 FT 8?
    I haven’t been 70 since 19!

    All the best, and see you at the bottom of the world

    Hey Blaise!
    Your clients… hmmm, are you a doctor, a psych, a personal trainer or what? 😛
    The funny thing is ever since I came to China there are a few issues that I’ve gotten a lot more control over, like my drinking. Working on my health by losing weight and stuff tends to motivate me not to drink too much because that would be sabotaging myself right?
    I think in the past 2-3 weeks I’ve only had three shots of vodka one night (clearing out the little bit left in the bottle). I wasn’t very happy about it because it coincided with a binge-day, but all in all I think that’s quite good!

    Dumpy, you’re dumpy not dumby. Don’t worry about it. You found it eventually! 😀 Haha I’m looking forward to bench pressing you x) And the other stuff you propose all sound amazing as well! And to be honest I’m not too fussed about going off to a deserted cove – to me it just sounds idyllic and if some creepy bushman tries to hurt us I’ll kick his behind to kingdom come. Oh and apparently I’m shorter than you, the conversion thingy tells me I’m between 5 FT 6 and 5FT 7. So let’s just round that down to 5 FT 6. I was 85,4kg this morning by the way, so we’re not that far apart!
    To be honest I have no idea what my goalweight is, I don’t remember weighing in anywhere underneath 72kg since I was an adult. And when I weighed 72 I still had some to lose, so who knows, maybe my fighting weight can go as low as 63! And if I make that I will be able to say I’ve lost 32kg (a bit over 5 stone). I’m 1 stone 8 pound down so far (10kg) so let’s just keep going 😉


    Hi Annika. Your story, though it saddened me at first, at the same time I am very impressed at your perseverance in getting your life together and staying strong and doing everything to stay on track to complete your education.

    Wishing you the best to reach your goal in European and/or World Championships of 2015 and also achieving your personal goals – whatever they maybe.

    Thanks Siva! I appreciate the comment. And I certainly have a strong mind towards those competitions! Could be 2016, but why not shoot for 2015 and see what happens? 😉

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