My new salad dressing…

This topic contains 13 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Carla 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • In spite of having a major sweet/junk tooth, I have always adored salads! However, depending on what you put on them, determines if they are a good idea calorie wise.

    I love ranch dressing, but a little doesn’t go very far. So I would mix 1/2 and 1/2 dressing with lemon juice. Then, I further, did 1/3 each of dressing, lemon juice and red wine vinegar. May sound strange, but very tasty and definitely less calories.

    Then, a few weeks ago, I wanted a giant salad for dinner on a fast day, but only had 200 calories left to work with. Amazing how much you can eat on 200 calories if done right, and salad dressing can pose a problem. So I just added fresh lime juice to the salad as the dressing! Delicious!! Where has this stuff been my whole life??

    I now add lime to a lot of foods, salads, steamed veggies, stir fryes, chicken, what have you. Very yummy and honestly, don’t need any fatty dressings any more.

    Plus, it’s cheaper and also acts as a natural diuretic (so drink lots of water).


    i do my ranch

    w/ flaxmilk unswt 1/4 cup
    6 cals

    but the lime sounds good anything else added 2 the dressing season wise

    I make strawberry vinegar & raspberry vinegar. Great on salads, the sweetness complements any bitterness on the salad leaves. I also mix red wine vinegar with a touch of balsamic, lemon juice & half a teaspoon of sweetener. Heaven 🙂

    Flax milk, strawberry and raspberry vinegar….sounds delish! Never heard of flax milk, though. I grind up flax seed in my wheat grinder and sprinkle it on a lot of foods. That adds a nice, nutty flavor to things. Vinegars add a lot of oomph, but I haven’t tried those. I think I need to go the grocers today (on a full stomach). I am learning a lot today! Thanks, guys!

    Hi aniann, how do you make strawberry and raspberry vinegar, I would love to know as the only place I have ever had it was in america, so please can I have the recipe.


    going 2 try that 2 never thought of sweetener

    have u put air-popped (no butter or oil added)
    1 cup 31 cals

    on top

    w/ garlic seasoning good better than croutons
    & if u saw my post about how healthy it is
    that helps 2

    my fave is caesar trying 2 perfect that
    4 fastdays

    the seasoning is not right

    any ideas?

    @ lesst 2day is a nonfastday 4 me

    meant 2 say air-popped popcorn

    oops 🙂

    Of course Pally666 – here you go

    400g hulled strawberries
    600ml white wine vinegar or red wine vinegar or even cider vinegar (whatever takes your fancy)
    120g caster sugar or 60g sugar 60g Splenda

    Quarter the strawberries & mix them with the vinegar in a glass or porcelain bowl or use a Tupperware type container. Cover and leave in the fridge for 48 hours. Shake the container a few times throughout each day. After 48 hours, strain through a muslin cloth or remove the strawberries and strain through a coffee filter. Place the liquid in a pan with sugar (I prefer to use 75g caster sugar and 75g of splenda, bring to the boil and then funnel into hot sterilised bottle. I wash bottles in very hot soapy water, rinse in very hot water and then place on side in oven at 150c for 30 mins.

    I use around the same amounts for raspberry vinegar and blackberry vinegar. In actual fact I double the quantities because I go through it so quickly LOL.

    It’s around 30 calories for 20mls if you use all sugar but 15 calories for 20 mls if you use half and half. I mix it with one calorie olive oil 5 squirts.

    The vinegar will keep for several months in a cool dark cupboard or in the fridge.

    Hi aniann, thank you so much I am going to try making that up over the weekend.
    What do you do with the strawberries can you eat them or are they bitter.

    LOL, I suppose you could try but they will be very vinegary. Nah..discard them they’re cheap enough at the moment. As for blackberries & rasperries, don’t buy fresh, buy frozen and defrost, much cheaper 🙂


    what is amp


    Sounds good…and my Tribute Strawberries are stll producing. I see a salad dressing in the making 🙂 Thanks for the new recipe!

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