My libido, a mosquito… yeah

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Arielle 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • On week 7 now and have lost 16lb, and inches everywhere. However, I feel I’ve lost my libido (which was pretty healthy before!) Did some googling on the subject and the consensus seems to be that weight loss usually increases libido. I’m sure my poor boyfriend doesn’t mind as I was pretty ‘on it’ beforehand, but its really bothering me!

    The last post I made on here was about becoming obsessive over this ‘diet’ or food in general. I can’t help but feel I’ve sort of started going down that path… My start weight was 10st and I’m down to 8st12lb and back into my size 8 wardrobe (I’m 5’3″ so this is a reasonable size for me!) But feel I could lose more. See, a bit obsessive?

    Anyway, would people feel uncomfortable telling me how the fast diet has affected their libido? I don’t feel like I can really talk to anyone else about it.

    hi LittleWing my libido is the same as its always been, i’ve not noticed any diffence on that,
    as far as obsessive’ you know yourself better than anyone and if you feel your “starting down that path” and have noticed the signs then maybe its time to have a chat with your GP over your worries on both subjects and at least he/she can monitor your progress? xx

    LittleWing, I am a 65 yr old male. Since starting the fast diet my “Fitness”, zest for life and yes my libido have all improved or maintained their pre-fasting levels.
    It may be some other unrelated issue that has effected you, I hope it improves.
    My advice (for what it is worth) is just relax about this “diet”, remember the inner health benefits first. At the outset of starting this lifestyle my approach and my focus was on my health in a relaxed way. It is working for me.
    Good luck.

    sometimes libido (or lack thereof) can be related to birth control. I’ve had a problem with this in the past and present but it doesn’t seem to connect with this diet.

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