My Journey to Mindful Eating and the 5:2 Life

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My Journey to Mindful Eating and the 5:2 Life

This topic contains 13 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  sanguinepenguin 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I’ve started a blog here: and welcome everyone to visit! I’m in the USA so I’m trying to spread the word about the 5:2 diet there while also keeping myself honest with a daily food journal.

    Another weigh-in this morning. It doesn’t seem possible, but I lost another 2.8 pounds. Down 6.6 pounds in 3 weeks. I’m in shock.

    My food of the moment is alcohol. And I need to begin treating it as I would any other food: mindfully consuming it.

    Weigh-in this morning. 193.4, which is a total loss of 6 pounds in five weeks. Not the outcome I was hoping for today, but still averaging just over a pound a week lost, which is what we’re told to expect. I’ll take it!

    Weigh in this week not looking good, but I spent some time reading the posts on here, found some inspiration, and I’m still not giving up. I was up 0.6 pounds today, so I’m going to focus my efforts a little more, but still am going to try to live as normal a life as possible.

    It’s still working, and so am I. I’m now in my eighth week and have lost a total of 7 pounds, as of my Monday weigh-in. I’m on track with losing a pound a week, with very few modifications to my diet. I was down 1.6 pounds at the last weigh-in, and beginning to realize that ups and downs are normal and not to be freaked out about 🙂 Hoping to stick to my guns this weekend while I’m away on a little vacation in the California wine country.

    I didn’t weigh in last Monday, but the scale had me at 189.1 lbs this morning! 10.3 pounds lost in 9 weeks. Right where I should be, and I’m proof that this works, even with all the ups and downs!

    This a great news. Well done.

    Thank you, Expat 🙂

    I cheated and got on the scale this morning to distract myself from the metric ass-ton of taxes we had to pay this year. A nice little surprise was waiting for me: 187.5 lbs!

    Fantastic! Well done! I’ve just started so hearing this makes me happy! Well done!

    Down to 187.6 and my old pants fit today. 11.5 weeks in and it definitely works!

    Well done. Similar to report here. Slow but steady. Advice to absolute beginners- the scale goes up and down all week- so weigh in just once a week and I tend to do it after my second fast day.
    Down 7lbs in 7 weeks. This time next year I’ll be…….just right. Need to lose another 2 stone to be back to me. Three dresses in the wardrobe that might fit after another 7lbs so just in time for the summer.

    I’m still here!!! Spending a lot more time on my blog than in the forums and I forget to check in from time to time. But this diet hasn’t bested me yet—today I was down to 182.9lbs and some of my clothes are verging on the “too big.” Some are still too small, though, so I’ve got a ways to go yet! But I’m very happy with how things are progressing and feel, still, that this is a way of life I can maintain. I’m into my 15th week now!

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