My Journal

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Moa 10 years ago.

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  • So I figured I would start a personal log, just to keep me accountable. I tend to give up on things too easily, but putting it on the internet might make me stick to it.

    I’m a twenty-one-year-old student from Sweden who fluctuates between 65 and 66 kg to 162 cm. It’s too much for my frame and mostly sits on my face, arms and thighs, and I’m starting to get sick of it. My goal is to get to at least 62 kilos and, maybe, try to go just below 60 kg because I haven’t been below since I was fourteen or fifteen. 62 is most urgent though, and is definitely doable.

    Did my first fast day yesterday and it went great! When I tried it a couple months ago I felt awful, kept caving in and gave up completely after a week and a half, but yesterday was fine even though I was quite focused on food. On today’s non-fast day, however, I wanted to eat pretty much everything in sight just because I knew I don’t get to eat tomorrow. I devoured a whole package of cookies, used as much dressing on my salad as I possibly could and ate lots of cheese… As I’m quite short I can’t get away with eating so much.

    Maybe the overeating will even itself out over time as I won’t want to undo the hard work of the fast days. I hope I’ll be able to make that psychological switch, at least.

    What about spreading your fast days further apart? That might help with the feeling of “gotta eat this now because I don’t get to tomorrow!” You can go up to 5 days between fast days. Good luck!

    Going to try that next week! Today was the only way I could really fit it in, but spreading the days further apart would probably help, thanks!

    So day two failed miserably… I was completely fine until 4 pm when I crashed and burned and couldn’t take it any more. Oh well. I completed one fast this week at least, now I’ll just have to make sure to eat really sensibly over the next couple of days and try to complete two next week instead. Eating lunch made everything worse, think I’m going to try going for a protein-filled breakfast and warming dinner next time because this just felt horrible.

    I was able to do a fast on Thursday after all, and that one went so much better! I got through it fine, I was just incredibly tired. I did day 3 yesterday and it went flawlessly. I didn’t eat anything until dinner, when I had grated carrots and a little bit of dressing, but I felt completely fine and even forgot about eating. Could have eaten more, but I felt like I really didn’t need it.

    I’m down 1 kilo so far, despite drinking far too much alcohol over the weekend!

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