My first ever diet

This topic contains 54 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 6 years ago.

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  • Cheese is good, Cheeslets, a source of protein and Calcium. I think it is important to consume lots of protein on a Fast Day so that muscle mass is retained. Plus, protein kills hunger better than carbs. As you have seen, I use lots of cheese in my menus!
    Keeping track of odd health incidents is a very wise thing to do. Helps you to see patterns.
    Don’t sweat the little ups and downs of weight, as long as the overall trend is down.

    Checking in after a few weeks of absence!
    Weight in this morning showed 52.5kg which is a small 200g lighter than the last time I posted here. I think I plateau-ed a bit in the past few weeks, it’s been hard to battle the scale and to convince it I was truly under 53kg! My weight went right back up after it showed 52.7kg, which I guess wasn’t that surprising as it was a big loss compared to the previous week.

    Anyway, in the past few weeks I kept my head down and my calories in check, and my weight is finally decreasing again! Had two very good fast days this week, Monday I only had one meal (a big plate of veg), and yesterday I stayed under 500 cal plus went for a 40 minutes run. I’m slowly reaching my weight goal (50kg) and this feels like the last hurdle. I’ve set myself a double target to reach by end of August: manage a 10km run, and reach 51kg. That’s around 1.5kg to lose in 6 weeks, which seems easy but as I tend to loose around 200g per week rather than a pound (500g), I think it’s a realistic goal. As for the running, I currently run around 5km, and doubling this sounds mad but I will do my best 😊

    How’s everyone getting on?

    Weight in this morning, after fasting on Monday and Wednesday: 52.4kg! Which sums up pretty well my weight loss these past few weeks: slow and not so steady. But it’s going down so I’m happy!

    Fasting is easier with the heatwave currently hitting the UK. All I feel like eating is fresh fruits & ice lollies!

    Salads and plates of veg are good for weight loss, but you need protein too. Shred some salmon or chicken breast into that salad. Eat eggs for breakfast.
    Still headed in the right direction!!

    Weight in this morning: 52.2kg, another 200g checked off! This is amazing and ridiculously slow at the same time 😄

    I now have my exercise routine settled, with various cardio sessions 4 to 5 times a week (and always on fast days). I run or use one of the cardio machines (bike or rowing machine) at the gym for minimum 30min and up to an hour. This is of course helping me so much in terms of weight control and loss.

    On the food front, I still enjoy my cheese and chocolate! I even try to incorporate some on my fast days, with my fast meals usually accompanied by some sort of cheese. Yesterday was a good fast day, with only one meal in the evening, homemade paprika courgette soup (yummy!!) and tomato and mozzarella salad. Feeling the Mediterranean diet so much with this heat!

    Hope everyone is feeling positive and here’s to another successful week!

    Keeping up with the weight loss! This morning the scale showed 51.4kg which gets me closer to my August mini goal of 51kg (initial main goal being 50kg, but now, looking objectively at my body I see I could probably go down to 48-49kg for good measure). Very positive once again, and it’s clear: by keeping up with the diet, I steadily loose an average of 200gr per week. So another couple of months or so and I will happily and carefully move to 6-1.

    My running goal is going well too, already running around 8km so I feel pretty confident I will be able to do a 10km run by the end of the month, if the weather allows it.

    I’ve recently had many lovely comments on how I looked significantly skinnier, which is a great boost in confidence & motivation.

    Finally, I’ve managed to convince my dad to give a try to 5-2, he is a bit overweight and although very active and muscular, he carries around 10kg extra, all on the stomach area, what we call his baby bump! I’m happy he is giving it a try and I hope he will succeed as I did.

    Little update before the end of the month. Results of this morning’s weight in: 50.7kg! I’ve reached my August goal of 51kg, with a few days and a few grams to spare.
    Now it really is the last hurdle and I expect to reach my overall weight goal by the end of September. Exciting!

    Well done, Cheeselets. You have this lifestyle all figured out. Super!

    Hi everyone! I thought I’d leave a quick update on here, almost a year after I joined this forum, and a year after I started the 5:2 diet.

    I lost the 10kg I wanted to lose, and it took me 7 months to get there at a slow and steady pace. I am so chuffed! In September I did my last 5:2 week, and I initially wanted to move on to 6:1, but I found it a lot harder to stick to than 5:1. Mostly because maintaining weight is a lot less motivating than loosing weight! I do fast occasionnally, just not on a schedule and it seems to be working well for me.

    So if you’re thinking about starting the diet, or you struggle to keep going, I hope you’ll find some motivation in my experience and I wish you good luck!

    Cheelelets, thanks for the epilogue. So glad you reached your goal through Fasting. Hope maintenance will go well for you. Nice talking with you. Good luck with the rest of your life.

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