Dear all,
it is so great to see that there is a community that keep exchanging tips and word of encouragement, it does make me feel less lonely in this (as my partner is not doing this with me and is the biggest chocolate addict of history).
I started on Monday and yesterday has been my first fast day, I had about 350 kcal in all day and felt pretty fine with my hunger (a bit sluggish in the afternoon, but I went bouldering and did not feel that hungry after).
2 things were particularly hard for me. One, I felt weak…I could not focus when climbing and felt frustrated rather than getting the endorphine rush of exercise just felt in a bad mood and grumpy, a bit snappy too.
Once I went to sleep at night, my stomach was not rumbling I felt fine, only every time I would try and close my eyes I could not think about anything else than food. What shall I cook tomorrow, wht to eat on fast days, kept having images that kept me up drinking water like crazy (mind you I am one of this people who drink around 5-6 liters of H2O a day), and obviously i would keep running to the loo for neverending pee-time.
At about 4 AM I was still fully awake, reading a book and just hoping on sleep to come.
Today, a part from feeling horribly sluggish from the total lack of sleep, I realised I was not even at all hungry and despite making myslf eating some of the goodies I was fantasising on last night, i feel incredibly stuffed and not at all ended up in a binge. Which is great.
I was wondering if any of you out there as a problem with controlling cravings (which is not hunger, but just distressing images!!!) and whether I will manage to get this under control.
Thank you all so much and super good luck in your journeys
1:10 pm
3 Dec 13