My Body Frame Size

This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Amazon 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi ,

    I checked my frame size using body frame size calculator and i medium….

    Is it normal or generally maintaing small is good???

    I think medium isfairly average. If you are a small size, and you have a BMI of 25, or slightly below, you can in fact be overweight because of your tiny posture.

    It would be better to check your BMI, which IMO is a more accurate indication of whether you need to lose weight or not.

    Amazon, I agree but not in all cases. Because when you have a very fragile bonestructure, eg Indian, chinese, you can have a really normal BMI, below 23, and still be. Overweight, and at risk for diabetes, and cardiovascular problems.

    The body frame calculator does not take ethnicity into account.
    Being overweight can increase the risk of diabetes but it depends on many other factors. There are millions of diabetics across the world who are not overweight, and there are millions of people who are at risk of or suffering from cardio vascular disease who are not overweight either.

    I stand by my comment that in my opinion BMI is a better indicator than body frame. If it wasn’t the medical profession would be using body frame calculation as an indicator. Neither of them are absolute measures.

    I know LaDA type diabetes, most are not overweight, type 1 diabetes has nothing to do with being overweight, but I can assure you, type 2 diabetes only occurs when overweight. With some just a little too much weight, with some really a lot, but still, overweight, too much fat at the wrong place with poor genes.
    And of course, there are plenty pf people that are overweight, for years, and don’tdevelop diabetes at an early age. That is genetical benefit. It doesn’t mean they don’t have a high insulin level in blood, it doesnt mean they don’t have an extra risk for cancer. They just have a good pancreas, so their bloodsugar reamisn stable for many years

    Ann, you are incorrect, type 2 diabetes is not exclusive to the overweight.
    Being overweight is a risk factor, and it is a fact that being overweight can cause insulin resistance, but it is not the only cause.

    Amazon, I agree that being overweight is not the only factor. But still, it is a risk factor, so is genetical inheritance, fat distribution over the body, amount of exercise. I am not sayong that eryone that has aamout if overweight gets diabetes, I am saing that eryone that has type 2 diabetes improves when diet, bodycomposition and exercise improves

    What you actually said, and I quote from your post at 6.31pm “but I can assure you, type 2 diabetes only occurs when overweight” which is simply not true.

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