My 5:2 journey

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  • I’m starting this journal to log my 5:2 journey and this is day 1. I’m 5’6″ female, aged 36, stay at home mum of 3 (aged between 2&8) and currently weigh 154lbs. I’m not hugely overweight but feel very flabby and lethargic. Will incorporate exercise 2-3 times a week – non-fast days only. I decided to start today after reading lots of the diaries last night and feeling inspired but unfortunately I don’t have much in the fridge/cupboards so I’m making do today. Next fast will be more fish/salad/veg etc.

    Here’s today’s menu:

    Nothing but a black coffee and lots of water until 1.30pm
    Lunch – A portion of the curried carrot soup (recipe linked on here – – 85cals
    A slice of WW malted danish loaf – 51cals
    Dinner – another portion of soup – 85cals
    2 slices of WW malted danish loaf – 102cals
    Bedtime snack – cup of tea with 30ml semi skimmed milk – 15cals
    Strawberry cheesecake quest bar (high protein bar) – 160cals

    Total – 498cals

    It’s nearly 2pm so I’ve had coffee, water, soup and bread so far. And apart from needing to pee all the time I’m finding it ok! I’ve calculated my TDEE as 1686 for sedentary and 1932 for lightly active so I guess I’ll try and stay somewhere inbetween? Next fast day is Friday so I guess I’ll weigh in next Tuesday morning and see how I’ve done. I’m going to take some measurements later too.

    Day 1 measurements:

    Bust (over bra) – 36.5″

    Waist – 32.5″

    Tummy button (just under actually) – 36.75″

    Hips – 40.5″

    I also have my fasting day today! Thank you for remembering me on the curried carrot soup, now I know what I’ll have for dinner 🙂

    Second fasting day of the week – it’s currently 3.45pm and all I’ve had so far today is a black nespresso caramelito (5cals) and 3 big glasses of water. Trying to hold off as long as possible before eating anything. Planned eating for today is:

    2 portions of curried carrot soup – 170cals
    2 slices of WW malted Danish loaf – 102cals

    Cup of tea with 30ml semi skimmed milk – 15cals
    Raspberry and white chocolate quest bar – 190cals

    Total cals – 482

    This is day 3 since I started on Tuesday – not sure if I should make my regular weigh in day Friday morning as it’s the day after my second fast of the week or Tuesday morning as that’ll be a full week since I started. Hmmmm maybe I’ll weigh in tomorrow anyway just to see how I’m doing.

    Welcome to the new way of life KellyD7 and ushush. As a long time faster can I give you both a gentle reminder re your Fast Day cals. Protein intake is a must. Check out the FAQ link, go through the posts at your leisure. there are many supportive links and posters on the site who will help and support you. If you like soups check out the BBC GoodFood web site. They have a superb recipe for Asparagus soup weighing in at just 101 cal a portion. Also remember this is not a race, weight loss is coupled with a healthier inner body achievable over time. Keep us posted with your progress.
    Good Luck.

    I’ve done my first week (woohoo!) and just finished my 3rd fast day. I weighed myself last Friday morning after 3 days on the 5:2 diet (and 2 fasts) and I was 149.6lbs (from 154lbs on the Tuesday morning. A loss of 4.4lbs.

    I didn’t log it here as I wanted to complete a full week and assumed after normal eating (between BMR and TDEE) for 4 days Friday to Monday I’d not have lost that much. Never assume! I was 148.8lbs on Tuesday morning!!! A loss of 5.2lbs. Obviously it’s mostly water etc but I’m still very very chuffed!

    Today I was busy busy all day as it’s my daughter’s first holy communion in less than 2 weeks. So I didn’t eat until after 5pm. I had 2 eggs scrambled and 125g baked beans (was going to make broth soup today but too busy!) and then for supper a cup of tea with a protein bar. I feel absolutely fine, not hungry at all. Having another early night then normal day tomorrow, fasting again on Thursday.

    Another week gone and another 2.2lbs off 🙂 146.6lbs this morning. I’m delighted with this – especially since I had coffee and cake for lunch and fish and chips for dinner yesterday!

    Fast day 5 today. Haven’t eaten anything all day – it’s now 5pm and I’m having a massive bowl of veg broth (2 portions for 292 calories – recipe on and will have a cup of tea and a protein bar for supper later.

    Still loving this way of eating/dieting!

    Another week has passed and a very very busy week at that! My eldest daughter had her first holy communion on Saturday and that meant lots of eating and drinking this weekend. Still managed my fast days last week on Tuesday and Friday. And delighted this morning to weigh in at 146.4lbs – a minuscule loss of 0.2lbs but I’m so chuffed not to have put any on!

    Fast day 7 today. I’m going to drink lots of water today as I’ve been neglecting my water intake. I’m also going to have some smoked salmon and salad for dinner later then a protein bar for supper. Looking forward to them already – but also strangely looking forward to fasting for most of today. Too much sugar has been eaten – there was a candy bar on Saturday!

    My first fasting day today! I’m having positive thinking, I know how good is for my poor overweight body. Still, I do not like starving, and the day will be veeeeery long !!

    VannaQ, congratulations on starting intermittent fasting, and good luck on your first day! Have you read the FAQ, any of the books? What are your plans for your 500 calories? The first day is usually the hardest, it does get easier, some fasting days I’m hardly hungry at all now 🙂

    Thanks a lot franfit ! I tried very hard but I could not stick to the 500cal regime today. I ate just a little more but I suppose that’s ok because on a typical day I could consume as much as 5000-6000 cal.!!! I feel terrible admitting that but there is no point being anything else but honest here. I haven’t read any of the books or the FAQ yet, I’ll be doing my research gradually. At the end of the day though I am seriously concerned about my ability to endure the fasting days.

    Vanna, just a little bit more still counts — congratulations on successfully completing your first fasting day! The first one is the hardest, believe me, it does get easier 🙂

    Don’t sweat the extra calories for your fast day. Perfection is not a requirement, just a general goal. It seems that you were close and you are to be congratulated for what you have done. Soon these days will fall into perspective and just be a day you get through.

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