My 5:2 experience

This topic contains 17 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  kgb48 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hello all!

    I’m on my very first day of fasting, and thought I would start a thread here to share my experiences and keep track of how I’m doing – and hopefully also get some moral support.

    My aim is to loose approx. 20 lbs (10 kilos), but since I don’t own a scale, I’ll keep track of my progress by measuring and weighing in occasionally.

    I’m a mother of two, with a boyfriend who’s not doing the 5:2, so I imagine I will run into some troubles regarding dinner especially (i.e. cooking seperate meals), but we’ll see.

    So far I’m planning to fast on Mondays and Thursdays, with a late breakfast at 10 am and dinner with my family at 6 pm.


    The first day has been ok so far. Had two slices of crispbread with 50 grams of cottage cheese and 80 grams of lean chicken = 230 calories at 10 am, and have kept the hunger at bay (or tried to) with herbal tea and water. Doing ok, but I’m starting to look very much forward to dinner!

    Will keep track of my progress, ups and downs & thoughts about it all.

    Am looking forward to see if this will work for me!

    Hello and welcome, wishing you every success in your journey xx

    Good luck KatKat! I find I enjoy my evening meal so much more when on a fast day. Keep the kettle on! 🙂

    Hey KatKat! The very best of luck to you!!! You sound positive already ! Just remember us guys are here if you need a bit of support! X

    Thank you so much for your comments!

    Dinner’s done. Had a huge amount of veggies (broccoli, bell pepper and zucchini) fried with garlic and herbs in a tiny bit of olive oil plus chicken = around 250 calories. Was absolutely wonderful to get something to eat and really enjoyed my meal – an added bonus, I guess. Food and flavours are probably more appreciated when fasting.

    Already feel hungry again, though, but I’m keeping it down with more herbal tea.

    So status on day 1: Hard, but not as hard as expected. Feel quite great actually – light and comfortable in my body. Right now I’m not anticipating a huge desire to pig out tomorrow, but we’ll see.

    Great to get started. Feel quite proud of myself 😀

    So you should KitKat!
    You sound so positive and seem to be managing you fast day well. If your tummy rumbles tonight – ignore it. Something good is happening inside is all 🙂
    Having a family to feed to is a trial but I just give my husband whatever I am eating on fast days plus a jacket potato or some pasta.
    Keep up the momentum!

    Today’s my second fast day. The weekend went well, although it wasn’t “normal” since I was at a friend’s party Friday night and my nephew’s birthday Saturday i.e more alcohol and cake etc, than on a normal weekend. Nevertheless, I think i managed to stay more or less within the 2000 calorie frame. It has been an absolute pleasure to not think about food, and just go about life! But also a bit strange, since I’m so used to thinking about it and obsessing whether a particular food is ‘ok’ etc. I think that’s gonna take some getting used to.

    Today I’ll try not to eat anything before dinner at 6pm. I’ve read several places thar people seem less hungry when they go for just one meal a day instead of two, so now I want to see how that works for me.

    Hanging in there 😀

    Good luck. Decided to fast today instead of tomorrow – do like the flexibility of this plan – after an enjoyable guilt free pizza/wine weekend!

    Thanks, Serenity! I also think that the flexibility is (another) huge bonus with this plan. It is actually possible to work it in and around your life.

    2nd fast day (almost) done. My change of strategy (not eating at all until dinner round 6 pm) worked a treat! Felt quite a bit easier today than on my first day. Had chicken, sauteed mixed veggies w. tomato sauce (and lots of Tabasco!) for dinner.

    The whole not-eating-the-same-as-my-family thing is so far not difficult at all. As Lindyw suggested, I’ve just made additional pasta/potatoes for them.

    I really find it helpful to check in here on the forum on fast days. It keeps me focused and is really great for moral!

    I’ll have my 3rd fast day Wednesday instead of Thursday, since we’re going for an extended family gathering for the weekend (leaving Thursday).

    But so far, so good. Still feel proud. I can do this!

    You can do this Kitkat and will do it with a good positive mental attitude. Remember, nothing great is easy!

    Hey Katkat,

    Where are you?
    I like reading your posts!

    I have moved on to 6:1 maintenance after losing 20 lbs over 18 weeks. I can identify with your feeling proud at the end of the day. I feel so good as I retire on a Fast Night, that I did it again. Feel good mentally and physically. I know I’m healthier and LOVE getting on the scale.

    I got weighed today, even though I said I would not until my 1st goal of October 19th however, after measuring myself yesterday and putting the figures into a uk ‘dress size calculator’ I was feeling a little down.
    So, although extremely behind on my Biological Psychology Assignment (and it being my only day off) I trotted (well, drove actually) five miles to the nearest talking weighing machine. Emptying my purse and only finding a button and a bit of fabric (a swatch from curtains put up weeks ago in the quest to finding matching accessories, rather than have to shop for clothes!!)I then had to search for a cash machine. By now my head was telling me that it is an omen and I shouldn’t step on the scales! I ignored the little voices and ten mins later, armed with a ten pound note, I purchased a packet of soluble paracetamols (had a headache since I started the diet), in order to get the required change (70p!!!!).
    I stepped on the scales whilst mentally counting the many pounds my clothes could weigh, even though I wore the same thing last Thursday. I clutched the fat handles with eyes closed (at this point I need to explain the handles measuring my fat content, on the machine and not the ones currently bulging over the waistband of my jeans – though its not too bad if I breathe in!). The flashing lights of the machine measuring my height, to me, seem’d to be drawing attention to the fact that I was getting weighed, therefore not happy with my self image, therefore a source to be pitied by the passing crowd! I gingerly turned round, there were no crowds pointing at the overweight middle aged woman on the scales, just me and my soluble paracetamols.
    The lights stopped and I entered my details, wondering if the result would be more favourable if I entered a different age or height! After a few clicks and ticks and a posh lady telling me to step off the scale, it was time. The wait was rather like being outside a photo booth, waiting for passport photos you know are going to be painful no matter how many times you brush your hair, which lipstick you chose to wear or whether you breath in or not!
    The ticket in my hand I prolonged the agony by waiting until I got into the safety of my own car. No matter how you feel or what you are doing, your car is the comfort blanket protecting you from the outside. I opened the crumpled ticket to which I was clutching, eyes slightly shut I peered at the myriad of numbers. After breath in and a retake, there it was in black and white…I had lost 10lbs since last Thursday! I fumbled for last weeks ticket to check I wasn’t mistaken, I wasn’t….I wanted to shout out of the car window, though cowardly settled for texting my mum instead! Smile on my face, I drove to Sainsburys and got my cholesterol checked (for free). HLD’s plus LDL’s came to 5, another bonus though I naughtily didn’t cop on that I’d fasted yesterday and hadn’t eaten breakfast, but still a good result.
    Wow, wow, wow. I can do this! I can be in control of what I eat and when. I can lose weight without feeling like I am thinking about food all day long! …and so can you! My next plan is to get this blooming assignment in and join a gym. I do no exercise at all (since I started a spare time degree) therefore I always have a assignment as an excuse. However, since starting this diet I feel like I do have more energy so maybe I can squeeze an hour here and there to give my body the exercise it deserves.
    So a big, Well done everybody and keep going and good luck to those who are just starting out. I can’t describe how I am feeling though for those who aren’t so new to this, I’m guessing you already know. Yipeeeeee.x

    This is such a fabulous post to read! I am gritting my teeth and not weighing myself until I get to 6 weeks completed, I just hope I have as good as result as you.
    Looking forward to hearing more about your progress 🙂


    Really enjoyed reading your post – I was dying to get to the part where you read the ticket 🙂 and what an amazing weight loss you had. Well done you! It is so motivating!

    I am relatively new too – in week 3 – and I have lost 5.5lb so far.

    The fast days have definitely got easier – I have done 6 so far and decided to add a sneaky extra fast day today (already done Mon/Weds this week) as I am going on holiday quite soon. I actually didn’t plan to – but wasn’t massively hungry when I got up and didn’t eat straightaway and I then became so engrossed in work that I realised it was afternoon and thought that I’d continue to fast until my evening meal. I can’t imagine that happening in the first couple of weeks so I am definitely making progress!

    It’s really funny how quickly I have gotten used to fasting, Thursday is my normal fast day and I am so determined to keep going with this way of life that I have fasted despite the fact that it is my birthday. I don’t know whether I have taken this too far or it is because I know that my husband will be taking me out tomorrow night for a very nice meal- although he doesn’t know that yet!

    Happy fasting

    Enjoy your birthday meal Beth5

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