My 5:2 challenge

This topic contains 16 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Dragon Fly 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • I took a decision on a Monday, April 17th, a week ago to start on the 5:2 eating program. This was a snap decision following a 4 days eating fest over the Easter holidays. At the time I felt stuffed, out of shape and generally displeased with myself for losing the grip. And no wonder, I had just weighted myself to witness a record high number (103 kg) which took my BMI over 31, making my officially an obese. I do not consider myself an obese and I know for a fact I don’t look like one, but still the numbers don’t lie and I felt I was on a dangerous track. I´m 50 years old and in recent years I have slowly been adding on kilos little by little going from 92 to 96 to 99 and now this (+100). I have had enough. I went to the bookshop, bought a copy of Mosley´s and Mimi´s 5:2 program book and read it. It spoke to me and I just knew it was the right method for me. I felt the time had come to stand up to this unwanted development. Time to fight back.
    I´m writing this blog for myself to remind me how I got to this point, why I felt like forced to change my ways and to keep a track on my experience of the 5:2 program, my learning of the fasting, the positive outtake, what I can and must do better and to report on my progress, both the happy times and unfortunate setbacks. This is the first time I do something like this and I haven´t done much diet in my lifetime, only a couple of short time period rounds. I´ve never gone for a lifestyle changing method before. So here it goes.
    I have now completed the first week and already I have learned a lot. A whole lot. The fastening went well as I knew it would. I even went further in my fastening than the 5:2 program sets up, as it was closer to a 3:4 week. And the weight dropped fast. After fasting 3 out of four days on Friday my weight was already down by 2.2 kg. I was feeling really energized and happy about how easily the fasting was for me. There were only a 2-3 times over this period where I had to fight off hunger seriously, especially one time were it took me 1-2 hours to shake a nagging craving feeling off me. But otherwise it was fine. I was already feeling lighter on my feet and quite energetic.
    Then the weekend arrived (dramatic music required). I went with my wife to visit friends at their summerhouse over the weekend. A weekend filled with grilled meat, good wine, red and white, beer, snacks and sweets on the table. The temptations were all around. I couldn´t resist it, and actually I failed bigtime. Maybe I felt I had done so well over the first part of the week that I was allowed to give a little into temptation. But it got out of hand and when I starting to give in I just couldn’t pull the breaks. On arrival back home on Sunday I felt bloated again. I wasn’t surprised to learn this morning that I had gained 1 kg over the weekend. Still the good news is that I have lost 1.3 kg. since starting the program so I´m not going to beat myself up too much over this diversion.
    However I took another decision this morning. I´m going to lay off alcohol for the next 6 weeks. This is a tough decision for me as I really like a glass of a good wine with a meal during weekends. The wine is quite high in calories itself but more importantly it softens my resistance for keeping a good diary during weekends and holidays. I simply must do better and laying of alcohol for the next 6 weeks is going to help me focus more intensively on my goal and to lose weight more quickly. More on my goal later.
    I intent to write here weekly as a discipline to keep myself on track.

    Welcome to 5:2 and the forum Tenoro. There are people here from all over the world who are sharing this 5:2 lifestyle and journey with you.

    May I suggest you read the thread Information for newbies- your questions answered, by simcoeluv. It is excellent and a good back up to the book.

    May I also suggest you try only doing the standard 2 fast days (FDs) per week, not consecutive days. This is the standard 5:2 programme which seems to work for thr most people and gives our lives a better sense of ‘normality’. There are a smaller number of people who do 4:3 but most people find it harder, and some find it becomes easier to have those blowout days like you’ve had because 3 FDs becomes too restrictive. The stats show that that 3rd FD in a week does not give mych extra weight loss – average of 100gms, so standard 5:2 seems to be the best way to approach this. Fasting is one of those things where a certain amount is good but more may not be better.

    Good luck,
    Maintaining after 21kg loss (46lbs)

    Thanks for the tips Merry. I will lookup this thread you mentioned. I had planned to follow 5:2 every week but wanted to kick-start the program sharply and went therefore for 4:3 in the first week. If my weight numbers from this morning is any indication of what is to come (-3.5 kg in 8 days) then this tactic is working wonders.

    Best wishes, Tenoro

    Hi Tenoro, you sound really positive about this way of life, and that’s the important thing, being in the right head space to do it.

    I have cut out alcohol in the week completely, and allow myself a few glasses at the weekend. It has helped enormously with my weight loss 🙂 You can do it!

    Good luck xxx

    Many thanks Dragon Fly for your encouragement.
    Yes it will be a challenge to resist a glass of a good red wine when having a steak next time. Maybe the steak will taste somewhat differently.
    Lets see.

    Thanks, Tenoro

    I look forward to reading your progress 🙂 It is a challenge with the wine, but SO worth it if you can do it. If I can, anyone can. I was having wine every evening at one point. Not good when it comes to my weight. You find you appreciate it more when you only allow weekends 🙂

    Speak soon, have a good day x

    Looks like it’s a big challenge for you. But you should continue doing this. All the best. Thanks for sharing.

    Today is exactly two weeks ago since I started the 5:2 program. I have come to learn that I didn’t chose the best day for measurements as my weekly official weight is done right after gaining weight over the weekend. What a bummer! But I’m sticking to the Mondays as it is more important to be consistant and have the same measurement base rather than to report the best possible results, which would on Friday mornings right after the second fasting day of the week. So here is the status; weigt 100.1 kg (-3.4 kg). Body measurements, which I will do occationally, is just a little down; neck 0 cm, breasts -2 cm, waist -1 cm, hips -1 cm.
    I’m very pleased with this result, a 2.1 kg drop in week two. However I was hoping to report a sub 100 number now, but that will have to wait for next week’s report. This is a faster weight drop than I assumed when setting my goal for a 7 week program at the start. My goal was to drop 6 kg (1 stone) during this time. I have now upgraded my goal to losing 8,5 kg over the 7 week period (5 kg to go in 5 weeks) to get to 95 kg in this short time frame. My longer term goal is to weigh 85 kg.
    I have found that my most vulnarable time is at the start of the weekend where I really struggle with myself and want to indulge myself with greasy food and wine. I manage to stay completely off the wine this week but my Friday dinner selection of hamburger and fries, ice cream and salty popcorn afterwards was not helpful to the case. I got in a low state of mind that Friday afternoon feeling really low on enery and I was craving for something, anything. My determination was tested and sadly I bended a little, but I hope this feeling is just a withdrawal reaction of my mind and body which will fade in the coming weeks. I was back on track on Saturday and did well for the rest of weekend.
    I worked out more frequently this week both swimming and a doing a morning gym at my gym station. I found out to my pleseant surprice that I could do 2.5 rounds of 10 push-ups which I couldnt do 2 weeks earlier, not even one round of 10 push-ups then.
    I’m certain that working out along with the fasting will help me reach my long term goal faster although it might slow down the fast drop of weight to begin with as I’m adding muscles to my body weight. I believe it’s more important to be a little heavier in a good shape than to focus solely on losing weight.
    I look forward to report here in a week’s time as a person in two digit numbers 🙂

    Tenoro, that’s a great loss, sounds like your doing great! I’m with you on the Friday night thing .. that’s when my resolve weakens so much more than any other day. And, I did have wine this weekend. Skipping it in the week is good though, so carry on with that, great job!

    I also combine exercise with 5.2, for one it helps my mood, and also, I’m losing inches. So, when I don’t see a loss at least I know I’m losing it another way, and getting healthier into the bargain.

    Carry on what your doing, and you will definitely see results!

    Look forward to next weeks update 🙂

    Take care x

    Thanks again Dragon Fly. I agree, it’s been a great start and I hope to keep the momentum going. I get closer to my end goal with every kilo I lose and to get rid of it fast is simply a bonus.
    But there is still a way to go and I’m not going to celebrate too soon. The mind can play a trick on you. When I play golf and start thinking mid way how well I’m doing, is the surest way to stop playing well. I’m trying to avoid that mind trap.
    I have set 3 milestones on my way to the 7 week goal (95 kg).
    I’m try to keep focus on my next milestone all the time and when I reach one milestone I immediately start focusing on the next one. I’ve already passed the first milestone so now I’m aiming for number two (97.5 kg).
    Let’s see how this week turns out. I’m quite positive it will be good.
    Cheers, Tenoro

    I´m really pleased with this week. My weight this morning was 98.9 kg. So my first two milestone have been reached; sub 100 kg and sub 30 in BMI. I lost 1.2 kg last week at the same time as I was increasing workout, strengthening considerably and adding muscles. My work out is twofold and my current main focus is swimming. I´m steadily building up to swimming 30 min freestyle (ca 1200 meters), 5 times a week, preferably in the early morning before eating breakfast. I have experienced that rhythm before that this helps enormously with weight loss, as well as giving me a great upper body (shoulders and chest). Also I work out in the Gym at least 2 times a week, focusing on legs and the tummy muscles (hey, where are you!). So far I have only managed 3x swimming and 2x workout pr. week but I hope this week will be the first full blown work-out week for me.
    I´m very pleased with my physiological status, I´m still very focus on my objective (95 kg in 4 weeks’ time) and in a good spirit. I ´m sleeping better than I used to and that is a huge side bonus for me. I have had trouble with sleeping for many, many years. I don´t need much sleep though (6 – 6.5 hours), but I sleep more continuously throughout the night than I used to and wake up feeling refreshed. Hence my temperament has improved. I don’t feel as annoyed as sometimes before, and I have more energy and willingness to be active at home than before. That´s not a bad side effects for losing weight!
    And lastly a confession; I broke my alcohol ban last Saturday. We had friends over for dinner and I opened a red wine bottle. However I only had two glasses, so it was quite OK. And I like to believe that red wine in tempered dosage does people good.
    Overall numbers; w1 -1.3 kg, w2 -2.1 kg., w3 -1.2 kg.
    Total weight loss weeks 1-3; 4.6 kg.
    I don´t expect this coming week to be big in losing weight as I´m still adding muscles due to my work-out program but hopefully a steady pace downwards.

    Now after 4 week on the 5:2 program, I´m reaching a point of time where I have typically quit in other diet programs which I have tried through the years. And in those earlier diet efforts (such as Herbalife and Paleo) I have typically lost 4-5 kg over 4 weeks’ time, but then regaining them quite fast after giving up on the diet.
    Now I feel like I´m at a very different place. Firstly I have lost a bit more weight than on the other diets at the same time, but more importantly, I´m still at an extremely good place mentally and nowhere near done. I´ve even started looking forward to meeting myself when I go below 90 kg, a weight I have not been at in 13 years. It has been my goal to weigh below 90 kg for many years, but as my weight doesn´t give in that easily I had pushed this goal way back in my head. But now feeling how well the fasting proves with me, I´m invigorated and excited to reach to this magic number and use the momentum to get there as fast as possible.
    I did a lot of workout last week and I will continue doing that this week. I have strengthened considerably and I´m now able to do much more workout than a few weeks ago. I´m certain it will help me lower weight in the weeks to come.
    Current weight: 97.8 kg (-1.1 kg)
    Overall numbers; w1 -1.3 kg, w2 -2.1 kg., w3 -1.2 kg, w4 -1.1 kg.
    Total weight loss; 5.7 kg.
    Body measurements; bust: 110 cm (-3 cm), waste 104 cm (-2.5 cm), hips 99 cm (- 4 cm), neck 41.8 cm (-1.2 cm).
    The only disappointment I have is that my waste measurement are not lowering faster. I´m maybe a little impatient but it is the most visible fat storage room on my body.
    I excited to see if my improving fitness helps me in continuing the fast and steady pace down in weight.

    The 5th week proved to be a difficult one. The most difficult since I started. There was a sudden serious sickness in the family early in the week which caused me great worries and a sleep deprivation. Fortunately everything went very well and an emergency operation proved a success. But this emotional ride greatly affected the eating pattern and my usual good rhythm during weekdays was disrupted. Also I did not work out as much as I had planned. And as that alone wasn´t enough I went on a spring trip with my work on Friday, a really great one, but with the downside of huge intake of alcohol.
    When I woke up this morning for my weekly weighing my body was still swollen after the weekend and I could hardly take off a ring off my finger which I use as a measurement for this. Still I was 0.3 kg (1 lbs) down from last week but I guess I can lose some more weight quite fast as my body gets rid of the inflammation.
    This is an important week. My daughter is graduating from a Collage and we will have a family picture taken on Friday. These are pictures that tend to live long and I will push myself extra hard the next few days to look my best on Friday 🙂
    Overall numbers; w1 -1.3 kg, w2 -2.1 kg., w3 -1.2 kg., w4 -1.1 kg., w5 -0.3 kg
    Total weight loss weeks 1-5; 6 kg.
    I hopeful for a really big week ahead as the upcoming family picture will keep me motivated.

    Here is a delayed report of the last weeks result. It was a week of extremes. I was really focused the first few days of the week, pushed myself very hard and on Friday morning (day of my daughter´s graduation) I was down 1.1 kg from Monday (96.4 kg). I was pleased with that result which ensured that I looked quite good in the family photo taken on Friday 
    However then came the feast days. Firstly the graduation party itself on Friday evening which we held at home with family and friends. Then the day after eating leftover from party feast. And believe me that was a sugar mountain I feasted on that day. I ended the weekend on a steak which did little to soften the damage done by the two days before.
    So weighing last Monday was not something I looked forward to. I proved to have gained 0.4 kg from the week before weighing 97.9 kg, up 1.5 kg from Friday. However this morning (Wednesday) I was back down to 96.5 kg. So there is an unusual fluctuation in my numbers these days.
    My wife has diagnosed me as a binge eater, a feaster. I partly agree with her, but I think a better description is an „occasional binge eater“. I can be really focused and hold out a strict program for a long period of time, but when I let my guard down, it really falls down. Sugar is my no 1 enemy, and it seems to get the better of me every now and then.
    Overall numbers; w1 -1.3 kg, w2 -2.1 kg., w3 -1.2 kg., w4 -1.1 kg., w5 -0.3 kg, w6 +0.4 kg.
    Total weight loss weeks 1-6; 5.6 kg.
    Now are the last few days left of my initial 7 week challenge. My initial goal was to lose 6 kg in these 7 weeks and I will only need a decent run in to secure that target. My focus will now be delivering a sensible weekend and to finish the 7 week period in a new low number.

    Now 7 weeks have passed sice I started the 5:2 program. My initial goal was set to losing 6 kg in seven weeks. After a great start I upgrated the goal to losing 8.5 kg in these 7 weeks, to reach 95 kg. Well actually in 7 weeks and 5 days. I’m leaving for a week’s vacation in the southern sun next weekend and that was my actual target time.
    So how am I doing now when there are 5 days to the “7 weeks” final whistle?
    Well quite good actually. This was a thunder week where I lost 2 kg and manage to make up for a “bad” last week. And I have a good shot at getting to 95 kg before leaving for Italy. That would be amazing result. I tried on a par of great shorts this morning that I bought a few years ago but have never been able to use to date. Caramba! Now they fit me. If I lose 2-3 kg more they will look great on me. So I’m gaining some garments in my closet I haven’t been able to use for many years. And on the other side I’m starting to lose a lot of my wardrope because the clothes look baggy. This goes specially for my shirts. However I’ve deceided not to buy much clothes at this timepoint while I’m still losing weight quite rapidly. That will be my reward when I get down to eighty something. So perhaps in August?
    I have one topic now that I would like some answers to. I’m a little worried about the vacation period and how to adoubt the 5:2 program to a non-normal situation. If anyone has a good tip to share with me here on this forum I would appriciate it.
    Overall numbers; w1 -1.3 kg, w2 -2.1 kg, w3 -1.2 kg, w4 -1.1 kg, w5 -0.3 kg, w6 +0.4 kg, w7 -2.1 kg.
    Total weight loss weeks 1-7; 7.7 kg
    My waistline is down to 101 cm. from initial 107 cm.
    I will post here next Saturday before I leave for my vacation. Hopefully with joyful news on the 95 kg target reached 😉

    After a long break of fasting this summer (2.5 months) I´m now continuing my 5:2 journey, starting tomorrow. I´m quite pleased with the development this summer, have gained a little but mostly plateaued in weight around 96 kg and thereby managed to keep off 7-7.5 kg from my highest number in mid April.
    So I´m starting fresh again at 96.4 kg with a target of being sub 90 kg in 2 months (end of October).
    After losing 7-8 kg with 5:2 in 7 weeks earlier this year I´m quite optimistic that I can reach this target.
    I will keep a check on myself with a regular weighing and a weekly or by-weekly posting on this forum.
    <90 kg here I come… 🙂

    Hi Tenoro, welcome back!

    Good luck with re-starting, I’m positive you can reach your goal!

    I’ll be looking out for your updates.

    I’m still here taking it a day at a time 🙂 This way of eating is so manageable, and has so many benefits!

    Take care 🙂

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