My 30kg marathon – Day 9

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My 30kg marathon – Day 9

This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  SissyBoy 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • And there it was, our first weigh in and measurements.

    Overall weight loss = 2.2kg and a centimeter or more all over my body.

    I am chuffed, feeling good and rolling with week two.

    My second week and my second day of fasting back-to-back. My partner only has 10kg to shake off, so I still have a lot of work to be done, but at this rate and the way it makes me feel, I am amped!

    May all your results be positive and your body feel like a million dollars! Whoop whoop!

    Well done!!!

    I’m also doing fasting days back to back, only on week one and on my second day but feeling good!!!

    Keep it up Maralgil!

    Do you have a buddy on here or would you like to have a buddy just to chat and compare etc?
    I am doing this with my partner, but she only has 10kg to lose while I have three times that, so the road is stretching before me one day at a time!

    Good to hear!

    Well done Maralgil and SissyBoy, I am on week 1 and just did my first fast yesterday, complete revelation to me that it went well and I feel great today! I’m not doing back-to-back fasting days but strangely felt this morning that I could if I wanted to. Really good to hear that there are others out there who feel as positive as I do!

    Flossy38, try the back-to-back, you have nothing to lose. (pardon the pun)

    In my first week I even did a 4:3, so added another fast day on Friday because I knew we were going to a party on Saturday.

    Keep it up, the results will start showing, but mostly, just headache and pain free (carbs are evil) already makes such a tremendous difference in my life.

    Thanks both

    No I don’t have a buddy on here sissyboy, I just joined – happy to keep up and compare results. I’m similar to yourself in what I need to lose. I’m at 109kg and my target is 80kg. Not setting an aggressive timeline on that, its a long term goal and I’ll get there when I get there – its a lot to lose so won’t be quick.

    I can’t do a 4:3 this week, but I could next. As you both suggest, it depends how you feel and I’ll confirm how b2b feels after a few more attempts. But I didn’t wake up this morning feeling it would be any more of a challenge than yesterday.

    Maragil, that sounds like you have your priorities straight.

    Yes, I also realise that it is not going to happen overnight, that I will fall off the wagon sometimes and staying realistic will save me from despair. I hope to have reached my goal weight by next year February, and that is what I am working towards.

    The same way that one would eat an elephant, one bite at a time, my initial first bite is 10kg. Not just losing it, but keeping it off. Exercise will hopefully start towards the end of this week since my partner is suffering a back injury and we are in this together.

    What exercise you planning on doing?

    I’ve got a pedometer, trying to stick to 10k steps per day. Then a few times per week I’m going to do 30-60mins on the exercise bike. In a few weeks I’ll maybe give this HIT a go.

    Planning to walk on FD (fast days) and getting back on the mountain bike on NFD (non fast days).

    Then I usually play golf on a Saturday but will be doing a course for 6 weeks, so then we will possibly just go to the driving range over weekends if we don’t cycle or do something else.

    I am terrible in the summer heat, cannot stand being sweaty and hot, so it takes some convincing to get me outside but now with my energy levels getting back up there, early mornings and I are falling back in love.

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