My 30kg marathon – Day 12 = week 3

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My 30kg marathon – Day 12 = week 3

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  SissyBoy 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • After a weekend visiting my parents and not over indulging per se, but not really watching the booze as much as I should, I was not expecting much last night when it was time to weigh and measure.

    So weight only dropped by 700 grams, but centimeters lost everywhere else. TWO centimeters in one week on my biceps and bust. At first I felt like moping about the weight but then I decided to celebrate the achievements!

    So week three in full swing with back-to-back fast days, and I consumed less than 400 cals yesterday without feeling hungry or grumpy at all. The rhythm has established itself and from here on it is just going to get better.

    How is everyone else doing?

    well done, thats a good result.

    I’m on week 2, fasting Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Last week the fasting went well, and on 3 feast days I was ok, but on 2 I definitely overindulged. We had a charity ball and then went out with my folks for dinner so I ate and drank like a king all weekend. But when I jumped on the scales I’d still lost a kilo.

    So far so good this week. Not got as many big social things planned in next few weeks so the feast days at weekends won’t be as heavy so hoping I can keep seeing good results.

    Aah good stuff and well done on still keeping the kg off.

    Today is the first day that I am really hungry, but yesterday was a busy day for me so my planning went for a ball of twang. I consumed less than 400 cals yesterday and that was in the evening.

    The next two weeks should me manageable but then we are going away with friends for the Valentine’s weekend so we will have to see how things pan out.

    When I weighed this morning I was lighter than last night but that is water…

    Congrats on your success.

    I have been on it for over a year now, alternating between ADF, 5:2, and plain calorie counting. I reached goal weight a few months ago and I am maintaining successfully.

    Beware, the weight-loss will slow down over time and you might even plateau at some point. Don’t get discouraged by it! Just change things around, by e.g. introducing some exercise, changing dietary habits and so forth.

    Also I would be very careful with being over-aggressive with cutting calories. You need to follow a path that is sustainable! If you cut your calorie intake too much there is a chance that over time you will reach a point where you binge.

    The enthusiasm at the beginning is understandably huge, but you need to give your body a certain minimum amount of calories to sustain your bodily functions or you run the risk of burning out and getting sick.

    Personally, I strongly believe the road to success is patience. 1 pound per week off weight loss is in my humble opinion sustainable, more will make it tricky in the long run.

    Best of luck

    Stef, thank you for the reality check much appreciated and believe me, I need it since my motto in life is all or nothing.

    This week I have started experiencing hunger for the first time and it is exactly as you say, I am cutting the cals to aggresively.

    Patience is key and I have very little of that but working on it.

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