My 30kg marathon – Day 10

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My 30kg marathon – Day 10

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  SissyBoy 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • I don’t think it is just me, but I have fallen into the back-to-back fasting on a Monday > Tuesday so easily. My explanation for it – I feel so so awesome even less stressed if you will believe me, that it is not a chore, I actually look forward to it.

    My jeans are definitely fitting less snug, my belt can already be tightened and overall I feel lighter.

    On both fast and non-fast days I use a USN Diet Fuel shake as a meal replacement that carries me from noon to dinner and it scores less than 200 cals.

    Do I miss anything…hmm sometimes when it is really hot I feel like a cold beer but that is the worst of it.


    Yep I did back to back Mon-Tue this week and it was easier than expected. I’ve dropped 3kg’s too in the process, but I realise that could come back up a little through the rest of the week. I’m planning on weighing myself only on a Monday morning and Wednesday morning so I can see how my weight tracks week to week, and also during the fasting periods.

    Only time I found a struggle over the past couple of days was yesterday evening i started to get a bit hungry. This morning I expected to be ravenous, but a couple of slices of toast and a cup of tea and I’ll make it to lunch.

    One thing I think doing the 2 days back to back, your stomach must really shrink through that period, so will take less to fill on the Wednesday. Thats how it feels anyway – I’m not a biology expert!!!

    Keep up the good work

    Hi Maragil and well done on the back-to-back. Sounds like you have a good handle on things and the 3kg’s are phenomenal. Raising my tea cup to you.

    I have dropped carbs almost completely. Don’t get me wrong, I do have beer occasionally, love my whiskey and if there is cake or chocolate count me in. However, when I have control and or a choice, then I will choose not to consume the evil. I am saying this because that is what helps me not to get hungry. The less carbs, the better my body operates.

    We have decided to only weigh and measure on a Monday night after work. Possibly should do it in the mornings, but that is when we committed the first time, so now we just stick to it.

    Man I cannot wait till I can tick off the first 10kg!

    yep, i’m very similar. Beer, whisky, chocolate etc are all things I enjoy, and hopefully not having to eliminate them completely will help. I have a charity ball/dinner on Saturday night where I know I will enjoy myself. So in addition to the 2 fast days this week, I’m planning on not overeating any other day, I can stick to around 2000 cals fairly easily when I’m trying to. I find eating 5 fruit and veg a day helps keep you full for the cals you get.

    getting below 100kg will be a milestone for me if I can push on through past this point. Diets I have done in the past (basically counting calories and exercising) I’ve always made it to just below 100kg and then either stopped to celebrate and fallen of the wagon completely, or plateaued and lost motivation. Hoping it will be different this time!!!!

    I added another fast day last week because I knew that I had a party on Saturday. It worked for me.

    Being as hard on myself as I usually am when I make a decision, I stick to below 1 200 cals a day which does not leave a lot of room for maneuver but I am not hungry which means I constantly eat for other reasons…no surprise.
    Yo-yo has been the story of my life. The lightest I have been in my adult life was 72kg’s about 4 years ago and looking at those pics now, I realise I could easily have lost another 10 but no, got complacent and just tumbled down food alley.

    You will break that 100 and then you going to go low low low loooow!

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