My 15 tips having lost 22kg/50lbs through the fast diet in the last 8 months

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My 15 tips having lost 22kg/50lbs through the fast diet in the last 8 months

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  MyJourney 6 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Guys
    1. Just do the fast diet: it works
    2. I find it easier to eat nothing solid on my fast days. I have coffee, and I drink lots of water, but nothing solid. Why? I find that eating leads to increased hunger… by not eating, I think my body just knows I am not eating today, and just waits for tomorrow.
    3. I log every day what I eat. Not every calorie, but just a simple list of what I have eaten. Why? I have found this is my “on” switch, meaning if I am recording, I am conscious about what I am eating, and that awareness means I only rarely fall off the wagon.
    4. I have stopped drinking alcohol. Why? I just feel sooooo much better in general by not drinking. I drink tea instead.
    5. My target changed behaviour always has a replacement activity. I find I can’t just stop doing something, I need to replace it with something else: I drink tea rather than alcohol, I run rather than watch TV (and eat!), I eat fruit instead of choccie…
    6. I run, even on fast days. In fact I find running easier/better on a fast day. I just feel lighter and easier.
    7. If I am struggling on a fast day evening (this can happen sometimes), I simply go to bed early. I just don’t feel hungry when in bed and going to sleep.
    8. I weigh myself every day, and record weight, body fat, muscle, water weight, and BMI. Every day. Don’t believe the BS that you shouldn’t do this. Know your weight every day and learn what happens to your body when you eat X or do Y. Then you know what to do more of and what to do less of (for you).
    9. I have stopped eating bread. The only reason is that I just feel better without it. This is actually hard, as bread is everywhere in all sorts of forms and places. I leave bread on plates everywhere I go. I just don’t eat it.
    10. I eat LOTS of fruit and veg. I have learned to love eating these basic healthy food forms.
    11. I only rarely eat packaged foods. Usually when I do, I don’t feel great afterwards.
    12. When I eat out, I try to go to high quality places, who generally provide smaller quantities and higher quality. I always come away from those meals feeling happy and full. I avoid fast food places like the plague!
    13. I have found that even though I allow myself to eat whatever I want on feast days, “whatever I want” is now much less than before (smaller stomach, I guess?), and the above “rules/tips” about what I eat are what my body now craves rather than choccie or chips.
    14. I have the occasional treat eg last night I had some cheesecake. However, what now constitutes a treat is a third of the quantity than before. So, have treats, just reduce the quantity. How often? I reckon I have one once a week…. sounds so little now I wrote that, but that’s the reality. No willpower here, just what my body wants.
    15. There is nothing more motivating than seeing your weight decrease as you follow the fast diet. I am now on a plan that I KNOW I can keep doing for however long I want or need to. I am losing 1.5lbs every week. Pretty consistently. So my current question is when do I stop and go to the maintenance plan. I cannot tell you how good it feels to have that as the key question (not how do I lose weight).

    To finish up, I am going to preach to the choir again: just do the fast diet, it works. Michael Mosley, thank you for telling me about this. It has changed my life.

    Alecmcq: I loved your your post! Extremely helpful and inspiring! It has given me much to think about and motivation to do what I need to on 5:2. I was all over the place trying all kinds of diets and trying to incorporate them into the 5:2 and failing. I need to stick to the one plan! BTW, I have one question. Did you feel very bloated at times? I do and I don’t know why. I do know it isn’t because of refeeding on non fast days. It just happens randomly and is very painful!

    ccco, You’re welcome, and I am pleased if I have helped at least a bit.

    I have not felt any bloating, so I am afraid I have not shared that experience. I have heard of others feeling that, so I do know that that can happen. I am not sure what would cause it, and with no medical training, I am not really in a position to speculate.

    However, I would strongly recommend that you stick at it, and don’t let this derail you. It might be worth asking a dr what they think you could do to avoid the bloating, and see what they think. Just don’t let them persuade you to stop the fasting. There are lots of docs that don’t get it.

    I believe there are 3 really health-giving principles:
    1. Fasting
    2. Eating fresh food, especially fruits and veg
    3. Exercise

    Not rocket science, but how many folks actually do these consistently? Not many I reckon. When I do these 3 consistently, amazing things happen: I feel great, I get healthy, I lose fat. Go figure!

    Best of luck. Hope things go well for you.

    I would like to add a couple of points:

    1. I did (and do) get cold on fast days, especially during the night after a fast day. Last winter, I got really cold at night, and had to wear loads more clothes to keep warm!!
    2. I now LOVE the feeling of an empty stomach. If anyone fears being hungry, please don’t. Embrace it, and you will find you feel better on an empty stomach. I look forward to my fast days.

    Embrace it, enjoy it, get well.

    Alec – I can agree completely with all of your 15+2 points – you have summer up my experience too and I have only been applying myself to 5:2 for 6 weeks. Overall I have also lost 0.75kg per week. I don’t know if I am among a small group of people here who are fasting because of a relatively small amount of excess weight gained as a result of having to stop exercising due to injuries. I have exercised my entire life, never been overweight of had to diet but 5:2 is working well for me and I feel good about myself – not being able to exercise has really been getting me down and 5:2 is helping to lift my mood.

    Thank you for your timely and motivational post – exactly what I needed to put things back into perspective.


    Some people get it, some people don’t and the rest deny it. Im in the same boat as yourself. Lost 22kg over one year. 92 kg down to 70kg. Been like this for over 3 years now. Still fast every Monday. It really isn’t rocket science Eat healthy and the task is easy. Can you be successful doing 5:2 and eating crap? Maybe but the task becomes damn hard.

    Pretty much stopped trying to “sell” the message of eating healthy and I only pop in occasionally now. Good luck to anyone that’s willing to listen to Alec. It works.

    Great points Alecmcq,
    I’m down 52 pounds now and still going ! although I’ve not lost anything for the last 6 weeks, the weight loss has plateaued.
    Still trying but it’s hard when the weight loss stops.

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