MSc project

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Kuria 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi, im an MSc student at Roehampton university studying clinical nutrition. Im currently undertaking a dissertation on the 5:2 diet and regulation of appetite hormones. I would appreciate if some of you could take part in my study. I’m looking at recruiting 2 set of groups. please see the posters below .IF INTERESTED CONTACT ME AT

    group 1

    Participants needed!
    For Study investigating the 5:2 diet
    I am currently recruiting people interested in taking part in a research study investigating effects of the 5:2 diet on hunger and an appetite regulating hormone
    I am looking for participants who are:

    ⎫ People already undertaking the 5:2 diet
    ⎫ People undertaking a 5:2 diet for 4 weeks
    ⎫ 18 years and older
    ⎫ Male or female

    The study involves
    1. Restricting your calorie intake 2 days a week
    2. Having finger prick blood samples taken and reporting your hunger

    The project requires you to attend the University of Roehampton, London on several occasions.
    If you wish to take part or know someone who might be interested, please contact me at:

    Peter Kuria, MSc Student.
    Supervisor: Dr Michael Patterson, Department of Life Sciences.
    Email- TEL-02083923189

    group 2

    Participants needed!
    Studying 5:2 diet

    I am currently recruiting people interested in taking part in a research study investigating an appetite regulating hormone during the 5:2 diet. I am looking for participants who are:

    ⎫ 18 years and older
    ⎫ Male or female
    ⎫ People already undertaking the 5:2 diet
    ⎫ Fill in a hunger chart

    The study involves
    1. Completing a 4-day food diary (2 fasting days and 2 non-fasting days)
    2. Filling in a VAS hunger chart at the start of the day and before going to bed.

    If you wish to take part or know someone who might be interested, please contact me at:

    Peter Kuria, MSc Student.
    Supervisor: Dr Michael Patterson, Department of Life Sciences.

    I’m afraid I can’t help, but bumping this up in case others can!
    Cheers for your research!

    I’m contributing to this as well by bumping up, as did Cinque! I’d love to participate, though I’m in Australia.

    Hi, thank you for the interesting my project, its right that your in Australia as the Project has two groups of participants. One group only needs to fill in a four day food questionaire 2 fasting days and 2 non fasting days, if you send me your email address, I will happily send you the food diary template for you of fill in as well as a VAS hunger chart which should be filled in first thing in the morning and before going to bed indicating how hungry you feel on the days when you fill in the food diary.

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