Mr Heart Bypass says Hello

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Firefox7275 5 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi there,just wanna say hi and I am looking to start a variation of fasting but will see my doctor before I begin.
    5 years ago I had to have an emergency double heart bypass without a heart attack at the age of 43,weighing 13 stone ,id always been a runner,I’m now just over 10 stone ,and have to take a cocktail of drugs ,Bisoprolol,Ramiprill,Clopidogral and Sinvastatin.I’m now a competing long distance runner,but would like to lower my body fat from 15 to 10 % .I also suffer bad mental health and have recently had to come off sertraline,as not helping.But I know that a small amount of fasting may be beneficial to my physical and cognitive health and maybe even reduce some of my meds.Anyways have a nice night and I’ll be in here tomoz reading some of the posts

    Welcome here Shelly. What a rotten run you have had.
    5:2 is probably the most gentle way of fasting, especially if you make the two fast days 800 calorie maximum, so it might suit you really well.

    I developed a debilitating chronic illness in the prime of my life, so I know what it is like to have health stripped away, life totally changed (and then weight piling on). Nightmare. I am down to the lower end of my healthy weight range, thanks to 5:2, and I really hope it works as well for you as it has for me.

    I do hope you can find a way to get good support from this forum. Checkout the biggest threads
    and see if you would like to join one. I’m in the Southern Hemispherites and we would welcome you even if you live in the northern hemisphere!

    Best wishes

    Shelly1651: Do you have a registered dietician or other medical professional working with you on diet modification?

    Certain nutrients are very important in mental wellbeing, including long chain omega-3s (oily fish), magnesium (various seeds/ cocoa/ low sugar dark chocolate), vitamin D (oily fish again).

    Please DO NOT supplement unless cleared by your doctor, pharmacist or dietician, stick to wholefoods. Similarly please double check before fasting.


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