More Books From Michael and Mimi

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More Books From Michael and Mimi

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  redflame625 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Ha Ha, I knew that would get some attention. As far as I know there are only the current two, but Michael and Mimi, please keep the Fast Diet book series going!

    I read an article on-line yesterday, an Australian interview with Michael where he talked about his next book probably being on exercise.

    I think you guys should keep going with a Fast Diet series, you know, kind of like Atkins, South Beach and Weight Watchers keep putting out themed books on their eating plan. You guys can do the same thing! How about a book totally on success stories (folks just love that), or more recipes, or one devoted to research on it, or more expanded explanation of the plan, etc. You can get creative and come up with ideas!

    I think to keep 5:2 in the spotlight, it has to continually be in the spotlight. That’s why those other diet plan authors keep thinking up new ones.

    Thanks for the current two. They are wonderful!

    Yes.. I’m four weeks in and just purchased the book on my Kindle. Since my four weeks have not resulted in any weight loss, I decided to read the book. I’d love to see a series. I’d purchase another book.

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