Moody fasters!

This topic contains 53 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Pattience 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I think was doing the same as you. I tend to exaggerate for humorous effect too. Though i still mean it about low seratonin levels.

    I’m not saying you are depressed. I’m just saying you probably have low seratonin levels.

    Right, I get it! Really difficult to understand without any facial expressions, isn’t it?

    I would call it low tolerance with kids dropping their stuff on the floor when they come in from school, but I’ll look into serotonin!


    Good news! After 1 month I am a good way through a fast day and haven’t been moody at all! This has been a 4:3 week – fasting Mon, Wed and today. Not even a bit snappy!

    Maybe I’m getting used to it (or maybe it’s because I’ve had the last two days off work). Anyway, the good news is, it’s probably getting better!


    That’s great. It does actually get easier i’m finding this too. Partly through fine tuning what we do and partly i think just because our bodies are adjusting or something of a mysterious nature.

    I’m just starting my fasting weekend now. Although it really began yesterday after my big chinese yum cha lunch.

    I’ve taken to drinking black tea as my drink of choice to have something calorie free to put in my mouth. I bought russian caravan and earl grey. I need to keep it weak though. I even have a nice little chinese tea cup to drink it from.

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