Monthly water fasting. By M.D.

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Monthly water fasting. By M.D.

This topic contains 34 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Gabbieboo 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • This is not a medical advice. It may not be a safe option for you. Please contact your physician for personal advice.
    I am 50 year old 6’1″(185cm) male, medical doctor. Over years I had my weight gradually reached 310 lb. (141kg). I started very low carbohydrate diet in 2014. After initial weight loss of about 40 lb.(18kg) I gained it almost all back. In 2015 since I did water and salt fast for 30 days without significant effort since I was already in ketosis already for quite some time. I drank water whenever I wanted it and took salt from hand whenever I wanted. In order to retain that water I need to take salt. I also dissolved Centrum Silver multivitamins in water and drank it couple times a week. I continued to work as a physician in a very busy practice. After 30 days I stopped fasting because I felt weak and had difficulty concentration at work.
    To break my fast I avoided carbohydrates, (no sugar, no fruit, no juice, and no starch). People have complications from re-feeding because glucose raise in blood stimulate insulin production and severe electrolyte shift in the body that may cause irregular heart beat and very rarely death.
    I ate small amount of broth, eggs, cheese. I took Thiamin, Magnesium Oxide, Potassium Chloride and Potassium phosphate for the first several days.

    In January 2016 I fasted for 35 days. I consumed water, salt, multivitamins. I broke my fast with broth, milk, heavy cream, eggs, very slow, small amounts, and several days. Again, I supplemented re-feeding with Thiamin, Magnesium, Potassium, and Phosphorous.
    During that fast my weight went from 321 lb. (146kg) to 266 lb. (121kg).
    Since then I started fasting every first week of every month. I did nothing to break a week long water and salt fasting, no vitamins, regular activity, no exercise. I ate anything I wanted, but kept very low carb diet. Every month I gained about 30 lb. (14kg), then lost 22 lb. (10kg) during wasting week.
    It is quite easy to fast if you are on low carb diet. But it is not enough. Every month I gain 8 lb. (4kg), approaching my initial weight 321lb (146kg).
    Starting next month I will do two 6 days fast. On the first and 15th day of every month.
    This is not a medical advice. It may not be a safe option for you. Please contact your physician for a personal advice.

    Maybe it would be more effective to just skip breakfast daily and make sure you don’t binge on lunch and dinner.

    I don’t understand what you are doing…fasting to lose then voluntarily regaining?? Surely you aren’t recommending this to anyone here, not that (I hope) anyone would want to.

    Intermittent fasting, whether 2 days a week, 3 or daily 16 hour fasts, combined with lowering carb intake, will result in lost weight, as long as it is done consistently. It sounds like you are on a major yo-yo eating plan.

    Thank you for you questions. Right, I am fasting not to voluntary ragain that weight.

    The whole problem of misunderstanding obesity is that weight gain is INVOLUNTARY. After attempts to count calories or to stop eating before feeling satisfied or trying to burn calories, eventually almost everybody returns to weight that body has as set point. This is not voluntary.

    I found it impossible to keep weight below that “set point” by skipping meals with diet full of carbs. Those glucose drops make me very hungry. Life long weight maintenance becomes impossible.

    When I switch to ketotic state, though and do long term fasting repeatedly, then I keep my weight below the set point indefinitely. My body easily switches to burning internal fat without hunger. 6 months so far. It actually works long term for me. A week a month is not enough for me, so I do it every other week temporarily and loosing weight. No hunger 🙂

    This is very interesting to me.

    I have been doing 2 back-to-back fasts per week. I take a multivitamin and an electrolyte supplement every day. I’ve been doing it for 6 months.

    The interesting part is I experience MUCH less hunger when I’m fasting than I do when I’m eating.

    On my food days I have a large salad with veggies and about a cup of garbanzo beans for lunch and for dinner I typically have grilled salmon and veggies. I completely avoid all grains, fruit, dairy and nuts because they’re trigger foods for me and cause compulsive eating.

    This all worked great for about 4 months in terms of weight loss. I continue to follow this program because I feel so much better but my weight loss has slowed to a snail’s pace. But it continues to confuse me that I have LESS hunger NOT eating than eating and that the kind of hunger I experience while fasting is far more manageable than the obsessive variety that plagues me when I’m eating.

    I wonder if I pushed on past 2 days if my hunger would continue to be manageable but it is, at least, for 2 days.


    Exactly, when you eat carbohydrates your body needs to replenish them regularly . That makes you hungry three times a day.

    When you fast your body switches to a different metabolism, fat burning. Its called ketosis. As long as you have a lot of fat on you you are not hungry. I cheated. I started low carb diet first to switch to ketosis, then started fasting. I am obese and can loose a lot of weight and not be too hungry water fasting for a month.

    Have you monitored your blood glucose and beta hydroxybutyrate levels before and during your week long fast? Would be interesting to know what they are. If you are on a ketogenic diet I would be surprised if the levels changed markedly between fasting and non fasting weeks?


    My blood sugar is surprisingly precise. It is sitting at 75mg/dl(4mmol/l) throughout the day, every day while fasting (diabetes has no chance there). Gluconeogenesis is producing exactly amount of glucose my body needs. It is not related to food intake, obviously. When I eat it starts ups and downs depending of meals. I am not diabetic, they are normal. I did not measure plasma β-HB. I did ketone dipstick a year ago when initially switching to ketosis. I imagine ketones also switch from stable state to wave pattern when eating diet with minimal carbs.


    Here is my weight this year. I did not check it daily in January, so it is a straight line. Every time I fast it goes down. Every time I eat, it goes up.

    I would expect your BG to be very steady while fasting. It is the non fasting BG that is important. If your food portion size is correct then you really need to find out what foods cause it to spike. What foods do you eat? Measure BG before your meal and then every 30 minutes after your meal. It may be a particular food staple that is causing your BG to spike. Where is your practice out of interest?


    I have no high, diabetic glucose spikes during days of eating food. It is natural for everybody to have blood sugar variability between meals. I try to stick to green leafy vegetables, avoid starchy vegetables almost completely. I eat berries and seeds. In other words carbs only where they come with a lot of vitamins and other nutrients but not calories. Fruits usually contain a lot of glucose and fructose. This keeps my insulin low.

    I have no “fatphobia” whatsoever. I am minimizing protein to non-caloric needs. This keeps my mTOR activity low. Most of my calories come from fat. This allows me to stay in ketotic state and fast without effort any time. I prefer fresh meat and fish without nitrites/salt preservatives.

    I am a Family Practice physician. I do this diet on myself only.

    Well that leaves portion size as a potential problem for why your weight increases so much in between fasting. Perhaps you are severely leptin resistant or are not producing sufficient leptin and that is causing a satiety problem? Do a calorie audit on your non fast days. How many calories are you having?

    Good luck with the diet and your practice.


    All most all obese people are leptin resistant. Leptin production is a problem with extremely rare people with genetic deficiencies (one in a million).

    Portion control does not work for me. Judging by trials done with thousands of other people it does not work for others either. I mean long term. I stopped that nonsense with calorie count long time ago. I eat till I am not hungry anymore. Like most of us.

    I am quite confused by your journey. If you can’t be bothered to count calories, then how can we understand your story? I am merely asking because these are key details in the puzzle.


    It is simple. I don’t want to be bothered to count calories because it is bothersome and useless.

    In the past I tried to memorize caloric values of foods, used software to constantly monitor caloric input and output. And what? sure, you can estimate the difference and how much you “should” eat daily. But there is a reason it does not work for thousands of people undergoing weight reduction trials. The reason is because it is a hunger that determines amount of food we eat total over period of a month or a year. You may try playing daily games of eating less, eventually your body will win. Thin people are not thin all their life because they count calories all their life. They eat until they are not hungry anymore. Obese people do the same. But obese people have that “set point” for weight wrong. My set point over many years climbed to 320 lb. I made this set pain irrelevant.

    I figured out how to eat less over long period of time without being hungry and without counting calories. My weight shows where I am now. Without testing I know my insulin is low, my mTOR is down-regulated, my leptin is going down following shrinking fat cells.

    I have to agree with Pink, Im not sure what you are trying to say in your posts? Your weight graph seems to be trending upwards, even with the severe fasting you impose on yourself, so that is worrisome. You say you eat low carb, lots of veg so that is good but you do not impose a limit on your eating which makes sense as your weight climbs significantly while not fasting. You say you eat fruit and that it contains glucose and fructose. This would not keep your insulin low, it would spike it. Your statement puzzles me? Perhaps that is where the problem lies? Perhaps you are eating too much fruit?

    Once again I wish you luck in your quest, Im really not sure what youre trying to achieve by posting.


    It is simple. We have a choice: either count calories for the rest of our lives or do repeated water fasting for several days. Zero calories during fast, any calories dyring normal life. It is very difficult if you on high carb diet. But once you enter ketosis it is easy to switch to fasting any time.

    My “set point” weight was 320 lb(145kg) for quite some time. It is 284lb(129kg) this morning. I don’t to struggle daily with it. I eat normally. Once or twice a month I fast for a week. This allows me to adjust my weight any time to any number.

    Well, it is certainly an interesting self-trial, we do what works for us right? I think full fasting for 1-2 weeks is a bit extreme for a life long quest, but if it’s something you want to do, then go for it. I just don’t understand the regain aspect. I don’t see how constantly regaining is healthy. But, I am not a doctor or a nutritionist.


    Constantly regaining weight is inevitable. It is not your choice or mine. You regain if you count calories or water fast. Fasting one week at a time is perfectly safe. There is a lot of evidence that shows that fasting is good for your body.

    No offence, but I’m glad you’re not my GP.

    I’ve been reading this thread, but I’m still confused. What exactly are you trying to achieve?

    You say you can adjust your weight any time to any number. So why don’t you adjust your weight to the healthy weight range?


    Weight loss. This is what I am trying to achieve.

    I am doing it now and I realized that I can be in control of this illness. I tried to do it for the past 30 years. I tried pretty much everything short of barbaric surgery. This year is a first time when it started working for me. It happened when I stopped being afraid to fast for several days.

    I am not inviting you to do it. Not interested? Ignore it. Move on. My goal is to inform those who are interested. Obesity kills a lot of people every day. The minute I realized it could be useful to others I shared it.

    I hope others will find something that worked for them and share it also. Medical trials done after hypothesis is generated. Internet crowd-sourcing can generate hundreds of them. This is the fastest road to cure.

    But you’re gaining weight each month, not losing?


    Yep, exactly. I lost initially 56 lb (25kg) during month-long fasting, then started gaining. So, I adjusted length and frequency of fasting for my need and my weight started going DOWN. I will do week-long fasting on 1st and 15th of every month for a while, then reduce it, depending on my weight. I will be reporting my progress.

    Would it be harder for you to do alternate day fasting instead of 1-2 full-week waterfasts a month?

    Oh OK, very much work in progress!


    Perfect question. Alternate day fasting is more difficult since I switch from external to internal caloric intake every time. I found it easy to do several days at a time.

    I would do another month of fasting, but such prolong fasting depletes protein, vitamins an micro-nutrients. If I replenish them after a week of fasting, I can do it again. I think this “refueling” may take just 3-4 days, but I take at least a week to regain them.

    Yes, it is work in progress. You may take a peek from time to time 🙂

    Arrgh! It is so frustrating reading posts by people who don’t seem to understand that, no you are not “cheating” by eating the wrong things or too much of the right things, and that still weight is a problem.

    After initial success on the standard 5:2 diet, then getting stuck a few times, I have now moved to water fasting for half of each week. Sunday night to Thursday morning. (With a cup of white coffee each morning.) Like you, I find it much easier on my system. Especially once fat furning kicks in. I really miss it if I have to shorten it for some unavoidable reason.

    Like you, I also get a bit of swing between fasting and non-fasting. Unlike you, I usually lose about 1lb/0.5kg net each week. I’ve now lost a total of 15kg and 15 cm around the waist in 8 months. (Only about 25 kg left to go!)

    Good luck with things. (Those of us that seems to get by on virtually nothing should stick together.)


    Thank you. I continue water fasting every other week (I cheated last week and fasted for 10 days). Since January my total weight loss is 27 kg. I don’t drink wine and stay strictly on ketogenic diet. It allows me to gain much less on weeks I eat. I bulked up my muscles mass through weight lifting. It increased my weight loss during water fasting weeks to average 0.8 kg every day. about quater of that accelerated weight loss is due to water loss with depletion of muscle glycogen, but majority of it is due to increased metabolic rate of muscle, even at rest.

    Thank you for writing about this. It’s exactly what I’ve been searching for.

    I like yourself have tried pretty much everything – I’ve basically only ever managed to at best maintain my weight on “diets” which cause fat to fly off thousands of others.

    I do not lack willpower, all I need is the reward of the results.

    i have been fasting from Sunday evening to Thursday evening for 4 weeks. My only drive to break the fast each week is my fear due to long ingrained metabolism- ruining beliefs drummed into us all our lives and the worry that blood sugar levels could cause me to pass out. I don’t think I have even felt even slightly light-headed in reality.

    The rest of the week I am IF ing ie fasting 20 hours per day so:

    on Thurs evenings I break my fast with a no carb meal (not huge) and on sat and sun I eat one evening no carb meal as well before starting again. That leaves Friday “carb night” which is not a binge but the one night I may eat with my children a treat meal and dessert. To put this in perspective we all eat the same and finish it, so I’m having the same as a 6 year old.

    I’m very happy with the idea of carrying on with this plan for as long as it takes (I have over 100lb to lose) but I do wish my loss of 3-3.5lb per week would increase. Scales show weightloss Tues/We’d/Thur morning then an increase Fri/Sat usually undone again by some point on Monday.

    I’d love to know how you are getting on and any more tweets you have made to your eating plan.

    Please stop doing what are you doing.
    The eating academy,peter attia is your man if you like keto dieting.
    I tried and it worked,even better than 5:2 or leangains. But my lifestyle fits better with 5:2. Sorry for my english!!

    I am glad to hear that keto diet worked better for you. I don’t see contradiction between 5:2 diet and keto diet with water fasting. The difference is that you don’t count calories. During fasting calories count is zero. During non-fasting you eat as much as you want, except carbs. Carbs should be as close to zero as possible. Always. Keto diet with or without fasting is just more efficient and more simple way to lose weight. I am on 7:7 diet. Seven days low carbs, seven days water fasting.

    I keep losing weight. I lost initially 56 lb (25kg) from 322 lb (146kg) to 266.6 lb (121kg) during month-long water fasting, then I started gaining with once a month 7 days water fasting. So, I adjusted fasting to every other week. I lost everything I gained and more, down to 260.6 lb (118 kg) Total weight loss this year almost 60 lb (28kg). I would lose more, but muscle training caused me to put a lot of muscle weight. Yesterday I started another week of fasting. I expect another personal record. I will publish my weight graph in 5 days.

    Update on 1:1 diet (one week ketogenic diet, one week water fasting).

    82lb(37kg) weight loss.

    50 That’s a great story. Encouraging. Have you read Dr. Jason Fung’s blog. It got me started on a similar water fasting journey. I tried for years and nothing ever really worked. I started in january almost on a lark it seems like. Down 90 pounds and it’s easy and getting easier. I don’t even really watch what I eat beyond my normal general awareness.

    Have you started to have your appetite start to decrease yet. Around 6 months into the process I noticed my appetite had started to crater. Small amount of food (say the appetizers) that I couldn’t even feel before have started to make me painfully full.

    Keep us posted.

    I really resonate with what you’re doing here. I completed a 10 day water fast about a month ago. I had been feeling called to fast and when I started to read about the benefits of water fasting and decided that it was worth a try. Everything I read and watched about prolonged fasting made me think that I should be incorporating it into my lifestyle long term.

    10/23/17 to 11/I/17 (10 days)- I went from 192 to 175 on a 10 day fast. It is currently 11/27 and I am beginning another fast. My goal this time is 14 days, but if I still feel good then I’ll go longer. I honestly enjoyed the first fast and I could see how much it benefited me (mind, body, and spirit). The only reason I broke it was because my 10 year high school reunion was coming up but I felt like I could go longer so I will try again. I want to take more pictures and notes this time around.

    Just like you, I’m thinking that the water fasting changes my weights set point. Maybe it has something to do with how it decreases insulin resistance? I had become one of those people who doesn’t lose weight easily, “pre-diabetic”, and diagnosed with PCOS and insulin resistance. I was put on metformin but I decided not to start taking it. I’m also curious to see how periodic water fasts will affect the PCOS over time. I think the change in set point of my glucose can help with this. I had bloodwork done about 6 months before I started the first fast. At that time everything was in normal range expect for my high testosterone levels, and imbalanced LH:FSH ratio. My A1C and blood glucose were on the high ends of normal. I’m not being medically supervised and I’m not on any meds. Eventually I will get labs run again. I’m thinking I’ll do it when I’m at or close to my goal weight of 150.

    It has been almost 4 weeks since refeeding and today is day 1 of my second (and hopefully, longer) attempt at a water fast. In those 4 weeks, my weight has lingered around 178-180, depending on what I ate the day before. When I ate more carbs I’d be closer to 180. I wasn’t really restricting myself at all on what to eat vs what not to eat. Instead, I would just try to avoid eating when I wasn’t really hungry and stop eating when I was no longer hungry. The fasting helped me to understand what REAL hunger is. I also became much more sensitive to the amount of sugar our food has. Things that were normally ok for me started to taste as sweet as syrup.

    In addition to weight loss, my skin really brightened up, I saw a slight tremor in my hand disappear, aches and pains decreased, I no longer really wanted to smoke marijuana, my thinking was sharper, my body odors became milder, my ears stopped feeling so clogged, and a chronically swollen lymph node under my arm and on my groin stopped being inflamed. I may be leaving some things out.

    I felt amazing and extremely alert when I was on day 10. It was exactly the opposite of how I thought I would feel without eating. We’ve been programmed to think that we’re supposed to be constantly eating.
    I felt confident, empowered, strong, capable, and surprised to see myself navigate the fast. It feels transformative all around.

    I want to do periodic water fasts for the rest of my life for weight management, disease prevention, spiritual acuity, and mental clarity.

    You sound like an amazing MD. Thank you for posting your experiences. Reading things like this keeps me motivated to continue. It just seems right, innately. I wish more people knew about this. It seems like a life hack.

    A teacher in college once told us that she read somewhere, that the fats cells in your body don’t go away they just skink. So in others words a bigger person would have more fats cells and its easier for them to gain weight back, rather than a person who’s always been slim and never added any new fat cells. I love fasting, the first time I did it was for ten days each time until I lost 30 pounds. I did however gain it back but I didn’t change my eating habits so thats why. No matter what weight loss method you use, if you dont change your eating habits the weight will come back. I also kept telling myself, I can just fast and lose it again, which I can but once I lose it this time I dont want to have to fast to get it off again. I love fasting and will continue to do it, not as much as I have too to lose weight.

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