Moms Check in Here!

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    I have 5 kids…..6, 5, 3 (all girls) & 14 week twin boys. I lost around 30# prior to this last pregnancy, but am now sitting at 221#. I would like to lose 50# in 2015.

    I started 4:3 last week, and did well. Hopefully I can keep it up I lost 6#, but im sure alot of it was water weight.

    Hi first time poster long time reader.
    Its coming up to our summer here in NZ so always lose weight easier at this time (why is that?)
    I have been back on the 5:2 diet for 2 and half weeks. Started at 63kg and at last weigh in I was 60.3kg.

    I have a 19 month old and nearly 3 year old and haven’t lost what i thought i would after the birth of either child. So started this way of eating last summer for 7 weeks and i lost about 4 kgs.
    I want to get down to 55kg, pre baby weight. but have been told that might be too ambitious.
    I want to get out of the 60kgs.

    I turned to running after last summer and started to eat more liberally over the winter!!! I completed my first marathon in November.

    Lets hope the weight keeps slipping off and I don’t have to run anymore marathons!

    Happy fasting

    Hi, I bought The Fast Diet book from a charity shop yesterday and devoured (no pun intended) the whole thing. Today is my first fast day, and it has gone great so far. I have an almost 9 month old little girl and gained a ton of weight while pregnant, and haven’t lost any since she was 6 weeks old. I am hoping to lose about 50lbs/25kg to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight eventually. I love that this feels like a lifestyle rather than a diet, and knowing I can have stuff tomorrow is amazing.

    Hi Everyone
    How are you all doing on this thread?
    I’ve not been here for a while so I thought I’d check in. I was thinking this might be the right place to ask how you other mums deal with kids bad behaviour on Fast Days? Do you get irritated quicker or do you stay calm and make it as easy as you can, do you give way easier? Do you tell your children (assuming they are old enough) what you are doing on your Fast Days or do you just go on as usual?

    My eight year old son has been an absolute nightmare today and although I managed to stay calm throughout his bad behaviour (kicked off by him having to do his homework) I was angrier than I’ve been in a long time inside. I used to have a very short fuse and I still do sometimes but I have managed to learn to walk away to control my temper. With children that’s difficult though as they tend to follow you….

    Any hints and tips FD’ers?
    Take care and keep on fasting.
    Lotta x

    My kids are 2 and 4.5, so I haven’t mentioned the fasting to them. I say bravo to you for thinking this through. I’m 4 weeks in and just started thinking about this issue. I read something recently that I’m going to try. Using a mantra and taking a 3 second pause before getting angry. Good luck!

    Thanks dmhdc.
    I have been doing the FD for a year now and in the beginning I got really grumpy (but not angry) on fast days. But I thought I’d conquered that as I actually feel a lot ‘sharper’ and in control on fast days now. Maybe it was just a bad day temperwise for me and nothing to do with the fasting.
    Good luck with your FD journey. It has certainly changed my life for the better!

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