Miscounted calories; cooked vs. uncooked

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Miscounted calories; cooked vs. uncooked

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I just read interesting article regarding the calorie count: http://news.sciencemag.org/evolution/2013/02/have-we-been-miscounting-calories

    Professor Wrangham and his team have studied that it is very likely that current counting system is inaccurate, especially for cooked food.

    Quite interesting, when considering our fast days and 500/600 kcal!


    the usa gov site supertracker that i use

    is specific on raw cooked or how it was cooked

    there is a real difference w/ the way we cook eggs calorie wise

    w/ nonstick spray or fried w/ no fat etc

    Thanks for the link! It is quite amazing that cabbage, raw, 22 kcal and cabbage, boiled, 35 kcal or egg, raw, 63 and egg, boiled, 77 kcal…


    ur welcome


    yepper i realized how exacting they were

    it is cool when i find more cals available on fastdays 😀

    what i really like is the nutrient report of the foods

    i’m eating so i can adjust if something is missing

    or how many calories i have eaten average since march/13

    or protein carbs exporting 2 excel which i gave to my doc

    or copy pasting in2 evernote 4 my tablet

    & again showing it 2 doc

    it is 2 good though we still want to be able 2 do recipes 2 save
    they have food combo but it is not the same no area 2 put

    @ least it let’s u input in ur foods

    like kelp noodles which they do not have

    just took seaweed & modified it w. label info

    u get in2 a good rhythm

    i have never kept a food journal or cals in my life
    but this is easy copy pasting

    what would we do if we did not have a computer? ugh

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